3,951 research outputs found

    Cargos hereditarios en la administración judicial y religiosa de al-Andalus

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    Fluorescence life-time imaging approaches

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    Imaging techniques using fluorescence as the source of contrast has been widely used in the last decades in biology. Even though fluorescence can give a lot of information, it is sometimes hard to see contrast based on the intensity of fluorescent molecules. This bachelor thesis is based on the idea that contrast in fluorescence images can also be obtained using something different than intensity. In this project, the source of contrast will be the lifetime of a fluorophore, which is understood as the time it takes for an excited electron to go back to its ground state. This property is not affected by concentration, photobleaching or quenching. However, it can vary depending on the microenvironment pH, temperature, viscosity, or binding to other molecules. All of these characteristics make lifetime a very suitable property for studying different dynamic processes in the cells, at the same time as being a good source of contrast in highly autofluorescence samples. The main objective of this thesis was to build a system based on frequency domain lifetime imaging. For its development intensity modulation of a laser as a sine wave at MHz frequencies was required, as well as precise coordination between the laser and the acquisition system (ICCD camera) to see contrast based on lifetime. The project was performed at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid where the implementation of the system took place, as well as its testing to check its capacities and limitations.Ingeniería Biomédic

    Jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana sobre el derecho a la libertad de expresión

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    Esta es una compilación y transcripción de sentencias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en las que se puede apreciar los argumentos de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y las consideraciones de la Corte para resolver violaciones al derecho a la libertad de expresión.This is a compilation and transcription of judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in which one can appreciate the arguments of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the consideration of the Court to resolve violations of the right to freedom of expression

    Genetic diversity and conservation of the misty grouper (Hyporthodus Mystacinus) in the Galapagos islands, Ecuador.

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    More than 90% of marine fisheries worldwide are now either overexploited or nearing this point. In the past, overfishing was widely recognized as impacting species diversity and abundance; however, its effects on marine fish genetic diversity have been largely ignored. The groupers (Serranidae) are a commercially important family of fish in many parts of the world as well as in the Galapagos Islands. Recent assessments of the family suggest that the group might be particularly vulnerable to fishing (GWSG 2007), and it has also been suggest that their genetic diversity may be threatened due to overfishing (GWSG 2007). According to the groupers and wrasse specialist group (GWSG), an assessment of all grouper species is needed to examine the sub-family as a whole and set conservation and management priorities as necessary (GWSG 2007). One of the groupers studied, the misty grouper Epinephelus mystacinus (Poey 1852), recently renamed Hyporthodus mystacinus (Craig and Haistings 2007), has been described as a ―mysterious‖ and ―rarely seen‖ grouper species (Schobernd 2004). H. mystacinus was categorized as Least Concern in 2008 by the IUCN and in the GWSG final report. This is due to the fact that virtually nothing is known about the age, growth, and reproduction of this species (Rocha et al. 2008, Heemstra & Randall 1993). The final report of the GWSG states that all larger DD and LC species should be the immediate focus of more data-gathering, especially in Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands (GSWG 2007). High genetic diversity and high gene flow for H. mystacinus was found among the localities in the Galapagos Islands. High genetic diversity has traditionally been associated with good health of populations, and would signal a good future for traditional fishing of H. mystacinus. Therefore, for fishing of H. mystacinus to continue at a sustainable level, it is imperative to maintain a high genetic diversity through a good management plan. It is important to conserve genetic diversity since it provides the raw material for the maintenance of species over longer evolutionary time-scales, and is also of particular relevance at present in terms of providing the basis for responses to rapid environmental change (e.g. climate), since reduced genetic diversity has been correlated with decreased fitness (Hoelzel et al. 2002, Bell and Okamura 2005).Más del 90% de la pesca marina en todo el mundo ahora están sobre explotados o muy cerca a este punto. En el pasado, la sobrepesca fue ampliamente reconocido como teniendo un gran impacto sobre la diversidad y abundancia de especies, sin embargo, sus efectos sobre los ecosistemas marinos la diversidad genética de peces han sido ampliamente ignoradas. Los meros (Serranidae) son una familia de peces con una importancia comercial en muchas partes del mundo, así como en las Islas Galápagos. Las evaluaciones recientes de la familia sugieren que el grupo podría ser particularmente vulnerables a la pesca (GWSG 2007), y ha sido también sugieren que su diversidad genética puede verse amenazada debido a la sobrepesca (GWSG 2007). De acuerdo con el grupo de especialistas de los meros y pez (GWSG por sus siglas en Ingles), una evaluación de todas las especies de mero es necesaria para examinar la familia entera y darles prioridades de gestión y conservación de acuerdo a cada caso (GWSG 2007). Uno de los meros estudiado, la Misty Grouper Epinephelus mystacinus (Poey 1852), recientemente renombrada Hyporthodus mystacinus (Craig y Haistings 2007), ha sido descrito como un "misterioso" y "rara vez se ve" (especies de meros Schobernd 2004). H. mystacinus se clasificó como de Preocupación Menor en 2008 por la UICN y en el informe final GWSG. Esto se debe al hecho de que prácticamente nada se sabe acerca de la edad, el crecimiento y la reproducción de esta especie (Rocha et al. 2008, Heemstra y Randall, 1993). El informe final de GWSG dice que todos las especies clasificadas como DD y especies LC debe ser el objetivo inmediato de más de recopilación de datos, especialmente en el sudeste de Asia y las islas del Pacífico (GSWG 2007).Se encontró alta diversidad genética y gran flujo génico para H. mystacinus entre las localidades de las Islas Galápagos. Una alta diversidad genética se ha asociado tradicionalmente con la buena salud de las poblaciones, y sería una señal de un buen futuro para la pesca tradicional de la H. mystacinus. Por lo tanto, para la pesca de H. mystacinus pueda continuar a un nivel sostenible, es imprescindible mantener una alta diversidad genética a través de un buen plan de manejo. Es importante conservar la diversidad genética, ya que proporciona la materia prima para el mantenimiento de las especies sobre la evolución a lo largo del tiempo, y también es de particular relevancia en la actualidad en términos de proporcionar la base para responder a los rápidos cambios ambientales (cambio climático, por ejemplo), ya que la diversidad genética reducida se ha correlacionado con la disminución de la aptitud (Hoelzel et al. de 2002, Bell y Okamura, 2005)

