30 research outputs found

    Developing a Methodology for Monitoring Personal Exposure to Particulate Matter in a Variety of Microenvironments

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    Adverse health effects from exposure to air pollution, although at present only partly understood, are a global challenge and of widespread concern. Quantifying human exposure to air pollutants is challenging, as ambient concentrations of air pollutants at potentially harmful levels are ubiquitous and subject to high spatial and temporal variability. At the same time, individuals have their very own unique activity-patterns. Hence exposure results from intertwined relationships between environmental and human systems add complexity to the assessment process. It is essential to develop a deeper understanding of individual exposure pathways and situations occurring in people’s everyday lives. This is important especially with regard to exposure and health impact assessment which provide the basis for public health advice and policy development. This thesis describes the development and application of a personal monitoring method to assess exposure to fine particulate matter in a variety of microenvironments. Tools and methods applied are tested with respect to feasibility, intrusiveness, performance and potential for future applications. The development of the method focuses on the application in everyday environments and situations in an attempt to capture as much of the total exposure as possible, across a complete set of microenvironments. Seventeen volunteers took part in the pilot study, collected data and provided feedback on methodology and tools applied. The low-cost particle counter applied showed good agreement with reference instruments when studied in two different environments. Based on the assessment of the two instruments functions to derive particle mass concentration from the original particle number counts have been defined. The application of the devices and tools received positive feedback from the volunteers. Limitations are mainly related to the non-weatherproof design of the particle counter. The collection of time-activity patterns with GPS and time-activity diaries is challenging and requires careful processing. Resulting personal exposure profiles highlight the influence of individual activities and contextual factors. Highest concentrations were measured in indoor environments where people also spent the majority of time. Differences between transport modes as well as between urban and rural areas were identified

    Urban air quality citizen science. Phase 1: review of methods and projects

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    This report will comprise suggestions of links with other work and possible approaches for taking the work forward, providing a map of current and recent air quality related Citizen Science activities in the UK, Europe and beyond. In this deliverable, we map out the technologies and approaches currently available for air quality monitoring and provide an overview on how they could be applied in a citizen science context. In addition, we provide an overview of existing citizen science activities with relevance to air pollution. The focus of this report will be on the specific aspects of air pollution monitoring in a citizen science context; we refer to Roy et al. (2012) for a more general discourse on citizen science projects. As far as possible, we will closely link to another SEPA funded project with a focus on citizen science for environmental monitoring (by direct personal contact with colleagues at CEH), as well as other ongoing and emerging projects (e.g. EU FP7 project CitiSense, Transport Scotland, etc.). The objective of this report is not to draw final conclusions, but to provide the material and information resources for the following phases 2 and 3 of the pilot project

    In Utero Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution during Pregnancy:Impact on Birth Weight and Health through the Life Course

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    In high-income countries, and increasingly in lower-and middle-income countries, chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become the primary health burden. It is possible that in utero exposure to environmental pollutants such as particulate matter (PM) may have an impact on health later in life, including the development of NCDs. Due to a lack of data on foetal growth, birth weight is often used in epidemiologic studies as a proxy to assess impacts on foetal development and adverse birth outcomes since it is commonly recorded at birth. There are no research studies with humans that directly link PM exposure in utero to birth weight (BW) and subsequently, the effects of lower BW on health outcomes in old age. It is, however, plausible that such associations exist, and it is thus important to assess the potential public health impacts of PM across the life course, and it is plausible to use birth weight as an indicator of risk. We therefore split this narrative review into two parts. In the first part, we evaluated the strength of the evidence on the impact of PM exposure during the entire pregnancy on birth weight outcomes in ten meta-analyses. In the second part, we reviewed the literature linking lower birth weight to childhood and adult chronic cardiovascular disease to explore the potential implications of PM exposure in utero on health later in life. Within the reviewed meta-studies on birth weight, there is sufficient evidence that PM pollution is associated with lower birth weight, i.e., the majority of meta-studies found statistically significant reductions in birth weight. From the second part of the review, it is evident that there is good evidence of associations between lower birth weight and subsequent cardiovascular disease risk. It is thus plausible that in utero exposure to PM is associated with lower birth weight and persisting biological changes that could be associated with adverse health effects in adulthood. Based on the reviewed evidence, however, the magnitude of later life cardiovascular health impacts from in utero exposure and its impact on BW are likely to be small compared to health effects from exposure to particulate air pollution over a whole lifetime.</p

