4,903 research outputs found

    Reducing behaviour problems in young people through social competence programmes

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    There is a relatively strong relationship between the concepts of behavioural problems and social competence, in that social competence is regarded as one of the most important protective factors in the prevention of behavioural problems. This paper argues that the concept of social competence should include social skills, social practice and empathic understanding. It identifies the components that form part of an effective social competence programme, including enhancing an understanding of social situations, increasing the generation of adequate social skills, improving the management of provocations which may lead to uncontrolled anger, and developing empathic understanding. The evidence also suggests that effective social competence programmes for children and young people should be multi modal and consist of mixed groups of pupils with and without difficulties. The paper concludes with a brief description of Aggression Replacement Training as an example of a programme which follows the recommended guidelines.peer-reviewe

    Approaches to Studying: A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Occupational Therapy Students in Six Education Programs in Norway

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    Students’ approaches to studying have been associated with their academic performance. Although previous research suggests that the cultural and educational context may influence approaches to studying, few studies have investigated differences in study approaches across education programs. The aim of this study was to examine whether approaches to studying differed among occupational therapy students enrolled in six different educational programs in Norway. From a population of 308 students, 187 first-year occupational therapy students in six educational programs in Norway were recruited. The students provided their sociodemographic information and completed the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST), and group differences were analyzed with Chi-square tests and one-way analyses of variance. Scores on the deep and surface approach scales did not differ significantly among the students in the six educational programs, while there was an overall difference in scores on the strategic approach scale. Group differences regarding the subscales were minor, and only a few of the pairwise differences reached statistical significance. Differences at the education program level appear not to be important for the interpretation of differences in study approaches among students


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    Rohenti (505470030): Dampak Perubahan Ekonomi terhadap Sikap dan Perilaku Keluarga Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) dalam Kehidupan Bermasyarakat (Studi Kasus di Desa Serangwetan Kecamatan Babakan Kabupaten Cirebon) Jumlah angkatan kerja yang terus bertambah setiap tahunnya dan tidak diimbangi dengan lapangan kerja yang ada mengakibatkan semakin ketatnya persaingan kerja sehingga angka pengangguran pun cukup tinggi. Sulitnya mencari kerja di dalam negeri serta rendahnya penghasilan yang diterima membuat tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan hidup yang semakin kompleks. Kebijakan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah dengan membuka kesempatan bekerja di luar negeri sebagai TKI diharapkan dapat mengurangi tingkat pengangguran yang cukup tinggi dan juga sebagai solusi alternatif bagi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan. Sekitar 320 orang warga desa Serangwetan Kecamatan Babakan Kabupaten Cirebon memutuskan bekerja sebagai TKI di luar negeri, dan sebagian besar dari jumlah tersebut adalah perempuan. Dengan bekerja sebagai TKI di luar negeri mereka berharap dapat merubah ekonomi menjadi lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui bagaimana gambaran ekonomi keluarga TKI di desa Serangwetan Kecamatan Babakan Kabupaten Cirebon sebelum salah salah satu atau lebih anggota keluarganya menjadi TKI di luar negeri. 2) mengetahui bagaimana gambaran ekonomi keluarga TKI di desa Serangwetan Kecamatan Babakan Kabupaten Cirebon setelah salah satu atau lebih anggota keluarganya menjadi TKI di luar negeri. 3) untuk mengetahui dampak perubahan ekonomi terhadap sikap dan perilaku keluarga TKI di Desa Serangwetan Kecamatan Babakan Kabupaten Cirebon dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Setiap manusia pasti akan mengalami perubahan-perubahan, baik itu secara pisik maupun psikis. Dan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada diri manusia akan berpengaruh terhadap perubahan pada masyarakat, karena manusia merupakan makhluk sosial. Perubahan sosial terjadi karena adanya perubahan dalam unsur-unsur yang mempertahankan keseimbangan masyarakat seperti perubahan dalam unsur geografis, biologis, ekonomis, atau kebudayaan. Perubahan ekonomi pada keluarga TKI terjadi dengan waktu yang relatif singkat, dan perubahan ini berdampak pada sikap dan perilaku mereka dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di masyarakat. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Untuk memperoleh informasi dan data yang diperlukan maka peneliti melakukan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumnetasi. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif dan disajikan dalam uraian singkat. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian masyarakat desa Serangwetan Kecamatan Babakan Kabupaten Cirebon yang salah satu atau lebih anggota keluarganya bekerja sebagai TKI terjadi perubahan ekonomi kearah yang lebih baik yang ditandai dengan peningkatan pendapatan keluarga meraka. Perubahan ekonomi ini ternyata berdampak pada perubahan sikap dan perilaku mereka dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di masyarakat, baik itu perubahan sikap dan perilaku yang positif atau pun perubahan sikap dan perilaku yang negati

    Social perception training : improving social competence by reducing cognitive distortions

