158 research outputs found

    Unsupervised learning-based approach for detecting 3D edges in depth maps

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    3D edge features, which represent the boundaries between different objects or surfaces in a 3D scene, are crucial for many computer vision tasks, including object recognition, tracking, and segmentation. They also have numerous real-world applications in the field of robotics, such as vision-guided grasping and manipulation of objects. To extract these features in the noisy real-world depth data, reliable 3D edge detectors are indispensable. However, currently available 3D edge detection methods are either highly parameterized or require ground truth labelling, which makes them challenging to use for practical applications. To this extent, we present a new 3D edge detection approach using unsupervised classification. Our method learns features from depth maps at three different scales using an encoder-decoder network, from which edge-specific features are extracted. These edge features are then clustered using learning to classify each point as an edge or not. The proposed method has two key benefits. First, it eliminates the need for manual fine-tuning of data-specific hyper-parameters and automatically selects threshold values for edge classification. Second, the method does not require any labelled training data, unlike many state-of-the-art methods that require supervised training with extensive hand-labelled datasets. The proposed method is evaluated on five benchmark datasets with single and multi-object scenes, and compared with four state-of-the-art edge detection methods from the literature. Results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves competitive performance, despite not using any labelled data or relying on hand-tuning of key parameters.</p

    Effect of teriparatide in fracture healing of intertrochanteric fracture: a prospective study

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    Background: Intertrochanteric fracture is a relatively common and serious medical issue in geriatric trauma result in serious health problems and decrease health related quality of life. Faster time-to-union is important for early return to daily activities and reduction of complications. Teriparatide has been shown to accelerate fracture-healing. The purpose of the present prospective, randomized, controlled study was to evaluate the effect of teriparatide on the course of intertrochanteric fracture-healing.Methods: Forty patients of intertrochanteric fractures who underwent surgical intervention between June 2016 and May 2017 were enrolled in this prospective study and followed for minimum of six months. Group A included patients who received only calcium supplementation; patients in Group B received teriparatide along with calcium supplementation postoperatively.Results: The mean time to fracture healing was between 8-12 weeks for the treatment group, compared with 12-16 weeks for the control group. There was also significant effectiveness with regards to Parker and Palmer mobility score at 6 months.Conclusions: Postoperative use of teriparatide for 6 months appears to be an effective adjunct therapy in the treatment of patients with intertrochanteric fractures. However, because of the limited power of the study a large-scale cohort study is still required for determining the efficacy of teriparatide

    New Oral Anticoagulants: An Overview

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    Oral anticoagulant therapy is used in the prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE), prevention of stroke and other systemic emboli in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and artificial heart valves

    Pulmonary Lymphangiomyomatosis: A Rare Disease responsive to Progesterone

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    Lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare multisystem disorder in women of child-bearing age. We present a case of a 28 year old lady who presented with cough and breathlessness. She had been diagnosed as a case of lymphangiomyomatosis by computer tomography of chest. She showed dramatic clinical improvement with hormonal therapy

    COVID-19 market disruptions and food security: Evidence from households in rural Liberia and Malawi

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    We use data collected from panel phone surveys to document the changes in food security of households in rural Liberia and Malawi during the market disruptions associated with the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020. We use two distinct empirical approaches in our analysis: (a) an event study around the date of the lockdowns (March to July 2020), and (b) a difference-in-differences analysis comparing the lockdown period in 2020 to the same months in 2021, in order to attempt to control for seasonality. In both countries, market activity was severely disrupted and we observe declines in expenditures. However, we find no evidence of declines in food security.1

    Metformin extended-release versus immediate-release:An international, randomized, double-blind, head-to-head trial in pharmacotherapy-naĂ¯ve patients with type 2 diabetes

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    This international, randomized, double-blind trial (NCT01864174) compared the efficacy and safety of metformin extended-release (XR) and immediate-release (IR) in patients with type 2 diabetes. After a 4-week placebo lead-in, pharmacotherapy-naĂ¯ve adults with glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) at 7.0% to 9.2% were randomized (1:1) to receive once-daily metformin XR 2000mg or twice-daily metformin IR 1000mg for 24weeks. The primary endpoint was change in HbA1c after 24weeks. Secondary endpoints were change in fasting plasma glucose (FPG), mean daily glucose (MDG) and patients (%) with HbA1c <7.0% after 24weeks. Overall, 539 patients were randomized (metformin XR, N=268; metformin IR, N=271). Adjusted mean changes in HbA1c, FPG, MDG and patients (%) with HbA1c <7.0% after 24weeks were similar for XR and IR: -0.93% vs -0.96%; -21.1 vs -20.6mg/dL (-1.2 vs -1.1mmol/L); -24.7 vs -27.1mg/dL (-1.4 vs -1.5mmol/L); and 70.9% vs 72.0%, respectively. Adverse events were similar between groups and consistent with previous studies. Overall, metformin XR demonstrated efficacy and safety similar to that of metformin IR over 24weeks, with the advantage of once-daily dosing

    Assessment of impacts of climate change on rice and wheat in the Indo-Gangetic plains

