337 research outputs found

    Renewal theory sleep time optimisation for scheduling events in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper addresses the problem of optimised decision making in scheduling non deterministic events for WSN nodes. Scheduling events for highly constrained WSN nodes with finite resources can significantly increase the lifetime of the network. Optimising the scheduling of events ensures that under any given constraint the network lifetime is maximised. The presented technique uses Renewal theory to formulate a stochastic decision making process. By observing network events, optimised decisions are made regarding node sleep times. This technique links the time a node spends in the sleep state to the rate of traffic throughput in the network making the process able to adapt to changes. The proposed technique also has the added advantage of using data available locally to a node thus minimising control overheads. It can be employed in both static and ad hoc networks, as well as for autonomous decision making in nodes that have to self configure. Finally, this policy driven technique exploits the heterogeneous nature of a typical WSN architecture by using less constrained nodes for formulating policies which can then be implemented in more constrained nodes. Theoretical and empirical results are presented

    On the performance, availability and energy consumption modelling of clustered IoT systems

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) form a large part of the ecosystem of the Internet of Things (IoT), hence they have numerous application domains with varying performance and availability requirements. Limited resources that include processing capability, queue capacity, and available energy in addition to frequent node and link failures degrade the performance and availability of these networks. In an attempt to efficiently utilise the limited resources and to maintain the reliable network with efficient data transmission; it is common to select a clustering approach, where a cluster head is selected among the diverse IoT devices. This study presents the stochastic performance as well as the energy evaluation model for WSNs that have both node and link failures. The model developed considers an integrated performance and availability approach. Various duty cycling schemes within the medium-access control of the WSNs are also considered to incorporate the impact of sleeping/idle states that are presented using analytical modeling. The results presented using the proposed analytical models show the effects of factors such as failures, various queue capacities and system scalability. The analytical results presented are in very good agreement with simulation results and also present an important fact that the proposed models are very useful for identification of thresholds between WSN system characteristics

    On the performance, availability and energy consumption modelling of clustered IoT systems

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) form a large part of the ecosystem of the Internet of Things (IoT), hence they have numerous application domains with varying performance and availability requirements. Limited resources that include processing capability, queue capacity, and available energy in addition to frequent node and link failures degrade the performance and availability of these networks. In an attempt to efficiently utilise the limited resources and to maintain the reliable network with efficient data transmission; it is common to select a clustering approach, where a cluster head is selected among the diverse IoT devices. This study presents the stochastic performance as well as the energy evaluation model for WSNs that have both node and link failures. The model developed considers an integrated performance and availability approach. Various duty cycling schemes within the medium-access control of the WSNs are also considered to incorporate the impact of sleeping/idle states that are presented using analytical modeling. The results presented using the proposed analytical models show the effects of factors such as failures, various queue capacities and system scalability. The analytical results presented are in very good agreement with simulation results and also present an important fact that the proposed models are very useful for identification of thresholds between WSN system characteristics

    A survey of IEEE 802.15.4 effective system parameters for wireless body sensor networks

