2,491 research outputs found

    Bernardino Machado

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    Poster em formato de XBanner para exposição itinerante integrada no evento Educação: Pensadores ao Longo da História, organizado pelo Departamento de Ciências da Educação e Supervisão da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, em 19 de outubro de 2016.Bernardino Machado assume, desde 1882, um papel ativo e interventivo na vida pública do país, já decorridos alguns anos exercendo trabalho como docente universitário. Personalidade marcante e influente, com um percurso de projeção política notório, destaca-se pela sua visão global e integradora, bem ao gosto do ideário educativo republicano. Porta-voz de muitos dos ideais iluministas, que entendem o progresso humano associado à educação, cedo a sua análise tenta conciliar os interesses e problemas do país com uma fórmula “positivista”...Câmara Municipal de Bragançainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    OMECO: Generating personalized business card designs from images

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    Rising competition in the retail and hospitality sectors, especially in densely populated and touristic destinations is a growing concern for many business owners, who wish to deliver their brand communication strategy to the target audience. Many of these businesses rely on word-of-mouth marketing, delivering business cards to customers. Furthermore, the lack of a dedicated marketing team and budget for brand image consolidation and design creation often limits the brand expansion capability. The purpose of this study is to propose a novel system prototype that can suggest personalized designs for business cards, based on an existing business card picture. Using perspective transformation, text extraction and colour reduction techniques, we were able to obtain features from the original business card image and generate an alternative design, personalized for the end user. We have successfully been able to generate customized business cards for different business types, with textual information and a custom colour palette matching the original submitted image. All of the system modules were demonstrated to have positive results for the test cases and the proposal answered the main research question. Further research and development is required to adapt the current system to other marketing printouts, such as flyers or posters.O aumento da concorrência nos setores retalhista e hoteleiro, especialmente em destinos e densamente povoados e turísticos, é uma preocupação crescente para muitos empresários, que desejam apresentar a sua estratégia de comunicação de marca ao público-alvo. Muitos destes negócios dependem do marketing boca-a-boca, entregando cartões de visita aos clientes. Além disso, a falta de uma equipa de marketing dedicada e de orçamento para a consolidação da imagem e criação de design limita muitas vezes a capacidade de expansão da marca. O objectivo deste estudo é propor um novo protótipo de sistema que possa sugerir desenhos personalizados para cartões de visita, com base numa imagem de cartão de visita já existente. Utilizando técnicas de transformação de perspectiva, extracção de texto e redução de cor, conseguímos obter características da imagem original do cartão de visita e gerar um desenho alternativo, personalizado para o utilizador final. Conseguímos gerar cartões de visita personalizados para diferentes tipos de negócio, com informação textual e uma palete de cores personalizada que corresponde à imagem original apresentada. Todos os módulos do sistema demonstraram ter resultados positivos para os casos de teste e a proposta respondeu à principal questão de pesquisa. É necessária mais investigação e desenvolvimento para adaptar o sistema atual a outros imprimíveis de marketing, tais como folhetos ou cartazes

    Bogotá arte urbano o graffiti. Entre la ilegalidad y la forma artística de expresión

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    The research related to urban graffiti art, design and visual communication, social culture and politics in the city of Bogota, are issues that this research focus. Reviews and interviews were revealing the influence on the community, civil society, politics and the radical confrontation with the law, their classification and their demand different social strata have made public spaces in Bogota a city with walls speakers. Although it is not taken as a bad thing, -for some- vandalism to others, awakens in many different opinions and above all understated assessment of the artists towards a liberal and democratic expression of a system that moves away from any display of traditional art. bición del arte tradicional.La investigación sobre el graffiti relacionado con el arte urbano, el diseño y la comunicación visual, la cultura social y política en la ciudad de Bogotá, son temas que concentran esta investigación. Opiniones y entrevistas fueron revelando la influencia sobre la comunidad, la sociedad civil, la política, y el enfrentamiento radical con la leyes, su clasificación y su exigencia según el estrato social han hecho de los espacios públicos de Bogotá una ciudad con paredes hablantes. Aunque no es tomado como algo malo, -para algunos- vandalismo para otros, despierta en muchos, opiniones diversas y sobre todo una subestimada valoración de los artistas hacia una expresión liberal y democrática de un sistema que los aleja de cualquier exhibición del arte tradicional

