1,262 research outputs found

    Numerical Investigations of the Thermal State of Overhead Lines and Underground Cables in Distribution Networks

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    As part of extensive activities on the reduction of CO2 emissions, a rapid expansion of power generation using new more fuel efficient technologies (large, medium and embedded scale with combined heat and power (CHP) projects) and renewable energy (wind, biomass, solar PV) is currently taking place in numerous European countries, including the UK. The research presented in this thesis is a part of a UK government funded project, which aims to find answers to how to accommodate increased renewable energy into the distribution network. Current ratings, which are limited by the temperature of the conductors used in the distribution network, are based on worst case scenario conditions and are conservative. The temperature limits can be lifted if one takes into consideration the dynamic changes in the surrounding environmental conditions of the conductors. Implementation of real-time thermal rating of existing power systems could result in greater installed capacities of distributed generation (DG). This research aims to provide new insights into the thermal state of overhead line conductors (OHL) and underground cables (UGC) by using Computational Fluid Dynamic methods. An algorithm consists of building the geometry of the calculation domain, meshing, choosing a model, inputting initial conditions, initiation of the calculation, and analysing results. A part of the UK power system was chosen by Scottish Power Energy Networks for monitoring essential data of OHL conductors in order to validate results of the temperatures of the conductors

    A study on deformation of tunnels excavated in fractured rocks

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    La déformation due au fluage d'un massif rocheux autour d'un tunnel a été rencontrée fréquemment. Ce phénomène est évident où il y a des tunnels creusés dans la roche tendre, des masses rocheuses faible et fortement cisaillées, ou des massifs rocheux soumis à des contraintes in-situ élevées. La déformation due au fluage se produit fréquemment au moment d’excavation des tunnels longs où il y a des failles et des zones fracturées et cisaillées. Ce phénomène peut causer différents dommages sur des systèmes de soutènement en raison de la déformation excessive et des effondrements. La déformation excessive impose une ré-excavation de la section du tunnel, qui monte le coût supplémentaire, la durée de la réalisation du projet et le risque de la sécurité sur le projet. En plus, comme la stabilité de terrain est dans un état critique durant la ré-excavation, une petite négligence peut conduire à une grande caverne. Bien que la déformation de fluage est commune dans un massif rocheux à une faible résistance dans un tunnel très profond, mais ce phénomène a été observé dans des tunnels peu profonds. Une bonne compréhension des déformations causées par une excavation souterraine requiert la connaissance de l'interaction roche-support et l'interprétation des données de terrain. Auparavant, l’objet principal de la surveillance effectuée durant la construction du tunnel était des mesures de la pression au terrain imposé sur le revêtement du tunnel. Mais aujourd’hui, les méthodes modernes de construction de tunnel se concentrent sur la surveillance des déplacements pendant et après la construction. Afin de déterminer des déformations dans les tunnels, Panet et Sulem ont supposé que "Le tunnel a une section transversale circulaire et le milieu est homogène et isotrope, aussi le tunnel est suffisamment profond pour considérer que la distribution des contraintes est homogène". Mais dans le cas quasi réel, la distribution de la contrainte autour du tunnel est hétérogène et anisotrope. Dans cette étude, pour la modification des équations Panet et Sulem, certaines équations sont proposées en cas de matériau hétérogène et anisotrope pour généraliser le problème. La galerie de force motrice Seymareh a été considérée comme l’étude de cas. Celle-ci est une partie du conduit d’eau dans le projet de centrale électrique du barrage Seymareh. Ce projet est situé à l'ouest de l'Iran. Les données de surveillance de la galerie de force motrice sont collectées au moment de l’excavation du tunnel, et sont comparées avec les résultats de la modélisation numérique et de la solution