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Moravejosharieh, Amirhossein, Lloret, Jaime. (2016). A survey of IEEE 802.15.4 effective system parameters for wireless body sensor networks.International Journal of Communication Systems, 29, 7, 1269-1292. DOI: 10.1002/dac.3098, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1002/dac.3098. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving[EN] Wireless body sensor networks are offered to meet the requirements of a diverse set of applications such as health-related and well-being applications. For instance, they are deployed to measure, fetch and collect human body vital signs. Such information could be further used for diagnosis and monitoring of medical conditions. IEEE 802.15.4 is arguably considered as a well-designed standard protocol to address the need for low-rate, low-power and low-cost wireless body sensor networks. Apart from the vast deployment of this technology, there are still some challenges and issues related to the performance of the medium access control (MAC) protocol of this standard that are required to be addressed. This paper comprises two main parts. In the first part, the survey has provided a thorough assessment of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol performance where its functionality is evaluated considering a range of effective system parameters, that is, some of the MAC and application parameters and the impact of mutual interference. The second part of this paper is about conducting a simulation study to determine the influence of varying values of the system parameters on IEEE 802.15.4 performance gains. More specifically, we explore the dependability level of IEEE 802.5.4 performance gains on a candidate set of system parameters. Finally, this paper highlights the tangible needs to conduct more investigations on particular aspect(s) of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Moravejosharieh, A.; Lloret, J. (2016). A survey of IEEE 802.15.4 effective system parameters for wireless body sensor networks. International Journal of Communication Systems. 29(7):1269-1292. https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.3098S12691292297Alrajeh, N. A., Lloret, J., & Canovas, A. (2014). A Framework for Obesity Control Using a Wireless Body Sensor Network. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 10(7), 534760. doi:10.1155/2014/534760Lopes I Silva B Rodrigues J Lloret J Proenca M A mobile health monitoring solution for weight control International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP) Nanjing / China 2011 1 5Singh, N., Singh, A. K., & Singh, V. K. (2015). Design and performance of wearable ultrawide band textile antenna for medical applications. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 57(7), 1553-1557. doi:10.1002/mop.29131Lan, K., Chou, C.-M., Wang, T., & Li, M.-W. (2012). Using body sensor networks for motion detection: a cluster-based approach for green radio. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 25(2), 199-216. doi:10.1002/ett.2559Lloret, J., Garcia, M., Catala, A., & Rodrigues, J. J. P. C. (2016). A group-based wireless body sensors network using energy harvesting for soccer team monitoring. International Journal of Sensor Networks, 21(4), 208. doi:10.1504/ijsnet.2016.079172Garcia M Catala A Lloret J Rodrigues J A wireless sensor network for soccer team monitoring International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems and Workshops (DCOSS) Barcelona / Spain 2011 1 6Penders J Gyselinckx B Vullers R De Nil M Nimmala V van de Molengraft J Yazicioglu F Torfs T Leonov V Merken P Van Hoof C Human++: from technology to emerging health monitoring concepts 5th International Summer School and Symposium ISSS-MDBS on Medical Devices and Biosensors Hong Kong 2008 94 98Penders J Van de Molengraft J. 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    Adaptive Data Aggregation for Shortest Geopath Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless sensor network is a network that contains many nodes in each nodes with limited power source and ability to send a sensing data to a cordinator node that called sink node. Every data that sent through network, will cost amount of energy for transmitting and draw energy each time a data transmitted from power soucve. To extend the network lifetime, we should optimize the data that transmitted. In this research author propose an adaptive method that using in network data aggregation with cluster and tested in SIDnet-SWANS. This method collecting the data at Cluster Head node before it forward to sink node rather than forwarding every data that arrive at cluster head to next hop. This method has better performance than other method, average energy left after 48 hours sensing is 17.23% and 78818.67 second to first node dead. This method giving more efficiency of energy use better than non-aggregation metho

    Traffic based energy consumption optimisation to improve the lifetime and performance of ad hoc wireless sensor networks

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    Ad hoc wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are formed from self-organising configurations of distributed, energy constrained, autonomous sensor nodes. The service lifetime of such sensor nodes depends on the power supply and the energy consumption, which is typically dominated by the communication subsystem. One of the key challenges in unlocking the potential of such data gathering sensor networks is conserving energy so as to maximize their post deployment active lifetime. This thesis described the research carried on the continual development of the novel energy efficient Optimised grids algorithm that increases the WSNs lifetime and improves on the QoS parameters yielding higher throughput, lower latency and jitter for next generation of WSNs. Based on the range and traffic relationship the novel Optimised grids algorithm provides a robust traffic dependent energy efficient grid size that minimises the cluster head energy consumption in each grid and balances the energy use throughout the network. Efficient spatial reusability allows the novel Optimised grids algorithm improves on network QoS parameters. The most important advantage of this model is that it can be applied to all one and two dimensional traffic scenarios where the traffic load may fluctuate due to sensor activities. During traffic fluctuations the novel Optimised grids algorithm can be used to re-optimise the wireless sensor network to bring further benefits in energy reduction and improvement in QoS parameters. As the idle energy becomes dominant at lower traffic loads, the new Sleep Optimised grids model incorporates the sleep energy and idle energy duty cycles that can be implemented to achieve further network lifetime gains in all wireless sensor network models. Another key advantage of the novel Optimised grids algorithm is that it can be implemented with existing energy saving protocols like GAF, LEACH, SMAC and TMAC to further enhance the network lifetimes and improve on QoS parameters. The novel Optimised grids algorithm does not interfere with these protocols, but creates an overlay to optimise the grids sizes and hence transmission range of wireless sensor nodes

