2,324 research outputs found

    Institutional complexity is complexity with an adjective

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    A review of the studies on institutional complexity reveals that the many definitions of institutional complexity and related concepts share similarities with the understanding of complexity and complex systems of complexity science. Yet few publications on institutional complexity engage explicitly with complexity science. Most observers still confuse complicated and complex systems, for instance. Furthermore, the variety of definitions may create disarray regarding what institutional complexity and its related concepts are and what they imply. Highlighting the similarities between institutional complexity and complexity science in global governance, this think piece offers a conceptual and operational definition of institutional complexity using a complexity science lens. It highlights the attributes and properties of institutional complexity. It also presents the benefits of such an approach. Besides offering advantages in terms of concept clarification, this approach aims to engage theoretically, epistemologically, and methodologically with the complexity of global governance, as well as propose a way to answer remaining questions on this crucial topic

    Where does novelty come from? : transnational municipal networks in global climate governance

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    Au cours des dernières années, les villes ont investi la scène de la gouvernance climatique mondiale. Si elles s’y présentent parfois en leur nom propre, elles sont souvent représentées par les réseaux municipaux transnationaux (RMT). Les RMT forment des structures à l’intérieur desquelles les villes échangent de l’information et des bonnes pratiques et collaborent sur diverses problématiques urbaines. Ils sont aussi des acteurs promouvant les intérêts des villes au niveau mondial. Les chercheurs se sont intéressés à l’émergence des RMT, leurs fonctions et leurs effets. En ce qui concerne ces derniers, une certaine confusion règne quant à la capacité des RMT de générer de nouvelles pratiques de gouvernance et la manière dont ces pratiques émergent. Ce travail se focalise sur les instruments de gouvernance comme nouvelles pratiques des RMT. Les RMT créent ces instruments pour orienter le comportement de leurs villes membres. Ils en mettent en œuvre certains directement, mais en mettent d’autres à disposition des villes pour qu’elles les emploient. Constatant que tous les RMT ne génèrent pas autant de nouveaux instruments, ce travail pose la question suivante : pourquoi certains RMT génèrent-ils plus de nouveautés que d’autres? Pour répondre à cette question, un cadre théorique utilisant la théorie des réseaux et les approches sur les systèmes complexes est construit. Il perçoit les interactions comme étant la condition principale d’émergence de nouveaux instruments. Il emprunte aussi à la théorie des organisations pour étudier l’âge et les ressources organisationnelles des RMT comme possibles autres variables expliquant l’émergence de nouveaux instruments. Ce cadre théorique est testé par le biais d’une étude empirique des interactions et instruments de gouvernance dans un système de 15 RMT. Une analyse de réseaux sociaux et une analyse transversale montrent que la combinaison de la centralité, la diversité et l’âge expliquent les nouveaux instruments des RMT. Une analyse comparative du C40 et du 100RC souligne que lorsque ces variables sont absentes, la présence d’un entrepreneur de gouvernance et d’importantes ressources organisationnelles pourraient également encourager l’émergence de nouveaux instruments de gouvernance. Cette étude contribue aux travaux sur l’influence des RMT dans la gouvernance environnementale et climatique en montrant comment émergent de nouveaux instruments de gouvernance. En ce sens, elle répond à des considérations plus larges sur la nécessaire diversification des instruments permettant de gouverner les villes et les autres acteurs de la gouvernance climatique mondiale.In recent years, cities have become visible in the realm of global climate governance. While they sometimes talk in their own name, they are often represented by Transnational Municipal Networks (TMNs). TMNs are structures in which cities discuss and exchange information and good practices, and collaborate on a variety of urban issues. They can also be considered actors promoting the interests of cities at the global level. Scholars have looked at the emergence of TMNs, their functions, and their effects. There is some confusion regarding the latter, especially the capacity of TMNs to generate novel practices and the way in which these might emerge. This study focuses on governance instruments as novelties generated by TMNs. Considering the fact that not all TMNs generate novel instruments, it asks: why do some TMNs generate more novel governance instruments than others? To answer this question, this research uses a network and complex system framework, seeing interactions as the main enabling condition for the emergence of novel instruments. It also uses some insights from organisational theories to study TMN age and organisational resources as possible variables explaining the emergence of novelty. This study then conducts an empirical analysis on the interactions and governance tools emerging in a system comprising of 15 TMNs. A social network analysis and cross-case analysis show that the combination of centrality, diversity, and age explain TMN novel instruments. A comparative case study of C40 and 100RC underline that, in the absence of high centrality, diversity, and age scores, the presence of a governance entrepreneur and high organisational resources might also explain the rise of novel governance instruments. This research contributes to studies on the influence of TMNs in environmental and climate governance by showing how novel governance instruments emerge. Accordingly, it answers wider concerns about the need for a diversification of tools in order to govern cities as well as other transnational actors of global climate governance