analytique. Cette comparaison montre que les résultats des données expérimentales obtenues par la surveillance sont très proches des résultats de la solution analytique, mais il y a une différence entre les deux et la modélisation numérique. Il était prévisible, car l’effet d’autres activités comme l’excavation des tunnels verticaux n’est pas prise en compte dans l’analyse numérique et aussi dans la solution analytique. Il est évident que les autres activités comme l’excavation des tunnels verticaux et l'excavation du tunnel principal vers deux directions opposées, peuvent affecter sur les résultats de la surveillance. D'autre part, les données initiales utilisées dans l'analyse numérique et la solution analytique ne sont pas tout à fait exactes, car elles sont obtenues en tant que représentatives du massif rocheux de la région, mais pas pour une section particulière. Toutefois, le but de cette étude est le développement d'une solution analytique de la déformation dans les tunnels sur les conditions générales et la poursuite de cette étude pourra être plus développée.The creep deformation of a rock mass around a tunnel has been encountered frequently. It is particularly common in tunnels excavated in soft rock, heavily sheared weak rock masses or rock masses subjected to high in-situ stresses. Creep deformation in fault and shear fractured zones are one of the frequently encountered difficulties in long tunnel construction, which tend to cause failure of supporting systems due to excessive deformation and cavern. Excessive deformation would necessitate re-mining of the tunnel cross section, thus imposing impacts such as extra cost, extended time schedule and safety risk on the project. Furthermore, as the ground stability is in critical condition during re-mining, the slightest negligence would lead to major cavern. Although creep deformation is common to extremely poor rock mass under high overburden in a tunnel alignment, but however this phenomenon is not limited to tunnels with high overburden. A good understanding of the deformations caused by an underground excavation requires simultaneously knowledge of the rock-support interaction and interpretation of field data. Formerly, the main purpose of the monitoring carried out during tunnel construction was to measure the ground pressures acting on the tunnel lining. Modern tunneling practice emphasizes the monitoring of the displacements occurring during and after the construction. Panet and Sulem for determining of deformations in tunnels have assumed that "The tunnel has a circular cross section and around the tunnel, the rock is homogeneous and isotropic and also the tunnel is deep enough to consider that the stress distribution is homogenous". But in almost real cases, the stresses distribution around the tunnel is not homogeneous and isotropic. In this study, for modification of the Panet and Sulem equations, some equations are proposed in case of nonhomogeneous and anisotropic for generalizing of the problem. Seymareh power tunnel which is considered as a case study is a part of the powerhouse waterways system of the Seymareh dam and hydroelectric power plant project. The project is located in west of Iran. The monitoring data of power tunnel which are collected during excavation of tunnel is compared with the results of numerical modelling and analytical solution results as well as. The results obtained from comparison show although the field data, which are collected through the monitoring, are very close to the analytical solution results (approximately), but there is a significant difference between both of them and numerical modelling results. It was predictable; because the influence of the other activities such as excavation of shaft and surge tank in the numerical analysis and also analytical solution are not considered. It is obvious that other activities such as excavation of shaft and surge tank and also excavation of mean tunnel from other direction which were under operation at the same time can effect on the results of monitoring. On the other hand, the initial data which are used in numerical analysis and analytical solution are not quite accurate; because they are extracted as a representative of the rock mass of region, not for a particular section. However the goal of this study is development of analytical solution of deformation in tunnels on general conditions and pursuit of the study could be leaded to more development in this field

