2,691 research outputs found

    A Review of Integrative Imputation for Multi-Omics Datasets

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    Multi-omics studies, which explore the interactions between multiple types of biological factors, have significant advantages over single-omics analysis for their ability to provide a more holistic view of biological processes, uncover the causal and functional mechanisms for complex diseases, and facilitate new discoveries in precision medicine. However, omics datasets often contain missing values, and in multi-omics study designs it is common for individuals to be represented for some omics layers but not all. Since most statistical analyses cannot be applied directly to the incomplete datasets, imputation is typically performed to infer the missing values. Integrative imputation techniques which make use of the correlations and shared information among multi-omics datasets are expected to outperform approaches that rely on single-omics information alone, resulting in more accurate results for the subsequent downstream analyses. In this review, we provide an overview of the currently available imputation methods for handling missing values in bioinformatics data with an emphasis on multi-omics imputation. In addition, we also provide a perspective on how deep learning methods might be developed for the integrative imputation of multi-omics datasets

    The GDR : a novel approach to detect large-scale genomic sequence patterns

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    Utvikling av ny sekvenseringsteknologi de to siste tiårene har tillatt dypere dykk ned i de biomolekylære aspektene ved menneskets oppskrift. Hel-genom data fra flere hundre tusen mennesker er allerede tilgjengelig, men hvordan den økende mengden informasjon kan settes sammen til meningsfull funksjonell tolkning er komplisert og krever nye metoder. MikroRNA - mRNA interaksjoner utgjør et enormt genreguleringsnettverk som er vanskelig å predikere, selv for dagens beste maskinlæringsalgoritmer(1). Disse ikke-kodende elementene er involvert i omtrent alle cellulære prosesser i mennesket, primært via delvis komplementær baseparing mellom mikroRNA og mRNA, men det er mye vi ikke forstår av dette nettverkets betydning i vår biologi (2-4). Nye metoder er nødvendige for å kunne utforske genetisk variasjon i dette nettverket, som kan gi nye innblikk i hvordan genene våre reguleres. Her presenteres «The Group Diversity Ratio» (GDR) som en ny målenhet til å møte denne utfordringen. GDR kan kvantifisere evolusjonær struktur av variasjon i store mengder genomisk sekvensdata, med et resultat som kan statistisk valideres. Metoden baserer seg på å måle gruppe-struktur i et distanse-basert fylogenetisk tre av sekvensdata, for forhåndsdefinerte grupper av «blader» i treet. Gruppene representerer en egenskap som kan relateres til sekvensdataen, og det undersøkes til hvilken grad det finnes en sammenheng mellom de to. Metoden kan primært brukes til å raskt skaffe overblikk over store mengder genomisk sekvensdata, som kan gi verdifulle innblikk til videre etterforskning. For å teste metoden ble GDR brukt til å identifisere variasjon assosiert med etniske populasjoner i 3’UTR data fra «The 1000 Genomes Project» (1KGP). 1KGP var det første store prosjektet som adresserte den etniske skjevheten som nå finnes i genom-databaser, og som utgjør en god grunn til å utforske etnisk genetisk variasjon (5). I tillegg til identifikasjon av mer enn 1000 3’UTR sekvenser som inneholder signifikant etnisitet-spesifikk variasjon, viser dette studiet GDR-metodens høye potensial til å undersøke genetisk variasjon i stor skala.The emergence of new sequencing technologies over the past two decades has enabled us to dive deeper into the biomolecular aspect of the human recipe. Entire genomes from several hundred thousand people are already accessible, but how to interpretate the connections between the blueprints and the phenotypes are complicated, even for the best developed machine learning algorithms. Prediction of the microRNA-mRNA targeting network is a classic example, which is involved with gene regulation of all living cell processes. These non-coding features make up complex networks of interactions, where microRNAs primarily target 3’UTRs through partial complementary base-pairing. Thus, the challenge to investigate patterns in such large-scaled genomic sequence data requires new approaches. The Group Diversity Ratio (GDR) metric is presented here as a novel approach to aid in this challenge. The GDR quantifies genome-wide structure in large-scale sequence data with a statistically testable result. Patterns are measured for a group feature that may be related to variation in sequence samples, based on phylogenetic distance estimations. It opens opportunities to quickly gain insights into genomic regions of interests and used to guide further research. To demonstrate the use of the GDR metric, ethnicity-associated variation patterns in more than 1000 human 3’UTRs was identified with the GDR. The study set was from 1000 Genomes project, which was the first major effort to address the problem of ethnic bias in genetic studies and contained more than 2500 whole-genome sequences from 26 ethnic lineages. In addition to detecting significantly distinct 3’UTR elements for ethnic populations, the key finding of this study was the high potentials of the GDR to facilitate more high-throughput characterization of genomic sequence data.M-BIA

    Computational strategies for dissecting the high-dimensional complexity of adaptive immune repertoires

