61 research outputs found

    Osteopontin Promotes Protective Antigenic Tolerance against Experimental Allergic Airway Disease

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    In the context of inflammation, osteopontin (Opn) is known to promote effector responses, facilitating a proinflammatory environment; however, its role during antigenic tolerance induction is unknown. Using a mouse model of asthma, we investigated the role of Opn during antigenic tolerance induction and its effects on associated regulatory cellular populations prior to disease initiation. Our experiments demonstrate that Opn drives protective antigenic tolerance by inducing accumulation of IFN-β–producing plasmacytoid dendritic cells, as well as regulatory T cells, in mediastinal lymph nodes. We also show that, in the absence of TLR triggers, recombinant Opn, and particularly its SLAYGLR motif, directly induces IFN-β expression in Ag-primed plasmacytoid dendritic cells, which renders them extra protective against induction of allergic airway disease upon transfer into recipient mice. Lastly, we show that blockade of type I IFNR prevents antigenic tolerance induction against experimental allergic asthma. Overall, we unveil a new role for Opn in setting up a tolerogenic milieu boosting antigenic tolerance induction, thus leading to prevention of allergic airway inflammation. Our results provide insight for the future design of immunotherapies against allergic asthma

    Activin-A induces regulatory T cells that suppress T helper cell immune responses and protect from allergic airway disease

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    Activin-A is a pleiotropic cytokine that participates in developmental, inflammatory, and tissue repair processes. Still, its effects on T helper (Th) cell–mediated immunity, critical for allergic and autoimmune diseases, are elusive. We provide evidence that endogenously produced activin-A suppresses antigen-specific Th2 responses and protects against airway hyperresponsiveness and allergic airway disease in mice. Importantly, we reveal that activin-A exerts suppressive function through induction of antigen-specific regulatory T cells that suppress Th2 responses in vitro and upon transfer in vivo. In fact, activin-A also suppresses Th1-driven responses, pointing to a broader immunoregulatory function. Blockade of interleukin 10 and transforming growth factor β1 reverses activin-A–induced suppression. Remarkably, transfer of activin-A–induced antigen-specific regulatory T cells confers protection against allergic airway disease. This beneficial effect is associated with dramatically decreased maturation of draining lymph node dendritic cells. Therapeutic administration of recombinant activin-A during pulmonary allergen challenge suppresses Th2 responses and protects from allergic disease. Finally, we demonstrate that immune cells infiltrating the lungs from individuals with active allergic asthma, and thus nonregulated inflammatory response, exhibit significantly decreased expression of activin-A's responsive elements. Our results uncover activin-A as a novel suppressive factor for Th immunity and a critical controller of allergic airway disease

    Glial contribution to excitatory and inhibitory synapse loss in neurodegeneration

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    Synapse loss is an early feature shared by many neurodegenerative diseases, and it represents the major correlate of cognitive impairment. Recent studies reveal that microglia and astrocytes play a major role in synapse elimination, contributing to network dysfunction associated with neurodegeneration. Excitatory and inhibitory activity can be affected by glia-mediated synapse loss, resulting in imbalanced synaptic transmission and subsequent synaptic dysfunction. Here, we review the recent literature on the contribution of glia to excitatory/inhibitory imbalance, in the context of the most common neurodegenerative disorders. A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying pathological synapse loss will be instrumental to design targeted therapeutic interventions, taking in account the emerging roles of microglia and astrocytes in synapse remodeling