    Development of a finite volume method for elastic materials and fluid-solid coupled applications

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    This thesis presents the development of a parallel finite volume numerical method to analyse thermoelastic and hyperelastic materials and applied problems with mutual interaction between a fluid and a structure. The solid problem follows a cell-centred finite volume formulation for three-dimensional unstructured grids under the same framework that is frequently devoted to computational fluid dynamics. Second-order accurate schemes are used to discretise both in time and space. A direct implicit time integration promotes numerical stability when facing vibration and quasi-static scenarios. The geometrical non-linearities, encountered with the large displacements of both Saint Venant-Kirchhoff and neo-Hookean models, are tackled by means of an updated Lagrangian approach. Verification of the method is conducted with canonical cases which involve: static equilibrium, thermal stress, vibration, structural damping, large deformations, nearly incompressible materials and high memory usage. Significant savings in computation time are achieved owing to the acceleration strategies implemented within the system resolution, namely a segregated algorithm with Aitken relaxation and a block-coupled system arrangement. The similarities between the block-coupled method and the displacement-based finite element method, with regards to the matrix form of the resulting equations, allow for including Rayleigh viscous damping within a finite volume solver. The program for structures is to be coupled with the in-house fluid numerical models in order to produce a unified fluid-structure interaction platform, where an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach is used to solve the flow in a conforming grid. As a first step, the method for incompressible Newtonian fluids is adapted to deal with structure-coupled problems. To do so, the Lagrangian-Eulerian version of the Navier-Stokes equations is presented, and automatic moving mesh techniques are developed. These techniques are designed to mitigate the mesh quality deterioration and to satisfy the space conservation law. Besides, a semi-implicit coupling algorithm, which only implicitly couples the fluid pressure term to the structure, is implemented. As a result, numerical stability for strongly coupled phenomena at a reduced computational cost is obtained. These new tools are tested on an applied case, consisting of the turbulent flow through self-actuated flexible valves. Finally, a pioneering coupled numerical model for the thermal and structural analysis of packed-bed thermocline storage tanks is developed. This thermal accumulation system for concentrated solar power plants has attracted the attention of the industry due to the economic advantage compared to the usual two-tank system. Dynamic coupling among the thermoelastic equations for the tank shell and the numerical models for all other relevant elements of the system is considered. After validating the model with experimental results, the commercial viability of the thermocline concept, regarding energetic effectiveness and structural reliability, is evaluated under real operating conditions of the power plants.Esta tesis presenta el desarrollo de un método numérico paralelo basado en volúmenes finitos para analizar materiales termoelásticos e hiperelásticos y problemas con una interacción mutua entre un fluido y una estructura. El problema del sólido sigue una formulación de volúmenes finitos centrada en las celdas para mallas no-estructuradas tridimensionales, bajo el mismo marco que se suele emplear en la dinámica de fluidos computacional. Se utilizan esquemas de segundo orden de precisión para discretizar el tiempo y el espacio. Una integración temporal directa implícita asegura estabilidad numérica al afrontar escenarios casi-estáticos o de vibración. Las no linealidades, que aparecen con los amplios desplazamientos de los modelos de Saint Venant-Kirchhoff y de neo-Hookean, son abordadas con un enfoque Lagrangiano actualizado. La verificación del método se realiza a través de casos canónicos que involucran: equilibrio estático, tensiones térmicas, vibración, amortiguación estructural, grandes deformaciones, materiales casi incompresibles y altos requerimientos de memoria. Se registra un ahorro significativo en el tiempo de cálculo gracias a las estrategias de aceleración implementadas dentro de la resolución del sistema, principalmente un algoritmo segregado con relajación Aitken y una disposición acoplada en bloques del sistema. Las similitudes entre este método acoplado en bloques y el método de los elementos finitos basados en el desplazamiento, con respecto a la forma matricial de las ecuaciones resultantes, permiten incluir la amortiguación viscosa tipo Rayleigh dentro de un solucionador de volúmenes finitos. El programa para estructuras se acoplará con los modelos numéricos internos para fluidos con el objetivo de generar una plataforma unificada de interacción fluido-estructura, donde se usa un enfoque arbitrario Lagrangiano-Euleriano sobre una malla conforme para resolver el fluido. Como primer paso, el método para flujos incompresibles Newtonianos se adapta para lidiar con problemas acoplados a una estructura. Para ello, se presenta la versión Lagrangiana-Euleriana de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes y se desarrollan técnicas automáticas de movimiento de malla. El diseño de estas técnicas se centra en mitigar el deterioro de la calidad de la malla y satisfacer la ley de conservación del espacio. Además, se implementa un algoritmo de acoplamiento semi-implícito, que sólo acopla implícitamente el término fluido de presión a la estructura. Como resultado, se obtiene estabilidad numérica para fenómenos fuertemente acoplados a un coste computacional reducido. Estas nuevas herramientas se prueban en un caso aplicado, que consiste el flujo turbulento a través de válvulas flexibles autoactivadas. Finalmente, se desarrolla un modelo numérico acoplado pionero para analizar estructuralmente y térmicamente los tanques termoclina de almacenamiento térmico. Este sistema de acumulación para centrales termosolares ha atraído la atención de la industria debido al ahorro económico comparado con el sistema de doble tanque habitual. Se tiene en cuenta el acoplamiento dinámico entre las ecuaciones gobernantes de la pared del tanque y las de todos los elementos relevantes del sistema. Tras validar el modelo con datos experimentales, se evalúa la viabilidad comercial de estos tanques, en cuanto a rendimiento energético y fiabilidad estructural, bajo condiciones reales de operación de las centrales.Postprint (published version

    Fractal Analysis

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    Fractal analysis is becoming more and more common in all walks of life. This includes biomedical engineering, steganography and art. Writing one book on all these topics is a very difficult task. For this reason, this book covers only selected topics. Interested readers will find in this book the topics of image compression, groundwater quality, establishing the downscaling and spatio-temporal scale conversion models of NDVI, modelling and optimization of 3T fractional nonlinear generalized magneto-thermoelastic multi-material, algebraic fractals in steganography, strain induced microstructures in metals and much more. The book will definitely be of interest to scientists dealing with fractal analysis, as well as biomedical engineers or IT engineers. I encourage you to view individual chapters