    Disparidades regionais: tipologias espaciais na Europa do Sul

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    O progressivo aprofundamento da integração europeia tem privilegiado fundamentalmente as dimensões económica e política. Contudo, a construção de um espaço comunitário sucessivamente alargado a novos Estados-membros tem permitido destacar disparidades regionais, que tendo vindo a agravar-se, devem levar a actuações que conduzam a uma maior coesão económica e social. Dentro de um espaço com características muito heterogéneas existem territórios que, por motivos históricos, políticos, sociais e económicos apresentam processos de desenvolvimento semelhantes, sendo as realidades actuais muito díspares, resultado da aplicação de políticas internas diferenciadas. Através da observação e do estudo de diversos relatórios de desenvolvimento da União Europeia e de alguns indicadores económicos, verifica-se que os países da Europa do Sul apresentam evoluções e características semelhantes, embora com diacronismos diferentes. A teoria neoclássica que tem servido de modelo a alguns estudos da União Europeia assenta, essencialmente, em indicadores económicos directamente vocacionados para a medição do crescimento económico. Porém, tais estudos deverão ser sempre complementados com outro tipo de indicadores das mais variadas ordens, nomeadamente demográficos e sociais. Só desta forma poderemos obter uma visão ajustada da realidade. Um estudo de disparidades regionais, como pretende ser o presente, não poderá ser apenas uma explicação meramente quantitativa e descritiva dos fenómenos, deverá estabelecer padrões de comparação espacial entre os territórios em análise. O instrumento metodológico utilizado foi, atendendo a este contexto, a análise multivariada de forma a permitir agrupar um conjunto de variáveis correlacionadas entre si e, desta forma, estruturar um quadro interpretativo da realidade, resultante da agregação das variáveis iniciais. Assim, através de um conjunto de variáveis (factores) podemos aferir o grau de desenvolvimento de cada região (NUT II) da área em análise e conhecer os indicadores que são responsáveis pela situação apresentada, quer em termos positivos, quer negativos. Este será, então, o ponto de partida para uma análise classificatória, onde os indivíduos, entendidos como unidades territoriais, ficarão agrupados em classes, de acordo com as suas semelhanças, observáveis através do anterior estudo das variáveis. Estas classes devem ser coerentes entre si e distinguir-se o mais possível umas das outras. Após esta análise, é também nosso propósito verificar se as disparidades têm ou não relevância no contexto português, utilizando um conjunto de variáveis para o nível espacial NUT III para a Região Centro

    A coerência da imagem da marca: o caso Gucci

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    In this article we want to show how the eighties continued to mirror the progress of major holding companies, mergers, acquisitions, divestitures of products, the uncontrolled increase of the licensing system, the emergence of new brands. Our study focuses on Gucci, which in the late eighties was in financial disruption, going through a very troubled phase, which settled into many errors of the brand management, for example, a licensing policy that contributed to rampant speculation, and not always following the consistency of the brand. What path did it follow? What are the actors in this process? How was the brand repositioned? We also tried to focus on the new communication strategy of the Gucci Group, which capitalized the role of message’s consistency globally, the reacquisition of licensing systems, the manufacture of products, the investment in new products and stores and the acquisition of other brands’ portfolio

    The capital structure determinants of the Portuguese banks (2008-2017)

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    Since the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008, bank soundness has been repeatedly questioned. In line with this doubt that has been floating over the banking system, several academic studies have been addressing this issue through various approaches including the capital structure perspective. With regard to the Portuguese banking system, the last decade has meant for the Portuguese banks one of the most complex periods in their history, with their solvency and soundness repeatedly questioned. Thus, without ever losing sight on the economic environment of the recent years, this paper aims to analyze the level of interdependence between the financial leverage of Portuguese banks and the set of variables that have empirically shown a significant impact on this indicator. A multiple linear regression model was used to assess the relationship between the dependent variable (financial leverage) and the set of selected explanatory variables. The results indicate that there is a significant impact of regulatory capital, the global financial crisis and the eurozone crisis on the leverage levels of the Portuguese banks.Desde a crise financeira internacional de 2008, que a solidez bancária tem vindo a ser recorrentemente questionada. Em sintonia com esta dúvida que tem pairado sobre o sistema bancário, vários estudos académicos têm vindo a debruçar-se sobre este tema através de diversas abordagens incluindo a vertente da estrutura de capitais. No que se refere ao sistema bancário português, a última década significou para os bancos portugueses um dos períodos mais complexos da sua história, tendo-se também questionado por variadas vezes acerca da sua solvabilidade e solidez. Assim, sem nunca perder de vista a conjuntura económica dos últimos anos, este trabalho pretende analisar o nível de interdependência existente entre a alavancagem financeira dos bancos portugueses e o conjunto de varáveis que empiricamente têm demonstrado um impacto significativo sobre este indicador. Assim, foi utilizado um modelo de regressão linear múltipla a fim de avaliar qual a relação entre a variável dependente (alavancagem financeira) e o conjunto de variáveis explicativas selecionadas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a existência de um impacto significativo do capital regulatório, da crise financeira internacional e da crise da zona euro sobre os níveis de alavancagem dos bancos portugueses

    Perceptions of sexual abuse in sport: A qualitative study in the Portuguese sports community