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    Dewasa ini telekomunikasi seluler telah menjadi satu dengan kegiatan sehari-hari kita. Telekomunikasi seluler adalah metode komunikasi jarak jauh dengan menggunakan media elektromagnetik yang dibagi dalam bagian-bagian yang disebut sel. Isu-isu yang melatarbelakangi perencanaan dan perancangan Museum Telekomunikasi Seluler di Kota Surakarta, antara lain penggunaan perangkat seluler yang sangat besar di Indonesia; tingginya tingkat pembuangan perangkat seluler yang tidak digunakan tetapi masih layak pakai; ketidak pedulian masyarakat terhadap penggunaan perangkat seluler; perlunya wadah yang berperan sebagai media informasi masyarakat dan juga perawatan terhadap perangkat seluler; dan potensi Kota Surakarta sebagai lokasi museum yang dilihat dari sejarah, ekonomi, dan juga sosialnya terhadap telekomunikasi seluler. Persoalan desain yang timbul dari isu yang ada adalah bagaimana merencanakan museum sebagai wadah penyimpanan, perawatan, pameran, dan pendidikan teknologi telekomunikasi seluler di Kota Surakarta. Tujuan dari perancangan ini adalah mendapatkan desain bangunan museum sebagai wadah penyimpanan, perawatan, pameran, dan pendidikan teknologi telekomunikasi seluler di Kota Surakarta. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu desain museum sebagai wadah penyimpanan, perawatan, pameran, dan pendidikan teknologi telekomunikasi seluler yang dapat memberikan kontribusi tentang pemakaian dan pengolahan perangkat seluler yang tidak lagi digunakan secara luas tetapi masih layak pakai kepada masyarakat luas melalui fokus menarik perhatian masyarakat untuk berkunjung ke museum melalui desain estetika dan penataan museum yang menampilkan fitur-fitur dari teknologi seluler sebagai materi koleksi museum, dan juga pemberian wadah kegiatan pendukung yang berhubungan dengan teknologi seluler

    Effects of Anti-Nutritional Compounds in Pongamia Seedcake on Intake, Digestion, and Ruminal Fermentation in Beef Cattle

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    Effects of increasing levels of the anti-nutritional compounds karanjin and pongamol on intake, nutrient utilization and ruminal fermentation were evaluated with a growing diet (trial I) and a forage diet (trial II). Steers had ad libitum access to growing diet and Bermuda grass hay during trial 1 and trial 2, respectively. At the same time diets were fed, steers received their allocated doses of karanjin and pongamol via ruminal cannula to determine acceptable inclusion level of pongamia seedcakes containing varying levels of karanjin and pongamol, which are contained in the residual oil of commercially available pongamia seedcakes. Twelve steers in both studies were assigned to completely randomized block design consisting of a control (no karanjin and no pongamol) and one of 3 levels of karanjin and pongamol. Dosing increasing levels karanjin and pongamol linearly (P < 0.01) decreased intake in Trial 1. No significant effects (P ≥ 0.12) were observed for total DMD, OMD, NDFD, ADFD and CPD. Ruminal total VFA concentration and pH were not affected by inclusion levels (P = 0.19 and P = 0.51, respectfully). The lowest dose of karanjin and pongamol resulted in a greater (P < 0.01) molar proportion of propionate than other treatments, resulting in a reduction in acetate:propionate ratio (P = 0.02) for that treatment. Among all VFA molar concentration measurements, only isobutyrate exhibited a treatment × hour effect (P = 0.02). When a forage diet was fed (Trial 2) increasing levels of karanjin and pongamol dosing resulted in a quadratic decrease (P < 0.05) in intake of total DM, OM, NDF and ADF with the. Crude protein intake did not differ (P = 0.14) among treatments. There was no effect (P ≥ 0.22) among treatments on DMD, OMD, NDFD and ADFD. Total VFA concentration and ruminal pH were not affected by inclusion level (P = 0.59 and 0.72, respectively. Therefore, acetate:propionate ratio also had no treatment effect (P = 0.84). Increasing levels of karanjin and pongamol decrease intake, although digestibility is not impacted. Ruminal fermentation of steers fed with complete ration is slightly altered with karanjin and pongamol intake, however, none alteration was observed when steers were fed only Bermuda grass hay

