9 research outputs found

    Positive emotional reactions to loved names

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    This is a non-reviewed, non-corrected version. It doesn't include figures. The final version of the manuscript can be consulted at DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13363Studies concerning personal attachment have successfully used loved familiar faces to prompt positive affective and physiological reactions. On the other hand, the processing of emotional words has been associated with a pattern of peripheral and central physiological responses equivalent to those found with affective pictures. The objective of this study was to assess whether the passive viewing of loved names would produce a pattern of subjective and physiological reactivity similar to that produced by the passive viewing of loved faces. The results showed that compared to neutral (unknown) and famous names, loved names produced a biphasic pattern of heart rate deceleration-acceleration, heightened skin conductance and zygomaticus muscle activity, inhibition of corrugator muscle activity, and potentiation of the startle reflex response. This pattern of physiological responses was accompanied by subjective reports of higher positive affect and arousal for loved names than for neutral and famous ones. These findings highlight not only the similarity but also the differences between the affective processing of identity recognition by loved faces and names

    Identifying One self with the Face of Someone Else Impairs the Egocentered Visuo-spatial Mechanisms: A New Double Mirror Paradigm to Study Self-Other Distinction and Interaction

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    Looking at our face in a mirror is one of the strongest phenomenological experiences of the Self in which we need to identify the face as reflected in the mirror as belonging to us. Recent behavioral and neuroimaging studies reported that self-face identification not only relies upon visual-mnemonic representation of ones own face but also upon continuous updating and integration of visuo-tactile signals. Therefore, bodily self-consciousness plays a major role in self-face identification, with respect to interplay between unisensory and multisensory processing. However, if previous studies demonstrated that the integration of multisensory body-related signals contributes to the visual processing of ones own face, there is so far no data regarding how self-face identification, inversely, contributes to bodily self-consciousness. In the present study, we tested whether selfother face identification impacts either the egocentered or heterocentered visuo-spatial mechanisms that are core processes of bodily self-consciousness and sustain selfother distinction. For that, we developed a new paradigm, named Double Mirror. This paradigm, consisting of a semi-transparent double mirror and computer-controlled Light Emitting Diodes, elicits selfother face merging illusory effect in ecologically more valid conditions, i.e., when participants are physically facing each other and interacting. Self-face identification was manipulated by exposing pairs of participants to an Interpersonal Visual Stimulation in which the reflection of their faces merged in the mirror. Participants simultaneously performed visuo-spatial and mental own-body transformation tasks centered on their own face (egocentered) or the face of their partner (heterocentered) in the pre- and post-stimulation phase. We show that selfother face identification altered the egocentered visuo-spatial mechanisms. Heterocentered coding was preserved. Our data suggest that changes in self-face identification induced a bottom-up conflict between the current visual representation and the stored mnemonic representation of ones own face which, in turn, top-down impacted bodily self-consciousness

    Psychedelics, meditation, and self-consciousness

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    In recent years, the scientific study of meditation and psychedelic drugs has seen remarkable developments. The increased focus on meditation in cognitive neuroscience has led to a cross-cultural classification of standard meditation styles validated by functional and structural neuroanatomical data. Meanwhile, the renaissance of psychedelic research has shed light on the neurophysiology of altered states of consciousness induced by classical psychedelics, such as psilocybin and LSD, whose effects are mainly mediated by agonism of serotonin receptors. Few attempts have been made at bridging these two domains of inquiry, despite intriguing evidence of overlap between the phenomenology and neurophysiology of meditation practice and psychedelic states. In particular, many contemplative traditions explicitly aim at dissolving the sense of self by eliciting altered states of consciousness through meditation, while classical psychedelics are known to produce significant disruptions of self-consciousness, a phenomenon known as drug-induced ego dissolution. In this article, we discuss available evidence regarding convergences and differences between phenomenological and neurophysiological data on meditation practice and psychedelic drug-induced states, with a particular emphasis on alterations of self-experience. While both meditation and psychedelics may disrupt self-consciousness and underlying neural processes, we emphasize that neither meditation nor psychedelic states can be conceived as simple, uniform categories. Moreover, we suggest that there are important phenomenological differences even between conscious states described as experiences of self-loss. As a result, we propose that self-consciousness may be best construed as a multidimensional construct, and that “self-loss,” far from being an unequivocal phenomenon, can take several forms. Indeed, various aspects of self-consciousness, including narrative aspects linked to autobiographical memory, self-related thoughts and mental time travel, and embodied aspects rooted in multisensory processes, may be differently affected by psychedelics and meditation practices. Finally, we consider long-term outcomes of experiences of self-loss induced by meditation and psychedelics on individual traits and prosocial behavior. We call for caution regarding the problematic conflation of temporary states of self-loss with “selflessness” as a behavioral or social trait, although there is preliminary evidence that correlations between short-term experiences of self-loss and long-term trait alterations may exist

