4022 research outputs found

    Sexual harassment exposure among junior high school students in Norway: prevalence and associated factors

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Background: Sexual harassment is common in most countries and cultures. Less is known about sexual harassment, its risk factors, and psychosocial outcomes among young adolescents. The aim of the study was to examine the 12-month prevalence of sexual harassment exposure, and sociodemographic and psychosocial factors associated with exposure among junior high school students in Norway. Methods: A comprehensive cross-sectional study was completed by 83,297 Norwegian adolescents in junior high school in 2021. Data on exposure to sexual harassment were used in combination with sociodemographic measures and psychosocial outcomes: depressive symptoms, loneliness, self-esteem, and well-being. Group differences were analyzed with Chi Square tests, and sociodemographic risk factors were analyzed with logistic regression. Psychosocial outcomes were assessed with multivariate and univariate ANOVAs, and dose–response relationships were assessed with linear regression. Results: Among the adolescents, 32.6% had experienced sexual harassment during the past year. Girls had higher odds of exposure (OR: 1.90, 95% CI: 1.84– 1.96), whereas adolescents whose parents had higher education had lower odds (OR: 0.95, 95% CI: 0.90–0.99). Exposure was associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms (partial η2 [ES]  =  0.11) and loneliness (ES  =  0.07), and with lower self-esteem (ES  =  0.06) and well-being (ES  =  0.06). Among exposed adolescents, more frequent exposure was associated with poorer outcomes. Conclusion: Exposure to sexual harassment affects one third of junior high school students in Norway. Those who are exposed have poorer psychosocial outcomes, and there is a dose–response relationship between exposure and outcomes. Awareness of sexual harassment among young adolescents, and interventions to prevent and reduce it, are needed.publishedVersio

    Physical activity and sedentary time after lifestyle interventions at the Norwegian Healthy Life Centres

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    This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (http://creativeco mmons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution and reproduction, provided the original article is properly cited.Aims: This study evaluates long-term changes in physical activity and its associations with various predictors after a behavior change program at the Norwegian Healthy Life Centers. Background: Physical activity is recommended and is part of public health strategies to prevent noncommunicable diseases. Methods: This longitudinal cohort, based on a controlled randomized trial, studies a population of 116 Healthy Life Center participants in South-Western Norway who wore SenseWear Armbands to measure time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary time based on metabolic equivalents. The measurements were obtained at baseline, immediately post-intervention, and 24 months after baseline. Linear mixed model analyses were performed to assess predictors for change in physical activity and sedentary time. Findings: High physical activity levels at baseline were maintained during the 24-month study period. Young, male participants with good self-rated health, utilizing local PA facilities were most active, and young participants utilizing local facilities were also less sedentary. The participants with higher levels of education were less active initially but caught up with the difference during follow-up. A high degree of controlled regulation, characterized by bad conscience and external pressure, predicted more sedentary behavior and a trend toward being less physically active. Autonomous motivation was associated with less time spent on sedentary behaviors. People with high self-efficacy for physical activity were more sedentary initially but showed a reduction in their sedentary behavior. The study supports the importance of attending local training facilities and adopting motivation for behavioral change that is not based on guilt and external rewards. Interventions aimed at improving physical activity among people at risk for noncommunicable diseases benefit from habitual use of local training facilities, strengthening their self-perceived health and the development of internalized motivation. However, it has not been shown to mitigate social health disparities.publishedVersio

    “Dangerous Individuals”: Erasing or enhancing genocidal perpetrators in social media GIFs