    Earthquakes: from chemical alteration to mechanical rupture

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    In the standard rebound theory of earthquakes, elastic deformation energy is progressively stored in the crust until a threshold is reached at which it is suddenly released in an earthquake. We review three important paradoxes, the strain paradox, the stress paradox and the heat flow paradox, that are difficult to account for in this picture, either individually or when taken together. Resolutions of these paradoxes usually call for additional assumptions on the nature of the rupture process (such as novel modes of deformations and ruptures) prior to and/or during an earthquake, on the nature of the fault and on the effect of trapped fluids within the crust at seismogenic depths. We review the evidence for the essential importance of water and its interaction with the modes of deformations. Water is usually seen to have mainly the mechanical effect of decreasing the normal lithostatic stress in the fault core on one hand and to weaken rock materials via hydrolytic weakening and stress corrosion on the other hand. We also review the evidences that water plays a major role in the alteration of minerals subjected to finite strains into other structures in out-of-equilibrium conditions. This suggests novel exciting routes to understand what is an earthquake, that requires to develop a truly multidisciplinary approach involving mineral chemistry, geology, rupture mechanics and statistical physics.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figures, submitted to Physics Report

    Structural optimization in steel structures, algorithms and applications

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    Experimental and Novel Analytic Results for Couplings in Ordered Submicroscopic Systems: from Optomechanics to Thermomechanics

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    Theoretical modelling of challenging multiscale problems arising in complex (and sometimes bioinspired) solids are presented. Such activities are supported by analytical, numerical and experimental studies. For instance, this is the case for studying the response of hierarchical and nano-composites, nanostructured solid/semi-fluid membranes, polymeric nanocomposites, to electromagnetic, mechanical, thermal, and sometimes biological, electrical, and chemical agents. Such actions are notoriously important for sensors, polymeric films, artificial muscles, cell membranes, metamaterials, hierarchical composite interfaces and other novel class of materials. The main purpose of this project is to make significant advancements in the study of such composites, with a focus on the electromagnetic and mechanical performances of the mentioned structures, with particular regards to novel concept devices for sensing. These latter ones have been studied with different configuration, from 3D colloidal to 2D quasi-hemispherical micro voids elastomeric grating as strain sensors. Exhibited time-rate dependent behavior and structural phenomena induced by the nano/micro-structure and their adaptation to the applied actions, have been explored. Such, and similar, ordered submicroscopic systems undergoing thermal and mechanical stimuli often exhibit an anomalous response. Indeed, they neither follow Fourier’s law for heat transport nor their mechanical time-dependent behavior exhibiting classical hereditariness. Such features are known both for natural and artificial materials, such as bone, lipid membranes, metallic and polymeric “spongy” composites (like foams) and many others. Strong efforts have been made in the last years to scale-up the thermal, mechanical and micro-fluidic properties of such solids, to the extent of understanding their effective bulk and interface features. The analysis of the physical grounds highlighted above has led to findings that allow the describing of those materials’ effective characteristics through their fractional-order response. Fractional-order frameworks have also been employed in analyzing heat transfer to the extent of generalizing the classical Fourier and Cattaneo transport equations and also for studying consolidation phenomenon. Overall, the research outcomes have fulfilled all the research objectives of this thesis thanks to the strong interconnection between several disciplines, ranging from mechanics to physics, from structural health monitoring to chemistry, both from an analytical and numerical point of view to the experimental one

    Proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress

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    Published proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress, hosted by York University, 27-30 May 2018

    Experimental Evaluation of a Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor for Mining Application

