61 research outputs found

    Calidad en el sector seguridad en Lima Metropolitana

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    Investigaciones realizadas en diversos países del mundo sostienen que la Administración de la Calidad Total (TQM) puede traer beneficios a las empresas como fortalecer su desempeño y mejorar su ventaja competitiva. Asimismo, se ha estudiado que la adopción de un Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad (SGC) impacta favorablemente en la implementación del TQM. Sin embargo, pocos estudios se han realizado al respecto en el Perú. Esta investigación pretende aportar al conocimiento el nivel de implementación de la calidad en el Sector Seguridad de Lima Metropolitana en función de nueve factores de éxito de la calidad. También se busca diferenciar entre empresas que han implementado un SGC y las que no. Este sector define servicios de seguridad como las actividades de protección de alguien o de algo para alguien y como el mantenimiento del estado de las personas. De acuerdo a las características del servicio de seguridad que se ofrecen se puede diferenciar en tres subsectores: Defensa, Orden y Protección. Se han analizado 119 empresas e instituciones que abarcan tanto empresas del sector privado como instituciones del sector público. Para obtener la información se realizaron encuestas a los responsables de calidad, dicha encuesta constaba con 35 preguntas repartidas entre los nueve factores del TQM. Se identificó que las empresas e instituciones que cuentan con SGC tienen un mejor desempeño en los nueve factores del TQM. Por tanto, el tener un SGC aporta positivamente a la empresa o institución. Se encontró que los factores de Alta Gerencia, Enfoque de la Satisfacción al Cliente y Planeamiento de la Calidad fueron los de mayor importancia en las empresas del Sector Seguridad, mientras que, es necesario darle mayor énfasis a los factores de Círculos de Calidad y Gestión de la Calidad del Proveedor. Este estudio puede marcar el camino para la mejora de los servicios públicos de seguridad y mejorar el desempeño de las empresas que brindan seguridad; los responsables de definir las políticas públicas de seguridad tienen una herramienta más que pueden emplear para respaldar sus decisiones.Research conducted in many countries argues that Total Quality Management (TQM) can bring benefits to businesses and strengthen their performance and enhance their competitive advantage. It also has been studied that the adoption of a Management System (QMS) impacts positively on the implementation of TQM. However, few studies have been done about it in Peru. This research aims to contribute to the knowledge level of implementation of quality in the Security Sector in Metropolitan Lima related to the nine success factors of quality. It also seeks to differentiate between companies that have implemented a QMS and those without. This sector defines security services such as protection activities of someone or something for someone and as maintenance of status of persons. According to the characteristics of the security services offered it can be differentiated into three subsectors, defense, order and protection. It has been analyzed 119 companies and institutions that include both private companies and public sector institutions. In order to get information surveys were conducted to quality managers, the survey consisted of 35 questions divided among the nine factors of TQM. It was identified that companies and institutions with SGC do better in the nine factors of TQM. Therefore, having a QMS contributes positively to the company or institution. It was found that the factors of Senior Management Approach to Customer Satisfaction and Quality Planning were the most important companies in the Security Sector, whereas it is necessary to give greater emphasis to the factors of Quality Circles and Management Supplier Quality. This study may show the way for the improvement of public safety services and improve the performance of companies that provide security; responsible people who define public security policies have a tool they can use to support their decisionsTesi

    Red, gold and green: microbial contribution of Rhodophyta and other Algae to Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Gut Microbiome

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    The fitness of the endangered green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) may be strongly affected by its gut microbiome, as microbes play important roles in host nutrition and health. This study aimed at establishing environmental microbial baselines that can be used to assess turtle health under altered future conditions. We characterized the microbiome associated with the gastrointestinal tract of green turtles from Guinea Bissau in different life stages and associated with their food items, using 16S rRNA metabarcoding. We found that the most abundant (% relative abundance) bacterial phyla across the gastrointestinal sections were Proteobacteria (68.1 ± 13.9% “amplicon sequence variants”, ASVs), Bacteroidetes (15.1 ± 10.1%) and Firmicutes (14.7 ± 21.7%). Additionally, we found the presence of two red algae bacterial indicator ASVs (the Alphaproteobacteria Brucella pinnipedialis with 75 ± 0% and a Gammaproteobacteria identified as methanotrophic endosymbiont of Bathymodiolus, with <1%) in cloacal compartments, along with six bacterial ASVs shared only between cloacal and local environmental red algae samples. We corroborate previous results demonstrating that green turtles fed on red algae (but, to a lower extent, also seagrass and brown algae), thus, acquiring microbial components that potentially aid them digest these food items. This study is a foundation for better understanding the microbial composition of sea turtle digestive tracts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Red, Gold and Green: Microbial Contribution of Rhodophyta and Other Algae to Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Gut Microbiome

