58 research outputs found

    Carbon Balance in Forest Ecosystems and Biotic Regulation of Carbon Cycle under Global Warming: Landscape-ecological Predictive Modeling

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    Abstract It is outlined the concept of biotic regulation of carbon cycle in biosphere with the help of a study of local mechanis ms in the s mall bio logical cycle. The prognosis of changes of b iological cycle and b iotic regulation o f the carbon cycle according to the Had CM3 scenario of global warming are presented. Two mutually antithetical phenomena of carbon cycle biotic regulation will be developing on the Russian Plain. The extreme south of the forest zone will be the field of significant additional accumu lation of carbon in at mosphere. The main positive biotic regulation of carbon cycle, according to the Les Chatellier's principle, will be performed by broadleaf-coniferous forests of high plains in the nemoral-forest sub-zone and in the southern belt of sub-taiga zone. Local and reg ional maps of carbon balance are presented as well

    EEG revealed improved vigilance regulation after stress exposure under Nx4: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over trial

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    ObjectivesVigilance is characterized by alertness and sustained attention. The hyper-vigilance states are indicators of stress experience in the resting brain. Neurexan (Nx4) has been shown to modulate the neuroendocrine stress response. Here, we hypothesized that the intake of Nx4 would alter brain vigilance states at rest.MethodIn this post-hoc analysis of the NEURIM study, EEG recordings of three, 12 min resting-state conditions in 39 healthy male volunteers were examined in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over clinical trial. EEG was recorded at three resting-state sessions: at baseline (RS0), after single-dose treatment with Nx4 or placebo (RS1), and subsequently after a psychosocial stress task (RS2). During each resting-state session, each 2-s segment of the consecutive EEG epochs was classified into one of seven different brain states along a wake-sleep continuum using the VIGALL 2.1 algorithm.ResultsIn the post-stress resting-state, subjects exhibited a hyper-stable vigilance regulation characterized by an increase in the mean vigilance level and by more rigidity in the higher vigilance states for a longer period of time. Importantly, Nx4-treated participants exhibited significantly lower mean vigilance level compared to placebo-treated ones. Also, Nx4- compared to placebo-treated participants spent comparably less time in higher vigilance states and more time in lower vigilance states in the post-stress resting-state.ConclusionStudy participants showed a significantly lower mean vigilance level in the post-stress resting-state condition and tended to stay longer in lower vigilance states after treatment with Nx4. These findings support the known stress attenuation effect of Nx4

    Проектирование человеко-машинных интерфейсов

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    The history of human communication with the first computer begins with punch cards inherited from the 19th century. It is unlikely that someone could have imagined how the development of the computer industry would go, and that today everyone would use laser mice, Bluetooth-keyboards, virtual reality helmets and dream of achieving the «full presence effect» soon. Nowadays, the level of automation of industrial enterprises is constantly increasing. The functioning of a modern automated control system depends on the coordinated work of its parts. High quality of interaction within the hardware and software complex has been provided by high-performance computing facilities that support open data exchange protocols and unified control and management signals. The proper level of communication between this complex and the operating personnel is achieved employing Human Machine Interface. The importance of Human Machine Interface is difficult to overestimate: in automated control system, regardless of the degree of automation, operators play a crucial role. The regular functioning of the entire automated technological complex and the adoption of important decisions depend on them. In the modern world most enterprises are automated, which means that there is a constant interaction – «operator-equipment». In order for production to go without fail, it is important to «communicate» with the machine comfortably. Therefore, this paper studies the existing technical means of control and management, considers their possible modernization, as well as gives the answer to the question: «Is it possible to create a universal human-machine interface?».История общения человека с первым компьютером начинается с перфокарт, унаследованных из 19-го века. Вряд ли тогда кто-то мог предположить, как пойдет развитие компьютерной индустрии, и что сегодня все будут пользоваться лазерными мышами, bluetooth-клавиатурами, шлемами виртуальной реальности и мечтать о скором достижении «эффекта полного присутствия». В наше время уровень автоматизации промышленных предприятий постоянно возрастает. Функционирование современной автоматизированной системы управления (АСУ) зависит от согласованной работы ее частей. Высокое качество взаимодействия внутри программно-аппаратного комплекса обеспечивают высокопроизводительные вычислительные средства, поддерживающие открытые протоколы обмена данными, и унифицированные сигналы контроля и управления. А должный уровень связи между таким комплексом и оперативным персоналом достигается с помощью средств человеко-машинного интерфейса (Human Machine Interface, HMI). Степень важности HMI переоценить сложно: в АСУ, независимо от степени автоматизации, именно операторы играют ключевую роль. От них зависит штатное функционирование всего автоматизированного технологического комплекса и принятие важных решений. [1] В современном мире большинство предприятий являются автоматизированными, а это значит, что происходит постоянное взаимодействие – «оператор-оборудование». Для того чтобы производство шло без сбоев, важно, чтобы человеку было комфортно «общаться» с машиной. Поэтому в этой статье мы займемся изучением существующих технических средств контроля и управления, рассмотрим их возможные модернизации, а также дадим свой ответ на вопрос: «Возможно ли создать универсальный человеко-машинный интерфейс?


