2,961 research outputs found

    Multi-impurity adsorption model for modeling crystal purity and shape evolution during crystallization processes in impure media

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial support provided by the European Research Council Grant No. [280106-CrySys] is gratefully acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Measurement, modelling, and closed-loop control of crystal shape distribution: Literature review and future perspectives

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    Crystal morphology is known to be of great importance to the end-use properties of crystal products, and to affect down-stream processing such as filtration and drying. However, it has been previously regarded as too challenging to achieve automatic closed-loop control. Previous work has focused on controlling the crystal size distribution, where the size of a crystal is often defined as the diameter of a sphere that has the same volume as the crystal. This paper reviews the new advances in morphological population balance models for modelling and simulating the crystal shape distribution (CShD), measuring and estimating crystal facet growth kinetics, and two- and three-dimensional imaging for on-line characterisation of the crystal morphology and CShD. A framework is presented that integrates the various components to achieve the ultimate objective of model-based closed-loop control of the CShD. The knowledge gaps and challenges that require further research are also identified

    On the use of process analytical technologies and population balance equations for the estimation of crystallization kinetics. A case study.

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    International audienceThe batch cooling solution crystallization of ammonium oxalate was performed in water at various constant cooling rates. Measurements of the solute concentration were obtained using in situ attenuated total reflectance fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, and final estimates of the crystal size distribution (CSD) were computed; thanks to in situ image acquisition and off-line image analysis. The crystallization process was then simulated using population balance equations (PBEs). Estimates of the nucleation and the growth parameters were computed through model/experiments fitting. According to the cooling rate, the PBE model allowed distinguishing between two distinct crystallization regimes, separated by an "intermediate regime." The respective contributions and shortcomings of solute concentration measurements and granulometric data to the identification of nucleation and growth kinetic parameters are analyzed and discussed. It is shown in particular that no real separate estimation of nucleation and growth parameters can be obtained in the absence of CSD data

    Application of process analytical technology (PAT) tools for the better understanding and control of the crystallization of polymorphic and impure systems

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    This work presents a comprehensive study on the application of PAT tools to study, monitor and control polymorphism during batch cooling crystallization processes. For the first time, the same techniques were used to control and adjust polymorphic purity of the solid phase but also to investigate the relation between chemical equilibrium in solution and polymorphic outcome of cooling crystallization. Crystallization is an important unit operation used as separation and purification technique. It is widely employed in the pharmaceutical, chemical, agrochemical, food and cosmetics industries but also in the electronic, metallurgic and material industries. More than 90% of the APIs on the market are produced by crystallization, therefore, monitoring and control this process is fundamental to ensure the quality of the final product. The implementation of process analytical technology (PAT) tools during the development stage of APIs has largely helped in better understanding and optimizing both batch and, more recently, continuous crystallization. Polymorphism is the capacity of a compound to crystallize in more than one different crystalline structure, which can have different properties such as density, melting point, bioavailability and solubility. The choice of solvent, pH, kinetic conditions and presence of impurities has very strong effect on the polymorphic outcome of a cooling crystallization in solution. Understanding this phenomenon as well as being able to monitor and control it during industrial crystallization is one the biggest challenges for pharmaceutical industries

    Graphical processing unit (GPU) acceleration for numerical solution of population balance models using high resolution finite volume algorithm

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    © 2016 Elsevier LtdPopulation balance modeling is a widely used approach to describe crystallization processes. It can be extended to multivariate cases where more internal coordinates i.e., particle properties such as multiple characteristic sizes, composition, purity, etc. can be used. The current study presents highly efficient fully discretized parallel implementation of the high resolution finite volume technique implemented on graphical processing units (GPUs) for the solution of single- and multi-dimensional population balance models (PBMs). The proposed GPU-PBM is implemented using CUDA C++ code for GPU calculations and provides a generic Matlab interface for easy application for scientific computing. The case studies demonstrate that the code running on the GPU is between 2–40 times faster than the compiled C++ code and 50–250 times faster than the standard MatLab implementation. This significant improvement in computational time enables the application of model-based control approaches in real time even in case of multidimensional population balance models

    Modeling, optimization, and sensitivity analysis of a continuous multi-segment crystallizer for production of active pharmaceutical ingredients

