9,386,313 research outputs found

    Gravitationally induced adiabatic particle production: from big bang to de Sitter

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    In the background of a flat homogeneous and isotropic space–time, we consider a scenario of the Universe driven by the gravitationally induced 'adiabatic' particle production with constant creation rate. We have shown that this Universe attains a big bang singularity in the past and at late-time it asymptotically becomes de Sitter. To clarify this model Universe, we performed a dynamical analysis and found that the Universe attains a thermodynamic equilibrium in this late de Sitter phase. Finally, for the first time, we have discussed the possible effects of 'adiabatic' particle creations in the context of loop quantum cosmology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Reheating in quintessential inflation via gravitational production of heavy massive particles: a detailed analysis

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    An improved version of the well-known Peebles-Vilenkin model unifying early inflationary era to current cosmic acceleration, is introduced in order to match with the theoretical values of the spectral quantities provided by it with the recent observational data about the early universe. Since the model presents a sudden phase transition, we consider the simplest way to reheat the universe—via the gravitational production of heavy massive particles—which assuming that inflation starts at GUT scales ~ 1016 GeV, allows us to use the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation and consequently this enables us to perform all the calculations in an analytic way. Our results show that the model leads to a maximum temperature at the TeV regime, and passes the bounds to ensure the success of the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. Finally, we have constrained the quintessence piece of the proposed improved version of the Peebles-Vilenkin model using various astronomical datasets available at presentPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Selective Adsorption and Chiral Amplification of Amino Acids in Vermiculite Clay -Implications for the origin of biochirality

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    Smectite clays are hydrated layer silicates that, like micas, occur naturally in abundance. Importantly, they have readily modifiable interlayer spaces that provide excellent sites for nanochemistry. Vermiculite is one such smectite clay and in the presence of small chain-length alkyl-NH3Cl ions, forms sensitive, 1-D ordered model clay systems with expandable nano-pore inter-layer regions. These inter-layers readily adsorb organic molecules. N-propyl NH3Cl vermiculite clay gels were used to determine the adsorption of alanine, lysine and histidine by chiral HPLC. The results show that during reaction with fresh vermiculite interlayers, significant chiral enrichment of either L- and D-enantiomers occurs depending on the amino acid. Chiral enrichment of the supernatant solutions is up to about 1% per pass. In contrast, addition to clay interlayers already reacted with amino acid solutions resulted in little or no change in D/L ratio during the time of the experiment. Adsorption of small amounts of amphiphilic organic molecules in clay inter-layers is known to produce Layer-by-Layer or Langmuir-Blodgett films. Moreover atomistic simulations show that self-organization of organic species in clay interlayers is important. These non-centrosymmetric, chirally active nanofilms may cause clays to act subsequently as chiral amplifiers, concentrating organic material from dilute solution and having different adsorption energetics for D- and L-enantiomers. The additional role of clays in RNA oligimerization already postulated by Ferris and others, together with the need for the organization of amphiphilic molecules and lipids noted by Szostak and others, suggests that such chiral separation by clays in lagoonal environments at normal biological temperatures might also have played a significant role in the origin of biochirality.Comment: 17 Pages, 2 Figures, 4 Table

    Scaling laws in bacterial genomes: A side-effect of selection of mutational robustness?

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    In the past few years, numerous research projects have focused on identifying and understanding scaling properties in the gene content of prokaryote genomes and the intricacy of their regulation networks. Yet, and despite the increasing amount of data available, the origins of these scalings remain an open question. The RAevol model, a digital genetics model, provides us with an insight into the mechanisms involved in an evolutionary process. The results we present here show that (i) our model reproduces qualitatively these scaling laws and that (ii) these laws are not due to differences in lifestyles but to differences in the spontaneous rates of mutations and rearrangements. We argue that this is due to an indirect selective pressure for robustness that constrains the genome size

    Monoamine oxidase A expression is vital for embryonic brain development by modulating developmental apoptosis

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    Monoamine oxidases (MAO-A, MAO-B) metabolize biogenic amines and have been implicated in neuronal apoptosis. Although apoptosis is an important process in embryo development, the role of MAO isoenzymes has not been investigated in detail. We found that expression of MAO-A and MAO-B can be detected early on during embryo development. Expression levels remained constant until around midgestation but then dropped to almost undetectable levels toward birth. Similar expression kinetics were observed in the brain. Isoform-specific expression silencing of MAO-A mediated by siRNA during in vitro embryogenesis induced developmental defects, as indicated by a reduction of the crown rump length and impaired cerebral development. These alterations were paralleled by elevated serotonin levels. Similar abnormalities were observed when embryos were cultured in the presence of the MAO-A inhibitor clorgyline or when the transcriptional inhibitor of MAO-A expression Rl was overexpressed. In contrast, no such alterations were detected when expression of MAO-B was knocked down. To explore the underlying mechanisms for the developmental abnormalities in MAO-A knockdown embryos, we quantified the degree of developmental apoptosis in the developing brain. MAO-A knockdown reduced the number of apoptotic cells in the neuroepithelium, which coincided with impaired activation of caspases 3 and 9. Moreover, we observed reduced cyclin Dl levels as an indicator of impaired cell proliferation in MAO-A knockdown embryos. This data highlights MAO-A as a vital regulator of embryonic brain development

    Running Gauge Couplings and Thresholds in the Type II Superstring

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    A distinctive feature of string unification is the possibility of unification by a non-simply-laced group. This occurs most naturally in four dimensional type~II string models where the gauge symmetry is realized by Kac-Moody algebras at different levels. We investigate the running coupling constants and the one-loop thresholds for such general models. As a specific case, we examine a SU(3)×U(1)×U(1)\rm SU(3)\times U(1)\times U(1) model and find that the threshold corrections lead to a small 6%6\% increase in the unification scale.Comment: 12 pages, IFP-432-UN

    Gene clusters reflecting macrodomain structure respond to nucleoid perturbations

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    Focusing on the DNA-bridging nucleoid proteins Fis and H-NS, and integrating several independent experimental and bioinformatic data sources, we investigate the links between chromosomal spatial organization and global transcriptional regulation. By means of a novel multi-scale spatial aggregation analysis, we uncover the existence of contiguous clusters of nucleoid-perturbation sensitive genes along the genome, whose expression is affected by a combination of topological DNA state and nucleoid-shaping protein occupancy. The clusters correlate well with the macrodomain structure of the genome. The most significant of them lay symmetrically at the edges of the ter macrodomain and involve all of the flagellar and chemotaxis machinery, in addition to key regulators of biofilm formation, suggesting that the regulation of the physical state of the chromosome by the nucleoid proteins plays an important role in coordinating the transcriptional response leading to the switch between a motile and a biofilm lifestyle.Comment: Article: first 24 pages, 3 figures Supplementary methods: 1 page, 1 figure Supplementary results: 14 pages, 11 figure

    El nacimiento de la opinión pública: problemas, debates, perspectivas

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    El nacimiento de la opinión pública se ha convertido en un objeto privilegiado de la historiografía de los últimos decenios. Tras subrayar la historicidad de esta configuración sociopolítica, que nace en el siglo XVIII, intentamos mostrar los importantes déficits del clásico trabajo de Habermas, que desatiende la «publicidad plebeya» u opinión popular. La emergente opinión pública, tal y como acontece en la Francia prerrevolucionaria, es a la vez una compleja realidad sociocultural y una potente invención discursiva, por lo que es necesario abordarla desde una doble perspectiva, capaz de conjugar la historia cultural y la historia de las ideas
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