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    Background. Pyridines are one of the most common heterocycles, the derivatives of which are widely used in pharmaceuticals, agrochemistry, and also in the production of new materials. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the chemical behavior of various pyridine derivatives will continue to be an urgent task of organic chemistry. This literature review is devoted to the systematization and analysis of the chemical properties of pyridine nitro derivatives, starting from the first half of the 20th century and up to the present. The paper considers both reactions proceeding through the nitro group (reduction under the action of various chemical agents, substitution, condensation) and reactions through the pyridine cycle. The main areas of application of nitropyridines are also shown. Purpose. Generalize and systematize the main types of reactions characteristic of nitropyridines, show the features of their chemical properties associated with the transformation of the nitro group, its effect on the mobility of substituents in the pyridine ring, as well as on the activity of the heterocycle as a whole. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal of the study, a review of the scientific literature was made on the main types of chemical reactions characteristic of pyridine nitro derivatives and the most significant areas of their application. Results. This paper summarizes the results of experimental studies on the chemical properties and application of nitropyridines from the beginning of the last century to the present. Conclusion. Thus, as a result of the analysis of sources devoted to the chemical properties and application of nitropyridines, a brief literature review was compiled, including the main types of reactions characteristic of the compounds under study, and their main areas of application were identified

    Knock-Down of Core Proteins Regulating MicroRNA Biogenesis Has No Effect on Sensitivity of Lung Cancer Cells to Ionizing Radiation

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    Recent studies underline the important role of microRNAs (miRNA) in the development of lung cancer. The main regulators of miRNA biogenesis are the ribonucleases Drosha, Dicer and Ago2. Here the role of core proteins of miRNA biogenesis machinery in the response of human non-small and small cell lung carcinoma cell lines to treatment with ionizing radiation was assessed. We found that Drosha and Dicer were expressed at higher levels in radioresistant but not in sensitive cell lines. However, down-regulation of either Dicer or Drosha had no effect on the sensitivity of cells to irradiation. Elimination of components of the RNA-induced silencing complex Ago2 and Tudor staphylococcal nuclease also did not sensitize cells to the same treatment. Thus, modulation of miRNA biogenesis machinery is not sufficient to increase the radiosensitivity of lung tumors and other strategies are required to combat lung cancer

    Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018.

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    Over the past decade, the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death (NCCD) has formulated guidelines for the definition and interpretation of cell death from morphological, biochemical, and functional perspectives. Since the field continues to expand and novel mechanisms that orchestrate multiple cell death pathways are unveiled, we propose an updated classification of cell death subroutines focusing on mechanistic and essential (as opposed to correlative and dispensable) aspects of the process. As we provide molecularly oriented definitions of terms including intrinsic apoptosis, extrinsic apoptosis, mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT)-driven necrosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis, pyroptosis, parthanatos, entotic cell death, NETotic cell death, lysosome-dependent cell death, autophagy-dependent cell death, immunogenic cell death, cellular senescence, and mitotic catastrophe, we discuss the utility of neologisms that refer to highly specialized instances of these processes. The mission of the NCCD is to provide a widely accepted nomenclature on cell death in support of the continued development of the field