411 research outputs found

    Measurement, modelling, and closed-loop control of crystal shape distribution: Literature review and future perspectives

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    Crystal morphology is known to be of great importance to the end-use properties of crystal products, and to affect down-stream processing such as filtration and drying. However, it has been previously regarded as too challenging to achieve automatic closed-loop control. Previous work has focused on controlling the crystal size distribution, where the size of a crystal is often defined as the diameter of a sphere that has the same volume as the crystal. This paper reviews the new advances in morphological population balance models for modelling and simulating the crystal shape distribution (CShD), measuring and estimating crystal facet growth kinetics, and two- and three-dimensional imaging for on-line characterisation of the crystal morphology and CShD. A framework is presented that integrates the various components to achieve the ultimate objective of model-based closed-loop control of the CShD. The knowledge gaps and challenges that require further research are also identified

    Study of Computational Image Matching Techniques: Improving Our View of Biomedical Image Data

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    Image matching techniques are proven to be necessary in various fields of science and engineering, with many new methods and applications introduced over the years. In this PhD thesis, several computational image matching methods are introduced and investigated for improving the analysis of various biomedical image data. These improvements include the use of matching techniques for enhancing visualization of cross-sectional imaging modalities such as Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), denoising of retinal Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), and high quality 3D reconstruction of surfaces from Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images. This work greatly improves the process of data interpretation of image data with far reaching consequences for basic sciences research. The thesis starts with a general notion of the problem of image matching followed by an overview of the topics covered in the thesis. This is followed by introduction and investigation of several applications of image matching/registration in biomdecial image processing: a) registration-based slice interpolation, b) fast mesh-based deformable image registration and c) use of simultaneous rigid registration and Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) for speckle noise reduction of retinal OCT images. Moving towards a different notion of image matching/correspondence, the problem of view synthesis and 3D reconstruction, with a focus on 3D reconstruction of microscopic samples from 2D images captured by SEM, is considered next. Starting from sparse feature-based matching techniques, an extensive analysis is provided for using several well-known feature detector/descriptor techniques, namely ORB, BRIEF, SURF and SIFT, for the problem of multi-view 3D reconstruction. This chapter contains qualitative and quantitative comparisons in order to reveal the shortcomings of the sparse feature-based techniques. This is followed by introduction of a novel framework using sparse-dense matching/correspondence for high quality 3D reconstruction of SEM images. As will be shown, the proposed framework results in better reconstructions when compared with state-of-the-art sparse-feature based techniques. Even though the proposed framework produces satisfactory results, there is room for improvements. These improvements become more necessary when dealing with higher complexity microscopic samples imaged by SEM as well as in cases with large displacements between corresponding points in micrographs. Therefore, based on the proposed framework, a new approach is proposed for high quality 3D reconstruction of microscopic samples. While in case of having simpler microscopic samples the performance of the two proposed techniques are comparable, the new technique results in more truthful reconstruction of highly complex samples. The thesis is concluded with an overview of the thesis and also pointers regarding future directions of the research using both multi-view and photometric techniques for 3D reconstruction of SEM images

    Modélisation tridimensionnelle précise de l'environnement à l’aide des systèmes de photogrammétrie embarqués sur drones