    Co-conception contrôle / communication pour économiser l'énergie dans les systèmes commandés en réseau sans fil

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    Energy is a key resource in Networked Control Systems, in particular in applications concerning wireless networks. This thesis investigates how to save energy in wireless sensor nodes with control and communication co-Design. This thesis reviews existing techniques and approaches that are used to save energy from a communication and a control point of view. This review is organized according to the layered communication architecture covering from bottom to top the Physical, Data Link, Network, and Application layers. Then, from the conclusion that the radio chip is an important energy consumer, a joint radio-Mode management and feedback law policy is derived. The radio-Mode management exploits the capabilities of the radio chip to switch to low consuming radio-Modes to save energy, and to adapt the transmission power to the channel conditions. This results in an event-Based control scheme where the system runs open loop at certain time. A natural trade-Off appears between energy savings and control performance. The joint policy is derived in the framework of Optimal Control with the use of Dynamic Programming. This thesis solves the optimal problem in both infinite and finite horizon cases. Stability of the closed loop system is investigated with Input-To-State Stability framework. The main conclusion of this thesis, also shown in simulation, is that cross-Layer design in Networked Control System is essential to save energy in the wireless nodes.L'énergie est une ressource clé dans les systèmes commandés en réseau, en particulier dans les applications concernant les réseaux sans fil. Cette thèse étudie comment économiser l'énergie dans les capteurs sans fil avec une co-Conception contrôle et communication. Cette thèse examine les techniques et les approches existantes qui sont utilisées pour économiser l'énergie d'un point de vue de la communication et du contrôle. Cet étude est organisée selon une architecture de communication par couches couvrant de bas en haut les couches Physique, Liaison, Réseau, et Application. Puis, à partir de la conclusion que la puce radio est un important consommateur d'énergie, une loi conjointe de gestion des modes radio et de contrôle en boucle fermée est établie. La gestion des modes radio exploite les capacités de la puce radio à communter dans des modes de basses consommation pour économiser l'énergie, et d'adapter la puissance de transmission aux conditions du canal. Il en résulte un système de contrôle basé sur des événements où le système fonctionne en boucle ouverte à certains moments. Un compromis naturel apparaît entre l'économie d'énergie et les performances de contrôle. La loi conjointe est établie avec une formulation de contrôle optimal utilisant la Programmation Dynamique. Cette thèse résout le problème optimal dans les deux cas d'horizon infini et fini. La stabilité du système en boucle fermée est étudiée avec la formulation Input-To-State Stability (ISS). La principale conclusion de cette thèse, également illustrée dans la simulation, est que la conception à travers différentes couches dans les systèmes commandés en réseau est essentielle pour économiser l'énergie dans les noeuds sans fil

    Technologies to improve the performance of wireless sensor networks in high-traffic applications

