167 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanism of dynein recruitment to kinetochores by the Rod-Zw10-Zwilch complex and Spindly

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    The molecular motor dynein concentrates at the kinetochore region of mitotic chromosomes in animals to accelerate spindle microtubule capture and to control spindle checkpoint signaling. In this study, we describe the molecular mechanism used by the Rod-Zw10-Zwilch complex and the adaptor Spindly to recruit dynein to kinetochores in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos and human cells. We show that Rod's N-terminal beta-propeller and the associated Zwilch subunit bind Spindly's C-terminal domain, and we identify a specific Zwilch mutant that abrogates Spindly and dynein recruitment in vivo and Spindly binding to a Rod beta-propeller-Zwilch complex in vitro. Spindly's N-terminal coiled-coil uses distinct motifs to bind dynein light intermediate chain and the pointed-end complex of dynactin. Mutations in these motifs inhibit assembly of a dynein-dynactin-Spindly complex, and a null mutant of the dynactin pointed-end subunit p27 prevents kinetochore recruitment of dynein-dynactin without affecting other mitotic functions of the motor. Conservation of Spindly-like motifs in adaptors involved in intracellular transport suggests a common mechanism for linking dynein to cargo.This work was supported by a European Research Council Starting Grant (Dyneinome 338410) and a European Molecular Biology Organization Installation Grant to R. Gassmann. This work was also supported by funding from the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia to R. Gassmann (IF/01015/2013/CP1157/CT0006), C. Pereira (SFRH_BPD_95648_2013), and D.J. Barbosa (SFRH_BPD_101898_2014). Some C. elegans strains were provided by the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (P40 OD010440)

    Telemedicine across the globe-position paper from the COVID-19 pandemic health system resilience PROGRAM (REPROGRAM) international consortium (Part 1)

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has accelerated the adoption of telemedicine globally. The current consortium critically examines the telemedicine frameworks, identifies gaps in its implementation and investigates the changes in telemedicine framework/s during COVID-19 across the globe. Streamlining of global public health preparedness framework that is interoperable and allow for collaboration and sharing of resources, in which telemedicine is an integral part of the public health response during outbreaks such as COVID-19, should be pursued. With adequate reinforcement, telemedicine has the potential to act as the “safety-net” of our public health response to an outbreak. Our focus on telemedicine must shift to the developing and under-developing nations, which carry a disproportionate burden of vulnerable communities who are at risk due to COVID-19

    The Islamic Law in the Historical Study

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    Dalam kajian tentang sejarah awal Islam dan agama di dunia Barat, Islam dipandang sebagai agama \u27\u27dalam sejarab". Melaiui pandangan ini, para sarjana mempelajari sejarah awal Islam, di antaranya, dengan menggunakan meiode analisa kritik terbadap sumber-sumber sejarah termasuk kepusiakaan selain Islam dijadikan sebagai sumber dan bukti sejarah. Sejak itu pula hukum Islam dikaji melaiui pendekatan yang sama. Melaiui pendekatan ini diyakini bahwa hukum Islam mengandung tradisi-tradisi keagamaan khususnya di wilayab limur dekat yang ada sebeium Islam, dan dipandang sebagai suatu perkembangan yang berkelanjutan. Sebagaimana hasii kajian daripada Patricia Crone dan Gordon D. Newby menunjukkan bahwa di antara tradisi-tradisi keagamaan dimaksud, saiah satunya, adalab hukum Yahudi. Crone memberikan contoh qasama khususnya yang ada pada mazhab Maiiki dan mengktaim bahwa qasama dimaksud merupakan salah satu tradisi hukum yang ada pada orang-orang Yahudi. Sedangkan Newby memberikan contoh tentang penentuan orang band sebagai laki-iaki atau sebagai perempuan dalam hubungannya dengan pembagian kewarisan yang ada pada catatan \u27Amirb. Zarib di daiam sirah Ibnu Ishaq, dan mengktaim juga bahwa catatan tersebut berasai dari hukum Yahudi. Sebaliknya, pendekatan ini merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang ada dalam kajian hukum Islam dan sangat baik dipakai untuk mencari keseimhangan dan menunjukkan bahwa walaupun terdapat kesamaan antara hukum Islam dengan hukum-hukum yang lain, proses sejarab perkembangan hukum Islam itu sendiri sangat berbeda dan mempunyai karakteryang khusu

    Genome Snapshot: a new resource at the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) presenting an overview of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome

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    Sequencing and annotation of the entire Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome has made it possible to gain a genome-wide perspective on yeast genes and gene products. To make this information available on an ongoing basis, the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) () has created the Genome Snapshot (). The Genome Snapshot summarizes the current state of knowledge about the genes and chromosomal features of S.cerevisiae. The information is organized into two categories: (i) number of each type of chromosomal feature annotated in the genome and (ii) number and distribution of genes annotated to Gene Ontology terms. Detailed lists are accessible through SGD's Advanced Search tool (), and all the data presented on this page are available from the SGD ftp site ()

    Health maintenance insurance: Toward an optimal HMO

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    The financial incentive structure of today's health maintenance organizations addresses certain problems attributed to fee-for-service medical care, but at a theoretical level it does not induce optimal provider behavior. Health maintenance insurance—a combined package of medical, morbidity/disability, and life insurance—encourages providers to compete for the health dollar, and not simply the medical care dollar, thereby remedying deficiencies in prepayment and promoting true health maintenance. The principle underlying health maintenance insurance emphasizes the need to search for effective means of preventing disability, morbidity, and premature death.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45439/1/11077_2004_Article_BF00136030.pd

    Genome-wide association study identifies six new loci influencing pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure.

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    Numerous genetic loci have been associated with systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in Europeans. We now report genome-wide association studies of pulse pressure (PP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP). In discovery (N = 74,064) and follow-up studies (N = 48,607), we identified at genome-wide significance (P = 2.7 × 10(-8) to P = 2.3 × 10(-13)) four new PP loci (at 4q12 near CHIC2, 7q22.3 near PIK3CG, 8q24.12 in NOV and 11q24.3 near ADAMTS8), two new MAP loci (3p21.31 in MAP4 and 10q25.3 near ADRB1) and one locus associated with both of these traits (2q24.3 near FIGN) that has also recently been associated with SBP in east Asians. For three of the new PP loci, the estimated effect for SBP was opposite of that for DBP, in contrast to the majority of common SBP- and DBP-associated variants, which show concordant effects on both traits. These findings suggest new genetic pathways underlying blood pressure variation, some of which may differentially influence SBP and DBP

    Isolation in Globalizing Academic Fields: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Early Career Researchers

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    This study examines academic isolation – an involuntary perceived separation from the academic field to which one aspires to belong, associated with a perceived lack of agency in terms of one’s engagement with the field – as a key challenge for researchers in increasingly globalized academic careers. While prior research describes early career researchers’ isolation in their institutions, we theorize early career researchers’ isolation in their academic fields and reveal how they attempt to mitigate isolation to improve their career prospects. Using a collaborative autoethnographic approach, we generate and analyze a dataset focused on the experiences of ten early career researchers in a globalizing business academic field known as Consumer Culture Theory. We identify bricolage practices, polycentric governance practices, and integration mechanisms that work to enhance early career researchers’ perceptions of agency and consequently mitigate their academic isolation. Our findings extend discussions on isolation and its role in new academic careers. Early career researchers, in particular, can benefit from a deeper understanding of practices that can enable them to mitigate isolation and reclaim agency as they engage with global academic fields