    Investigating emerging self-awareness : its neural underpinnings, the significance of self-recognition, and the relationship with social interactions

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    Up until now, self-recognition in the mirror, achieved at around 18 months, has been used to assess self-awareness in infancy. Even though the significance of this test is not universally accepted, this field has progressed very little over the last decades, in contrast to a broad volume of literature on the self in adults. However, a relationship between self-other differentiation and social cognitive abilities has been recently hypothesized, renewing the interest in mechanisms underlying emerging self-awareness. Adult studies have highlighted that brain networks, instead of isolated brain areas, support self-processing. Therefore, the first two studies of this thesis validated the use of advanced connectivity analyses on infant fNIRS data. Making use of these methods, one study demonstrated that functional connectivity between regions belonging to a network that has been related to abstract self-processing in adults gradually increases over the first two years of life. The same network was found to characterise infants who recognise themselves in the mirror. In another study, crucial regions of this network were shown to be engaged during self-recognition in 18-month-olds. As social interactions have been suggested to be fundamental for the construction of the self, the last two studies of this thesis investigated the relationship between emerging self-awareness and social interactions. To test this, I focused on mimicry, known to play an important role in affiliation and in mediating relationships. One study demonstrated that emerging selfawareness may affect infants’ tendency to selectively mimic in-group members, which may indicate a possible role of self-comparison and identification processes. The last study did not find evidence for a relationship between mothers’ tendency to imitate their infants at 4 months and emerging selfawareness. Taken together, these studies enrich our understanding of the mechanisms underlying emerging self-awareness and they represent a pioneering starting point for further investigations into this topic


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    HUBUNGAN ANTARA SUARA BATIN (INNER VOICE) NEGATIF DAN PENERIMAAN DIRI PADA WARIA DI KOTA MAKASSAR Vitha Melzy Desius ([email protected]) Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi ([email protected]) Farradillah Firdaus ([email protected]) Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Negeri Makassar Jl. AP Pettarani Makassar, 90222 ABSTRAK Suara batin (inner voice) negatif yang hadir dalam batin seorang waria akan selalu menentang keputusannya dalam mempertahankan keinginan dan naluriah nya sebagai perempuan. penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara penerimaan diri suara batin (inner voice) waria. Subjek pada penelitian ini berjumlah 50 orang waria yang tinggal di kota Makassar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dan menggunakan teknik analisis korelasi Spearman-rank. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerimaan diri subjek pada penelitian ini tergolong tinggi sedangkan suara batin (inner voice) negatif tergolong rendah. Nilai korelasi negatif sebesar -0,435 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,01 < 0,05, sehingga uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan negatif signifikan antara penerimaan diri dengan suara batin (inner voice) negatif pada waria dikota Makassar. Kata kunci : penerimaan diri, Suara batin (inner voice) negatif

    Exploring cognitive mechanisms involved in self-face recognition

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    Due to the own face being a significant stimulus that is critical to one’s identity, the own face is suggested to be processed in a quantitatively different (i.e., faster and better recognition) and qualitatively different (i.e., processed in a more featural manner) manner compared to other faces. This thesis further explored the cognitive mechanisms (perceptual and attentional systems) involved in the processing of the own face. Chapter 2 explored the role of holistic and featural processing involved in the processing of self-face (and other faces) with eye-tracking measures in a passive-viewing paradigm and a face identification task. In the passive-viewing paradigm, the own face was sampled in a more featural manner compared to other faces whereas when asked to identify faces, all faces were sampled in a more holistic manner. Chapter 3 further explored the role of holistic and featural processing in the identification of the own face using the three standard measures of holistic face processing: The face inversion task, the composite face task, and the part-whole task. Compared to other faces, individuals showed a smaller “holistic interference” by a task irrelevant bottom half for the own face in the composite face task and a stronger feature advantage for the own face, but inversion impaired the identification of all faces. These findings suggest that self-face is processed in a more featural manner, but the findings do not deny the role of holistic processing. The final experimental chapter, Chapter 4, explored the modulation effects of cultural differences in one’s self-concept (i.e., independent vs. interdependent self-concept) and a negative self-concept (i.e., depressive traits) on the attentional prioritization for the own face with a visual search paradigm. Findings showed that the attentional prioritization for the own face over an unfamiliar face is not modulated by cultural differences of one’s self-concept nor one’s level of depressive traits, and individuals showed no difference in the attentional prioritization for both the own face and friend’s face, demonstrating no processing advantage for the own face over a personally familiar face. These findings suggests that the attentional prioritization for the own face is better explained by a familiar face advantage. Altogether, the findings of this thesis suggest that the own face is processed qualitatively different compared to both personally familiar and unfamiliar face, with the own face being processed in a more featural manner. However, in terms of quantitative differences, the self-face is processed differently compared to an unfamiliar face, but not to a familiar face. Although the specific face processing strategies for the own face may be due to the distinct visual experience that one has with their face, the attentional prioritization of the own face is however, better explained by a familiar face advantage rather than a self-specificity effect