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    Social Perception Training (SPT) is a program focused on changing the perceptual and cognitive processes involved in suboptimal social interactions. It is administered with whole class of pupils over ten weeks. No previous studies have evaluated its efficacy. The present study investigated the outcome benefit of the program in 18 primary and secondary classes in a Norwegian municipality (aggregated N = 332), using multiinformant instruments administered in a pre-post research design. Pupils reported on cognitive distortions and the learning environment, parents on social skills and problem behaviour, and teachers on classroom performance. Results indicate overall positive differences, especially for pupils‟ cognitive distortions. Increased social skills and reduced problem behaviours were also reported, as well as improved peer relations and perceived emotional support from teachers. Overall SPT appears to be a promising and cost-effective intervention program.peer-reviewe

    Regression models for linking patterns of growth to a later outcome:Infant growth and childhood overweight

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    Abstract Background Regression models are widely used to link serial measures of anthropometric size or changes in size to a later outcome. Different parameterisations of these models enable one to target different questions about the effect of growth, however, their interpretation can be challenging. Our objective was to formulate and classify several sets of parameterisations by their underlying growth pattern contrast, and to discuss their utility using an expository example. Methods We describe and classify five sets of model parameterisations in accordance with their underlying growth pattern contrast (conditional growth; being bigger v being smaller; becoming bigger and staying bigger; growing faster v being bigger; becoming and staying bigger versus being bigger). The contrasts are estimated by including different sets of repeated measures of size and changes in size in a regression model. We illustrate these models in the setting of linking infant growth (measured on 6 occasions: birth, 6 weeks, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months) in weight-for-height-for-age z-scores to later childhood overweight at 8y using complete cases from the Norwegian Childhood Growth study (n = 900). Results In our expository example, conditional growth during all periods, becoming bigger in any interval and staying bigger through infancy, and being bigger from birth were all associated with higher odds of later overweight. The highest odds of later overweight occurred for individuals who experienced high conditional growth or became bigger in the 3 to 6 month period and stayed bigger, and those who were bigger from birth to 24 months. Comparisons between periods and between growth patterns require large sample sizes and need to consider how to scale associations to make comparisons fair; with respect to the latter, we show one approach. Conclusion Studies interested in detrimental growth patterns may gain extra insight from reporting several sets of growth pattern contrasts, and hence an approach that incorporates several sets of model parameterisations. Co-efficients from these models require careful interpretation, taking account of the other variables that are conditioned on


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    Yoyoh Rokayah : Masalah pendidikan merupakan kegiatan yang kompleks. Pemberian otonomi yang luas kepada sekolah dalam mengembangkan kurikulum dan pembelajaran beserta sitem evaluasinya merupakan kepedulian pemerintah terhadap upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Peningkatan mutu menjadi semakin penting bagi institusi yang digunakan untuk memperoleh kontrol yang lebih baik melalui usahanya sendiri. Keberhasilan institusi pendidikan dalam menjalankan program yang telah direncanakan perlu didukung dengan sebuah kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, mengingat kepemimpinan merupakan motor penggerak bagi sumber daya yang dimiliki lembaga. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: a. Bagaimanakah model kepemimpinan kepala sekolah ? b. Bagaimanakah standar sekolah yang bermutu, dan c. Apa model kepemimpinan dan pelaksanaan kepemimpinan yang cocok dilaksanakan di sekolah SMA Negeri I Dukupuntang dalam peningkatan mutu sekolah ?. Tujuan penelitian meliputi: a. Menjelaskan model kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, b. Menjelaskan standar sekolah yang bermutu, c. Menjelaskan model dan pelaksanaan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yang cocok dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri I Dukupuntang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan langkah-langkah observasi, pengamatan, studi dokumen, dan informan. Kesimpulan: a. Model kepemimpinan kepala sekolah adalah berkisar kepada model dan model kepemimpinan yang mana yang paling efektif dan efisien dalam mencapai tujuan lembaga. Dalam implementasinya, kepala sekolah sebagai leader dapat dianalisis dari model kepemimpinan, yaitu; Model kepemimpinan pada umumnya adalah model kepemimpinan pribadi, Model kepemimpinan non pribadi, model kepemimpinan otoriter, model kepemimpinan demokratis, model kepemimpinan paternalistis, model kepemimpinan menurut bakat. Di samping model-model kepemimpinan tersebut, ada pendapat yang mengemukakan menjadi tiga model antara lain : Otokratis, Demokratis, dan Laisezfaire. b. Mutu Sekolah berkenaan dengan penilaian bagaimana suatu produk memenuhi kriteria standar atau rujukan tertentu. Rumusan mutu pendidikan bersifat dinamis dan dapat ditelaah dari berbagai sudut pandang. Standar sekolah yang bermutu adalah meliputi; 1) standar isi, 2) standar proses, 3) standar kompetensi lulusan, 4) standar kompetensi pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, 5) standar sarana dan prasarana, 6) standar pengelolaan, 7) standar pembiayaan dan, 8) standar penilaian pendidikan. c. Model Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah yang cocok dilaksanakan oleh kepala sekolah Di SMA Negeri I Dukuputang Kabupaten Cirebon dalam Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah adalah model Kepemimpinan demokratis dan transformasional