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    Abstract : Images acquired from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can provide data with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution for three-dimensional (3D) modeling. Solutions developed for this purpose are mainly operating based on photogrammetry concepts, namely UAV-Photogrammetry Systems (UAV-PS). Such systems are used in applications where both geospatial and visual information of the environment is required. These applications include, but are not limited to, natural resource management such as precision agriculture, military and police-related services such as traffic-law enforcement, precision engineering such as infrastructure inspection, and health services such as epidemic emergency management. UAV-photogrammetry systems can be differentiated based on their spatial characteristics in terms of accuracy and resolution. That is some applications, such as precision engineering, require high-resolution and high-accuracy information of the environment (e.g. 3D modeling with less than one centimeter accuracy and resolution). In other applications, lower levels of accuracy might be sufficient, (e.g. wildlife management needing few decimeters of resolution). However, even in those applications, the specific characteristics of UAV-PSs should be well considered in the steps of both system development and application in order to yield satisfying results. In this regard, this thesis presents a comprehensive review of the applications of unmanned aerial imagery, where the objective was to determine the challenges that remote-sensing applications of UAV systems currently face. This review also allowed recognizing the specific characteristics and requirements of UAV-PSs, which are mostly ignored or not thoroughly assessed in recent studies. Accordingly, the focus of the first part of this thesis is on exploring the methodological and experimental aspects of implementing a UAV-PS. The developed system was extensively evaluated for precise modeling of an open-pit gravel mine and performing volumetric-change measurements. This application was selected for two main reasons. Firstly, this case study provided a challenging environment for 3D modeling, in terms of scale changes, terrain relief variations as well as structure and texture diversities. Secondly, open-pit-mine monitoring demands high levels of accuracy, which justifies our efforts to improve the developed UAV-PS to its maximum capacities. The hardware of the system consisted of an electric-powered helicopter, a high-resolution digital camera, and an inertial navigation system. The software of the system included the in-house programs specifically designed for camera calibration, platform calibration, system integration, onboard data acquisition, flight planning and ground control point (GCP) detection. The detailed features of the system are discussed in the thesis, and solutions are proposed in order to enhance the system and its photogrammetric outputs. The accuracy of the results was evaluated under various mapping conditions, including direct georeferencing and indirect georeferencing with different numbers, distributions and types of ground control points. Additionally, the effects of imaging configuration and network stability on modeling accuracy were assessed. The second part of this thesis concentrates on improving the techniques of sparse and dense reconstruction. The proposed solutions are alternatives to traditional aerial photogrammetry techniques, properly adapted to specific characteristics of unmanned, low-altitude imagery. Firstly, a method was developed for robust sparse matching and epipolar-geometry estimation. The main achievement of this method was its capacity to handle a very high percentage of outliers (errors among corresponding points) with remarkable computational efficiency (compared to the state-of-the-art techniques). Secondly, a block bundle adjustment (BBA) strategy was proposed based on the integration of intrinsic camera calibration parameters as pseudo-observations to Gauss-Helmert model. The principal advantage of this strategy was controlling the adverse effect of unstable imaging networks and noisy image observations on the accuracy of self-calibration. The sparse implementation of this strategy was also performed, which allowed its application to data sets containing a lot of tie points. Finally, the concepts of intrinsic curves were revisited for dense stereo matching. The proposed technique could achieve a high level of accuracy and efficiency by searching only through a small fraction of the whole disparity search space as well as internally handling occlusions and matching ambiguities. These photogrammetric solutions were extensively tested using synthetic data, close-range images and the images acquired from the gravel-pit mine. Achieving absolute 3D mapping accuracy of 11±7 mm illustrated the success of this system for high-precision modeling of the environment.Résumé : Les images acquises à l’aide d’aéronefs sans pilote (ASP) permettent de produire des données de résolutions spatiales et temporelles uniques pour la modélisation tridimensionnelle (3D). Les solutions développées pour ce secteur d’activité sont principalement basées sur des concepts de photogrammétrie et peuvent être identifiées comme des systèmes photogrammétriques embarqués sur aéronefs sans pilote (SP-ASP). Ils sont utilisés dans plusieurs applications environnementales où l’information géospatiale et visuelle est essentielle. Ces applications incluent notamment la gestion des ressources naturelles (ex. : agriculture de précision), la sécurité publique et militaire (ex. : gestion du trafic), les services d’ingénierie (ex. : inspection de bâtiments) et les services de santé publique (ex. : épidémiologie et gestion des risques). Les SP-ASP peuvent être subdivisés en catégories selon les besoins en termes de précision et de résolution. En effet, dans certains cas, tel qu’en ingénierie, l’information sur l’environnement doit être de haute précision et de haute résolution (ex. : modélisation 3D avec une précision et une résolution inférieure à un centimètre). Pour d’autres applications, tel qu’en gestion de la faune sauvage, des niveaux de précision et de résolution moindres peut être suffisants (ex. : résolution de l’ordre de quelques décimètres). Cependant, même dans ce type d’applications les caractéristiques des SP-ASP devraient être prises en considération dans le développement des systèmes et dans leur utilisation, et ce, pour atteindre les résultats visés. À cet égard, cette thèse présente une revue exhaustive des applications de l’imagerie aérienne acquise par ASP et de déterminer les challenges les plus courants. Cette étude a également permis d’établir les caractéristiques et exigences spécifiques des SP-ASP qui sont généralement ignorées ou partiellement discutées dans les études récentes. En conséquence, la première partie de cette thèse traite des aspects méthodologiques et d’expérimentation de la mise en place d’un SP-ASP. Le système développé a été évalué pour la modélisation précise d’une gravière et utilisé pour réaliser des mesures de changement volumétrique. Cette application a été retenue pour deux raisons principales. Premièrement, ce type de milieu fournit un environnement difficile pour la modélisation, et ce, en termes de changement d’échelle, de changement de relief du terrain ainsi que la grande diversité de structures et de textures. Deuxièment, le suivi de mines à ciel ouvert exige un niveau de précision élevé, ce qui justifie les efforts déployés pour mettre au point un SP-ASP de haute précision. Les composantes matérielles du système consistent en un ASP à propulsion électrique de type hélicoptère, d’une caméra numérique à haute résolution ainsi qu’une station inertielle. La composante logicielle est composée de plusieurs programmes développés particulièrement pour calibrer la caméra et la plateforme, intégrer les systèmes, enregistrer les données, planifier les paramètres de vol et détecter automatiquement les points de contrôle au sol. Les détails complets du système sont abordés dans la thèse et des solutions sont proposées afin d’améliorer le système et la qualité des données photogrammétriques produites. La précision des résultats a été évaluée sous diverses conditions de cartographie, incluant le géoréférencement direct et indirect avec un nombre, une répartition et des types de points de contrôle variés. De plus, les effets de la configuration des images et la stabilité du réseau sur la précision de la modélisation ont été évalués. La deuxième partie de la thèse porte sur l’amélioration des techniques de reconstruction éparse et dense. Les solutions proposées sont des alternatives aux techniques de photogrammétrie aérienne traditionnelle et adaptée aux caractéristiques particulières de l’imagerie acquise à basse altitude par ASP. Tout d’abord, une méthode robuste de correspondance éparse et d’estimation de la géométrie épipolaire a été développée. L’élément clé de cette méthode est sa capacité à gérer le pourcentage très élevé des valeurs aberrantes (erreurs entre les points correspondants) avec une efficacité de calcul remarquable en comparaison avec les techniques usuelles. Ensuite, une stratégie d’ajustement de bloc basée sur l’intégration de pseudoobservations du modèle Gauss-Helmert a été proposée. Le principal avantage de cette stratégie consistait à contrôler les effets négatifs du réseau d’images instable et des images bruitées sur la précision de l’autocalibration. Une implémentation éparse de cette stratégie a aussi été réalisée, ce qui a permis de traiter des jeux de données contenant des millions de points de liaison. Finalement, les concepts de courbes intrinsèques ont été revisités pour l’appariement stéréo dense. La technique proposée pourrait atteindre un haut niveau de précision et d’efficacité en recherchant uniquement dans une petite portion de l’espace de recherche des disparités ainsi qu’en traitant les occlusions et les ambigüités d’appariement. Ces solutions photogrammétriques ont été largement testées à l’aide de données synthétiques, d’images à courte portée ainsi que celles acquises sur le site de la gravière. Le système a démontré sa capacité a modélisation dense de l’environnement avec une très haute exactitude en atteignant une précision 3D absolue de l’ordre de 11±7 mm