    Exploring cognitive mechanisms involved in self-face recognition

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    Due to the own face being a significant stimulus that is critical to one’s identity, the own face is suggested to be processed in a quantitatively different (i.e., faster and better recognition) and qualitatively different (i.e., processed in a more featural manner) manner compared to other faces. This thesis further explored the cognitive mechanisms (perceptual and attentional systems) involved in the processing of the own face. Chapter 2 explored the role of holistic and featural processing involved in the processing of self-face (and other faces) with eye-tracking measures in a passive-viewing paradigm and a face identification task. In the passive-viewing paradigm, the own face was sampled in a more featural manner compared to other faces whereas when asked to identify faces, all faces were sampled in a more holistic manner. Chapter 3 further explored the role of holistic and featural processing in the identification of the own face using the three standard measures of holistic face processing: The face inversion task, the composite face task, and the part-whole task. Compared to other faces, individuals showed a smaller “holistic interference” by a task irrelevant bottom half for the own face in the composite face task and a stronger feature advantage for the own face, but inversion impaired the identification of all faces. These findings suggest that self-face is processed in a more featural manner, but the findings do not deny the role of holistic processing. The final experimental chapter, Chapter 4, explored the modulation effects of cultural differences in one’s self-concept (i.e., independent vs. interdependent self-concept) and a negative self-concept (i.e., depressive traits) on the attentional prioritization for the own face with a visual search paradigm. Findings showed that the attentional prioritization for the own face over an unfamiliar face is not modulated by cultural differences of one’s self-concept nor one’s level of depressive traits, and individuals showed no difference in the attentional prioritization for both the own face and friend’s face, demonstrating no processing advantage for the own face over a personally familiar face. These findings suggests that the attentional prioritization for the own face is better explained by a familiar face advantage. Altogether, the findings of this thesis suggest that the own face is processed qualitatively different compared to both personally familiar and unfamiliar face, with the own face being processed in a more featural manner. However, in terms of quantitative differences, the self-face is processed differently compared to an unfamiliar face, but not to a familiar face. Although the specific face processing strategies for the own face may be due to the distinct visual experience that one has with their face, the attentional prioritization of the own face is however, better explained by a familiar face advantage rather than a self-specificity effect

    Investigating emerging self-awareness : its neural underpinnings, the significance of self-recognition, and the relationship with social interactions

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    Up until now, self-recognition in the mirror, achieved at around 18 months, has been used to assess self-awareness in infancy. Even though the significance of this test is not universally accepted, this field has progressed very little over the last decades, in contrast to a broad volume of literature on the self in adults. However, a relationship between self-other differentiation and social cognitive abilities has been recently hypothesized, renewing the interest in mechanisms underlying emerging self-awareness. Adult studies have highlighted that brain networks, instead of isolated brain areas, support self-processing. Therefore, the first two studies of this thesis validated the use of advanced connectivity analyses on infant fNIRS data. Making use of these methods, one study demonstrated that functional connectivity between regions belonging to a network that has been related to abstract self-processing in adults gradually increases over the first two years of life. The same network was found to characterise infants who recognise themselves in the mirror. In another study, crucial regions of this network were shown to be engaged during self-recognition in 18-month-olds. As social interactions have been suggested to be fundamental for the construction of the self, the last two studies of this thesis investigated the relationship between emerging self-awareness and social interactions. To test this, I focused on mimicry, known to play an important role in affiliation and in mediating relationships. One study demonstrated that emerging selfawareness may affect infants’ tendency to selectively mimic in-group members, which may indicate a possible role of self-comparison and identification processes. The last study did not find evidence for a relationship between mothers’ tendency to imitate their infants at 4 months and emerging selfawareness. Taken together, these studies enrich our understanding of the mechanisms underlying emerging self-awareness and they represent a pioneering starting point for further investigations into this topic