124 research outputs found

    Multiattribute group decision-making approach with linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy information

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    Intertemporal Choice of Fuzzy Soft Sets

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    This paper first merges two noteworthy aspects of choice. On the one hand, soft sets and fuzzy soft sets are popular models that have been largely applied to decision making problems, such as real estate valuation, medical diagnosis (glaucoma, prostate cancer, etc.), data mining, or international trade. They provide crisp or fuzzy parameterized descriptions of the universe of alternatives. On the other hand, in many decisions, costs and benefits occur at different points in time. This brings about intertemporal choices, which may involve an indefinitely large number of periods. However, the literature does not provide a model, let alone a solution, to the intertemporal problem when the alternatives are described by (fuzzy) parameterizations. In this paper, we propose a novel soft set inspired model that applies to the intertemporal framework, hence it fills an important gap in the development of fuzzy soft set theory. An algorithm allows the selection of the optimal option in intertemporal choice problems with an infinite time horizon. We illustrate its application with a numerical example involving alternative portfolios of projects that a public administration may undertake. This allows us to establish a pioneering intertemporal model of choice in the framework of extended fuzzy set theorie

    A decision-making framework based on the Fermatean hesitant fuzzy distance measure and TOPSIS

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    A particularly useful assessment tool for evaluating uncertainty and dealing with fuzziness is the Fermatean fuzzy set (FFS), which expands the membership and non-membership degree requirements. Distance measurement has been extensively employed in several fields as an essential approach that may successfully disclose the differences between fuzzy sets. In this article, we discuss various novel distance measures in Fermatean hesitant fuzzy environments as research on distance measures for FFS is in its early stages. These new distance measures include weighted distance measures and ordered weighted distance measures. This justification serves as the foundation for the construction of the generalized Fermatean hesitation fuzzy hybrid weighted distance (DGFHFHWD) scale, as well as the discussion of its weight determination mechanism, associated attributes and special forms. Subsequently, we present a new decision-making approach based on DGFHFHWD and TOPSIS, where the weights are processed by exponential entropy and normal distribution weighting, for the multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) issue with unknown attribute weights. Finally, a numerical example of choosing a logistics transfer station and a comparative study with other approaches based on current operators and FFS distance measurements are used to demonstrate the viability and logic of the suggested method. The findings illustrate the ability of the suggested MADM technique to completely present the decision data, enhance the accuracy of decision outcomes and prevent information loss


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    Aircraft’s training is crucial for a flight training organization (FTO). Therefore, an important decision that these organizations should wisely consider the choice of aircraft to be bought among many alternatives. The criteria for evaluating the optimal training aircraft for FTOs are collected based on the survey approach. Single valued neutrosophic sets (SVNS) have the degree of truth, indeterminacy, and falsity membership functions and, as a special case, neutrosophic sets (NS) deal with inconsistent environments. In this regard, this study has extended a single-valued neutrosophic analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based on multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis plus a full multiplicative form (MULTIMOORA) to rank the training aircraft as the alternatives. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is performed to demonstrate the stability of the developed method. Finally, a comparison between the results of the developed approach and the existing approaches for validating the developed approach is discussed. This analysis shows that the proposed approach is efficient and with the other methods

    Планування інноваційного виробництва на основі комплексної методики вибору раціональної альтернативи