    Dense RGB-D SLAM and object localisation for robotics and industrial applications

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    Dense reconstruction and object localisation are two critical steps in robotic and industrial applications. The former entails a joint estimation of camera egomotion and the structure of the surrounding environment, also known as Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM), and the latter aims to locate the object in the reconstructed scenes. This thesis addresses the challenges of dense SLAM with RGB-D cameras and object localisation towards robotic and industrial applications. Camera drift is an essential issue in camera egomotion estimation. Due to the accumulated error in camera pose estimation, the estimated camera trajectory is inaccurate, and the reconstruction of the environment is inconsistent. This thesis analyses camera drift in SLAM under the probabilistic inference framework and proposes an online map fusion strategy with standard deviation estimation based on frame-to-model camera tracking. The camera pose is estimated by aligning the input image with the global map model, and the global map merges the information in the images by weighted fusion with standard deviation modelling. In addition, a pre-screening step is applied before map fusion to preclude the adverse effect of accumulated errors and noises on camera egomotion estimation. Experimental results indicated that the proposed method mitigates camera drift and improves the global consistency of camera trajectories. Another critical challenge for dense RGB-D SLAM in industrial scenarios is to handle mechanical and plastic components that usually have reflective and shiny surfaces. Photometric alignment in frame-to-model camera tracking tends to fail on such objects due to the inconsistency in intensity patterns of the images and the global map model. This thesis addresses this problem and proposes RSO-SLAM, namely a SLAM approach to reflective and shiny object reconstruction. RSO-SLAM adopts frame-to-model camera tracking and combines local photometric alignment and global geometric registration. This study revealed the effectiveness and excellent performance of the proposed RSO-SLAM on both plastic and metallic objects. In addition, a case study involving the cover of a electric vehicle battery with metallic surface demonstrated the superior performance of the RSO-SLAM approach in the reconstruction of a common industrial product. With the reconstructed point cloud model of the object, the problem of object localisation is tackled as point cloud registration in the thesis. Iterative Closest Point (ICP) is arguably the best-known method for point cloud registration, but it is susceptible to sub-optimal convergence due to the multimodal solution space. This thesis proposes the Bees Algorithm (BA) enhanced with the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) procedure for point cloud registration. SVD accelerates the speed of the local search of the BA, helping the algorithm to rapidly identify the local optima. It also enhances the precision of the obtained solutions. At the same time, the global outlook of the BA ensures adequate exploration of the whole solution space. Experimental results demonstrated the remarkable performance of the SVD-enhanced BA in terms of consistency and precision. Additional tests on noisy datasets demonstrated the robustness of the proposed procedure to imprecision in the models

