10 research outputs found

    Combined Intuition and Rationality Increases Software Feature Novelty for Female Software Designers

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    Overcoming society's complex problems requires novel solutions. Applying different cognitive styles can promote novelty when designing software aimed at these problems. Through an experiment with 80 software design practitioners, we found that female practitioners who had a preference for more than one cognitive style (intuition and rationality) produced the most novel software features of all participants.Comment: IEEE Softwar

    When design never ends - a future scenario for product development

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    One of the foundations of product design is the separation of the design process and production (i.e. mass manufacturing). This separation manifests as designers going through a rigorous process aspiring to create fixed archetypes that are then replicated in the thousands or even millions. Today innovation and technological change are challenging this idea of a product design process that ends and hands over to manufacturing. The evolution of 3D Printing into Additive Manufacturing (AM) is challenging the notion of mass manufacture and consumer value. As AM advances in capability and capacity, the ability to economically manufacture products in low numbers with high degrees of personalisation poses questions of the accepted product development process. Removing the need for dedicated expensive tooling for mass manufacture also eliminates the cyclical timescales and commitment to fixed designs that investment in tooling demands. The ability to alter designs arbitrarily, frequently and responsively means that the traditional design process need not be applied and because of this, design processes and practice might be radically different in the future. In this paper, we explore this possible evolution by drawing parallels with the principles and development models found in software development

    When design never ends - a future scenario for product development

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    One of the foundations of product design is the division between production and design. This division manifests as designers aspiring to create fixed iconic archetypes and production replicates endlessly in thousands or millions. Today innovation and technological change are challenging this idea of product design and manufacturing. The evolution of Rapid Prototyping into Additive Manufacturing (AM), is challenging the notion of mass manufacture and consumer value. As AM advances in capability and capacity, the ability to economically manufacture products in low numbers with high degrees of personalisation poses questions of the accepted product development process. Removing the need for dedicated expensive tooling also eliminates the cyclical timescales and commitment to fixed designs that investment in tooling demands. The ability to alter designs arbitrarily, frequently and responsively means that the traditional design process need not be applied and because of this, design processes and practice might be radically different in the future. In this paper, we explore this possible evolution by drawing parallels with principles and development models found in software development

    Temporal Discounting in Software Engineering : A Replication Study

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    Background: Many decisions made in Software Engineering practices are intertemporal choices: trade-offs in time between closer options with potential short-term benefit and future options with potential long-term benefit. However, how software professionals make intertemporal decisions is not well understood. Aim: This paper investigates how shifting time frames influence preferences in software projects in relation to purposefully selected background factors. Method: We investigate temporal discounting by replicating a questionnaire-based observational study. The replication uses a changed-population and -experimenter design to increase the internal and external validity of the original results. Results: The results of this study confirm the occurrence of temporal discounting in samples of both professional and student participants from different countries and demonstrate strong variance in discounting between study participants. We found that professional experience influenced discounting. Participants with broader professional experience exhibited less discounting than those with narrower experience. Conclusions: The results provide strong empirical support for the relevance and importance of temporal discounting in SE and the urgency of targeted interdisciplinary research to explore the underlying mechanisms and their theoretical and practical implications. The results suggest that technical debt management could be improved by increasing the breadth of experience available for critical decisions with long-term impact. In addition, the present study provides a methodological basis for replicating temporal discounting studies in software engineering.Peer reviewe

    Desarrollo del método automático para la actualización de repositorios institucionales basados en DSpace

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    El principal objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar un módulo automático que actualice el código fuente en los repositorios institucionales en versiones End-of-life (EOL) de DSpace. Se hace especial énfasis en el diseño de scripting y utilización de paquetes GNU para adecuar las subrutinas a las necesidades de los desarrolladores. Asimismo, el propósito es demostrar las etapas que conlleva desarrollar el módulo y las ventajas de ejecutarlo, basado en los resultados de esta investigación. También, dicho módulo permite crear variantes o mejoras al código, ya que se encuentra bajo licenciamiento Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Esta iniciativa surge para mitigar los riesgos de ataques informáticos a las vulnerabilidades conocidas