    Elucidation of immuno-suppressive mechanisms during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    Autoimmune responses against antigens of the central nervous system (CNS) are thought to cause diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is one of the most common autoimmune diseases of the CNS, initiated by excessive autoreactive immune responses in the CNS, where brain and spinal cord are affected, leading to destruction of the myelin that surrounds neurons. The exact triggers of the disease remain unknown. The existing knowledge concerning the mechanisms that govern disease pathogenesis comes from the studies in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse model (EAE) in rodents and primates, as well as the in vitro studies with cells isolated from MS patients. The current therapies are not effective for all types of the disease, as it is very heterogeneous. The need for the development of therapeutic agents that could control excessive autoreactive immune responses in the CNS, concomitant with neuronal protection from apoptosis, is of great importance. Molecules that are expressed in the CNS microenvironment are possible mediators of the suppression of autoreactive CNS immune responses and neuronal protection. A molecule highly expressed in the CNS, with possible immunoregulatory actions is the neurosteroid dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). DHEA is synthesized by neurons and glia in the CNS, and many studies indicate its immunoregulatory effects, apart from its role in neuronal survival. In our studies, we investigated whether DHEA administration could suppress established EAE, as well as the mechanism of DHEA-mediated disease suppression. Our studies showed that DHEA, as well as a synthetic derivative of DHEA (BNN27) that does not metabolize to androgens and estrogens, treated established acute and relapsing-remitting EAE. Disease suppression was characterized by significantly decreased CNS inflammation and down-regulation of pathogenic TH1 and TH17 effector responses in both DLNs and CNS, concomitant with a significant expansion of CD4+ T regulatory cell subsets. This suppressive activity was dependent on IL-10. Treatment with DHEA and BNN27 rendered CD4+ T cells less pathogenic and suppressive in vitro and upon adoptive transfer in vivo. DHEA and BNN27 down-regulated CCR6 expression on DLN TH17 cells and suppressed TH17 cell differentiation and recall responses in vitro, while greatly induced IL-10 production. Furthermore, DHEA and BNN27 significantly suppressed TH17 differentiation of human naïve CD4+ T cells, as well as the TH1 and TH17 responses of MS patients ex vivo. These data indicate that derivatives of DHEA could be developed as therapeutic agents for autoimmune diseases, such as MS.Οι ανοσολογικές αποκρίσεις ενάντια σε αντιγόνα του κεντρικού νευρικού συστήματος (ΚΝΣ) θεωρείται ότι αποτελούν τη βάση της αιτίας νόσων, όπως η σκλήρυνση κατά πλάκας (ΣΚΠ). Η ΣΚΠ είναι μία από τις πιο συχνές αυτοάνοσες νόσους του ΚΝΣ, στην οποία προκαλείται καταστροφή της μυελίνης του εγκεφάλου και του νωτιαίου μυελού που περιβάλλει τα νευρικά κύτταρα. Τα ακριβή αίτια της νόσου παραμένουν άγνωστα. Η υπάρχουσα γνώση όσον αφορά τους μηχανισμούς που εμπλέκονται στην παθογένεια της νόσου προέρχεται από τις μελέτες που έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί στο μοντέλο της πειραματικής αυτοάνοσης εγκεφαλομυελίτιδας (ΠΑΕ) σε τρωκτικά και πρωτεύοντα, καθώς και από in vitro μελέτες σε απομονωμένα κύτταρα ασθενών με ΣΚΠ. Οι υπάρχουσες θεραπείες δεν είναι αποτελεσματικές για όλες τις μορφές της νόσου, καθώς παρουσιάζει μεγάλη ετερογένεια. Η ανάγκη για την ανάπτυξη θεραπευτικών παραγόντων που να μπορούν να περιορίσουν τις ανεξέλεγκτες αυτοδραστικές αποκρίσεις στο ΚΝΣ, αλλά ταυτόχρονα να προστατέψουν τους νευρώνες από την απομυελίνωση, είναι μεγάλης σημασίας. Μόρια που εκφράζονται στο μικροπεριβάλλον του ΚΝΣ είναι πιθανοί διαμεσολαβητές της καταστολής της αυτοάνοσης ανοσολογικής απόκρισης του ΚΝΣ και της προστασίας των νευρώνων. Ένα μόριο που εκφράζεται στο ΚΝΣ με πιθανές ρυθμιστικές δράσεις κατά της αυτοάνοσης ανοσολογικής απόκρισης του ΚΝΣ είναι το νευροστεροειδές δεϋδροεπιανδροστερόνη (DHEA). Η DHEA συντίθεται από τους νευρώνες και τη γλοία στο ΚΝΣ και σε πολλές μελέτες υποδεικνύουν ότι, εκτός από την προστατευτική της δράση στους νευρώνες, έχει πιθανές ανοσορυθμιστικές δράσεις επίσης. Στις μελέτες μας, εξετάσαμε εάν η χορήγηση της DHEA μπορεί να καταστείλει τα συμπτώματα της ΠΑΕ, όταν έχουν ήδη εκδηλωθεί, καθώς και το μηχανισμό της διαμεσολαβούμενης προστασίας από τη νόσο.Είδαμε ότι η θεραπευτική χορήγηση της DHEA και ενός συνθετικού παραγώγου αυτής, το οποίο δεν μεταβολίζεται σε ανδρογόνα και οιστρογόνα (ΒΝΝ27), σε ποντίκια με συμπτώματα ΠΑΕ, είχε ως αποτέλεσμα τη σχεδόν πλήρη καταστολή της οξείας ΠΑΕ, καθώς επίσης και της ΠΑΕ με εναλλασσόμενες εξάρσεις και υφέσεις. Η καταστολή της νόσου χαρακτηρίστηκε από σημαντικά μειωμένη φλεγμονή στο ΚΝΣ και δραματικά μειωμένη απόκριση των αυτό-δραστικών TH1 και TH17 κυττάρων στους συνοδούς λεμφαδένες και το ΚΝΣ, ταυτόχρονα με εξαιρετικά σημαντικό πολλαπλασιασμό υποομάδων των CD4+ T ρυθμιστικών κυττάρων.Η θεραπεία με την DHEA και το συνθετικό ΒΝΝ27 είχε ως αποτέλεσμα την επαγωγή CD4+ T κυττάρων με σημαντικά μειωμένη παθογονικότητα, αλλά και εξαιρετικά κατασταλτικές δράσεις in vivo και in vitro. Μάλιστα, η διαμεσολαβούμενη από την DHEA και το ΒΝΝ27 μειωμένη παθογονικότητα των CD4+ T κυττάρων βρέθηκε να οφείλεται εν μέρη στη σημαντική μείωση της έκφρασης του υποδοχέα χημειοκινών CCR6 στην επιφάνεια των TH17 κυττάρων στους συνοδούς λεμφαδένες. Η κατασταλτική δράση της DHEA και του συνθετικού ΒΝΝ27 στην ΠΑΕ ήταν εξαρτώμενη από την επαγωγή της ανοσοκατασταλτικής κυτταροκίνης ιντερλευκίνη-10 (IL-10). Επιπλέον, σε in vitro μελέτες, η DHEA και το ΒΝΝ27 κατέστειλαν τη διαφοροποίηση ανθρώπινων και μυϊκών TH17 κυττάρων, καθώς και τις δευτερογενείς TH17 ανοσολογικές αποκρίσεις, μέσω αύξησης της IL-10. Παράλληλα, η DHEA και το ΒΝΝ27 κατέστειλαν σημαντικά τις ex vivo αποκρίσεις των TH1 και TH17 κυττάρων ασθενών με ΣΚΠ. Όλα τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα υποδεικνύουν ότι συνθετικά παράγωγα της DHEA, όπως είναι το ΒΝΝ27, θα μπορούσαν να αποτελέσουν πιθανούς θεραπευτικούς παράγοντες για αυτοάνοσες νόσους, όπως η ΣΚΠ