    MHC Class II Molecules Enhance Toll-Like Receptor Mediated Innate Immune Responses

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    BACKGROUND: Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules play crucial roles in immune activation by presenting foreign peptides to antigen-specific T helper cells and thereby inducing adaptive immune responses. Although adaptive immunity is a highly effective defense system, it takes several days to become fully operational and needs to be triggered by danger-signals generated during the preceding innate immune response. Here we show that MHC class II molecules synergize with Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR4 in inducing an innate immune response. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that co-expression of MHC class II molecules and TLR2 or TLR4 in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells 293 leads to enhanced production of the anti-microbial peptide human-beta-defensin (hBD) 2 after treatment with TLR2 stimulus bacterial lipoprotein (BLP) or TLR4 ligand lipopolysaccharide (LPS), respectively. Furthermore, we found that peritoneal macrophages of MHC class II knock-out mice show a decreased responsiveness to TLR2 and TLR4 stimuli compared to macrophages of wild-type mice. Finally, we show that MHC class II molecules are physically and functionally associated with TLR2 in lipid raft domains of the cell membrane. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results demonstrate that MHC class II molecules are, in addition to their central role in adaptive immunity, also implicated in generating optimal innate immune responses

    Integrating modelling and smart sensors for environmental and human health.

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    Sensors are becoming ubiquitous in everyday life, generating data at an unprecedented rate and scale. However, models that assess impacts of human activities on environmental and human health, have typically been developed in contexts where data scarcity is the norm. Models are essential tools to understand processes, identify relationships, associations and causality, formalize stakeholder mental models, and to quantify the effects of prevention and interventions. They can help to explain data, as well as inform the deployment and location of sensors by identifying hotspots and areas of interest where data collection may achieve the best results. We identify a paradigm shift in how the integration of models and sensors can contribute to harnessing 'Big Data' and, more importantly, make the vital step from 'Big Data' to 'Big Information'. In this paper, we illustrate current developments and identify key research needs using human and environmental health challenges as an example.E.S. is funded by NIH R21ES024715. M.C. gratefully acknowledges the Minnesota Discovery, Research and InnoVation Economy (MnDRIVE) “Global Food Venture” funding and the Institute on the Environment “Discovery Grant” funding at the University of Minnesota Twin-Cities. S.R. and S.S. acknowledge the support for the conceptual development and testing of personal exposure monitoring methods by the UK Natural Environment Research Council through National Capability funding.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.06.00

    Indoor exposure to selected air pollutants in the home environment : a systematic review

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    (1) Background: There is increasing awareness that the quality of the indoor environment affects our health and well-being. Indoor air quality (IAQ) in particular has an impact on multiple health outcomes, including respiratory and cardiovascular illness, allergic symptoms, cancers, and premature mortality. (2) Methods: We carried out a global systematic literature review on indoor exposure to selected air pollutants associated with adverse health effects, and related household characteristics, seasonal influences and occupancy patterns. We screened records from six bibliographic databases: ABI/INFORM, Environment Abstracts, Pollution Abstracts, PubMed, ProQuest Biological and Health Professional, and Scopus. (3) Results: Information on indoor exposure levels and determinants, emission sources, and associated health effects was extracted from 141 studies from 29 countries. The most-studied pollutants were particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10); nitrogen dioxide (NO2); volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including benzene, toluene, xylenes and formaldehyde; and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) including naphthalene. Identified indoor PM2.5 sources include smoking, cooking, heating, use of incense, candles, and insecticides, while cleaning, housework, presence of pets and movement of people were the main sources of coarse particles. Outdoor air is a major PM2.5 source in rooms with natural ventilation in roadside households. Major sources of NO2 indoors are unvented gas heaters and cookers. Predictors of indoor NO2 are ventilation, season, and outdoor NO2 levels. VOCs are emitted from a wide range of indoor and outdoor sources, including smoking, solvent use, renovations, and household products. Formaldehyde levels are higher in newer houses and in the presence of new furniture, while PAH levels are higher in smoking households. High indoor particulate matter, NO2 and VOC levels were typically associated with respiratory symptoms, particularly asthma symptoms in children. (4) Conclusions: Household characteristics and occupant activities play a large role in indoor exposure, particularly cigarette smoking for PM2.5, gas appliances for NO2, and household products for VOCs and PAHs. Home location near high-traffic-density roads, redecoration, and small house size contribute to high indoor air pollution. In most studies, air exchange rates are negatively associated with indoor air pollution. These findings can inform interventions aiming to improve IAQ in residential properties in a variety of settings

