560 research outputs found

    Potential mass surveillance and privacy violations in proximity-based social applications

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    Proximity-based social applications let users interact with people that are currently close to them, by revealing some information about their preferences and whereabouts. This information is acquired through passive geo-localisation and used to build a sense of serendipitous discovery of people, places and interests. Unfortunately, while this class of applications opens different interactions possibilities for people in urban settings, obtaining access to certain identity information could lead a possible privacy attacker to identify and follow a user in their movements in a specific period of time. The same information shared through the platform could also help an attacker to link the victim's online profiles to physical identities. We analyse a set of popular dating application that shares users relative distances within a certain radius and show how, by using the information shared on these platforms, it is possible to formalise a multilateration attack, able to identify the user actual position. The same attack can also be used to follow a user in all their movements within a certain period of time, therefore identifying their habits and Points of Interest across the city. Furthermore we introduce a social attack which uses common Facebook likes to profile a person and finally identify their real identity

    Circuit Complexity Meets Ontology-Based Data Access

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    Ontology-based data access is an approach to organizing access to a database augmented with a logical theory. In this approach query answering proceeds through a reformulation of a given query into a new one which can be answered without any use of theory. Thus the problem reduces to the standard database setting. However, the size of the query may increase substantially during the reformulation. In this survey we review a recently developed framework on proving lower and upper bounds on the size of this reformulation by employing methods and results from Boolean circuit complexity.Comment: To appear in proceedings of CSR 2015, LNCS 9139, Springe

    Recommender Systems

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    The ongoing rapid expansion of the Internet greatly increases the necessity of effective recommender systems for filtering the abundant information. Extensive research for recommender systems is conducted by a broad range of communities including social and computer scientists, physicists, and interdisciplinary researchers. Despite substantial theoretical and practical achievements, unification and comparison of different approaches are lacking, which impedes further advances. In this article, we review recent developments in recommender systems and discuss the major challenges. We compare and evaluate available algorithms and examine their roles in the future developments. In addition to algorithms, physical aspects are described to illustrate macroscopic behavior of recommender systems. Potential impacts and future directions are discussed. We emphasize that recommendation has a great scientific depth and combines diverse research fields which makes it of interests for physicists as well as interdisciplinary researchers.Comment: 97 pages, 20 figures (To appear in Physics Reports

    A Hypergraph Data Model for Expert-Finding in Multimedia Social Networks

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) have found widespread applications in every area of our life. A large number of people have signed up to OSN for different purposes, including to meet old friends, to choose a given company, to identify expert users about a given topic, producing a large number of social connections. These aspects have led to the birth of a new generation of OSNs, called Multimedia Social Networks (MSNs), in which user-generated content plays a key role to enable interactions among users. In this work, we propose a novel expert-finding technique exploiting a hypergraph-based data model for MSNs. In particular, some user-ranking measures, obtained considering only particular useful hyperpaths, have been profitably used to evaluate the related expertness degree with respect to a given social topic. Several experiments on Last.FM have been performed to evaluate the proposed approach's effectiveness, encouraging future work in this direction for supporting several applications such as multimedia recommendation, influence analysis, and so on

    A Layered Reference Architecture for Metamodels to Tailor Quality Modeling and Analysis

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    Multiobjective e-commerce recommendations based on hypergraph ranking

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    © 2018 Recommender systems are emerging in e-commerce as important promotion tools to assist customers to discover potentially interesting items. Currently, most of these are single-objective and search for items that fit the overall preference of a particular user. In real applications, such as restaurant recommendations, however, users often have multiple objectives such as group preferences and restaurant ambiance. This paper highlights the need for multi-objective recommendations and provides a solution using hypergraph ranking. A general User–Item–Attribute–Context data model is proposed to summarize different information resources and high-order relationships for the construction of a multipartite hypergraph. This study develops an improved balanced hypergraph ranking method to rank different types of objects in hypergraph data. An overall framework is then proposed as a guideline for the implementation of multi-objective recommender systems. Empirical experiments are conducted with the dataset from a review site Yelp.com, and the outcomes demonstrate that the proposed model performs very well for multi-objective recommendations. The experiments also demonstrate that this framework is still compatible for traditional single-objective recommendations and can improve accuracy significantly. In conclusion, the proposed multi-objective recommendation framework is able to handle complex and changing demands for e-commerce customers

    Who can help me? Reconstructing users' psychological journeys in depression-related social media interactions

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    Social media are increasingly being used as self-help boards, where individuals can disclose personal experiences and feelings and look for support from peers or experts. Here we investigate several popular mental health-related Reddit boards about depression while proposing a novel psycho-social framework. We reconstruct users' psychological/linguistic profiles together with their social interactions. We cover a total of 303,016 users, engaging in 378,483 posts and 1,475,044 comments from 01/05/2018 to 01/05/2020. After identifying a network of users' interactions, e.g., who replied to whom, we open an unprecedented window over psycholinguistic, cognitive, and affective digital traces with relevance for mental health research. Through user-generated content, we identify four categories or archetypes of users in agreement with the Patient Health Engagement model: the emotionally turbulent/under blackout, the aroused, the adherent-yet-conflicted, and the eudaimonically hopeful. Analyzing users' transitions over time through conditional Markov processes, we show how these four archetypes are not consecutive stages. We do not find a linear progression or sequential patient journey, where users evolve from struggling to serenity through feelings of conflict. Instead, we find online users to follow spirals towards both negative and positive archetypal stages. Through psychological/linguistic and social network modelling, we can provide compelling quantitative pieces of evidence on how such a complex path unfolds through positive, negative, and conflicting online contexts. Our approach opens the way to data-informed understandings of psychological coping with mental health issues through social media.Comment: main article + supporting informatio

    Graph AI in Medicine

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    In clinical artificial intelligence (AI), graph representation learning, mainly through graph neural networks (GNNs), stands out for its capability to capture intricate relationships within structured clinical datasets. With diverse data -- from patient records to imaging -- GNNs process data holistically by viewing modalities as nodes interconnected by their relationships. Graph AI facilitates model transfer across clinical tasks, enabling models to generalize across patient populations without additional parameters or minimal re-training. However, the importance of human-centered design and model interpretability in clinical decision-making cannot be overstated. Since graph AI models capture information through localized neural transformations defined on graph relationships, they offer both an opportunity and a challenge in elucidating model rationale. Knowledge graphs can enhance interpretability by aligning model-driven insights with medical knowledge. Emerging graph models integrate diverse data modalities through pre-training, facilitate interactive feedback loops, and foster human-AI collaboration, paving the way to clinically meaningful predictions
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