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    The adaptive immune system recognizes antigens via an immense array of antigen-binding antibodies and T-cell receptors, the immune repertoire. The interrogation of immune repertoires is of high relevance for understanding the adaptive immune response in disease and infection (e.g., autoimmunity, cancer, HIV). Adaptive immune receptor repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) has driven the quantitative and molecular-level profiling of immune repertoires thereby revealing the high-dimensional complexity of the immune receptor sequence landscape. Several methods for the computational and statistical analysis of large-scale AIRR-seq data have been developed to resolve immune repertoire complexity in order to understand the dynamics of adaptive immunity. Here, we review the current research on (i) diversity, (ii) clustering and network, (iii) phylogenetic and (iv) machine learning methods applied to dissect, quantify and compare the architecture, evolution, and specificity of immune repertoires. We summarize outstanding questions in computational immunology and propose future directions for systems immunology towards coupling AIRR-seq with the computational discovery of immunotherapeutics, vaccines, and immunodiagnostics.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Combining Molecular, Imaging, and Clinical Data Analysis for Predicting Cancer Prognosis

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    Cancer is one of the most detrimental diseases globally. Accordingly, the prognosis prediction of cancer patients has become a field of interest. In this review, we have gathered 43 stateof- the-art scientific papers published in the last 6 years that built cancer prognosis predictive models using multimodal data. We have defined the multimodality of data as four main types: clinical, anatomopathological, molecular, and medical imaging; and we have expanded on the information that each modality provides. The 43 studies were divided into three categories based on the modelling approach taken, and their characteristics were further discussed together with current issues and future trends. Research in this area has evolved from survival analysis through statistical modelling using mainly clinical and anatomopathological data to the prediction of cancer prognosis through a multi-faceted data-driven approach by the integration of complex, multimodal, and high-dimensional data containing multi-omics and medical imaging information and by applying Machine Learning and, more recently, Deep Learning techniques. This review concludes that cancer prognosis predictive multimodal models are capable of better stratifying patients, which can improve clinical management and contribute to the implementation of personalised medicine as well as provide new and valuable knowledge on cancer biology and its progression

    Survival-Related Clustering of Cancer Patients by Integrating Clinical and Biological Datasets

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    Subtype-based treatments and drug therapies are essential aspects to be considered in cancer patients\u27 clinical trials to provide appropriate personalized therapies. With the advancement of the next-generation sequencing technology, several computational models, integrating genomic and transcriptomic datasets (i.e., multi-omics) in the prediction of subtype-based classification in cancer patients, were emerged. However, integration of the prognostic features from the clinical data, related to survival risks with the multi-omics datasets in the prediction of different subtypes, is limited and an important research area to be explored. In this study, we proposed a data integration pipeline with the prognostic features from the clinical data and multi-omics datasets to predict the survival-risk-based subtypes in Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (KIRC) patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Firstly, we applied an unsupervised clustering algorithm on KIRC patients and clustered them into two survival-risk-based subgroups, i.e., subtypes. Then, using the clustering-based subtype labels as class labels for cancer patients, we trained a supervised classification model to determine the class label of un-labeled patients.In our clustering step, we applied multivariate Cox Proportional Hazard (Cox-PH) model to select the survival-related prognostically significant features (p-value \u3c 0.05) from the patients’ multivariate clinical data. Then, we used the Silhouette Coefficient to determine the optimal number (k) of the clusters. In our classification step, we integrated high dimensional multi-omics datasets with three different data modalities (such as gene expression, microRNA expression, and DNA methylation). We utilized a dimension-reduction approach, followed by a univariate Cox-PH for each reduced data modality with patients’ survival status. Then, we selected the survival-related reduced-omics-features in our classification model. In this step, we applied a supervised classification method with 10-fold cross-validation to check our survival-based subtype prediction accuracy. We tested multiple machine learning and deep learning algorithms in different steps of the pipeline for clustering (K-means, K-modes and, Gaussian mixture model), dimension-reduction (Denoising Autoencoder and Principal Component Analysis) and classification (Support Vector Machine and Random Forest) purposes. We proposed an optimized model with the highest survival-specific-subtype classification accuracy as the final model

    Toward a Standardized Strategy of Clinical Metabolomics for the Advancement of Precision Medicine

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    Despite the tremendous success, pitfalls have been observed in every step of a clinical metabolomics workflow, which impedes the internal validity of the study. Furthermore, the demand for logistics, instrumentations, and computational resources for metabolic phenotyping studies has far exceeded our expectations. In this conceptual review, we will cover inclusive barriers of a metabolomics-based clinical study and suggest potential solutions in the hope of enhancing study robustness, usability, and transferability. The importance of quality assurance and quality control procedures is discussed, followed by a practical rule containing five phases, including two additional "pre-pre-" and "post-post-" analytical steps. Besides, we will elucidate the potential involvement of machine learning and demonstrate that the need for automated data mining algorithms to improve the quality of future research is undeniable. Consequently, we propose a comprehensive metabolomics framework, along with an appropriate checklist refined from current guidelines and our previously published assessment, in the attempt to accurately translate achievements in metabolomics into clinical and epidemiological research. Furthermore, the integration of multifaceted multi-omics approaches with metabolomics as the pillar member is in urgent need. When combining with other social or nutritional factors, we can gather complete omics profiles for a particular disease. Our discussion reflects the current obstacles and potential solutions toward the progressing trend of utilizing metabolomics in clinical research to create the next-generation healthcare system.11Ysciescopu