485 research outputs found

    Level-3 Calorimetric Resolution available for the Level-1 and Level-2 CDF Triggers

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    As the Tevatron luminosity increases sophisticated selections are required to be efficient in selecting rare events among a very huge background. To cope with this problem, CDF has pushed the offline calorimeter algorithm reconstruction resolution up to Level 2 and, when possible, even up to Level 1, increasing efficiency and, at the same time, keeping under control the rates. The CDF Run II Level 2 calorimeter trigger is implemented in hardware and is based on a simple algorithm that was used in Run I. This system has worked well for Run II at low luminosity. As the Tevatron instantaneous luminosity increases, the limitation due to this simple algorithm starts to become clear: some of the most important jet and MET (Missing ET) related triggers have large growth terms in cross section at higher luminosity. In this paper, we present an upgrade of the Level 2 Calorimeter system which makes the calorimeter trigger tower information available directly to a CPU allowing more sophisticated algorithms to be implemented in software. Both Level 2 jets and MET can be made nearly equivalent to offline quality, thus significantly improving the performance and flexibility of the jet and MET related triggers. However in order to fully take advantage of the new L2 triggering capabilities having at Level 1 the same L2 MET resolution is necessary. The new Level-1 MET resolution is calculated by dedicated hardware. This paper describes the design, the hardware and software implementation and the performance of the upgraded calorimeter trigger system both at Level 2 and Level 1.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures,34th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Philadelphia, 200

    Development of FTK architecture: a fast hardware track trigger for the ATLAS detector

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    The Fast Tracker (FTK) is a proposed upgrade to the ATLAS trigger system that will operate at full Level-1 output rates and provide high quality tracks reconstructed over the entire detector by the start of processing in Level-2. FTK solves the combinatorial challenge inherent to tracking by exploiting the massive parallelism of Associative Memories (AM) that can compare inner detector hits to millions of pre-calculated patterns simultaneously. The tracking problem within matched patterns is further simplified by using pre-computed linearized fitting constants and leveraging fast DSP's in modern commercial FPGA's. Overall, FTK is able to compute the helix parameters for all tracks in an event and apply quality cuts in approximately one millisecond. By employing a pipelined architecture, FTK is able to continuously operate at Level-1 rates without deadtime. The system design is defined and studied using ATLAS full simulation. Reconstruction quality is evaluated for single muon events with zero pileup, as well as WH events at the LHC design luminosity. FTK results are compared with the tracking capability of an offline algorithm.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of DPF-2009, Detroit, MI, July 2009, eConf C09072

    The Evolution of FTK, a Real-Time Tracker for Hadron Collider Experiments

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    We describe the architecture evolution of the highly-parallel dedicated processor FTK, which is driven by the simulation of LHC events at high luminosity (1034 cm-2 s-1). FTK is able to provide precise on-line track reconstruction for future hadronic collider experiments. The processor, organized in a two-tiered pipelined architecture, execute very fast algorithms based on the use of a large bank of pre-stored patterns of trajectory points (first tier) in combination with full resolution track fitting to refine pattern recognition and to determine off-line quality track parameters. We describe here how the high luminosity simulation results have produced a new organization of the hardware inside the FTK processor core.Comment: 11th ICATPP conferenc

    Performance of the AMBFTK board for the FastTracker processor for the ATLAS detector upgrade

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    Modern experiments at hadron colliders search for extremely rare processes hidden in a very large background. As the experiment complexity and the accelerator backgrounds and luminosity increase we need increasingly complex and exclusive selections. The FastTracker (FTK) processor for the ATLAS experiment offers extremely powerful, very compact and low power consumption processing units for the future, which is essential for increased efficiency and purity in the Level 2 trigger selection through the intensive use of tracking. Pattern recognition is performed with Associative Memories (AM). The AMBFTK board and the AMchip04 integrated circuit have been designed specifically for this purpose. We report on the preliminary test results of the first prototypes of the AMBFTK board and of the AMchip04

    The AM++ board for the silicon vertex tracker upgrade at CDF

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    The silicon vertex trigger (SVT) processor has been built at CDF for extremely fast (~10 musec) and high precision (roughly offline quality) pattern recognition. It is going to be upgraded to have at high luminosity the same crucial role it had in the data collection for the RUN II physics. A modern version of most of the SVT boards is obtained with a minimum of new hardware. A pulsar board, which was designed for and is now being used in the CDF level-2 upgrade, has been used for most the SVT functions that needed to be upgraded. The pulsar combines the power of dedicated hardware with the flexibility of general purpose CPUs. The new sequencer (AMS) that controls the associative memory (AM) operation for pattern recognition, uses a small fraction of a pulsar board. The same pulsar is powerful enough to also carry out the road warrior function (AMS-RW), to remove redundant track candidates prior to track fitting. We report about the AMS-RW design, tests and performance