    Architectural Polychromy on the Athenian Acropolis: An In Situ Non-Invasive Analytical Investigation of the Colour Remains

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    The preservation of the Athenian Acropolis monuments constitutes an ongoing top-priority national project of global significance and impact. The project concerning the analytical investigation of the polychromy of the Acropolis monuments presented in this paper was part of the Acropolis Restoration Service (YSMA) program (2011–2015), regarding the restoration of the two corners of the west entablature of the Parthenon, which exhibited severe static damage, and a parallel restoration program of the Propylaea. The scope of this research was to investigate the materials in the paint decoration remains on the monuments by applying, entirely in situ, numerous non-invasive techniques on selected architectural members of the Parthenon and the Propylaea. The research focused, mainly, on surfaces where traces of colour or decoration patterns were visible to the naked eye. Furthermore, surfaces that are referred to in the literature as decorated but that are currently covered with weathering crusts (of white or black colour) and/or layers of patina (of yellowish and orange-brown hue), were also examined. The techniques applied in situ on the Acropolis monuments were X-ray fluorescence, micro-Raman, and Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectroscopic techniques, conducted with the use of handheld or portable instruments. The scientific data gathered in situ are discussed in this paper to enhance our knowledge of the architectural polychromy of the classical period. Further investigation by applying analytical techniques on a few selected micro-samples would be highly complementary to this present work

    Architectural Polychromy on the Athenian Acropolis: An In Situ Non-Invasive Analytical Investigation of the Colour Remains

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    The preservation of the Athenian Acropolis monuments constitutes an ongoing top-priority national project of global significance and impact. The project concerning the analytical investigation of the polychromy of the Acropolis monuments presented in this paper was part of the Acropolis Restoration Service (YSMA) program (2011–2015), regarding the restoration of the two corners of the west entablature of the Parthenon, which exhibited severe static damage, and a parallel restoration program of the Propylaea. The scope of this research was to investigate the materials in the paint decoration remains on the monuments by applying, entirely in situ, numerous non-invasive techniques on selected architectural members of the Parthenon and the Propylaea. The research focused, mainly, on surfaces where traces of colour or decoration patterns were visible to the naked eye. Furthermore, surfaces that are referred to in the literature as decorated but that are currently covered with weathering crusts (of white or black colour) and/or layers of patina (of yellowish and orange-brown hue), were also examined. The techniques applied in situ on the Acropolis monuments were X-ray fluorescence, micro-Raman, and Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectroscopic techniques, conducted with the use of handheld or portable instruments. The scientific data gathered in situ are discussed in this paper to enhance our knowledge of the architectural polychromy of the classical period. Further investigation by applying analytical techniques on a few selected micro-samples would be highly complementary to this present work