    Los maestros y los contenidos históricos-artísticos: una experiencia de formación inicial en relación con la selección e interpretación de obras de arte para la Educación Primaria

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    En este artículo se relata de manera detallada el desarrollo de las clases de la autora en el ámbito de formación inicial del profesorado, en concreto en la asignatura de Didáctica del Arte y la Cultura Andaluza. Es una experiencia en la que, desde una perspectiva constructivista del conocimiento, se presta especial atención a las ideas y los obstáculos que manifiestan los estudiantes en relación con cada una de las problemáticastrabajadas. Forma parte de la propuesta formativa que desarrollamos en el contexto habitual de dicha asignatura íntimamente ligada a la asignatura de Ciencias Sociales y su Didáctica, ambas en 3r. curso de la titulación de maestro de educación primaria. Dicha experiencia está encaminada a facilitara los futuros maestros la construcción de un conocimiento práctico profesional sobre los contenidos escolares referentes al medio social y cultural,focalizado en el problema de la selección y secuenciación de contenidos, en este caso histórico-artísticos.En primer lugar, se contextualiza el problema elegido, justificando su consideración dentro de la asignatura y encuadrándolo dentro del marco general de las materias que venimos impartiendo en los nuevos planes de estudios. Es decir, describiremos el contexto formativo en que se desarrolla la experiencia.A continuación se exponen las orientaciones metodológicas que seguimos en el desarrollo de la experiencia, teniendo en cuenta: a) las problemáticas trabajadas; b) la orientación de la actividad formativa escogida; c) las actividades realizadas sobre las problemáticas que van surgiendo en la clase; yd) la evaluación-valoración de dicha actividad.Por último, la experiencia formativa termina con un «a modo de conclusión» en el que se evalúa el proceso de construcción del conocimiento profesional deseable de nuestros alumnos de magisterio así como las dificultades y obstáculos que hemos tenido en la construcción de dicho conocimiento como regulación del proceso seguido. La unidad didáctica se completa con unas orientaciones bibliográficas sobre el tema escogido.In this paper, the development of the author’s classes in the sphere of teaching staff’s initial training, more specifically, in the subject matter of art and Andalusian culture teaching, is analysed thoroughly. It is an experience in which, from a constructivist perspective of knowledge, special attention is paid to the ideas and hindrances that students express regarding each one of the issues worked on. It is a part of the training proposal that we develop in the everyday context of this subject matter which is closely linked to social sciences and its teaching, both in the third year of the degree of primary education teacher. Such an experience is directed towards making the building of a professional practical knowledge on school contents regarding the social and cultural environment easy for future teachers, a knowledge focused on the problem of the selection and arrangement in sequences of the contents, in this case, historical and artistic ones. Firstly, the problem chosen was set in context, justifying its consideration within the subject matter and placing it within the general framework of the subject matters we have been teaching in the new study plans. That is to say, we will describe the formative context in which this experience took place. Then, the different methodological orientations we followed over the development of the experience are presented taking into account: a) the issues worked on; b) the orientation of the training activity chosen; c) the activities carried out on the set of problems which arose in class; and d) the assessment-evaluation of this activity. Finally, the formative experience concludes with an “to conclude” section in which the process of the building of the professional knowledge that is desirable in our students of teacher training, as well as the difficulties and hindrances that we have found in the building of such knowledge, are a regulation of the process we followed. The didactic unit is completed with some bibliographical orientation regarding the subject chosen