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    Child sexual abuse is a complex issue that can take place in different contexts. Sports settings have specific features which pose increased risk for sexual abuse to occur. Recently, a country-specific roadmap for effective child safeguarding in sport was launched. Considering the need to achieve a comprehensive picture of violence against children in sports settings in Portugal, we analyzed the perceptions of the sports community in Portugal regarding child sexual abuse, its victims and perpetrators, and the specific risk factors in sports settings, as studies about this specific topic are scarce at the national level. A descriptive exploratory study was conducted using an online questionnaire with open-ended questions. Three hundred participants, i.e., sports managers, coaches, and athletes over 18 years of age (M = 33.13; SD = 13.062), of which 55.7% were female, answered. A thematic analysis of these data was conducted using NVivo software. Inter-rater agreement was strong for almost all variables. Results indicated that sexual abuse is perceived as being associated with physical and emotional abusive behaviors for which there is no consent from the victim, in a relationship that is guided by a relationship with power imbalances. Victims were mainly perceived as being female children, and perpetrators as adult males in a powerful position over the victim. As to possible signs of sexual abuse victimization, results showed that the participants identify behaviors, such as isolation, and physical evidence, such as marks and injuries. Risk factors specific to sports setting included the physical contact involved in many modalities, as well as the close and trustful relationship established between coach and athlete. Results are in line with previous studies showing that coaches, athletes, and sports managers share a common understanding of sexual abuse, although not always accurate. These results shed light on important practical and policy implications relevant to country-specific sport policies for effectively safeguarding children.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A cutting-plane approach for large-scale capacitated multi-period facility location using a specialized interior-point method

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    We propose a cutting-plane approach (namely, Benders decomposition) for a class of capacitated multi-period facility location problems. The novelty of this approach lies on the use of a specialized interior-point method for solving the Benders subproblems. The primal block-angular structure of the resulting linear optimization problems is exploited by the interior-point method, allowing the (either exact or inexact) efficient solution of large instances. The effect of different modeling conditions and problem specifications on the computational performance are also investigated both theoretically and empirically, providing a deeper understanding of the significant factors influencing the overall efficiency of the cutting-plane method. This approach allowed the solution of instances of up to 200 potential locations, one million customers and three periods, resulting in mixed integer linear optimization problems of up to 600 binary and 600 millions of continuous variables. Those problems were solved by the specialized approach in less than one hour, outperforming other stateof- the-art methods, which exhausted the (144 Gigabytes of) available memory in the largest instances.Preprin

    Information on Transcriptional Regulation and Signal Transduction of _Escherichia coli_ K-12 Integrated in the Database RegulonDB.

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    Since its inception, RegulonDB ("http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/":http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/) has been a database that compiles information about the regulation of transcription initiation of _Escherichia coli_ K-12. However, we are aware that transcriptional regulation is not an isolated process; instead, it is the response to the different environmental conditions that trigger a series of concatenated reactions that end in transcriptional regulation, and it implies an adequate response in terms of induced and repressed gene products. We are working now to include all these new data in RegulonDB. As a consequence, transcriptional regulation in RegulonDB will be part of a unit that initiates with the signal, continues with the signal transduction to the core of regulation to modify expression of the affected set of target genes, and ends with an adequate response. We refer to these units as genetic sensory response units, or Gensor Units.

The inclusion of Gensor Units will bring a dramatic change and expansion of RegulonDB, due to the fact that we will be adding several new types of reactions and interactions. We started to collect data about signal transduction of the sigma factors, the two-component systems, of some transcription factors involved in carbon source utilization, and of genes involved in the synthesis of amino acids. We plan a high-level curation with super-pathways summarizing concatenated sets of reactions linked to those other databases that curate such information, while enabling with RegulonDB a compilation of complete Gensor Units.

In addition, the number of DNA binding sites for some transcription factors has grown considerably, and therefore we decided to review systematically those sites whose lengths ranging from 40 to 60 bp with orientation and consensus sequences that are not easy to identify. The current version of RegulonDB is the beginning of a higher-level curation of gene regulation information, and eventually our database will include all regulatory mechanisms and their regulated genes. 

    Information on Transcriptional Regulation and Signal Transduction of _Escherichia coli_ K-12 Integrated in the Database RegulonDB.

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    Since its inception, RegulonDB ("http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/":http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/) has been a database that compiles information about the regulation of transcription initiation of _Escherichia coli_ K-12. However, we are aware that transcriptional regulation is not an isolated process; instead, it is the response to the different environmental conditions that trigger a series of concatenated reactions that end in transcriptional regulation, and it implies an adequate response in terms of induced and repressed gene products. We are working now to include all these new data in RegulonDB. As a consequence, transcriptional regulation in RegulonDB will be part of a unit that initiates with the signal, continues with the signal transduction to the core of regulation to modify expression of the affected set of target genes, and ends with an adequate response. We refer to these units as genetic sensory response units, or geSorgans.

The inclusion of geSorgans will bring a dramatic change and expansion of RegulonDB, due to the fact that we will be adding several new types of reactions and interactions. We started to collect data about signal transduction of the sigma factors, the two-component systems, of some transcription factors involved in carbon source utilization, and of genes involved in the synthesis of amino acids. We plan a high-level curation with super-pathways summarizing concatenated sets of reactions linked to those other databases that curate such information, while enabling with RegulonDB a compilation of complete geSorgans.

In addition, the number of DNA binding sites for some transcription factors has grown considerably, and therefore we decided to review systematically those sites whose lengths ranging from 40 to 60 bp with orientation and consensus sequences that are not easy to identify. The current version of RegulonDB is the beginning of a higher-level curation of gene regulation information, and eventually our database will include all regulatory mechanisms and their regulated genes. 