    Tratamiento informativo sobre el tema la ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas entre El Salvador y la República de China-Taiwán y el establecimiento de relaciones con China Continental, en los periódicos El Diario de Hoy y Co-Latino. período de análisis: de agosto a septiembre de 2018

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    La ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas entre El Salvador y la República de China-Taiwán y el establecimiento de relaciones con China Continental, en los periódicos El Diario de Hoy y Co-latino se analizó cómo los medios de comunicación informaron o desinformaron, a través de la manera en que redactaron las noticias, sobre este acontecimiento que influye a los salvadoreños. A través de un estudio minucioso de las notas publicadas en estos medios impresos se analizó si estos informaron de manera objetiva sobre la ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas con China-Taiwán o, por el contrario, redactaron las noticias con fines de favorecer la línea editorial del medio de comunicación. En ese sentido, esta investigación es importante porque servirá como un documento que abonará al análisis de cómo los medios de comunicación en nuestro país, dan tratamiento a la información sobre hechos que afectan a los salvadoreños, que a final de cuentas son quienes terminan tomando decisiones sobre la base de lo que les informan

    Neighbourhood and path-based greenspace in three European countries: associations with objective physical activity.

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    BACKGROUND: Greenspace has been associated with health benefits in many contexts. An important pathway may be through outdoor physical activity. We use a novel approach to examine the link between greenspace microenvironments and outdoor physical activity levels in the HEALS study conducted in Edinburgh (UK), the Netherlands, and Athens and Thessaloniki (Greece). METHODS: Using physical activity tracker recordings, 118 HEALS participants with young children were classified with regard to daily minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA); 60 were classified with regard to the metabolic equivalent task (MET)-minutes for each of the 1014 active trips they made. Greenspace indicators were generated for Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), tree cover density (TCD), and green land use (GLU). We employed linear mixed-effects models to analyse (1) daily MVPA in relation to greenspace within 300 m and 1000 m of residential addresses and (2) trip MET-minutes in relation to average greenspace within a 50 m buffer of walking/cycling routes. Models were adjusted for activity, walkability, bluespace, age, sex, car ownership, dog ownership, season, weekday/weekend day, and local meteorology. RESULTS: There was no clear association between MVPA-minutes and any residential greenspace measure. For example, in fully adjusted models, a 10 percentage point increase in NDVI within 300 m of home was associated with a daily increase of 1.14 (95% CI - 0.41 to 2.70) minutes of MVPA. However, we did find evidence to indicate greenspace markers were positively linked to intensity and duration of activity: in fully adjusted models, 10 percentage point increases in trip NDVI, TCD, and GLU were associated with increases of 10.4 (95% CI: 4.43 to 16.4), 10.6 (95% CI: 4.96 to 16.3), and 3.36 (95% CI: 0.00 to 6.72) MET-minutes, respectively. The magnitude of associations with greenspace tended to be greater for cycling. CONCLUSIONS: More strenuous or longer walking and cycling trips occurred in environments with more greenspace, but levels of residential greenspace did not have a clear link with outdoor MVPA. To build on our research, we suggest future work examine larger, more diverse populations and investigate the influence of greenspace for trip purpose and route preference