    LSST Science Book, Version 2.0

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    A survey that can cover the sky in optical bands over wide fields to faint magnitudes with a fast cadence will enable many of the exciting science opportunities of the next decade. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will have an effective aperture of 6.7 meters and an imaging camera with field of view of 9.6 deg^2, and will be devoted to a ten-year imaging survey over 20,000 deg^2 south of +15 deg. Each pointing will be imaged 2000 times with fifteen second exposures in six broad bands from 0.35 to 1.1 microns, to a total point-source depth of r~27.5. The LSST Science Book describes the basic parameters of the LSST hardware, software, and observing plans. The book discusses educational and outreach opportunities, then goes on to describe a broad range of science that LSST will revolutionize: mapping the inner and outer Solar System, stellar populations in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, the structure of the Milky Way disk and halo and other objects in the Local Volume, transient and variable objects both at low and high redshift, and the properties of normal and active galaxies at low and high redshift. It then turns to far-field cosmological topics, exploring properties of supernovae to z~1, strong and weak lensing, the large-scale distribution of galaxies and baryon oscillations, and how these different probes may be combined to constrain cosmological models and the physics of dark energy.Comment: 596 pages. Also available at full resolution at http://www.lsst.org/lsst/sciboo

    High-performance hardware accelerators for image processing in space applications

