93 research outputs found

    Random Walks on Stochastic Temporal Networks

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    In the study of dynamical processes on networks, there has been intense focus on network structure -- i.e., the arrangement of edges and their associated weights -- but the effects of the temporal patterns of edges remains poorly understood. In this chapter, we develop a mathematical framework for random walks on temporal networks using an approach that provides a compromise between abstract but unrealistic models and data-driven but non-mathematical approaches. To do this, we introduce a stochastic model for temporal networks in which we summarize the temporal and structural organization of a system using a matrix of waiting-time distributions. We show that random walks on stochastic temporal networks can be described exactly by an integro-differential master equation and derive an analytical expression for its asymptotic steady state. We also discuss how our work might be useful to help build centrality measures for temporal networks.Comment: Chapter in Temporal Networks (Petter Holme and Jari Saramaki editors). Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 2013. The book chapter contains minor corrections and modifications. This chapter is based on arXiv:1112.3324, which contains additional calculations and numerical simulation

    Simulating non-Markovian stochastic processes

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    We present a simple and general framework to simulate statistically correct realizations of a system of non-Markovian discrete stochastic processes. We give the exact analytical solution and a practical an efficient algorithm alike the Gillespie algorithm for Markovian processes, with the difference that now the occurrence rates of the events depend on the time elapsed since the event last took place. We use our non-Markovian generalized Gillespie stochastic simulation methodology to investigate the effects of non-exponential inter-event time distributions in the susceptible-infected-susceptible model of epidemic spreading. Strikingly, our results unveil the drastic effects that very subtle differences in the modeling of non-Markovian processes have on the global behavior of complex systems, with important implications for their understanding and prediction. We also assess our generalized Gillespie algorithm on a system of biochemical reactions with time delays. As compared to other existing methods, we find that the generalized Gillespie algorithm is the most general as it can be implemented very easily in cases, like for delays coupled to the evolution of the system, where other algorithms do not work or need adapted versions, less efficient in computational terms.Comment: Improvement of the algorithm, new results, and a major reorganization of the paper thanks to our coauthors L. Lafuerza and R. Tora

    Temporal Networks

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    A great variety of systems in nature, society and technology -- from the web of sexual contacts to the Internet, from the nervous system to power grids -- can be modeled as graphs of vertices coupled by edges. The network structure, describing how the graph is wired, helps us understand, predict and optimize the behavior of dynamical systems. In many cases, however, the edges are not continuously active. As an example, in networks of communication via email, text messages, or phone calls, edges represent sequences of instantaneous or practically instantaneous contacts. In some cases, edges are active for non-negligible periods of time: e.g., the proximity patterns of inpatients at hospitals can be represented by a graph where an edge between two individuals is on throughout the time they are at the same ward. Like network topology, the temporal structure of edge activations can affect dynamics of systems interacting through the network, from disease contagion on the network of patients to information diffusion over an e-mail network. In this review, we present the emergent field of temporal networks, and discuss methods for analyzing topological and temporal structure and models for elucidating their relation to the behavior of dynamical systems. In the light of traditional network theory, one can see this framework as moving the information of when things happen from the dynamical system on the network, to the network itself. Since fundamental properties, such as the transitivity of edges, do not necessarily hold in temporal networks, many of these methods need to be quite different from those for static networks

    A gillespie algorithm for non-markovian stochastic processes

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    The Gillespie algorithm provides statistically exact methods for simulating stochastic dynamics modeled as interacting sequences of discrete events including systems of biochemical reactions or earthquake occurrences, networks of queuing processes or spiking neurons, and epidemic and opinion formation processes on social networks. Empirically, the inter-event times of various phenomena obey long-tailed distributions. The Gillespie algorithm and its variants either assume Poisson processes (i.e., exponentially distributed inter-event times), use particular functions for time courses of the event rate, or work for non-Poissonian renewal processes, including the case of long-tailed distributions of inter-event times, but at a high computational cost. In the present study, we propose an innovative Gillespie algorithm for renewal processes on the basis of the Laplace transform. The algorithm makes use of the fact that a class of point processes is represented as a mixture of Poisson processes with different event rates. The method is applicable to multivariate renewal processes whose survival function of inter-event times is completely monotone. It is an exact algorithm and works faster than a recently proposed Gillespie algorithm for general renewal processes, which is exact only in the limit of infinitely many processes. We also propose a method to generate sequences of event times with a tunable amount of positive correlation between inter-event times. We demonstrate our algorithm with exact simulations of epidemic processes on networks, finding that a realistic amount of positive correlation in inter-event times only slightly affects the epidemic dynamics