10 research outputs found

    Some aspects of the political and commercial history of the Muslims of Sri Lanka with special reference to the British Period

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    This thesis is an attempt to present a detailed thematic account of the history of the Muslims of Sri Lanka, concentrating chiefly on the British period between 1796 and 19^9- Use has been made of all the known primary materials currently available for this topic in both Sri Lanka and Britain. Special attention has been devoted to the fields of Muslims in politics and Muslims in commerce in Sri Lanka during the British era. The introductory chapter (i) sketches in the arrival of the Muslims in Sri Lanka, outlines the relationship between the Muslims and the Sinhalese kings and deals with the fate of the Muslims in the Portuguese and Dutch periods. The second chapter deals with Muslims' responses to the arrival of the British. It looks at Muslim involvement in the conquest of the Kandyan kingdom and in the Kandyan rebellion. The third section of this chapter surveys the Colebrooke-Cameron reforms; and the fourth section deals with the appointment of the Muslims by the British as Civil Servants and as Consuls. The third chapter deals with Muslims in politics; special attention is given to Muslim membership in the Legislative and Municipal Councils on the island. The fourth chapter deals with Muslims and the struggle for iiindependence. The fifth chapter gives a brief outline of Muslims in trade during the British period. It deals with gems, pearls and coconut. The sixth analyses the communal outbreak of violence between Muslims and Sinhalese in 1915. The seventh chapter discusses the Egyptian Nationalist 'Arabi Pasha and his exile in Sri Lanka. The eighth chapter attempts to summarise the thesis as a whole

    Kepimpinan distributif pemimpin sekolah, pengurusan konflik dan persekitaran sekolah berkesan dan sekolah kurang berkesan

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    Malaysia Education Blueprint (MEB) 2013-2025 emphasizes distributive leadership practices among school leaders by the year 2016. These efforts be conducted towards improving social capital and economic capital through effective school improvement, quality improvement of human capital, and the growth of state assets to achieve a developed nation by 2020. However, issues of education transformation and the complexity of leadership has led to increasing complexity of continuous conflict and affects the school's quality and performance. This study was conducted, to reviewing the distributive leadership among school leaders, conflict management, and the school environment in two different categories of schools namely effective school and less effective school. Specifically, this study examines the effect and relationship of distributive leadership practices for the conflict management and the school environment in addition to review the role of conflict management that acts as a mediator in the association relations. Cross-sectional survey method was applied in the process of collecting data through Leadership Performance Inventory (LPI) formed by Kouzes and Posner in 2003, Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory – II (ROCI-II) that was formed in 1983, and Teacher School Environment Questionnaire (TSEQ) formed by Lemerle in 2005. 460 school leaders were choosen as respondents. The findings show distributive leadership proved affects on conflict management in effective schools and less effective schools. In addition, the distributive leadership also has a relationship with the school environment and influence on the school environment in effective schools and less effective schools. In conclusion, the findings prove conflict management as mediator variables between distributive leadership with the school environment relationship which acts as a partial mediator in conflict management. This study successfully links three main theories which high practices of conflict management lead to increased distributive leadership skills and thus improve the quality of school environment. This study also can be used by school leaders as a guide in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the leadership aspects in addition to the basic reference to improve the range of knowledge, skills, and leadership management as sharing the vision, values, duties and responsibilities of the organization in particular, as well as research in aspects of conflict management and schools environment generally