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.What role do user-generated GIFs (Graphics Interchange Format) have in social media and how do they contribute to distorted representations of genocides? This article analyses the availability of GIFs in Facebook Messenger in light of Facebook’s own Community Standards that prohibit the sharing of content with references to “dangerous individuals.” The company explicitly proscribes the representation of perpetrator(s) of multiple-victim violence. This article examines the narrative power of GIFs related to the Holocaust, the former Yugoslavia, and the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia and the representation of political and military leaders. Our systematic search documents a selective execution of the Community Standards as well as selective censorship of génocidaires. Rather than analysing how users create and Facebook manages these GIFs, we take this observation as a troubling indication of selective portrayal of historical truths. By making some perpetrators hypervisible, GIFs privilege certain narratives, while simultaneously muting the crimes and victims. While much attention has been given to social media’s power to (mis)represent and (re)create truths about ongoing conflicts, less attention has been given to the representation of past conflicts. Few studies examine the role of GIFs in the representation of historical figures. Drawing on memory studies and studies of historical and social representation, this article contributes to filling this gap. It argues that Facebook creates and reproduces a distorted understanding of “dangerous individual.” GIFs depicting convicted perpetrators of genocide are especially problematic given current strong trends of denialism and revisionism in countries like Serbia.publishedVersio

    Nettverksmobilisering – familie- og nettverksorienterte tiltak. Delrapport 3 i prosjektet «Virkning av hjelpetiltak i barnevernet»

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    Denne rapporten handler om nettverksmobilisering – familie- og nettverksorienterte tiltak og er en delrapport i prosjektet «Virkninger av hjelpetiltak i barnevernet». Ulike begreper brukes om nettverksmobiliserende tiltak i barnevernet og i litteraturen. I dette prosjektet har vi brukt nettverksmobiliserende tiltak, nettverksarbeid og nettverkstiltak om hverandre. Vi forstår det som tiltak der familie og/eller øvrig nettverk involveres i barnevernets arbeid med hjelpetiltak. Nettverksmobiliserende tiltak bygger på en systemteoretisk og utviklingsøkologisk forståelse.publishedVersio

    Called to being religious muslims: The religification of turkish women in Norway

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Scandinavian Journal of Islamic Studies publish under creative commons license BY-NC-SA.This paper describes the process of religification through which assumed religious affiliation, rather than other identifications, becomes the main category of identity that Norwegian society uses to identify Turkish women living in Norway. Depending on semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 41 first-generation Turkish women migrants living in Drammen and Oslo, the paper first demonstrates the variety in religious belief, identification, and adherence to religious practices among them. Secondly, it shows how their daily encounters in Norwegian society are largely shaped by the fact that Turkish womenv are primarily assumed to be religious Muslims. Many of these women feel uncomfortable being exposed to questions about religion yet, ironically, in a sense, they feel that they are being called to be more religious Muslims in the context of Norway. When they seem to diverge from the stereotype, they are told that they are not like Turks/other Turks. However, although all these women seem to differ from the stereotype, rather than leading to changes in the stereotype, they are considered exceptions.publishedVersio

    A systemic approach to school-based consultation: Combining interventions that belong to different theoretical traditions. Chapter 9

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    This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the chapter's Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.This chapter illustrates the idea that a systems perspective can encompass any idea that helps increase our understanding and effectiveness. An underlaying assumption is that the adoption of a systems perspective encourages—even requires—the possession of a plurality of theories and instruments because of the extremely complex nature of dynamic systems. The authors describe a real-life, school-based intervention that combines a normative approach (Marte Meo), with a non-normative perspective (Coordination Meetings), and how the interventions, derived from different philosophical and theoretical traditions, have been included within a single systems-oriented framework.publishedVersio

    Analysis of the assessments of the readiness of the participating social service providers. National project: deinstitutionalisation of social service facilities - support for transition teams.

