7,079 research outputs found

    Network reconstruction for trans acting genetic loci using multi-omics data and prior information

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    BACKGROUND: Molecular measurements of the genome, the transcriptome, and the epigenome, often termed multi-omics data, provide an in-depth view on biological systems and their integration is crucial for gaining insights in complex regulatory processes. These data can be used to explain disease related genetic variants by linking them to intermediate molecular traits (quantitative trait loci, QTL). Molecular networks regulating cellular processes leave footprints in QTL results as so-called trans-QTL hotspots. Reconstructing these networks is a complex endeavor and use of biological prior information can improve network inference. However, previous efforts were limited in the types of priors used or have only been applied to model systems. In this study, we reconstruct the regulatory networks underlying trans-QTL hotspots using human cohort data and data-driven prior information. METHODS: We devised a new strategy to integrate QTL with human population scale multi-omics data. State-of-the art network inference methods including BDgraph and glasso were applied to these data. Comprehensive prior information to guide network inference was manually curated from large-scale biological databases. The inference approach was extensively benchmarked using simulated data and cross-cohort replication analyses. Best performing methods were subsequently applied to real-world human cohort data. RESULTS: Our benchmarks showed that prior-based strategies outperform methods without prior information in simulated data and show better replication across datasets. Application of our approach to human cohort data highlighted two novel regulatory networks related to schizophrenia and lean body mass for which we generated novel functional hypotheses. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that existing biological knowledge can improve the integrative analysis of networks underlying trans associations and generate novel hypotheses about regulatory mechanisms

    Leveraging eco-evolutionary models for gene drive risk assessment

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    Engineered gene drives create potential for both widespread benefits and irreversible harms to ecosystems. CRISPR-based systems of allelic conversion have rapidly accelerated gene drive research across diverse taxa, putting field trials and their necessary risk assessments on the horizon. Dynamic processbased models provide flexible quantitative platforms to predict gene drive outcomes in the context of system-specific ecological and evolutionary features. Here, we synthesize gene drive dynamic modeling studies to highlight research trends, knowledge gaps, and emergent principles, organized around their genetic, demographic, spatial, environmental, and implementation features. We identify the phenomena that most significantly influence model predictions, discuss limitations of biological complexity and uncertainty, and provide insights to promote responsible development and model-assisted risk assessment of gene drives. Supplemental files attached belo

    Big data analytics:Computational intelligence techniques and application areas

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    Big Data has significant impact in developing functional smart cities and supporting modern societies. In this paper, we investigate the importance of Big Data in modern life and economy, and discuss challenges arising from Big Data utilization. Different computational intelligence techniques have been considered as tools for Big Data analytics. We also explore the powerful combination of Big Data and Computational Intelligence (CI) and identify a number of areas, where novel applications in real world smart city problems can be developed by utilizing these powerful tools and techniques. We present a case study for intelligent transportation in the context of a smart city, and a novel data modelling methodology based on a biologically inspired universal generative modelling approach called Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal State Machine (HSTSM). We further discuss various implications of policy, protection, valuation and commercialization related to Big Data, its applications and deployment

    Genome-scale bacterial transcriptional regulatory networks: reconstruction and integrated analysis with metabolic models

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    Advances in sequencing technology are resulting in the rapid emergence of large numbers of complete genome sequences. High throughput annotation and metabolic modeling of these genomes is now a reality. The high throughput reconstruction and analysis of genome-scale transcriptional regulatory networks represents the next frontier in microbial bioinformatics. The fruition of this next frontier will depend upon the integration of numerous data sources relating to mechanisms, components, and behavior of the transcriptional regulatory machinery, as well as the integration of the regulatory machinery into genome-scale cellular models. Here we review existing repositories for different types of transcriptional regulatory data, including expression data, transcription factor data, and binding site locations, and we explore how these data are being used for the reconstruction of new regulatory networks. From template network based methods to de novo reverse engineering from expression data, we discuss how regulatory networks can be reconstructed and integrated with metabolic models to improve model predictions and performance. Finally, we explore the impact these integrated models can have in simulating phenotypes, optimizing the production of compounds of interest or paving the way to a whole-cell model.J.P.F. acknowledges funding from [SFRH/BD/70824/2010] of the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) PhD program. The work was supported in part by the ERDF—European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness), National Funds through the FCT within projects [FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER015079] (ToMEGIM—Computational Tools for Metabolic Engineering using Genome-scale Integrated Models) and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER009707 (HeliSysBio—molecular Systems Biology in Helicobacter pylori), the U.S. Department of Energy under contract [DE-ACO2-06CH11357] and the National Science Foundation under [0850546]

    Systems Biology Knowledgebase for a New Era in Biology A Genomics:GTL Report from the May 2008 Workshop