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    The expansion of wireless sensor networks to advanced areas, including structure health monitoring, multimedia surveillance, and health care monitoring applications, has resulted in new and complex problems. Traditional sensor systems are designed and optimised for extremely low traffic loads. However, it has been witnessed that network performance drops rapidly with the higher traffic loads common in advanced applications. In this thesis, we examine the system characteristics and new system requirements of these advanced sensor network applications. Based on this analysis, we propose an improved architecture for wireless sensor systems to increase the network performance while maintaining compatibility with the essential WSN requirements: low power, low cost, and distributed scalability. We propose a modified architecture deriving from the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which is shown to significantly increase the network performance in applications generating increased data loads. This is achieved by introducing the possibility of independently allocating the sub-carriers in a distributed manner. As a result, the overall efficiency of the channel contention mechanism will be increased to deliver higher throughput with lower energy consumption. Additionally, we develop the concept of increasing the data transmission efficiency by adapting the spreading code length to the wireless environment. Such a modification will not only be able to deliver higher throughput but also maintain a reliable wireless link in the harsh RF environment. Finally, we propose the use of the battery recovery effect to increase the power efficiency of the system under heavy traffic load conditions. These three innovations minimise the contention window period while maximising the capacity of the available channel, which is shown to increase network performance in terms of energy efficiency, throughput and latency. The proposed system is shown to be backwards compatible and able to satisfy both traditional and advanced applications and is particularly suitable for deployment in harsh RF environments. Experiments and analytic techniques have been described and developed to produce performance metrics for all the proposed techniques

    Energy Efficient Channel Access Mechanism for IEEE 802.11ah based Networks

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    PhDIEEE 802.11ah is designed to support battery powered devices that are required to serve for several years in the Internet of Things networks. The Restricted Access Window (RAW) has been introduced in IEEE 802.11ah to address the scalability of thousands of densely deployed devices. As the RAW sizes entail the consumed energy to support the transmitting devices in the network, hence the control mechanism for RAW should be carefully devised for improving the overall energy e ciency of IEEE 802.11ah. This thesis presents a two-stage adaptive RAW scheme for IEEE 802.11ah to optimise the energy efficiency of massive channel access and transmission in the uplink communications for highly dense networks. The proposed scheme adaptively controls the RAW sizes and device transmission access by taking into account the number of devices per RAW, retransmission mechanism, harvested-energy and prioritised access. The scheme has four completely novel control blocks: RAW size control that adaptively adjusts the RAW sizes according to different number of devices and application types in the networks. RAW retransmission control that improves the channel utilisation by retransmitting the collided packets at the subsequent slot in the same RAW. Harvested-energy powered access control that adjusts the RAW sizes with the consideration of the uncertain amount of harvested-energy in each device and channel conditions. Priority-aware channel access control that reduces the collisions of high-priority packets in the time-critical networks. The performance of the proposed controls is evaluated in Matlab under different net work scenarios. Simulation results show that the proposed controls improve the network performances in terms of energy efficiency, packet delivery ratio and delay as compared to the existing window control

    Socio-economic aware data forwarding in mobile sensing networks and systems

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    The vision for smart sustainable cities is one whereby urban sensing is core to optimising city operation which in turn improves citizen contentment. Wireless Sensor Networks are envisioned to become pervasive form of data collection and analysis for smart cities but deployment of millions of inter-connected sensors in a city can be cost-prohibitive. Given the ubiquity and ever-increasing capabilities of sensor-rich mobile devices, Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Phones (WSN-MP) provide a highly flexible and ready-made wireless infrastructure for future smart cities. In a WSN-MP, mobile phones not only generate the sensing data but also relay the data using cellular communication or short range opportunistic communication. The largest challenge here is the efficient transmission of potentially huge volumes of sensor data over sometimes meagre or faulty communications networks in a cost-effective way. This thesis investigates distributed data forwarding schemes in three types of WSN-MP: WSN with mobile sinks (WSN-MS), WSN with mobile relays (WSN-HR) and Mobile Phone Sensing Systems (MPSS). For these dynamic WSN-MP, realistic models are established and distributed algorithms are developed for efficient network performance including data routing and forwarding, sensing rate control and and pricing. This thesis also considered realistic urban sensing issues such as economic incentivisation and demonstrates how social network and mobility awareness improves data transmission. Through simulations and real testbed experiments, it is shown that proposed algorithms perform better than state-of-the-art schemes.Open Acces