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    In this paper, the climate change scenarios of A2 and B2 for 2070-2100 time scale (denoted as 2080) for several key locations of India and its impact on rice and wheat crops based on regional climate model (PRECIS) were described. The PRECIS projects an increase in temperature over most parts of India especially in the IGP (Indo-Gangetic Plains), the region that presently experiences relatively low temperatures. Extreme high temperature episodes and rainfall intensity days are projected to become more frequent and the monsoon rainfall is also projected to increase. Rabi (mid Nov-March) season is likely to experience higher increase in temperature which could impact and hence become threat to the crops which really require low temperature for their growth. Climatic variability is also projected to increase in both A2 and B2 scenarios. All these projected changes are likely to reduce the wheat and rice yields in Indo-Gangetic plains of India. It is likely that there will be more number of years with low yields occurs towards the end of the century. Such yield reductions in rice and wheat crops due to climate change are mediated through reduction in crop duration, grain number and grain filling duration. The yield loss will be more in A2 scenario compared to B2. These quantitative estimates still have uncertainties associated with them, largely due to uncertainties in climate change projections, future technology growth, availability of inputs such as water for irrigation, changes in crop management and genotype. These projections nevertheless provide a direction of likely change in crop productivity in future climate change scenarios

    Differential gene expression analysis in germinating and dormant teliospores of Tilletia indica using RNA seq approach

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    Karnal bunt of wheat is an important quarantine disease that interrupts India’s wheat trade in the international market. The whole transcriptome of germinating and dormant teliospores of Tilletia indica was performed using the RNA Seq approach to identify germination-related genes. Approximately 63 million reads were generated using the RNA sequencing by the Illumina NextSeq500 platform. The high-quality reads were deposited in NCBI SRA database (accession: PRJNA522347). The unigenes from the pooled teliospores were 16,575 having unigenes length of 28,998,753 bases. The high-quality reads of germinating teliospores mapped on to 21,505 predicted CDSs. 9,680 CDSs were common between dormant and germinating teliospores of T. indica. 11,825 CDSs were found to be in germinating teliospores while only 91 were unique in dormant spores of pathogen. The pathway analysis showed the highest number of pathways was found in germinating spores than dormant spores. The highest numbers of CDSs were found to be associated with translation (431 in number), transport and catabolism (340), signal transduction (326), and carbohydrate metabolism (283). The differential expression analysis (DESeq) of germinating and dormant teliospores showed that 686 CDS were up-regulated and 114 CDS were down-regulated in the germinating teliospores. Significant germination-related genes in the spores were validated using qPCR analysis. Ten genes viz. Ti3931, Ti6828, Ti7098, Ti7462, Ti7522, Ti 9289, Ti 8670, Ti 7959, Ti 7809,and Ti10095 were highly up-regulated in germinated teliospores which may have role in germination of spores.Further, these differentially expressed genes provide insights into the molecular events. This first study of transcriptome will be helpful to devise better management strategies to manage Karnal bunt disease

    High-quality amorphous silicon carbide for hybrid photonic integration deposited at a low temperature

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    Integrated photonic platforms have proliferated in recent years, each demonstrating its unique strengths and shortcomings. Given the processing incompatibilities of different platforms, a formidable challenge in the field of integrated photonics still remains for combining the strengths of different optical materials in one hybrid integrated platform. Silicon carbide is a material of great interest because of its high refractive index, strong second- and third-order nonlinearities, and broad transparency window in the visible and near-infrared range. However, integrating silicon carbide (SiC) has been difficult, and current approaches rely on transfer bonding techniques that are time-consuming, expensive, and lacking precision in layer thickness. Here, we demonstrate high-index amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC) films deposited at 150 °C and verify the high performance of the platform by fabricating standard photonic waveguides and ring resonators. The intrinsic quality factors of single-mode ring resonators were in the range of Qint = (4.7-5.7) × 105 corresponding to optical losses between 0.78 and 1.06 dB/cm. We then demonstrate the potential of this platform for future heterogeneous integration with ultralow-loss thin SiN and LiNbO3 platforms

    Best Practices for Reliable and Robust Spacecraft Structures

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    A study was undertaken to capture the best practices for the development of reliable and robust spacecraft structures for NASA s next generation cargo and crewed launch vehicles. In this study, the NASA heritage programs such as Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and the Space Shuttle program were examined. A series of lessons learned during the NASA and DoD heritage programs are captured. The processes that "make the right structural system" are examined along with the processes to "make the structural system right". The impact of technology advancements in materials and analysis and testing methods on reliability and robustness of spacecraft structures is studied. The best practices and lessons learned are extracted from these studies. Since the first human space flight, the best practices for reliable and robust spacecraft structures appear to be well established, understood, and articulated by each generation of designers and engineers. However, these best practices apparently have not always been followed. When the best practices are ignored or short cuts are taken, risks accumulate, and reliability suffers. Thus program managers need to be vigilant of circumstances and situations that tend to violate best practices. Adherence to the best practices may help develop spacecraft systems with high reliability and robustness against certain anomalies and unforeseen events
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