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    Triggered remote seismic events have been widely studied in the earthquake engineering context where various possible explanations have been provided, including directivity of dynamic stresses, a critically stressed environment, the presence of hydrothermal geological environments at remote distances, and so on. Similar events have been observed in underground mining regions; however, they have rarely been studied in terms of the underlying mechanisms such as the presence of faults of marginal stability, increases in the stress gradient between mined out regions as a result of connective fractures, unclamping effect on geological features such as dikes or joint swarms, and so on. This research was triggered in part by the hypothesis that remote seismic events in mines could be triggered when gravity-driven displacements are transferred to distances far from active mining (10’s to 100’s of metres). Accordingly, the thesis focuses on experimental research on a novel deformation sensing sensor for future verification of this assumption. A secondary focus is mathematical modeling to help understand the deformation mechanisms and magnitudes that may take place in a jointed rock mass. Distributed Brillouin sensing systems (DBSs) have found growing applications in engineering and are attracting attention in the field of underground structures including mining. The capability for continuous measurements of strain over large distances makes DBSs a promising monitoring approach for understanding deformation field evolution within a rock mass, particularly when the sensor is installed away from “excavation damaged zones” (EDZ). A purpose-built fiber optic sensing cable, a vital component of DBSs, was assessed in laboratory conditions to establish the capability and limitations of this technology to monitor deformation fields over large distances. A test program was performed to observe DBSs response to various perturbations including axial and shear strain resulting from joint movements. These tests included assessments of the strain-free cable response and the application of extensional and lateral displacement to various sensing cable lengths (strained lengths from 1 m down to 1 cm). Furthermore, tests were done to evaluate the time-dependent behavior of the cable and to observe the effect of strain transfer using a soft host material (i.e., a soft grout) under lateral displacement. The noise level of the DBSs range was ±77 µε, determined through repeated measurements on an unstrained cable. Stretching test results showed a linear correlation between the applied strain and the Brillouin frequency shift change for all strained lengths above half the spatial resolution of the DBSs. However, for strained lengths shorter than half the spatial resolution, no strain response was measurable and this is due to the applied internal signal processing of the DBSs to detect peak Brillouin gain spectrum and noise level. The stability with time of the measurements was excellent for test periods up to 15 hours. Lateral displacement test results showed a less consistent response compared to extension tests for a given applied displacement. The Brillouin frequency shift change is linearly correlated with the applied displacement in tension but it shows a parabolic variation with lateral displacement. Moreover, the registered frequency response (correlated with strain) of the system decreased significantly when the sensing cable was embedded in a sand-filled tube compared with direct cable displacement. A comprehensive laboratory scale testing program was undertaken to study the response of the system to different loading paths in time and space domains. Purely extensional displacement fields were applied to demonstrate that the system could produce repeatable displacement responses for three different configurations of distributed strained patterns. A borehole installation method was developed by testing the sensing cable’s response while embedded in mortar beams. When the cable is directly embedded in the mortar, uncontrolled self-debonding happens that introduces uncertainties in the measurements. This limitation was overcome by anchoring debonded sections of the sensing cable at regular spacing. This arrangement produced consistent strain patterns for each strained interval. It was shown that the performance of the debonded sections changes for longer anchor spacing and for closely spaced joints where more than one joint crosses the debonded interval. The influence of borehole diameter and strength of the filling material were evaluated for their possible effects on the strain transfer process to the sensing cable. With the anchored arrangement of debonded cables, these properties of the grout did not have a measurable effect on the results, and as long as the tensile strength of the grout is low enough to break at the joint locations, the strain transfer performance from the rockmass to the sensing cable was excellent. A study was devoted to understanding such a deformation monitoring system under various shear displacement conditions. These included the difference in response of the system in direct shear compared to tests performed in direct tension. The system response was evaluated for various strained lengths as well as distances over which the bending strains are acting (kink lengths). The latter was found to be an important factor influencing monitoring results. In addition, the system behavior under shear displacement where the sensor is inclined with respect to the joint strike was evaluated to understand the effect of a combined extension and shear displacement. The effect of the existence of two joints over the strained lengths was assessed in both direct and inclined shear. A new relation was established between the registered Brillouin frequency shift change and all contributing components of deformation when the sensor is elongated while under shear displacement. The testing program shows that Distributed Brillouin Sensing (DBS) technology has promise for detecting deformations over long distances. Not only strain localization occurring at pre-existing discontinuities or at developing cracks can be detected by this sensor, but also strain levels well below the typical damage initiation threshold (~0.1%) for hard brittle rocks are above the basic noise level of the system. However, the sensing element is quite fragile when under shear displacement and can easily break at small shear displacements. Therefore, it is better to have an idea of the dominant deformation mechanism in the rock mass before the installation of the sensor. The sensor would be much more durable where the rock mass experiences less shearing. Mathematical simulations of a 2D rock mass were carried out using the distinct element method. Two major parameters including interlocking degree and pre-existing conditions such as mined-out zones at higher levels were studied. Different rock mass models with varying block sizes, joint set orientations, and joint persistency were built to study the effect of interlock on the displacement pattern away from mining. In general, displacement as large as 5 cm could travel distances as far as 500 m away from the active mining zone. The exact displacement pattern is largely controlled by the characteristics of the joints sets. However, the transfer of large displacements was limited to distances of the size of the mining boundary, where rock mass interlocking promote arching. Furthermore, with non-persistent joint sets, a few shear slip events were noticed at higher levels whereas more remote joints did not show slip. All slip events were close to the mining boundary. Remote shear slip events, could not be generated by changing parameters representing the degree of interlock in the rock mass. When a backfilled old mine was added to the middle height of the model, some 500 m away from active mining, results showed that a large number of joints around the old mining zone slipped due to displacements induced by the distant deeper mining. It was found that the pre-existing excavation and the mine extraction strategy is a critical factor for providing conditions under which such slip events at remote distances occur from active mining
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