    The effect of time delay in plant-pathogen interactions with host demography

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    Background: There is a need for valid and comprehensive measures of parental influence on children's energy balance-related behaviours (EBRB). Such measures should be based on a theoretical framework, acknowledging the dynamic and complex nature of interactions occurring within a family. The aim of the Family & Dietary habits (F&D) project was to develop a conceptual framework identifying important and changeable family processes influencing dietary behaviours of 13-15 year olds. A second aim was to develop valid and reliable questionnaires for adolescents and their parents (both mothers and fathers) measuring these processes. Methods: A stepwise approach was used; (1) preparation of scope and structure, (2) development of the F&D questionnaires, (3) the conducting of pilot studies and (4) the conducting of validation studies (assessing internal reliability, test-retest reliability and confirmatory factor analysis) using data from a cross-sectional study. Results: The conceptual framework includes psychosocial concepts such as family functioning, cohesion, conflicts, communication, work-family stress, parental practices and parental style. The physical characteristics of the home environment include accessibility and availability of different food items, while family meals are the sociocultural setting included. Individual characteristics measured are dietary intake (vegetables and sugar-sweetened beverages) and adolescents' impulsivity. The F&D questionnaires developed were tested in a test-retest (54 adolescents and 44 of their parents) and in a cross-sectional survey including 440 adolescents (13-15 year olds), 242 mothers and 155 fathers. The samples appear to be relatively representative for Norwegian adolescents and parents. For adolescents, mothers and fathers, the test-retest reliability of the dietary intake, frequencies of (family) meals, work-family stress and communication variables was satisfactory (ICC: 0.53-0.99). Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-Brief (BIS-Brief) was included, assessing adolescent's impulsivity. The internal reliability (Cronbach's alphas: 0.77/0.82) and test-retest reliability values (ICC: 0.74/0.77) of BIS-Brief were good. Conclusions: The conceptual framework developed may be a useful tool in guiding measurement and assessment of the home food environment and family processes related to adolescents' dietary habits, in particular and for EBRBs more generally. The results support the use of the F&D questionnaires as psychometrically sound tools to assess family characteristics and adolescent's impulsivity

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik Siswa SMP dengan Model Reciprocal Teaching Berbantu Cabri 3D (Penelitian Kuasi Eksperimen pada Siswa Kelas VIII di salah satu SMP Negeri Kota Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014)

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    Penelitian ini berjudul Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik Siswa SMP dengan Model Reciprocal Teaching Berbantu Cabri 3D. Masalah yang melatar belakangi penelitian ini adalah rendahnya kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa SMP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa yang pembelajaran matematikanya melalui Model Reciprocal Teaching Berbantu Cabri 3D dibandingkan dengan siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model ekspositori. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui sikap siswa terhadap Pembelajaran Model Reciprocal Teaching Berbantu Cabri 3d. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuasi eksperimen desain kelompok kontrol non-ekuivalen dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII di salah satu SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung tahun ajaran 2013/2014 dengan sampel penelitiannya siswa kelas VIII D dan kelas VIII F. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil tes kemampuan komunikasi matematik dan angket sikap siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa yang pembelajaran matematikanya melalui Pembelajaran Model Reciprocal Teaching Berbantu Cabri 3D lebih baik daripada siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model ekspositori. Hal ini diperkuat dengan hasil analisis angket sikap siswa dengan tiga aspek yang ditanyakan yakni aspek minat, kesungguhan, dan manfaat. Siswa sebagian besar merespon positif terhadap ketiga aspek yang ditanyakan, yaitu pada aspek minat sebanyak 23 siswa (64%) bersikap positif, pada aspek kesungguhan sebanyak 26 siswa (72%) bersikap positif, dan pada aspek manfaat sebanyak 25 siswa (69%) bersikap positif. The title of this research is “Improving Mathematical Communication Ability of Junior High School Students Using Reciprocal Teaching with Cabri 3D Assist Model”. The background of this research is how low the mathematical communication ability of junior high school students. The purpose of this experiment is increase that ability through the Reciprocal Teaching with Cabri 3D Assist model compared to students whose still using expository model and also to know the reaction of students toward Reciprocal Teaching with Cabri 3D Assist model. The research methodology used in this experiment is quasi experiment, designed experiment with group of non-equivalent control group using purposive sampling sample adoption’s technique. Population of this research is 8th grade students in one of junior high school in Bandung City for the 2013/2014 school year which the research sample are the VIII D and VIII F class. The data of this research gained from the mathematical communication ability test and questionnaire of student attitudes. The result shown that mathematical communication ability of the students which using Reciprocal Teaching with Cabri 3D Assist model are better than the expository method. This is also being strengthened by the result analysis of the questionnaire of student attitude that showing three aspects, interest aspect, seriousness aspect, and benefit aspect. Most of the students showed positive respond toward those three aspects such as, on there was 23 students (64%) have positive respond interest aspect, 36 students (72%) have positive respond on seriousness aspect, and on benefit aspect, there was 25 students (69%) showed positive respond