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    We have investigated the simulation-based, steady-state optimization of a new type of crystallizer for the production of pharmaceuticals. The multi-segment, multi-addition plug-flow crystallizer (MSMA-PFC) offers better control over supersaturation in one dimension compared to a batch or stirred-tank crystallizer. Through use of a population balance framework, we have written the governing model equations of population balance and mass balance on the crystallizer segments. The solution of these equations was accomplished through either the method of moments or the finite volume method. The goal was to optimize the performance of the crystallizer with respect to certain quantities, such as maximizing the mean crystal size, minimizing the coefficient of variation, or minimizing the sum of the squared errors when attempting to hit a target distribution. Such optimizations are all highly nonconvex, necessitating the use of the genetic algorithm. Our results for the optimization of a process for crystallizing flufenamic acid showed improvement in crystal size over prior literature results. Through the use of a novel simultaneous design and control (SDC) methodology, we have further optimized the flowrates and crystallizer geometry in tandem.^ We have further investigated the robustness of this process and observe significant sensitivity to error in antisolvent flowrate, as well as the kinetic parameters of crystallization. We have lastly performed a parametric study on the use of the MSMA-PFC for in-situ dissolution of fine crystals back into solution. Fine crystals are a known processing difficulty in drug manufacture, thus motivating the development of a process that can eliminate them efficiently. Prior results for cooling crystallization indicated this to be possible. However, our results show little to no dissolution is used after optimizing the crystallizer, indicating the negative impact of adding pure solvent to the process (reduced concentration via dilution, and decreased residence time) outweighs the positive benefits of dissolving fines. The prior results for cooling crystallization did not possess this coupling between flowrate, residence time, and concentration, thus making fines dissolution significantly more beneficial for that process. We conclude that the success observed in hitting the target distribution has more to do with using multiple segments and having finer control over supersaturation than with the ability to go below solubility. Our results showed that excessive nucleation still overwhelms the MSMA-PFC for in-situ fines dissolution when nucleation is too high

    Improving continuous crystallisation using process analytical technologies: design of a novel periodic flow process