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    Mars is a hard place to reach. While there have been many notable success stories in getting probes to the Red Planet, the historical record is full of bad news. The success rate for actually landing on the Martian surface is even worse, roughly 30%. This low success rate must be mainly credited to the Mars environment characteristics. In the Mars atmosphere strong winds frequently breath. This phenomena usually modifies the lander descending trajectory diverging it from the target one. Moreover, the Mars surface is not the best place where performing a safe land. It is pitched by many and close craters and huge stones, and characterized by huge mountains and hills (e.g., Olympus Mons is 648 km in diameter and 27 km tall). For these reasons a mission failure due to a landing in huge craters, on big stones or on part of the surface characterized by a high slope is highly probable. In the last years, all space agencies have increased their research efforts in order to enhance the success rate of Mars missions. In particular, the two hottest research topics are: the active debris removal and the guided landing on Mars. The former aims at finding new methods to remove space debris exploiting unmanned spacecrafts. These must be able to autonomously: detect a debris, analyses it, in order to extract its characteristics in terms of weight, speed and dimension, and, eventually, rendezvous with it. In order to perform these tasks, the spacecraft must have high vision capabilities. In other words, it must be able to take pictures and process them with very complex image processing algorithms in order to detect, track and analyse the debris. The latter aims at increasing the landing point precision (i.e., landing ellipse) on Mars. Future space-missions will increasingly adopt Video Based Navigation systems to assist the entry, descent and landing (EDL) phase of space modules (e.g., spacecrafts), enhancing the precision of automatic EDL navigation systems. For instance, recent space exploration missions, e.g., Spirity, Oppurtunity, and Curiosity, made use of an EDL procedure aiming at following a fixed and precomputed descending trajectory to reach a precise landing point. This approach guarantees a maximum landing point precision of 20 km. By comparing this data with the Mars environment characteristics, it is possible to understand how the mission failure probability still remains really high. A very challenging problem is to design an autonomous-guided EDL system able to even more reduce the landing ellipse, guaranteeing to avoid the landing in dangerous area of Mars surface (e.g., huge craters or big stones) that could lead to the mission failure. The autonomous behaviour of the system is mandatory since a manual driven approach is not feasible due to the distance between Earth and Mars. Since this distance varies from 56 to 100 million of km approximately due to the orbit eccentricity, even if a signal transmission at the light speed could be possible, in the best case the transmission time would be around 31 minutes, exceeding so the overall duration of the EDL phase. In both applications, algorithms must guarantee self-adaptability to the environmental conditions. Since the Mars (and in general the space) harsh conditions are difficult to be predicted at design time, these algorithms must be able to automatically tune the internal parameters depending on the current conditions. Moreover, real-time performances are another key factor. Since a software implementation of these computational intensive tasks cannot reach the required performances, these algorithms must be accelerated via hardware. For this reasons, this thesis presents my research work done on advanced image processing algorithms for space applications and the associated hardware accelerators. My research activity has been focused on both the algorithm and their hardware implementations. Concerning the first aspect, I mainly focused my research effort to integrate self-adaptability features in the existing algorithms. While concerning the second, I studied and validated a methodology to efficiently develop, verify and validate hardware components aimed at accelerating video-based applications. This approach allowed me to develop and test high performance hardware accelerators that strongly overcome the performances of the actual state-of-the-art implementations. The thesis is organized in four main chapters. Chapter 2 starts with a brief introduction about the story of digital image processing. The main content of this chapter is the description of space missions in which digital image processing has a key role. A major effort has been spent on the missions in which my research activity has a substantial impact. In particular, for these missions, this chapter deeply analizes and evaluates the state-of-the-art approaches and algorithms. Chapter 3 analyzes and compares the two technologies used to implement high performances hardware accelerators, i.e., Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Thanks to this information the reader may understand the main reasons behind the decision of space agencies to exploit FPGAs instead of ASICs for high-performance hardware accelerators in space missions, even if FPGAs are more sensible to Single Event Upsets (i.e., transient error induced on hardware component by alpha particles and solar radiation in space). Moreover, this chapter deeply describes the three available space-grade FPGA technologies (i.e., One-time Programmable, Flash-based, and SRAM-based), and the main fault-mitigation techniques against SEUs that are mandatory for employing space-grade FPGAs in actual missions. Chapter 4 describes one of the main contribution of my research work: a library of high-performance hardware accelerators for image processing in space applications. The basic idea behind this library is to offer to designers a set of validated hardware components able to strongly speed up the basic image processing operations commonly used in an image processing chain. In other words, these components can be directly used as elementary building blocks to easily create a complex image processing system, without wasting time in the debug and validation phase. This library groups the proposed hardware accelerators in IP-core families. The components contained in a same family share the same provided functionality and input/output interface. This harmonization in the I/O interface enables to substitute, inside a complex image processing system, components of the same family without requiring modifications to the system communication infrastructure. In addition to the analysis of the internal architecture of the proposed components, another important aspect of this chapter is the methodology used to develop, verify and validate the proposed high performance image processing hardware accelerators. This methodology involves the usage of different programming and hardware description languages in order to support the designer from the algorithm modelling up to the hardware implementation and validation. Chapter 5 presents the proposed complex image processing systems. In particular, it exploits a set of actual case studies, associated with the most recent space agency needs, to show how the hardware accelerator components can be assembled to build a complex image processing system. In addition to the hardware accelerators contained in the library, the described complex system embeds innovative ad-hoc hardware components and software routines able to provide high performance and self-adaptable image processing functionalities. To prove the benefits of the proposed methodology, each case study is concluded with a comparison with the current state-of-the-art implementations, highlighting the benefits in terms of performances and self-adaptability to the environmental conditions

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Perception of Unstructured Environments for Autonomous Off-Road Vehicles

