18 research outputs found

    Metaheuristic and Multiobjective Approaches for Space Allocation

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    This thesis presents an investigation on the application of metaheuristic techniques to tackle the space allocation problem in academic institutions. This is a combinatorial optimisation problem which refers to the distribution of the available room space among a set of entities (staff, research students, computer rooms, etc.) in such a way that the space is utilised as efficiently as possible and the additional constraints are satisfied as much as possible. The literature on the application of optimisation techniques to approach the problem mentioned above is scarce. This thesis provides a description and formulation of the problem. It also proposes and compares a range of heuristics for the initialisation of solutions and for neighbourhood exploration. Four well-known metaheuristics (iterative improvement, simulated annealing, tabu search and genetic algorithms) are adapted and tuned for their application to the problem investigated here. The performance of these techniques is assessed and benchmark results are obtained. Also, hybrid approaches are designed that produce sets of high quality and diverse solutions in much shorter time than those required by space administrators who construct solutions manually. The hybrid approaches are also adapted to tackle the space allocation problem from a two-objective perspective. It is also revealed that the use of aggregating functions or relaxed dominance to evaluate solutions in Pareto optimisation, can be more beneficial than the standard dominance relation to enhance the performance of some multiobjective optimisers in some problem domains. A range of single-solution metaheuristics are extended to create hybrid evolutionary approaches based on the scheme of cooperative local search. This scheme promotes the cooperation of a population of local searchers by means of mechanisms to share the information gained during the search. This thesis also reports the best results known so far for a set of test instances of the space allocation problem in academic institutions. This thesis pioneers the application of metaheuristics to solve the space allocation problem. The major contributions are: provides a formulation of the problem together with tests data sets, reports the best known results for these test instances, investigates the multiobjective nature of the problem and proposes a new form of hybridising metaheuristics

    Finding feasible timetables using group-based operators.

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    This paper describes the applicability of the so-called "grouping genetic algorithm" to a well-known version of the university course timetabling problem. We note that there are, in fact, various scaling up issues surrounding this sort of algorithm and, in particular, see that it behaves in quite different ways with different sized problem instances. As a by-product of these investigations, we introduce a method for measuring population diversities and distances between individuals with the grouping representation. We also look at how such an algorithm might be improved: first, through the introduction of a number of different fitness functions and, second, through the use of an additional stochastic local-search operator (making in effect a grouping memetic algorithm). In many cases, we notice that the best results are actually returned when the grouping genetic operators are removed altogether, thus highlighting many of the issues that are raised in the stud

    Metaheuristic and Multiobjective Approaches for Space Allocation

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    This thesis presents an investigation on the application of metaheuristic techniques to tackle the space allocation problem in academic institutions. This is a combinatorial optimisation problem which refers to the distribution of the available room space among a set of entities (staff, research students, computer rooms, etc.) in such a way that the space is utilised as efficiently as possible and the additional constraints are satisfied as much as possible. The literature on the application of optimisation techniques to approach the problem mentioned above is scarce. This thesis provides a description and formulation of the problem. It also proposes and compares a range of heuristics for the initialisation of solutions and for neighbourhood exploration. Four well-known metaheuristics (iterative improvement, simulated annealing, tabu search and genetic algorithms) are adapted and tuned for their application to the problem investigated here. The performance of these techniques is assessed and benchmark results are obtained. Also, hybrid approaches are designed that produce sets of high quality and diverse solutions in much shorter time than those required by space administrators who construct solutions manually. The hybrid approaches are also adapted to tackle the space allocation problem from a two-objective perspective. It is also revealed that the use of aggregating functions or relaxed dominance to evaluate solutions in Pareto optimisation, can be more beneficial than the standard dominance relation to enhance the performance of some multiobjective optimisers in some problem domains. A range of single-solution metaheuristics are extended to create hybrid evolutionary approaches based on the scheme of cooperative local search. This scheme promotes the cooperation of a population of local searchers by means of mechanisms to share the information gained during the search. This thesis also reports the best results known so far for a set of test instances of the space allocation problem in academic institutions. This thesis pioneers the application of metaheuristics to solve the space allocation problem. The major contributions are: provides a formulation of the problem together with tests data sets, reports the best known results for these test instances, investigates the multiobjective nature of the problem and proposes a new form of hybridising metaheuristics

    Adaptive Decision Support for Academic Course Scheduling Using Intelligent Software Agents

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    Academic course scheduling is a complex operation that requires the interaction between different users including instructors and course schedulers to satisfy conflicting constraints in an optimal manner. Traditionally, this problem has been addressed as a constraint satisfaction problem where the constraints are stationary over time. In this paper, we address academic course scheduling as a dynamic decision support problem using an agent-enabled adaptive decision support system. In this paper, we describe the Intelligent Agent Enabled Decision Support (IAEDS) system, which employs software agents to assist humans in making strategic decisions under dynamic and uncertain conditions. The IAEDS system has a layered architecture including different components such as a learning engine that uses historic data to improve decision-making and an intelligent applet base that provides graphical interface templates to users for frequently requested decision-making tasks. We illustrate an application of our IAEDS system where agents are used to make complex scheduling decisions in a dynamically changing environment

    Metaheuristics for university course timetabling.

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    The work presented in this thesis concerns the problem of timetabling at universities – particularly course-timetabling, and examines the various ways in which metaheuristic techniques might be applied to these sorts of problems. Using a popular benchmark version of a university course timetabling problem, we examine the implications of using a “twostaged” algorithmic approach, whereby in stage-one only the mandatory constraints areconsidered for satisfaction, with stage-two then being concerned with satisfying the remaining constraints but without re-breaking any of the mandatory constraints in the process. Consequently, algorithms for each stage of this approach are proposed and analysed in detail.For the first stage we examine the applicability of the so-called Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA). In our analysis of this algorithm we discover a number of scaling-upissues surrounding the general GGA approach and discuss various reasons as to why this is so. Two separate ways of enhancing general performance are also explored. Secondly, an Iterated Heuristic Search algorithm is also proposed for the same problem, and in experiments it is shown to outperform the GGA in almost all cases. Similar observations to these are also witnessed in a second set of experiments, where the analogous problem of colouring equipartite graphs is also considered.Two new metaheuristic algorithms are also proposed for the second stage of the twostaged approach: an evolutionary algorithm (with a number of new specialised evolutionaryoperators), and a simulated annealing-based approach. Detailed analyses of both algorithms are presented and reasons for their relative benefits and drawbacks are discussed.Finally, suggestions are also made as to how our best performing algorithms might be modified in order to deal with further “real-world” constraints. In our analyses of these modified algorithms, as well as witnessing promising behaviour in some cases, we are also able to highlight some of the limitations of the two-stage approach in certain cases

    A wide-ranging computational comparison of high-performance graph colouring algorithms

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    This paper reviews the current state of the literature surrounding methods for the general graph colouring problem and presents a broad comparison of six high-performance algorithms, each belonging to one of the main algorithmic schemes identified. Unlike many previous computational studies in graph colouring, a large range of both artificially generated and real-world graphs are considered, culminating in over 40,000 individual trials that have consumed more than a decade of computation time in total. The picture painted by the comparison is complex, with each method outperforming all others on at least one occasion; however, general patterns are also observed, particularly with regards to the advantages of hybridising local-search techniques with global-based operators

    Evolutionary multi-objective optimization in scheduling problems

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