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    Introduction. Innovation is one of the major factors of economic growth in modern economy on the macrolevel, and a prominent contributor to an enterprise's profit increase at microlevel. Nevertheless, innovation activity is accompanied by a high level of risk and may cause significant losses. Thus, the problem of limiting the risk by developing rational methods of decision making is relevant. Aim and tasks. The article aims at development of integrated methodology for taking a decision as to selection of rational innovative production alternative based on the usage of a group of decision making methods in dependency on conditions under which the decision is being taken. Results. The article analyses decision making process in the context of system approach and defines stages of decision making. Criteria of effective decision are described and classified. Methods of decision making are observed and classified according to the conditions of decision making. The necessary components of integrated methodology of  selection of rational innovative production alternative are defined. The formation principles and general structure of the integrated methodology of selection of rational innovative production alternative are described. Conclusions. The task of decision effectiveness assessment is complicated by simultaneous existence of number of performance goals with different suitability for formal evaluation, negative correlation between speed and accuracy of decision making, and temporal distance between decision making process and goal achievement, which requires employment of discounting methods. The above-mentioned factors determine the necessity for an integrated criterion, which includes economic efficiency indicators but is not reduced to them. Thus, integrated methodology of selection of rational innovative production alternative consists of multicriteria decision making solution, assessment of sufficient range of alternatives, allowance for uncertainty as to input information about criteria, inclusion of different types of criteria measurement, provision of possibility to use alternative information at all stages of decision making process.Вступ. Інновації є одним з основних факторів економічного зростання в сучасній економіці на макрорівні та істотним фактором збільшення прибутку підприємства на мікрорівні. Проте, інноваційна діяльність супроводжується високим рівнем ризику і може призвести до значних збитків. Таким чином, актуальною є проблема обмеження ризику шляхом розробки раціональних методів прийняття рішень. Мета і завдання. Метою статті є розробка комплексної методології прийняття рішення про вибір раціональної інноваційної виробничої альтернативи на основі використання групи методів прийняття рішень в залежності від умов прийняття рішення. Результати. У статті проаналізовано процес прийняття рішень у контексті системного підходу та визначено етапи прийняття рішень. Описано та класифіковано критерії ефективного рішення. Досліджено методи прийняття рішень та класифіковано відповідно до умов прийняття рішень. Визначено необхідні компоненти комплексної методології вибору раціональної інноваційної виробничої альтернативи. Описано принципи формування та загальну структуру комплексної методології вибору раціональної інноваційної виробничої альтернативи. Висновки. Завдання оцінки ефективності рішень ускладнюється одночасним існуванням ряду цілей ефективності з різною придатністю для формальної оцінки, негативною кореляцією між швидкістю і точністю прийняття рішень і віддаленістю у часі між процесом прийняття рішень і досягненням мети, що вимагає застосування методів дисконтування. Перераховані вище фактори визначають необхідність комплексного критерію, який включає показники економічної ефективності, але не зводиться до них. Таким чином, комплексна методологія вибору раціональної інноваційної виробничої альтернативи складається з багатокритеріального рішення для прийняття рішень, оцінки достатнього діапазону альтернатив, обліку невизначеності вхідної інформації про критерії, включення різних видів вимірювання критеріїв, забезпечення можливості використання альтернативної інформації на всіх етапах процесу прийняття рішень

    A short history of fuzzy, intuitionistic fuzzy, neutrosophic and plithogenic sets

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    Recently, research on uncertainty modeling is progressing rapidly and many essential and breakthrough stud ies have already been done. There are various ways such as fuzzy, intuitionistic and neutrosophic sets to handle these uncertainties. Although these concepts can handle incomplete information in various real-world issues, they cannot address all types of uncertainty such as indeterminate and inconsistent information. Also, plithogenic sets as a generalization of crisp, fuzzy, intuitionistic fuzzy, and neutrosophic sets, which is a set whose elements are characterized by many attributes’ values. In this paper, our aim is to demonstrate and review the history of fuzzy, intuitionistic and neutrosophic sets. For this purpose, we divided the paper as: section 1. History of Fuzzy Sets, section 2. History of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and section 3. History of Neutrosophic Theories and Applications, section 4. History of Plithogenic Sets

    Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method Based on Aggregated Neutrosophic Set

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    Multi-attribute decision-making refers to the decision-making problem of selecting the optimal alternative or sorting the scheme when considering multiple attributes, which is widely used in engineering design, economy, management and military, etc. But in real application, the attribute information of many objects is often inaccurate or uncertain, so it is very important for us to find a useful and efficient method to solve the problem

    Fuzzy Techniques for Decision Making 2018

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    Zadeh's fuzzy set theory incorporates the impreciseness of data and evaluations, by imputting the degrees by which each object belongs to a set. Its success fostered theories that codify the subjectivity, uncertainty, imprecision, or roughness of the evaluations. Their rationale is to produce new flexible methodologies in order to model a variety of concrete decision problems more realistically. This Special Issue garners contributions addressing novel tools, techniques and methodologies for decision making (inclusive of both individual and group, single- or multi-criteria decision making) in the context of these theories. It contains 38 research articles that contribute to a variety of setups that combine fuzziness, hesitancy, roughness, covering sets, and linguistic approaches. Their ranges vary from fundamental or technical to applied approaches


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    A group decision problem is set in environments where there is a common issue to solve, a set of possible options to choose, and a set of individuals who are experts and express their opinions about the set of possible alternatives with the intention to reach a collective decision as the unique solution of the problem in question. The modeling of the preferences of the decision-maker is an essential stage in the construction of models used in the theory of decision, operations research, economics, etc. On decision problems experts use models of representation of preferences that are close to their disciplines or fields of work. The structures of information most commonly used for the representation of the preferences of experts are vectors of utility, orders of preference and preference relations. In decision problems, the expression of preferences domain is the domain of information used by the experts to express their preferences, the main are numerical, linguistic, and intervalar stressing the multi-granular linguistic. This paper is a review of these concepts. Its purpose is to provide a guide of bibliographic references for these concepts, which are briefly discussed in this document