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    Autonome Fahrzeuge benötigen die Fähigkeit zur Perzeption als eine notwendige Voraussetzung für eine kontrollierbare und sichere Interaktion, um ihre Umgebung wahrzunehmen und zu verstehen. Perzeption für strukturierte Innen- und Außenumgebungen deckt wirtschaftlich lukrative Bereiche, wie den autonomen Personentransport oder die Industrierobotik ab, während die Perzeption unstrukturierter Umgebungen im Forschungsfeld der Umgebungswahrnehmung stark unterrepräsentiert ist. Die analysierten unstrukturierten Umgebungen stellen eine besondere Herausforderung dar, da die vorhandenen, natürlichen und gewachsenen Geometrien meist keine homogene Struktur aufweisen und ähnliche Texturen sowie schwer zu trennende Objekte dominieren. Dies erschwert die Erfassung dieser Umgebungen und deren Interpretation, sodass Perzeptionsmethoden speziell für diesen Anwendungsbereich konzipiert und optimiert werden müssen. In dieser Dissertation werden neuartige und optimierte Perzeptionsmethoden für unstrukturierte Umgebungen vorgeschlagen und in einer ganzheitlichen, dreistufigen Pipeline für autonome Geländefahrzeuge kombiniert: Low-Level-, Mid-Level- und High-Level-Perzeption. Die vorgeschlagenen klassischen Methoden und maschinellen Lernmethoden (ML) zur Perzeption bzw.~Wahrnehmung ergänzen sich gegenseitig. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Kombination von Perzeptions- und Validierungsmethoden für jede Ebene eine zuverlässige Wahrnehmung der möglicherweise unbekannten Umgebung, wobei lose und eng gekoppelte Validierungsmethoden kombiniert werden, um eine ausreichende, aber flexible Bewertung der vorgeschlagenen Perzeptionsmethoden zu gewährleisten. Alle Methoden wurden als einzelne Module innerhalb der in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagenen Perzeptions- und Validierungspipeline entwickelt, und ihre flexible Kombination ermöglicht verschiedene Pipelinedesigns für eine Vielzahl von Geländefahrzeugen und Anwendungsfällen je nach Bedarf. Low-Level-Perzeption gewährleistet eine eng gekoppelte Konfidenzbewertung für rohe 2D- und 3D-Sensordaten, um Sensorausfälle zu erkennen und eine ausreichende Genauigkeit der Sensordaten zu gewährleisten. Darüber hinaus werden neuartige Kalibrierungs- und Registrierungsansätze für Multisensorsysteme in der Perzeption vorgestellt, welche lediglich die Struktur der Umgebung nutzen, um die erfassten Sensordaten zu registrieren: ein halbautomatischer Registrierungsansatz zur Registrierung mehrerer 3D~Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Sensoren und ein vertrauensbasiertes Framework, welches verschiedene Registrierungsmethoden kombiniert und die Registrierung verschiedener Sensoren mit unterschiedlichen Messprinzipien ermöglicht. Dabei validiert die Kombination mehrerer Registrierungsmethoden die Registrierungsergebnisse in einer eng gekoppelten Weise. Mid-Level-Perzeption ermöglicht die 3D-Rekonstruktion unstrukturierter Umgebungen mit zwei Verfahren zur Schätzung der Disparität von Stereobildern: ein klassisches, korrelationsbasiertes Verfahren für Hyperspektralbilder, welches eine begrenzte Menge an Test- und Validierungsdaten erfordert, und ein zweites Verfahren, welches die Disparität aus Graustufenbildern mit neuronalen Faltungsnetzen (CNNs) schätzt. Neuartige Disparitätsfehlermetriken und eine Evaluierungs-Toolbox für die 3D-Rekonstruktion von Stereobildern ergänzen die vorgeschlagenen Methoden zur Disparitätsschätzung aus Stereobildern und ermöglichen deren lose gekoppelte Validierung. High-Level-Perzeption konzentriert sich auf die Interpretation von einzelnen 3D-Punktwolken zur Befahrbarkeitsanalyse, Objekterkennung und Hindernisvermeidung. Eine Domänentransferanalyse für State-of-the-art-Methoden zur semantischen 3D-Segmentierung liefert Empfehlungen für eine möglichst exakte Segmentierung in neuen Zieldomänen ohne eine Generierung neuer Trainingsdaten. Der vorgestellte Trainingsansatz für 3D-Segmentierungsverfahren mit CNNs kann die benötigte Menge an Trainingsdaten weiter reduzieren. Methoden zur Erklärbarkeit künstlicher Intelligenz vor und nach der Modellierung ermöglichen eine lose gekoppelte Validierung der vorgeschlagenen High-Level-Methoden mit Datensatzbewertung und modellunabhängigen Erklärungen für CNN-Vorhersagen. Altlastensanierung und Militärlogistik sind die beiden Hauptanwendungsfälle in unstrukturierten Umgebungen, welche in dieser Arbeit behandelt werden. Diese Anwendungsszenarien zeigen auch, wie die Lücke zwischen der Entwicklung einzelner Methoden und ihrer Integration in die Verarbeitungskette für autonome Geländefahrzeuge mit Lokalisierung, Kartierung, Planung und Steuerung geschlossen werden kann. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die vorgeschlagene Pipeline flexible Perzeptionslösungen für autonome Geländefahrzeuge bietet und die begleitende Validierung eine exakte und vertrauenswürdige Perzeption unstrukturierter Umgebungen gewährleistet