    On Developing a Writing System for Michif

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    To date no satisfactory writing system exists for Michif, a bilingual mixed language deriving from Southern Plains Cree and Metis French. Michif differs phonologically from both Southern Plains Cree and to a lesser extent from Metis French. Differing local phonetic norms further complicate transcription. The various systems proposed before the present either derive from English, French, and/or Standard Cree and thus imperfectly fit Michif or else rely on phonetic notation, which excludes most nonspecialist readers, including native speakers. Additionally, diacriticals and phonetic symbols transmit badly on the internet, affecting web sites, email, and academic material. The system here is still under elaboration but is acrophonic and consistent. It addresses vowel length and nasalized vowels as well as liaison consonants, the treatment of schwa and its deletion, Cree vowel-deletion, and some adfixes

    Creating a Journal Through a Musical Journey

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    Music has always been an important part of my life. It has helped me through some extremely challenging times. Music has had a profound impact on my feelings, thoughts and moods. I seem to connect with it on a deeper level, which has helped me deal with personal issues that I have endured. Because of the help that I have received from music, based on my own life experiences, I feel that I needed to share this connection with others who may be struggling with life‟s uncertainties as well. Therefore, I will compile a collection of journal entries in which I will listen to different types of music for thirty days. I will reflect primarily on how the music has affected me including thoughts and feelings and memories. I will be sure to use as many different genres as possible in order to get a wide range of reactions. In order to reach out to other people and get feedback on my observations, I will transcribe my journal entries onto a personal web blog, where they can leave feedback and comments. I feel that my journal will be an extremely creative outlet for me and others because of the ability to reflect on the music and how it affects us on a more personal level

    Vigilante justice and civic development in 1850s San Francisco

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    The years between the American Revolution and the Civil War witnessed the prevalence of public disorder and social violence, especially in the expanding American West. In many instances, crowds took the law into their own hands and dealt summary vengeance on suspected criminals. This study delves into the political and legal climate of San Francisco in the 1850s to examine perhaps the most famous episodes of vigilantism in antebellum America; the San Francisco Vigilante Committees of 1851 and 1856. Through a careful contextualization and comparison of these committees, the thesis argues that the leaders of the respective committees believed that extralegal traditions seemed to be the best solution for securing law and order in the short run and for establishing a solid foundation for civic development. The thesis concludes with an examination of how future generations viewed these committees and their actions

    Kissing Dolores

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    In The Book of Dolores, a series of self-portraits in photography and drawings with accompanying text, William T. Vollmann pictures himself as a cross-dresser. He uses various techniques that emphasize the pictorial approach of photography, to create an uncanny icon of femininity. As an attempt to reach the other side, not just of gender, but of life, his negative prints in particular seem to reveal a ghostly presence.In TheBook of Dolores, una serie di autoritratti fotografici e disegnati e accompagnati da un testo scritto, William T. Vollmann si ritrae come un travestito. Utilizza diverse tecniche che enfatizzano l’approccio pittorialista alla fotografia per creare un’icona perturbante della femminilità. Tentativi di raggiungere l’altro lato, non solo del genere, ma anche della vita, i suoi negativi, in particolare, sembrano rivelare una presenza spettrale

    Impact des bibliothèques sur la réussite des étudiants - survol de la littérature récente

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    Dans les contextes budgétaires difficiles actuels, les bibliothèques peuvent avoir à démontrer leur pertinence auprès de leurs établissements. La plupart des bibliothécaires sont convaincus que les bibliothèques ont un impact positif sur la réussite des étudiants, mais comment le démontrer aux décideurs des établissements, à l’aide de données qui leur parlent ? Domnique Papin (Université du Québec) présente ici une analyse du rôle de la bibliothèque dans la réussite des étudiants, à travers un recensement des publications récentes à ce sujet faisant ressortir plusieurs corrélations (utilisation des ressources, formations... ). Les articles publiés depuis 2010 ont été favorisés, mais les documents plus anciens ayant été cités régulièrement sont également considérés. Cette étude est à consulter sur Tribunes informationnelles (https://tribuneci.wordpress.com/2016/01/12/impact-des-bibliotheques-sur-la-reussite-des-etudiants-survol-de-la-litterature-recente/), afin de vérifier les dernières mises à jour
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