    Feminismo neoliberal, esa “otra” cosa escandalosa

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    En el presente artículo tratamos de dar cuenta del proceso de resignificación y de vaciamiento del término feminismo que viene operando en las sociedades neoliberales desde la reacción de los ochenta. Nuestra intención se centra en analizar la sospecha de McRobbie ¿el feminismo está siendo “tomado en cuenta” para vaciarse desde dentro? La proliferación de feminismos ¿responde a esta estrategia? ¿Qué papel juega el “feminismo neoliberal”? Para responder a estas cuestiones, partiremos del análisis llevado a cabo por Nancy Fraser a propósito de las derivas neoliberales de la segunda ola. Posteriormente, analizaremos dos obras de gran influencia lo que se ha dado en llamar feminismo neoliberal: Lean In: women, work, and the will to lead de Sheryl Sandberg (2013) y el artículo de Anne Marie Slaughter (July/August 2012), “Why woman still can’t have it all”.The objective of this work is to account for the process of redefinition and emptying of the term feminism that has operated in neoliberal societies since the reaction of the eighties. Our intention is focused on analyzing McRobbie's suspicion: is feminism taken into account to empty it from within? Does the proliferation of feminisms respond to this strategy? What role does "neoliberal feminism" play? To answer these questions, we will begin with the analysis carried out by Nancy Fraser regarding the neoliberal derivations of the second wave. Later, we will analyze two highly influential works that have been called neoliberal feminism: Lean In: Women, Work and Willingness to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg (2013) and Anne Marie Slaughter's article (July / August 2012), "Why Women I still can not have everything.

    La calidad de vida: concepto e indicadores para Andalucía

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Finanzas y Contabilida

    En-Contexto: una ventana abierta a la divulgación científica de las mujeres

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    Editorial. En-Contexto: una ventana abierta a la divulgación científica de las mujeres