    Wavelet packet analysis for rotor bar breakage in an inverter induction motor

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    Introduction. In various industrial processes, squirrel cage induction motors are widely employed. These motors can be used in harsh situations, such as non-ventilated spaces, due to their high strength and longevity. These machines are subject to malfunctions such as short circuits and broken bars. Indeed, for the diagnosis several techniques are offered and used. Novelty of the proposed work provides the use of wavelet analysis technology in a continuous and discrete system to detect faults affecting the rotating part of an induction motor fed by a three-phase inverter. Purpose. This paper aims to present a novel technique for diagnosing broken rotor bars in the low-load, stationary induction machine proposed. The technique is used to address the problem of using the traditional Techniques like Fourier Transforms signal processing algorithm by analyzing the stator current envelope. The suggested method is based on the use of discrete wavelet transform and continuous wavelet transform. Methods. A waveform can be monitored at any frequency of interest using the suggested discrete wavelet transform and continuous wavelet transform. To identify the rotor broken bar fault, stator current frequency spectrum is analyzed and then examined. Based on a suitable index, the algorithm separates the healthy motor from the defective one, with 1, 2 and 3 broken bars at no-load. Results. In comparison to the healthy conditions, the recommended index significantly raises under the broken bars conditions. It can identify the problematic conditions with clarity. The possibility of detecting potential faults has been demonstrated (broken bars), using discrete wavelet transform and continuous wavelet transform. The diagnostic method is adaptable to temporary situations brought on by alterations in load and speed. Performance and efficacy of the suggested diagnostic method are demonstrated through simulation in Simulink® MATLAB environment.Вступ. У різних промислових процесах широко використовуються асинхронні двигуни із короткозамкненим ротором. Ці двигуни можуть використовуватися в суворих умовах, наприклад, в приміщеннях, що не вентилюються, завдяки їх високій міцності і довговічності. Ці машини схильні до несправностей, таких як коротке замикання і зламані стрижні. Зрозуміло, що для діагностики пропонується та використовується кілька методик. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає у використанні технології вейвлет-аналізу в безперервній і дискретній системі для виявлення несправностей, що впливають на частину асинхронного двигуна, що обертається, що живиться від трифазного інвертора. Мета. У цій статті представлена нова методика діагностики зламаних стрижнів ротора в малонавантаженій стаціонарній асинхронній машині. Цей метод використовується для вирішення проблеми використання традиційних методів, таких як алгоритм обробки сигналів перетворення Фур’є, шляхом аналізу огинаючої струму статора. Пропонований метод заснований на використанні дискретного вейвлет-перетворення та безперервного вейвлет-перетворення. Методи. Форма сигналу може відстежуватися на будь-якій частоті, що цікавить, з використанням запропонованого дискретного вейвлет-перетворення і безперервного вейвлет-перетворення. Для виявлення несправності обриву стрижня ротора частотний спектр статора аналізується, а потім досліджується. На основі відповідного індексу алгоритм відокремлює справний двигун від несправного з 1, 2 і 3 зламаними стрижнями на холостому ході. Результати. Порівняно із нормальними умовами рекомендований показник значно підвищується за умов зламаних стрижнів. Він може чітко визначити проблемні умови. Було продемонстровано можливість виявлення потенційних несправностей (зламані стрижні) з використанням дискретного вейвлет-перетворення та безперервного вейвлет-перетворення. Метод діагностики адаптується до тимчасових ситуацій, викликаних змінами навантаження та швидкості. Працездатність та ефективність запропонованого методу діагностики продемонстровано за допомогою моделювання у середовищі Simulink® MATLAB

    Aspects of the biology of the sclerotia of Sclerotium cepivorum : a thesis submitted for the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand

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    The fungus, Sclerotium cepivorum Berk. is the causal agent of onion white rot disease and reproduces solely by means of sclerotia that persist in the soil between susceptible crops. Sclerotia are, therefore, a vulnerable part of the lifecycle and disease control measures are being targeted towards them. These methods depend on a thorough knowledge of sclerotial biology. Three key aspects of sclerotial biology were investigated in the course of this research programme; the factors that affect survival of sclerotia in soil, the phenomenon of sclerotial dormancy and the relationship between inoculum levels in the soil and subsequent disease incidence. The influence of soil type, location and sclerotial condition on survival of sclerotia was examined under field conditions. There was no significant difference in sclerotial survival in the two soil types tested (Patumahoe clay loam and Wakanui silt loam). Experiments were conducted at two locations (Auckland and Lincoln), which differed substantially in both average soil temperature and rainfall; Auckland having a warmer wetter climate. Location significantly affected sclerotial survival over time, with fewer sclerotia surviving at Auckland. The condition of the sclerotia, related to structural damage caused by desiccation and re-wetting in the field, was an important influence on survival. Most sclerotia (40 - 60%) decayed after just two months in soil, after which numbers remained relatively stable for up to 2 years. During the growing season, sclerotia became progressively more contaminated by other fungi and exhibited signs of desiccation. The sudden drop in viability over the first few months in soil was attributed to damage caused by adverse environmental conditions and subsequent attack by microbes. A study was made of the dormancy requirements of naturally-produced sclerotia in New Zealand soils. Dormancy was tested in sclerotia from 5 isolates buried in one of two different soils (Patumahoe clay loam and Wakanui silt loam). Two established methods were modified to test for dormancy in New Zealand conditions; one based in the laboratory and one in the field. In the laboratory-based experiment, < 40% of sclerotia germinated after 15 weeks in soil. Soil type did not significantly affect the length of dormancy in this study. The low rates of germination observed resulted in no significant differences among the isolates in the length of dormancy. This method was prone to problems caused by contamination by other fungi and is not recommended for use in New Zealand conditions. In the field trial, 47 - 72% of sclerotia had germinated or decayed after 4 months in soil, depending on the isolate. Sclerotia required 6 months in soil before high rates of germination occurred (89 - 98%). In the field trial, isolates differed in the amount of time required in soil before dormancy began to break (3 - 5 months). In both experiments described above, dormancy lasted several months longer than reported in the literature. Sclerotia collected from onions in a commercial field also exhibited sclerotial dormancy. This has implications for the use of germination stimulants (e.g. diallyl disuphide, DADS) in disease control in New Zealand. With dormancy lasting up to 6 months in some circumstances, a spring treatment of a germination stimulant would seem more appropriate than an autumn treatment following an outbreak of white rot. This is in line with overseas recommendations and should be practical as DADS can be applied while a cover crop is in place without any adverse effects. It may be necessary to delay planting until 8 weeks after the last DADS treatment, to ensure that seedlings are not exposed to a burst of germinating sclerotia. Eleven field trials were conducted over three years. The aim of these was to describe the relationship between inoculum density (ID) in the soil at the time of planting and incidence of white rot at harvest. Soil samples were taken from each trial site and the numbers of sclerotia present in them determined. A novel method was developed to separate sclerotia from soil. This technique used the magnetic properties of haematite, an iron ore common in the soils of the Pukekohe region, to divide soil particles from sclerotia. Disease incidence, soil temperature and moisture were then recorded through the growing season. Curve-fitting was performed to determine the pattern of disease progress. In the first growing season (1998 / 99) data from 57% of the quadrats were sucessfully fitted to the gompertz model, one of the sigmoid curves. In the second year (1999 / 2000), low ID (and disease incidence) meant that only 26% of quadrats could be fitted to the gompertz model. In the third year, the pattern of disease was unlike that of the previous two seasons, with lower soil temperatures probably the cause of a later onset of white rot and continuous increase in disease incidence until harvest. In previous years, numbers of new infections had decreased in November - December. In 2000 / 01, the rate of new infections continued to increase into December. Data collected during the third year was fitted to exponential, log and linear models, with all data fitting one of these models. There was a positive correlation in year one between inoculum density and time to maximum rate of disease increase (TMR), with high ID resulting in an earlier disease onset by approximately 4 weeks. A positive, but not statistically significant, trend was also observed between ID and both maximum rate of disease increase (MR) and the point of inflection in the curve (LI). No correlations between ID and these parameters were identified in 1999, due probably to the low levels of inoculum and disease observed. TMR, LI and MR were not calculated for the 2000 data, as these could not be fitted to the gompertz model