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    In this thesis novel configurations and operating strategies in the mixed suspension mixed product removal (MSMPR) crystalliser are investigated, aided by integrated process analytical technologies (PAT) and crystallisation informatics system (CryPRINS) tools. The MSMPR is an idealised crystalliser model that assumes: steady-state operation; well mixed suspension with no product classification, such that all volume elements contain a mixture of particles (small and large) and crystal size distribution (CSD) that is independent of location in the crystalliser and is identical of the product withdrawn; and uniform supersaturation thought, leading to constant nucleation and growth rates. Single-stage MSMPR designs with continuous recycle/recirculation and modified heat exchanger were investigated and found to minimise fouling, encrustation and transfer line blockages. In particular, a modified MSMPR with baffled heat exchanger was found to significantly reduce the temperature between incoming feed hot feed solution and the cooled crystalliser, leading to a significant reduction in fouling, encrustation and blockages. In addition, the concept of the periodic mixed suspension mixed product removal (PMSMPR) crystallisation process is demonstrated for the first time viz single- and multi-stage cascaded operations. This method of operation involves the periodic transfer of slurry (addition and withdrawal) at high flow rates from either a single stirred vessel or between a number of stirred vessels arranged in series. The PMSMPR is therefore characterised by periodic withdrawals of product slurry. Similar to the MSMPR, the product withdrawn from a PMSMPR has exactly the same composition as the vessel at the time of removal. The rapid withdrawal of slurry at high flow rates in PMSMPR operation leads to the prevention of particle sedimentation and blockage of transfer lines. The transfer of slurry (to/from) the PMSMPR is followed by a holding (or pause) period when no addition or withdrawal of slurry takes place. The holding period extends the mean residence time of the PMSMPR relative to a typical MSMPR, thereby increasing the yield and productivity of crystallisation as more time is allowed for consumption of available supersaturation viz crystal growth and nucleation. A state of controlled operation (SCO) in the periodic flow process, defined as a state of the system that maintains itself despite regular, but controlled disruptions was characterised using the PAT tools and CryPRINS within an intelligent decision support (IDS) framework. The crystallisation of paracetamol (PCM) from isopropyl alcohol (IPA) using different configurations of a single-stage continuous MSMPR crystalliser that incorporated continuous recycle and recirculation loop, and a novel design with baffled heat exchanger was investigated. Crystallisations of PCM-IPA carried out in the MSMPR without heat exchanger suffered from severe fouling, encrustation and blockage problems due to the high level of supersaturation (S = 1.39) in the crystalliser, which was required for the initial burst of nucleation to generate enough particles for later growth, as well as the large temperature difference between the incoming feed (45 oC) and the crystalliser (10 oC). Using the modified MSMPR design with baffled heat exchanger, the challenges of fouling, encrustation and blockage were significantly reduced due to the rapid lowering of the feed stream temperature prior to entering the crystalliser. In addition, the closed loop system led to conservation of material, which is a great benefit since large amounts of materials would otherwise be required if the MSMPR was operated with continuous product removal. This design is great for research purposes, in particular, to investigate process design and optimisation. Continuous crystallisation of PCM in the presence of hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) additive was investigated in the modified MSMPR design with heat exchanger. HPMC was found to improve the crystallisation performance, leading to complete avoidance of fouling, encrustation and blockages at a concentration of 0.05 wt%. However, the yield of crystallisation was significantly reduced (28.0 %) compared to a control experiment (98.8 %, biased due to fouling/encrustation) performed without additive addition. Regardless, the productivity of crystallisation was more than four times that achieved in batch linear cooling (LC) (0.62 0.86 g/L-min) and batch automated dynamic nucleation control (ADNC) (0.24 0.25 g/L-min) runs. Aspects of the periodic flow crystallisation of single- and multi-component (co-crystals) molecular systems have also been examined to demonstrate the concept of state of controlled operation . The single component systems studied were PCM and glycine (GLY), each representative of compounds with slow and fast growth kinetics, respectively. The co-crystal systems investigated were urea-barbituric acid (UBA) and p Toluenesulfonamide-Triphenylphosphine oxide (p-TSA-TPPO). UBA is a polymorphic co-crystal system with three known forms (I, II and III). Form I UBA was successfully isolated in a three-stage periodic flow PMSMPR crystalliser. This study demonstrates the capability of periodic flow crystallisation for isolation of a desired polymorph from a mixture. p-TSA-TPPO exists in two known stoichiometric co-crystal forms, 1:1 and 3:2 mole ratio p-TSA-TPPO, respectively. The two crystalline forms exhibit solution mediated transformation, which proves to be a difficulty for separation. For this study, the implementation of temperature cycles in batch and flow control in semi-batch and periodic PMSMPR crystallisers were investigated to isolate pure 1:1 and 3:2 p-TSA-TPPO, respectively. Different regions of the ternary diagram of p-TSA, TPPO and acetonitrile (MeCN) were investigated. The desired co-crystal form was isolated all crystallisation platforms investigated. However, greater consistency was observed in the semi-batch and PMSMPR operations respectively. Periodic flow crystallisation in PMSMPR is a promising alternative to conventional continuous MSMPR operation, affording greater degrees of freedom operation, slightly narrower RTD profiles, consistent product crystal quality (size, shape and distribution), longer mean residence times, higher yield and productivity and significant reduction in fouling, encrustation and transfer line blockages over prolonged operating periods. Furthermore, the PMSMPR is a versatile platform that can be used to investigate a range of different molecular systems. Relative to batch operation, the PMSMPR can operate close to equilibrium, however, this is dependent on the system kinetics. In addition, retrofitting of batch crystallisers to operate as PMSMPRS fairly simple and require only subtle changes to the existing design space. The integrated array of PAT sensors consisted of attenuated total reflectance ultra violet/visible spectroscopy (ATR-UV/vis), attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM), particle vision microscopy (PVM) and Raman spectroscopy. The results from the studies reported here illustrate very well the use of PAT and information system tools together to determine when the continuous and periodic MSMPR operations reaches a steady-state or state of controlled operation (i.e. periodic steady-state). These tools provided a better understanding of the variables and operating procedures that influence the two types of operations

    Multi-impurity adsorption model for modeling crystal purity and shape evolution during crystallization processes in impure media

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    © 2015 American Chemical Society. The impurity effect on the crystal properties, such as particle size and shape distribution, is significant, having significant impact on the downstream processes as well as on the product effectiveness. Currently very few studies exist that provide a quantitative model to describe crystal purity resulting from crystallization processes in impure media, and none to take into account the simultaneous effect of multiple impurities. Hence, the understanding of the effect of multiple impurities on crystallization process is important in order to obtain the desired product properties. Batch crystallization of potassium dihydrogen phosphate from aqueous solution in the presence of impurities was investigated experimentally by using an online particle vision and measurement tool with real-time image analysis. A mathematical model to describe the crystal purity and aspect ratio is proposed based on a morphological population balance equation including primary nucleation, growth of characteristic faces and multisite, competitive adsorption of impurities. The model parameters were identified and validated using crystallization experiments in mixtures of two impurities with variable composition. The developed and validated model can be an efficient tool for the investigation of crystallization processes in impure media with multiple impurities. The model can also serve as an effective tool for process and product design or optimization