    Forcing Arguments in Infinite RamseyTheory

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    This is a contribution to combinatorial set theory, specifically to infinite Ramsey Theory, which deals with partitions of infinite sets. The basic pigeon hole principle states that for every partition of the set of all natural numbers in finitely many classes there is an infinite set of natural numbers that is included in some one class. Ramsey’s Theorem, which can be seen as a generalization of this simple result, is about partitions of the set [N]k of all k-element sets of natural numbers. It states that for every k ≥ 1 and every partition of [N]k into finitely many classes, there is an infinite subset M of N such that all k-element subsets of M belong to some same class. Such a set is said to be homogeneous for the partition. In Ramsey’s own formulation (Ramsey, [8], p.264), the theorem reads as follows. Theorem (Ramsey). Let Γ be an infinite class, and μ and r positive numbers; and let all those sub-classes of Γ which have exactly r numbers, or, as we may say, let all r−combinations of the members of Γ be divided in any manner into μ mutually exclusive classes Ci (i = 1, 2, . . . , μ), so that every r−combination is a member of one and only one Ci; then assuming the axiom of selections, Γ must contain an infinite sub-class △ such that all the r−combinations of the members of △ belong to the same Ci. In [5], Neil Hindman proved a Ramsey-like result that was conjectured by Graham and Rotschild in [3]. Hindman’s Theorem asserts that if the set of all natural numbers is divided into two classes, one of the classes contains an infinite set such that all finite sums of distinct members of the set remain in the same class. Hindman’s original proof was greatly simplified, though the same basic ideas were used, by James Baumgartner in [1]. We will give new proofs of these two theorems which rely on forcing arguments. After this, we will be concerned with the particular partial orders used in each case, with the aim of studying its basic properties and its relations to other similar forcing notions. The partial order used to get Ramsey’s Theorem will be seen to be equivalent to Mathias forcing. The analysis of the partial order arising in the proof of Hindmans Theorem, which we denote by PFIN, will be object of the last chapter of the thesis. A summary of our work follows. In the first chapter we give some basic definitions and state several known theorems that we will need. We explain the set theoretic notation used and we describe some forcing notions that will be useful in the sequel. Our notation is generally standard, and when it is not it will be sufficiently explained. This work is meant to be self-contained. Thus, although most of the theorems recorded in this first, preliminary chapter, will be stated without proof, it will be duly indicated where a proof can be found. Chapter 2 is devoted to a proof of Ramsey’s Theorem in which forcing is used to produce a homogeneous set for the relevant partition. The partial order involved is isomorphic to Mathias forcing. In Chapter 3 we modify Baumgartner’s proof of Hindman’s Theorem to define a partial order, denoted by PC , from which we get by a forcing argument a suitable homogeneous set. Here C is an infinite set of finite subsets of N, and PC adds an infinite block sequence of finite subsets of natural numbers with the property that all finite unions of its elements belong to C. Our proof follows closely Baumgartner’s. The partial order PC is similar both to the one due to Matet in [6] and to Mathias forcing. This prompts the question whether it is equivalent to one of them or to none, which can only be solved by studying PC , which we do in chapter 4. In chapter 4 we first show that the forcing notion PC is equivalent to a more manageable partial order, which we denote by PFIN. From a PFIN- generic filter an infinite block sequence can be defined, from which, in turn, the generic filter can be reconstructed, roughly as a Mathias generic filter can be reconstructed from a Mathias real. In section 4.1 we prove that PFIN is not equivalent to Matet forcing. This we do by showing that PFIN adds a dominating real, thus also a splitting real (see [4]). But Blass proved that Matet forcing preserves p-point ultrafilters in [2], from which follows that Matet forcing does not add splitting reals. Still in section 4.1 we prove that PFIN adds a Mathias real by using Mathias characterization of a Mathias real in [7] according to which x ⊆ ω is a Mathias real over V iff x diagonalizes every maximal almost disjoint family in V . In fact, we prove that if D = (Di)i∈ω is the generic block sequence of finite sets of natural numbers added by forcing with PFIN, then both {minDi : i ∈ ω} and {maxDi : i ∈ ω} are Mathias reals. In section 4.2 we prove that PFIN is equivalent to a two-step iteration of a σ-closed and a σ-centered forcing notions. In section 4.3 we prove that PFIN satisfies Axiom A and in section 4.4 that, as Mathias forcing, it has the pure decision property. In section 4.5 we prove that PFIN does not add Cohen reals. So far, all the properties we have found of PFIN are also shared by Mathias forcing. The question remains, then, whether PFIN is equivalent to Mathias forcing. This we solve by first showing in section 5.1 that PFIN adds a Matet real and then, in section 5.2, that Mathias forcing does not add a Matet real, thus concluding that PFIN and Mathias forcing are not equivalent forcing notions. In the last, 5.3, section we explore another forcing notion, denoted by M2, which was introduced by Shelah in [9]. It is a kind of “product” of two copies of Mathias forcing, which we relate to denoted by M2. Bibliography [1] J.E. Baumgartner. A short proof of Hindmanʼs theorem. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, 17:384–386, 1974. [2] A. Blass. Applications of superperfect forcing and its relatives. In Set theory and its applications. Lecture notes in Mathematics. Springer, Berlin., 1989. [3] R.L. Graham and B. L. Rothschild. Ramseyʼs theorem for n-parameter sets. Transaction American Mathematical Society, 159:257–292, 1971. [4] L. Halbeisen. A playful approach to Silver and Mathias forcing. Studies in Logic (London), 11:123142, 2007. [5] N. Hindman. Finite sums from sequences within cells of partition of N. Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A), 17:1–11, 1974. [6] P. Matet. Some filters of partitions. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 53:540– 553, 1988. [7] A.R.D. Mathias. Happy families. Annals of Mathematical logic, 12:59– 111, 1977. [8] F.P. Ramsey. On a problem of formal logic. London Mathematical Society, 30:264–286, 1930. [9] S. Shelah and O. Spinas. The distributivity numbers of finite products of P(ω)/fin. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 158:81–93, 1998.Aquesta tesi és una contribució a la teoria combinatria de conjunts, específcament a la teoria de Ramsey, que estudia les particions de conjunts infinits. El principi combinatori bàsic diu que per a tota partició del conjunt dels nombres naturals en un nombre finit de classes hi ha un conjunt infinit de nombres naturals que està inclòs en una de les classes. El teorema de Ramsey [6], que hom pot veure com una generalització d'aquest principi bàsic, tracta de les particions del conjunt [N]k de tots els subconjunts de k elements de nombres naturals. Afirma que, per a cada k >/=1 i cada partició de [N]k en un nombre finit de classes, existeix un subconjunt infinit de nombres naturals, M, tal que tots els subconjunts de k elements de M pertanyen a una mateixa classe. Els conjunts amb aquesta propietat són homogenis per a la partició. En [3], Neil Hindman va demostrar un resultat de tipus Ramsey que Graham i Rotschild havien conjecturat en [2]. El teorema de Hindman afirma que si el conjunt de nombres naturals es divideix en dues classes, almenys una d'aquestes classes conté un conjunt infinit tal que totes les sumes finites d'elements distints del conjunt pertanyen a la mateixa classe. La demostració original del Teorema de Hindman va ser simplificada per James Baumgartner en [1]. En aquesta tesi donem noves demostracions d'aquests dos teoremes, basades en la tècnica del forcing. Després, analitzem els ordres parcials corresponents i n'estudiem les propietats i la relació amb altres ordres coneguts semblants. L'ordre parcial emprat en la demostració del teorema de Ramsey és equivalent al forcing de Mathias, definit en [5]. L'ordre parcial que apareix en la prova del teorema de Hindman, que anomenem PFIN, serà l'objecte d'estudi principal de la tesi. En el primer capítol donem algunes definicions bàsiques i enunciem alguns teoremes coneguts que necessitarem més endavant. El segon capítol conté la demostració del teorema de Ramsey. Usant la tècnica del forcing, produïm un conjunt homogeni per a una partició donada. L'ordre parcial que utilitzem és equivalent al de Mathias. En el tercer capítol, modifiquem la demostració de Baumgartner del teorema de Hindman per definir un ordre parcial, que anomenem PC , a partir del qual, mitjançant arguments de forcing, obtenim el conjunt homogeni buscat. Aquí, C es un conjunt infinit de conjunts finits disjunts de nombres naturals, i PC afegeix una successió de conjunts finits de nombres naturals amb la propietat de que totes les unions finites de elements d'aquesta successió pertanyen al conjunt C . A partir d'aquesta successió és fàcil obtenir un conjunt homogeni per a la partició del teorema original de Hindman. L'ordre parcial PC és similar a l'ordre definit per Pierre Matet en [4] i també al forcing de Mathias. Per això, és natural preguntar-nos si aquests ordres són equivalents o no. En el quart capítol treballem amb un ordre parcial que és equivalent a PC i que anomenem PFIN. Mostrem que PFIN té les propietats següents: (1) A partir d'un filtre genèric per a PFIN obtenim una successió infinita de conjunts finits de nombres naturals. Com en el cas del real de Mathias, aquesta successi_o ens permet reconstruir tot el filtre genèric. (2) PFIN afegeix un real de Mathias, que és un "dominating real". Ara bé, si afegim un "dominating real" afegim també un "splitting real". Aquest fet ens permet concloure que PFIN no és equivalent al forcing de Matet, ja que el forcing de Matet no afegeix "splitting reals" (3) PFIN es pot veure com una iteració de dos ordres parcials, el primer dels quals és "sigma-closed" i el segon és "sigma-centered". (4) PFIN té la "pure decision property". (5) PFIN no afegeix reals de Cohen. En el cinquè capítol demostrem que PFIN afegeix un real de Matet i, finalment, que el forcing de Mathias no afegeix reals de Matet. Això és com demostrem que el forcing de Mathias i PFIN no són ordres equivalents. Al final del capítol donem una aplicació de PFIN. Demostrem que un cert ordre definit per Saharon Shelah en [7], que anomenem M2, és una projecció de PFIN. Això implica que si G és un filtre PFIN-genèric sobre V, l'extensió V [G] conté també un filtre genèric per a M2. L'ordre M2 és una mena de producte de dues cópies del forcing de Mathias. REFERÈNCIES [1] J.E. Baumgartner. A short proof of Hindman's theorem, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, 17: 384-386, (1974). [2] R.L. Graham and B.L. Rothschild. Ramsey's theorem for m-parameter sets, Transaction American Mathematical Society, 159: 257-292, (1971). [3] N. Hindman. Finite sums from sequences within cells of partitions of N, Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A), 17: 1-11, (1974). [4] P. Matet. Some _lters of partitions, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 53: 540-553, (1988). [5] A.R.D. Mathias. Happy families, Annals of Mathematical Logic, 12: 59-111, (1977). [6] F.P. Ramsey. On a problem of formal logic, London Mathematical Society, 30:264_D286, 1930. [7] S. Shelah and O. Spinas. The distributivity numbers of finite products of P(!)=fin, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 158:81_D93, 1998