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    Artificial intelligence for dementia drug discovery and trials optimization

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    Drug discovery and clinical trial design for dementia have historically been challenging. In part these challenges have arisen from patient heterogeneity, length of disease course, and the tractability of a target for the brain. Applying big data analytics and machine learning tools for drug discovery and utilizing them to inform successful clinical trial design has the potential to accelerate progress. Opportunities arise at multiple stages in the therapy pipeline and the growing availability of large medical data sets opens possibilities for big data analyses to answer key questions in clinical and therapeutic challenges. However, before this goal is reached, several challenges need to be overcome and only a multi-disciplinary approach can promote data-driven decision-making to its full potential. Herein we review the current state of machine learning applications to clinical trial design and drug discovery, while presenting opportunities and recommendations that can break down the barriers to implementation

    Artificial intelligence for dementia drug discovery and trials optimization

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    Drug discovery and clinical trial design for dementia have historically been challenging. In part these challenges have arisen from patient heterogeneity, length of disease course, and the tractability of a target for the brain. Applying big data analytics and machine learning tools for drug discovery and utilizing them to inform successful clinical trial design has the potential to accelerate progress. Opportunities arise at multiple stages in the therapy pipeline and the growing availability of large medical data sets opens possibilities for big data analyses to answer key questions in clinical and therapeutic challenges. However, before this goal is reached, several challenges need to be overcome and only a multi-disciplinary approach can promote data-driven decision-making to its full potential. Herein we review the current state of machine learning applications to clinical trial design and drug discovery, while presenting opportunities and recommendations that can break down the barriers to implementation

    Artificial intelligence for dementia drug discovery and trials optimization

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    Drug discovery and clinical trial design for dementia have historically been challenging. In part these challenges have arisen from patient heterogeneity, length of disease course, and the tractability of a target for the brain. Applying big data analytics and machine learning tools for drug discovery and utilizing them to inform successful clinical trial design has the potential to accelerate progress. Opportunities arise at multiple stages in the therapy pipeline and the growing availability of large medical data sets opens possibilities for big data analyses to answer key questions in clinical and therapeutic challenges. However, before this goal is reached, several challenges need to be overcome and only a multi‐disciplinary approach can promote data‐driven decision‐making to its full potential. Herein we review the current state of machine learning applications to clinical trial design and drug discovery, while presenting opportunities and recommendations that can break down the barriers to implementation

    Integrative Modeling of Transcriptional Regulation in Response to Autoimmune Desease Therapies

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    Die rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) und die Multiple Sklerose (MS) werden allgemein als Autoimmunkrankheiten eingestuft. Zur Behandlung dieser Krankheiten werden immunmodulatorische Medikamente eingesetzt, etwa TNF-alpha-Blocker (z.B. Etanercept) im Falle der RA und IFN-beta-Präparate (z.B. Betaferon und Avonex) im Falle der MS. Bis heute sind die molekularen Mechanismen dieser Therapien weitestgehend unbekannt. Zudem ist ihre Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit bei einigen Patienten unzureichend. In dieser Arbeit wurde die transkriptionelle Antwort im Blut von Patienten auf jede dieser drei Therapien untersucht, um die Wirkungsweise dieser Medikamente besser zu verstehen. Dabei wurden Methoden der Netzwerkinferenz eingesetzt, mit dem Ziel, die genregulatorischen Netzwerke (GRNs) der in ihrer Expression veränderten Gene zu rekonstruieren. Ausgangspunkt dieser Analysen war jeweils ein Genexpressions- Datensatz. Daraus wurden zunächst Gene gefiltert, die nach Therapiebeginn hoch- oder herunterreguliert sind. Anschließend wurden die genregulatorischen Regionen dieser Gene auf Transkriptionsfaktor-Bindestellen (TFBS) analysiert. Um schließlich GRN-Modelle abzuleiten, wurde ein neuer Netzwerkinferenz-Algorithmus (TILAR) verwendet. TILAR unterscheidet zwischen Genen und TF und beschreibt die regulatorischen Effekte zwischen diesen durch ein lineares Gleichungssystem. TILAR erlaubt dabei Vorwissen über Gen-TF- und TF-Gen-Interaktionen einzubeziehen. Im Ergebnis wurden komplexe Netzwerkstrukturen rekonstruiert, welche die regulatorischen Beziehungen zwischen den Genen beschreiben, die im Verlauf der Therapien differentiell exprimiert sind. Für die Etanercept-Therapie wurde ein Teilnetz gefunden, das Gene enthält, die niedrigere Expressionslevel bei RA-Patienten zeigen, die sehr gut auf das Medikament ansprechen. Die Analyse von GRNs kann somit zu einem besseren Verständnis Therapie-assoziierter Prozesse beitragen und transkriptionelle Unterschiede zwischen Patienten aufzeigen