4 research outputs found

    Faster Mutation Analysis via Equivalence Modulo States

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    Mutation analysis has many applications, such as asserting the quality of test suites and localizing faults. One important bottleneck of mutation analysis is scalability. The latest work explores the possibility of reducing the redundant execution via split-stream execution. However, split-stream execution is only able to remove redundant execution before the first mutated statement. In this paper we try to also reduce some of the redundant execution after the execution of the first mutated statement. We observe that, although many mutated statements are not equivalent, the execution result of those mutated statements may still be equivalent to the result of the original statement. In other words, the statements are equivalent modulo the current state. In this paper we propose a fast mutation analysis approach, AccMut. AccMut automatically detects the equivalence modulo states among a statement and its mutations, then groups the statements into equivalence classes modulo states, and uses only one process to represent each class. In this way, we can significantly reduce the number of split processes. Our experiments show that our approach can further accelerate mutation analysis on top of split-stream execution with a speedup of 2.56x on average.Comment: Submitted to conferenc

    Directed Test Program Generation for JIT Compiler Bug Localization

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    Bug localization techniques for Just-in-Time (JIT) compilers are based on analyzing the execution behaviors of the target JIT compiler on a set of test programs generated for this purpose; characteristics of these test inputs can significantly impact the accuracy of bug localization. However, current approaches for automatic test program generation do not work well for bug localization in JIT compilers. This paper proposes a novel technique for automatic test program generation for JIT compiler bug localization that is based on two key insights: (1) the generated test programs should contain both passing inputs (which do not trigger the bug) and failing inputs (which trigger the bug); and (2) the passing inputs should be as similar as possible to the initial seed input, while the failing programs should be as different as possible from it. We use a structural analysis of the seed program to determine which parts of the code should be mutated for each of the passing and failing cases. Experiments using a prototype implementation indicate that test inputs generated using our approach result in significantly improved bug localization results than existing approaches

    Threats to the validity of mutation-based test assessment

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    Much research on software testing and test techniques relies on experimental studies based on mutation testing. In this paper we reveal that such studies are vulnerable to a potential threat to validity, leading to possible Type I errors; incorrectly rejecting the Null Hypothesis. Our findings indicate that Type I errors occur, for arbitrary experiments that fail to take countermeasures, approximately 62% of the time. Clearly, a Type I error would potentially compromise any scientific conclusion. We show that the problem derives from such studies’ combined use of both subsuming and subsumed mutants. We collected articles published in the last two years at three leading software engineering conferences. Of those that use mutation-based test assessment, we found that 68% are vulnerable to this threat to validity

    Mutation Testing Advances: An Analysis and Survey

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