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    The fitness of the endangered green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) may be strongly affected by its gut microbiome, as microbes play important roles in host nutrition and health. This study aimed at establishing environmental microbial baselines that can be used to assess turtle health under altered future conditions. We characterized the microbiome associated with the gastrointestinal tract of green turtles from Guinea Bissau in different life stages and associated with their food items, using 16S rRNA metabarcoding. We found that the most abundant (% relative abundance) bacterial phyla across the gastrointestinal sections were Proteobacteria (68.1 ± 13.9% “amplicon sequence variants”, ASVs), Bacteroidetes (15.1 ± 10.1%) and Firmicutes (14.7 ± 21.7%). Additionally, we found the presence of two red algae bacterial indicator ASVs (the Alphaproteobacteria Brucella pinnipedialis with 75 ± 0% and a Gammaproteobacteria identified as methanotrophic endosymbiont of Bathymodiolus, with <1%) in cloacal compartments, along with six bacterial ASVs shared only between cloacal and local environmental red algae samples. We corroborate previous results demonstrating that green turtles fed on red algae (but, to a lower extent, also seagrass and brown algae), thus, acquiring microbial components that potentially aid them digest these food items. This study is a foundation for better understanding the microbial composition of sea turtle digestive tracts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Masa en tránsito en el ventrículo derecho: ¿tumor vs trombo?

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    Echodense images in the RV have a wide spectrum of diagnoses, the main ones being tumors or thrombi. We present the case of a 31-year-old woman in whom an echodense mass in transit in RV suggestive of thrombus was incidentally diagnosed. Venous thromboembolic disease was ruled-out. Cardiac MRI confirmed the echocardiographic diagnosi. The surgery showed new over old thrombus, and she received indefinite oral anticoagulation. This case shows how the multimodal imaging allows the accurate assessment of RV masses. The thrombus in the RV forces the clinician to rule out associated diseases.Las imágenes ecodensas en el VD tienen un amplio espectro de diagnósticos, los principales son tumores o trombos. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 31 años en la que se diagnostica de forma incidental una masa ecodensa en tránsito en VD sugestiva de trombo. Se ampliaron estudios descartando enfermedad tromboembólica venosa. La resonancia cardíaca confirmó el diagnóstico ecocardiográfico, fue llevada a resección quirúrgica evidenciando trombo antiguo más nuevo y recibió anticoagulación oral indefinida. Este caso muestra como la imagen multimodal permite valorar de forma precisa las masas del VD. El trombo en el VD obliga al clínico descartar enfermedades asociadas

    Group and call effect in achieving success in a subject: Analyses of the "Biology and Botany" whole life in the E.U.I.T.A. (University of Seville)

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    La Biología y la Botánica son dos materias fundamentales en la formación de un ingeniero técnico agrícola. Sus contenidos se han ofrecido a veces en asignaturas independientes y, en otras ocasiones como la que nos ocupa, en una sola asignatura. Por otra parte, siempre se ha mirado con interés, e incluso preocupación, el efecto de la variable grupo, de forma independiente o relacionándola con su distribución en turnos de mañana o tarde, así como la importancia de la convocatoria (en los distintos momentos a lo largo del curso académico) en la que el alumno consigue superar la asignatura. Aquí presentamos los resultados en la consecución de objetivos por parte de los alumnos y, por ende, de los profesores y de la Universidad de Sevilla a lo largo de la totalidad de la vida de la asignatura "Biología y Botánica" dentro del plan de estudios 2003/04 para tres titulaciones simultáneas, desde su comienzo en el curso 2003/04 hasta su extinción en el curso 2009/10, de la E.U.I.T.A. (Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Agrícola) de la Universidad de Sevilla. Además se consideran convocatorias pertenecientes al período de extinción añadido. Los análisis toman en cuenta además el éxito en la superación de la asignatura tanto de forma cualitativa (aprobado o suspenso de la evaluación a la que el alumno se ha sometido) como cuantitativa (nota conseguida). Las conclusiones obtenidas permiten mirar los resultados y la consecución de objetivos, así como una potencial toma de decisiones para el futuro, basándose en un marco temporal amplio y objetivo.Biology and Botany are two critical issues in the formation of a technical agricultural engineer. Their topics are sometimes offered in separate subjects and, at other times as here, within a single one. Besides, it has always been considered with interest, and even concern, the effect of the variable group, independently or in relation to their distribution in the morning or afternoon turns, and the importance of the call (at different times during the academic year) at which the student gets to pass the subject. Here we present the results in the achievement of objectives by students, and therefore teachers and the University of Seville, along the entire life of the subject "Biology and Botany" within the teaching 2003/04 plan for three simultaneous academic programs, from its start in the course 2003/04 to its extinction in the course 2009/10, in the E.U.I.T.A. (University School of Technical Agricultural Engineering) of the University of Seville. Calls belonging to the period of extinction are also considered. Analyses are both qualitative, based on having success in passing the subject or not, and quantitative (mark scored). Obtained conclusions let us see the results and the achievement of objectives, as well as a potential decision-making for the future, with a base on a comprehensive and objective frame

    El reto en la docencia de la igualdad ante la diversidad

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    El proyecto presenta iniciativas llevadas a cabo por el equipo investigador encaminadas a incorporar las perspectivas de género y discapacidad en la docencia. Del mismo modo, se señalan algunas actividades incorporadas a la docencia de la asignatura "Políticas Públicas" que se imparte en varias titulaciones, con el objetivo de favorecer la impartición de esta materia en inglés