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    Národný projekt: Deinštitucionalizácia zariadení sociálnych služieb – podpora transformačných tímov (ďalej len NPDI PTT) podporoval zariadenia, ktoré sa zapojili do procesu deinštitucionalizácie, respektíve prípravy na proces deinštitucionalizácie. Cieľom projektu bolo pripraviť zariadenia na realizovanie zmien smerom k prechodu z inštitucionálnej na komunitnú starostlivosť a to prostredníctvom podpory mäkkými aktivitami ako sú konzultácie, vzdelávania, hodnotenia pripravenosti, diseminačné aktivity, workshopy, zahraničné a tuzemské študijné cesty a konferencie. Jednou z prvých podaktivít NPDI PTT je realizovanie hodnotení pripravenosti zapojených zariadení sociálnych služieb (ďalej len ZSS) na proces deinštitucionalizácie. Proces hodnotenia pripravenosti ZSS mal za cieľ: • Vyhodnotiť a popísať aktuálny stav poskytovania sociálnych služieb v zariadení sociálnych služieb a jeho súlad s vybranými článkami Dohovoru o právach osôb so zdravotným postihnutím prostredníctvom nástroja Svetovej zdravotníckej organizácie - WHO QualityRights Toolkit , • identifikovať postoje manažmentu, jeho pripravenosť na možnosti sebarealizácie, aktivizácie a participácie prijímateľov sociálnych služieb v komunite, ich aktívne začlenenie sa, • identifikovať pripravenosť na zmenu v možnostiach komunikácie a spolupráce s trhom práce a umiestňovania občanov so zdravotným postihnutím na trhu práce v mieste pôsobenia zariadenia sociálnych služieb u zamestnávateľov, • identifikovať a vyhodnotiť aktuálne fyzické prostredie poskytovanej sociálnej služby. Hodnotenie pripravenosti ZSS bolo vstupným dokumentom ktorý bude v kontexte Dohovoru o právach osôb so zdravotným postihnutím tvoriť základný podklad pre prípravu transformačných plánov konkrétnych zariadení sociálnych služieb v troch oblastiach: • sociálne služby, • aktivizácia a zamestnávanie, • zmien fyzického prostredia.publishedVersio

    The fragile process of homecoming - Young women in recovery from severe ME/CFS

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Purpose: To explore the recovery narratives of 13 young women who had fallen ill with severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), during childhood and adolescence, with the focus on what they had to say about their past experiences from the perspective of the present. Method: A qualitative narrative approach, informed by a phenomenological theoretical perspective, was adopted to explore what the women found significant and meaningful in their recovery process. Data analysis of in-depth narrative interviews was performed which are presented to readers through the stories of two particular participants. Results: The first story describes how one participant made a recovery by testing her body’s tolerance and working to create a more confident self. The second story describes a complex exploration of possibilities for action in recovery, along with a struggle to make sense of setbacks and hold on to what has been gained. Conclusion: Recovering from ME/CFS emerges as an inter-personal, contextual, fragile and nonlinear process of homecoming, based on gradually rising bodily based self-knowledge. Illness slowly fades away into the background, and there is the prospect of a healthier tomorrow.publishedVersio

    Anerkjennelse i sosialt arbeid. En litteraturstudie om hvilken betydning opplevelse av anerkjennelse kan ha for mennesker vi møter i sosialt arbeid

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    I denne litteraturstudien undersøker jeg hvilken betydning opplevelse av anerkjennelse kan ha for mennesker vi møter i sosialt arbeid. Jeg utforsker ulike teorier om anerkjennelse innen filosofi og relasjonelt arbeid, og knytter det teoretiske grunnlaget til funn fra kvalitative empiriske studier. Forskningsmaterialet jeg har valgt er basert på intervjuer med kvinnelige brukere i Nav, enslige mindreårige flyktninger, og voksne med flyktningbakgrunn. Anerkjennelse er et relasjonelt begrep som forutsetter likeverd, og bygger på en forståelse av at mennesker påvirker hverandre gjensidig i en dialektisk prosess. Anerkjennelsesbegrepet kan bidra til å fremheve grunnleggende prinsipper i sosialt arbeid. Litteraturstudien viser at opplevelse av anerkjennelse eller manglende anerkjennelse kan ha stor betydning for mennesker i ulike livssituasjoner

    Kompetanse til fremtidig PhD-støtte

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