    Level-2 calorimeter Trigger Upgrade at CDF

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    The CDF Run II level 2 calorimeter trigger is implemented in hardware and is based on a simple algorithm that was used in Run I. This system has worked well for Run II at low luminosity. As the Tevatron instantaneous luminosity increases, the limitation due to this simple algorithm starts to become clear. As a result, some of the most important jet and MET (missing ET) related triggers have large growth terms in cross section at higher luminosity. In this paper, we present an upgrade of the L2CAL system which makes the full calorimeter trigger tower information directly available to the level 2 decision CPU. This upgrade is based on the Pulsar, a general purpose VME board developed at CDF and already used for upgrading both the level 2 global decision crate and the level 2 silicon vertex tracking. The upgrade system allows more sophisticated algorithms to be implemented in software and both level 2 jets and MET can be made nearly equivalent to offline quality, thus significantly improving the performance and flexibility of the jet and MET related triggers. This is a natural expansion of the already-upgraded level 2 trigger system, and is a big step forward to improve the CDF triggering capability at level 2. This paper describes the design, the hardware and software implementation and the performance of the upgrade system

    Advanced Virgo Plus: Future Perspectives

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    While completing the commissioning phase to prepare the Virgo interferometer for the next joint Observation Run (O4), the Virgo collaboration is also finalizing the design of the next upgrades to the detector to be employed in the following Observation Run (O5). The major upgrade will concern decreasing the thermal noise limit, which will imply using very large test masses and increased laser beam size. But this will not be the only upgrade to be implemented in the break between the O4 and O5 observation runs to increase the Virgo detector strain sensitivity. The paper will cover the challenges linked to this upgrade and implications on the detector's reach and observational potential, reflecting the talk given at 12th Cosmic Ray International Seminar - CRIS 2022 held in September 2022 in Napoli

    The Advanced Virgo+ status

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    The gravitational wave detector Advanced Virgo+ is currently in the commissioning phase in view of the fourth Observing Run (O4). The major upgrades with respect to the Advanced Virgo configuration are the implementation of an additional recycling cavity, the Signal Recycling cavity (SRC), at the output of the interferometer to broaden the sensitivity band and the Frequency Dependent Squeezing (FDS) to reduce quantum noise at all frequencies. The main difference of the Advanced Virgo + detector with respect to the LIGO detectors is the presence of marginally stable recycling cavities, with respect to the stable recycling cavities present in the LIGO detectors, which increases the difficulties in controlling the interferometer in presence of defects (both thermal and cold defects). This work will focus on the interferometer commissioning, highlighting the control challenges to maintain the detector in the working point which maximizes the sensitivity and the duty cycle for scientific data taking

    Increasing the Astrophysical Reach of the Advanced Virgo Detector via the Application of Squeezed Vacuum States of Light

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    Current interferometric gravitational-wave detectors are limited by quantum noise over a wide range of their measurement bandwidth. One method to overcome the quantum limit is the injection of squeezed vacuum states of light into the interferometer’s dark port. Here, we report on the successful application of this quantum technology to improve the shot noise limited sensitivity of the Advanced Virgo gravitational-wave detector. A sensitivity enhancement of up to 3.2±0.1  dB beyond the shot noise limit is achieved. This nonclassical improvement corresponds to a 5%–8% increase of the binary neutron star horizon. The squeezing injection was fully automated and over the first 5 months of the third joint LIGO-Virgo observation run O3 squeezing was applied for more than 99% of the science time. During this period several gravitational-wave candidates have been recorded

    Frequency-Dependent Squeezed Vacuum Source for the Advanced Virgo Gravitational-Wave Detector

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    In this Letter, we present the design and performance of the frequency-dependent squeezed vacuum source that will be used for the broadband quantum noise reduction of the Advanced Virgo Plus gravitational-wave detector in the upcoming observation run. The frequency-dependent squeezed field is generated by a phase rotation of a frequency-independent squeezed state through a 285 m long, high-finesse, near-detuned optical resonator. With about 8.5 dB of generated squeezing, up to 5.6 dB of quantum noise suppression has been measured at high frequency while close to the filter cavity resonance frequency, the intracavity losses limit this value to about 2 dB. Frequency-dependent squeezing is produced with a rotation frequency stability of about 6 Hz rms, which is maintained over the long term. The achieved results fulfill the frequency dependent squeezed vacuum source requirements for Advanced Virgo Plus. With the current squeezing source, considering also the estimated squeezing degradation induced by the interferometer, we expect a reduction of the quantum shot noise and radiation pressure noise of up to 4.5 dB and 2 dB, respectively
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