    T cell metabolism drives immunity

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    Lymphocytes must adapt to a wide array of environmental stressors as part of their normal development, during which they undergo a dramatic metabolic remodeling process. Research in this area has yielded surprising findings on the roles of diverse metabolic pathways and metabolites, which have been found to regulate lymphocyte signaling and influence differentiation, function and fate. In this review, we integrate the latest findings in the field to provide an up-to-date resource on lymphocyte metabolism

    Optimization of oil palm empty fruit bunches value chain in Peninsular Malaysia

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    Empty fruit bunches (EFB) are valuable palm oil mill waste that could be used to produce multiple products in the form of energy, chemicals, and materials. Therefore, efficient utilization of these biomass resources is essential to optimize the profitability of the industry while addressing environmental issues. In this study, a decision-support tool is developed to perform economic and environmental analyses of the future expansion of the palm oil industry. The sequential steps in the modeling and optimization of the EFB value chain are discussed. This study consists of four processing stages: converting EFB into intermediates and products, transportation networks, direct sale of products, and further processing of products. The proposed tool includes a mathematical model that considers biomass, production, transportation, and emission treatment costs from transportation and production activities. The model is solved with the Advanced Interactive Multidimensional Modeling System to determine the maximum profit and analyze biodiesel production. Peninsular Malaysia is selected as a case study. Results reveal the significant economic benefits of EFB utilization. The most profitable cases of EFB utilization are Case A, C, and D, which have the same 47 % profit margin. The maximum profit of the selected utilization pathways in Case A is USD 151,822,904 per year based on different ownerships of all EFB processed, which is 79 % lower than the result of a previous study that ignores the capacity limitations of the respective processing facilities. The environment–food–energy–water nexus is also elaborated in this study. The conclusions are obtained based on the limitation, availability, and parameters or data used in this study

    A review of design optimization methods for electrical machines

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    © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Electrical machines are the hearts of many appliances, industrial equipment and systems. In the context of global sustainability, they must fulfill various requirements, not only physically and technologically but also environmentally. Therefore, their design optimization process becomes more and more complex as more engineering disciplines/domains and constraints are involved, such as electromagnetics, structural mechanics and heat transfer. This paper aims to present a review of the design optimization methods for electrical machines, including design analysis methods and models, optimization models, algorithms and methods/strategies. Several efficient optimization methods/strategies are highlighted with comments, including surrogate-model based and multi-level optimization methods. In addition, two promising and challenging topics in both academic and industrial communities are discussed, and two novel optimization methods are introduced for advanced design optimization of electrical machines. First, a system-level design optimization method is introduced for the development of advanced electric drive systems. Second, a robust design optimization method based on the design for six-sigma technique is introduced for high-quality manufacturing of electrical machines in production. Meanwhile, a proposal is presented for the development of a robust design optimization service based on industrial big data and cloud computing services. Finally, five future directions are proposed, including smart design optimization method for future intelligent design and production of electrical machines

