15,385 research outputs found

    A conservative coupling algorithm between a compressible flow and a rigid body using an Embedded Boundary method

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    This paper deals with a new solid-fluid coupling algorithm between a rigid body and an unsteady compressible fluid flow, using an Embedded Boundary method. The coupling with a rigid body is a first step towards the coupling with a Discrete Element method. The flow is computed using a Finite Volume approach on a Cartesian grid. The expression of numerical fluxes does not affect the general coupling algorithm and we use a one-step high-order scheme proposed by Daru and Tenaud [Daru V,Tenaud C., J. Comput. Phys. 2004]. The Embedded Boundary method is used to integrate the presence of a solid boundary in the fluid. The coupling algorithm is totally explicit and ensures exact mass conservation and a balance of momentum and energy between the fluid and the solid. It is shown that the scheme preserves uniform movement of both fluid and solid and introduces no numerical boundary roughness. The effciency of the method is demonstrated on challenging one- and two-dimensional benchmarks

    A novel approach to rigid spheroid models in viscous flows using operator splitting methods

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    Calculating cost-effective solutions to particle dynamics in viscous flows is an important problem in many areas of industry and nature. We implement a second-order symmetric splitting method on the governing equations for a rigid spheroidal particle model with torques, drag and gravity. The method splits the operators into a vector field that is conservative and one that takes into account the forces of the fluid. Error analysis and numerical tests are performed on perturbed and stiff particle-fluid systems. For the perturbed case, the splitting method greatly improves the solution accuracy, when compared to a conventional multi-step method, and the global error behaves as O(εh2)\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon h^2) for roughly equal computational cost. For stiff systems, we show that the splitting method retains stability in regimes where conventional methods blow up. In addition, we show through numerical experiments that the global order is reduced from O(h2/ε)\mathcal{O}(h^2/\varepsilon) in the non-stiff regime to O(h)\mathcal{O}(h) in the stiff regime.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures (13 if you count sub figs), all figures are in colou

    A Moving Boundary Flux Stabilization Method for Cartesian Cut-Cell Grids using Directional Operator Splitting

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    An explicit moving boundary method for the numerical solution of time-dependent hyperbolic conservation laws on grids produced by the intersection of complex geometries with a regular Cartesian grid is presented. As it employs directional operator splitting, implementation of the scheme is rather straightforward. Extending the method for static walls from Klein et al., Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A367, no. 1907, 4559-4575 (2009), the scheme calculates fluxes needed for a conservative update of the near-wall cut-cells as linear combinations of standard fluxes from a one-dimensional extended stencil. Here the standard fluxes are those obtained without regard to the small sub-cell problem, and the linear combination weights involve detailed information regarding the cut-cell geometry. This linear combination of standard fluxes stabilizes the updates such that the time-step yielding marginal stability for arbitrarily small cut-cells is of the same order as that for regular cells. Moreover, it renders the approach compatible with a wide range of existing numerical flux-approximation methods. The scheme is extended here to time dependent rigid boundaries by reformulating the linear combination weights of the stabilizing flux stencil to account for the time dependence of cut-cell volume and interface area fractions. The two-dimensional tests discussed include advection in a channel oriented at an oblique angle to the Cartesian computational mesh, cylinders with circular and triangular cross-section passing through a stationary shock wave, a piston moving through an open-ended shock tube, and the flow around an oscillating NACA 0012 aerofoil profile.Comment: 30 pages, 27 figures, 3 table

    A Discrete Theory of Connections on Principal Bundles

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    Connections on principal bundles play a fundamental role in expressing the equations of motion for mechanical systems with symmetry in an intrinsic fashion. A discrete theory of connections on principal bundles is constructed by introducing the discrete analogue of the Atiyah sequence, with a connection corresponding to the choice of a splitting of the short exact sequence. Equivalent representations of a discrete connection are considered, and an extension of the pair groupoid composition, that takes into account the principal bundle structure, is introduced. Computational issues, such as the order of approximation, are also addressed. Discrete connections provide an intrinsic method for introducing coordinates on the reduced space for discrete mechanics, and provide the necessary discrete geometry to introduce more general discrete symmetry reduction. In addition, discrete analogues of the Levi-Civita connection, and its curvature, are introduced by using the machinery of discrete exterior calculus, and discrete connections.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figures. Fixed labels in figure

    Passivity-preserving splitting methods for rigid body systems

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    A rigid body model for the dynamics of a marine vessel, used in simulations of offshore pipe-lay operations, gives rise to a set of ordinary differential equations with controls. The system is input-output passive. We propose passivity-preserving splitting methods for the numerical solution of a class of problems which includes this system as a special case. We prove the passivity-preservation property for the splitting methods, and we investigate stability and energy behaviour in numerical experiments. Implementation is discussed in detail for a special case where the splitting gives rise to the subsequent integration of two completely integrable flows. The equations for the attitude are reformulated on SO(3)SO(3) using rotation matrices rather than local parametrizations with Euler angles.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures. To be published in 'Multibody System Dynamics

    A fluctuating boundary integral method for Brownian suspensions

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    We present a fluctuating boundary integral method (FBIM) for overdamped Brownian Dynamics (BD) of two-dimensional periodic suspensions of rigid particles of complex shape immersed in a Stokes fluid. We develop a novel approach for generating Brownian displacements that arise in response to the thermal fluctuations in the fluid. Our approach relies on a first-kind boundary integral formulation of a mobility problem in which a random surface velocity is prescribed on the particle surface, with zero mean and covariance proportional to the Green's function for Stokes flow (Stokeslet). This approach yields an algorithm that scales linearly in the number of particles for both deterministic and stochastic dynamics, handles particles of complex shape, achieves high order of accuracy, and can be generalized to three dimensions and other boundary conditions. We show that Brownian displacements generated by our method obey the discrete fluctuation-dissipation balance relation (DFDB). Based on a recently-developed Positively Split Ewald method [A. M. Fiore, F. Balboa Usabiaga, A. Donev and J. W. Swan, J. Chem. Phys., 146, 124116, 2017], near-field contributions to the Brownian displacements are efficiently approximated by iterative methods in real space, while far-field contributions are rapidly generated by fast Fourier-space methods based on fluctuating hydrodynamics. FBIM provides the key ingredient for time integration of the overdamped Langevin equations for Brownian suspensions of rigid particles. We demonstrate that FBIM obeys DFDB by performing equilibrium BD simulations of suspensions of starfish-shaped bodies using a random finite difference temporal integrator.Comment: Submitted to J. Comp. Phy