    Essays on software vulnerability coordination

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    Software vulnerabilities are software bugs with security implications. Exposure to a security bug makes a software system behave in unexpected ways when the bug is exploited. As software vulnerabilities are thus a classical way to compromise a software system, these have long been coordinated in the global software industry in order to lessen the risks. This dissertation claims that the coordination occurs in a complex and open socio-technical system composed of decentralized software units and heterogeneous software agents, including not only software engineers but also other actors, from security specialists and software testers to attackers with malicious motives. Vulnerability disclosure is a classical example of the associated coordination; a security bug is made known to a software vendor by the discoverer of the bug, a third-party coordinator, or public media. The disclosure is then used to patch the bug. In addition to patching, the bug is typically archived to databases, cataloged and quantified for additional information, and communicated to users with a security advisory. Although commercial solutions have become increasingly important, the underlying coordination system is still governed by multiple stakeholders with vested interests. This governance has continued to result in different inefficiencies. Thus, this dissertation examines four themes: (i) disclosure of software vulnerabilities; (ii) coordination of these; (iii) evolution of these across time; and (iv) automation potential. The philosophical position is rooted in scientific realism and positivism, while regression analysis forms the kernel of the methodology. Based on these themes, the results indicate that (a) when vulnerability disclosure has worked, it has been relatively efficient; the obstacles have been social rather than technical in nature, originating from the diverging interests of the stakeholders who have different incentives. Furthermore, (b) the efficiency applies also to the coordination of different identifiers and classifications for the vulnerabilities disclosed. Longitudinally, (c) also the evolution of software vulnerabilities across time reflect distinct software and vulnerability life cycle models and the incentives underneath. Finally, (d) there is potential to improve the coordination efficiency through software automation

    Ein Modell zum Konzept Klarheit gewinnen und dessen Ursachen und Auswirkungen auf die Zusammenarbeit in selbstorganisierten Softwareentwicklungsteams

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    Hintergrund: Agile Softwareentwicklungsteams setzen Scrum unterschiedlich und individuell in der Praxis um. Anleitungen, Leitfäden und Handreichungen aus der Praxis und Forschung verlieren sich in den Details einzelner Werkzeuge,Faktoren oder Teile. Forschungsfrage: Was hält selbstorganisierte Softwareentwicklungsteams zusammen und fördert eine gute Zusammenarbeit? Methode: Es wurde mit Grounded-Theory-Methodologie nach Charmaz geforscht. Es wurden in 5 Scrum-Teams aus der Praxis intensiv Daten erhoben und weitere Interviews und Validierungen mit Expert_innen durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Es wurde ein Modell entwickelt, das als zentrales Konzept "Klarheit gewinnen" enthält. Erstmals werden bekannte und neue Erkenntnisse zu einem gemeinsamen Modell verbunden und erklären Grundlagen funktionierender Zusammenarbeit in agilen Softwareentwicklungsteams. Fazit: In der Validierung wird deutlich, dass agile Teams das Modell anwenden können, um ihre Zusammenarbeit zu analysieren und zu stärke

    Memoria del II Congreso Internacional en Inteligencia Ambiental, Ingeniería de Software y Salud Electrónica y Móvil – AmITIC 2018

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    El 2do Congreso Internacional en Inteligencia Ambiental, Ingeniería de Software y Salud Electrónica y Móvil – AmITIC 2018, es un evento de carácter anual que reúne a investigadores, docentes y estudiantes a través de la presentación de diversos proyectos e investigaciones que aportan a cada una de las líneas de investigación y necesidades de la sociedad. La organización de este evento internacional ha estado a cargo de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP), Centro Regional de Chiriquí, el Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Computacionales Emergentes - GITCE y la Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas Computacionales, con el apoyo financiero de la Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENACYT), que año tras año confía en la labor que desarrollamos en esta casa de estudio. David, Chiriquí, Rep. de Panamá 12 al 14 de septiembre de 2018El 2do Congreso Internacional en Inteligencia Ambiental, Ingeniería de Software y Salud Electrónica y Móvil – AmITIC 2018, es un evento de carácter anual que reúne a investigadores, docentes y estudiantes a través de la presentación de diversos proyectos e investigaciones que aportan a cada una de las líneas de investigación y necesidades de la sociedad. La organización de este evento internacional ha estado a cargo de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP), Centro Regional de Chiriquí, el Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Computacionales Emergentes - GITCE y la Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas Computacionales, con el apoyo financiero de la Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENACYT), que año tras año confía en la labor que desarrollamos en esta casa de estudio. David, Chiriquí, Rep. de Panamá 12 al 14 de septiembre de 201