    Critical success factor within family business in Malaysia

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    Business performance plays an important role in all types of business whether its general business, SME business or family business. There are various studies conducted to measure the critical success factors for a business but there are limited studies conducted to identify the other critical success factors within family business in Malaysia context. The lack of quantitative research on the family business was the main reason for the present research in identifying the critical success factors withing family business in Malaysia. This research was guided by the following research problem: “How and why the critical success factors can be established within family business in Malaysia?” The literature review on the critical success factor within family business identified three research problem. For investigate the issues, a qualitative study was conducted, and the respondents were identified by using snowballing sample technique. Convergent interview was conducted to confirm the critical success factors within family business in Malaysia and the data were analyzed using content analysis techniques. The research findings confirmed 9 critical success factors within family business in Malaysia i.e., management support & know-how, customer involvement & market knowledge, information system/advance technology, sales & profitability/ company performance, teamwork/cooperation, innovativeness & product differentiation, strategic alliance, commitment/hardworking and mentoring process. There are four new emerging factors i.e., family support, time management, location/environment of a business and business reputation which demonstrates the present research’s contribution to the body of knowledge. The revised theoretical framework built from the theories and literature review provides the foundation for future research

    Effective Islamic Spiritual Care: Foundations and Practices of Imams and Other Muslim Spiritual Caregivers

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    In Canada, Muslim communities turn to Muslim spiritual caregivers, especially to imams, for help with various problems. Research has shown that many Muslim spiritual caregivers are familiar with the Arabic language and Islamic values but have limited practice in Islamic counseling and psychotherapy. This study is intended to examine the effectiveness of Muslim spiritual caregivers in the context of Canadian Muslims’ health care. Cross-sectional ethnographic research with fifteen Muslim spiritual caregivers and interviews with them were conducted. Our results show that even though the majority of Muslim spiritual caregivers have no formal training in Western psychotherapy intervention, they nonetheless play a major role in the promotion of Muslims’ health. However, they can be more effective if they apply social sciences in their practice. Results of the study show that it is necessary to bridge the gap between Islamic intervention and contemporary psychotherapy paradigms in order to make Islamic spiritual care more effective

    Investigation and Design of Different Antennas in Solar Cells' Environments with Their Needed Tools

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    With the spread use of solar cells as a renewable energy source and the wide use of wireless communications, it is interesting to use the solar cell panels as an energy source for rural wireless communications for security and safety. For compactness, it is proposed to embed antennas in the solar cell panels. Therefore, it is proposed to investigate the antenna characteristics within this environment. As such, the characteristics of the solar cells in the radio frequency region should be studied for proper design of the antennas in such an environment. Therefore, a rigorous design approach for antennas in the solar cells' environment is proposed through this work. A practical model of the solar cells in the microwave frequency range is presented using anisotropic surface impedance boundaries. Two different surface impedance measurement setups are exploited to accurately model solar cells. Moreover, measurements of antennas' radiation efficiency are invoked in this work using the Wheeler cap concept in a contactless fashion to perform measurements within solar cells' environments. A novel measurement technique has been proposed extending conventional Wheeler cap capabilities to measure wide band antennas. The technique promotes a straightforward processing procedure and convenient measurement setup. In addition, a simple, fast, and efficient numerical solution for the electromagnetic scattering arbitrary problems is proposed. Based on the uniqueness theorem and the use of novel equivalent problems with Random Auxiliary Sources (\emph{RAS}), more degrees of freedom are added resulting in significantly faster solutions. The proposed technique is expected to provide a significant reduction in the execution time and memory requirements compared to the surface equivalent based Method of Moments (MoM) as the inherent properties of this procedure are used. Various verification and result cases are presented to assess the introduced technique, which is incorporated into different analysis and design problems in this work. Moreover, the RAS method is extended to model antennas in their radiating and scattering modes, which, in turns, is adopted in the reflectarray antenna analysis and design procedures. The introduced solar cells models along with the developed computations and measurement tools are used to develop a design procedure for antennas suited for the solar cells environment. An optically transparent reflectarray antenna integrated with solar cells is proposed as an application of interest that suits satellite communication purposes. Material choice, feed antenna tailored design and rigorous design procedures are presented to enhance the achievable performance of the antenna/solar cells integrated device