    IL-6 serum levels predict severity and response to tocilizumab in COVID-19: An observational study

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    Background: Patients with coronavirus disaese 2019 (COVID-19) can develop a cytokine release syndrome that eventually leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome requiring invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). Because IL-6 is a relevant cytokine in acute respiratory distress syndrome, the blockade of its receptor with tocilizumab (TCZ) could reduce mortality and/or morbidity in severe COVID-19. Objective: We sought to determine whether baseline IL-6 serum levels can predict the need for IMV and the response to TCZ. Methods: A retrospective observational study was performed in hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Clinical information and laboratory findings, including IL-6 levels, were collected approximately 3 and 9 days after admission to be matched with preadministration and postadministration of TCZ. Multivariable logistic and linear regressions and survival analysis were performed depending on outcomes: need for IMV, evolution of arterial oxygen tension/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio, or mortality. Results: One hundred forty-six patients were studied, predominantly males (66%); median age was 63 years. Forty-four patients (30%) required IMV, and 58 patients (40%) received treatment with TCZ. IL-6 levels greater than 30 pg/mL was the best predictor for IMV (odds ratio, 7.1; P < .001). Early administration of TCZ was associated with improvement in oxygenation (arterial oxygen tension/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio) in patients with high IL-6 (P = .048). Patients with high IL-6 not treated with TCZ showed high mortality (hazard ratio, 4.6; P = .003), as well as those with low IL-6 treated with TCZ (hazard ratio, 3.6; P = .016). No relevant serious adverse events were observed in TCZ-treated patients. Conclusions: Baseline IL-6 greater than 30 pg/mL predicts IMV requirement in patients with COVID-19 and contributes to establish an adequate indication for TCZ administrationThis study was funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant nos. RD16/0011/0012 and PI18/ 0371 to I.G.A., grant no. PI19/00549 to A.A., and grant no. SAF2017-82886-R to F.S.-M.) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The study was also funded by ‘‘La Caixa Banking Foundation’’ (grant no. HR17-00016 to F.S.-M.) and ‘‘Fondos Supera COVID19’’ by Banco de Santander and CRUE. None of these sponsors have had any role in study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publicatio

    Tras los pasos de la Sílfide. Imaginarios españoles del ballet romántico a la danza moderna

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    La publicación que tiene la persona lectora entre sus manos realiza un recorrido de cien años de historia de la danza, un camino que toma como punto de partida la cultura visual del Romanticismo y que se ramifica fuera del ámbito geográfico de nuestro país, analizando los rasgos que definen y construyen la danza española y cómo estos se difundieron en los bailes en el extranjero.Las investigaciones contenidas en este libro son resultado del proyecto Tras los pasos de la Sílfide. Una historia de la danza en España, 1836-1936 (PGC2018-093710-A-I00)Peer reviewe

    Effectiveness of an intervention for improving drug prescription in primary care patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy:Study protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Multi-PAP project)

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII (Grant Numbers PI15/00276, PI15/00572, PI15/00996), REDISSEC (Project Numbers RD12/0001/0012, RD16/0001/0005), and the European Regional Development Fund ("A way to build Europe").Background: Multimorbidity is associated with negative effects both on people's health and on healthcare systems. A key problem linked to multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which in turn is associated with increased risk of partly preventable adverse effects, including mortality. The Ariadne principles describe a model of care based on a thorough assessment of diseases, treatments (and potential interactions), clinical status, context and preferences of patients with multimorbidity, with the aim of prioritizing and sharing realistic treatment goals that guide an individualized management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention that implements the Ariadne principles in a population of young-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The intervention seeks to improve the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care (PC), as measured by the medication appropriateness index (MAI) score at 6 and 12months, as compared with usual care. Methods/Design: Design:pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. Unit of randomization: family physician (FP). Unit of analysis: patient. Scope: PC health centres in three autonomous communities: Aragon, Madrid, and Andalusia (Spain). Population: patients aged 65-74years with multimorbidity (≥3 chronic diseases) and polypharmacy (≥5 drugs prescribed in ≥3months). Sample size: n=400 (200 per study arm). Intervention: complex intervention based on the implementation of the Ariadne principles with two components: (1) FP training and (2) FP-patient interview. Outcomes: MAI score, health services use, quality of life (Euroqol 5D-5L), pharmacotherapy and adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green, Haynes-Sackett), and clinical and socio-demographic variables. Statistical analysis: primary outcome is the difference in MAI score between T0 and T1 and corresponding 95% confidence interval. Adjustment for confounding factors will be performed by multilevel analysis. All analyses will be carried out in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: It is essential to provide evidence concerning interventions on PC patients with polypharmacy and multimorbidity, conducted in the context of routine clinical practice, and involving young-old patients with significant potential for preventing negative health outcomes. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02866799Publisher PDFPeer reviewe