245 research outputs found

    Expression of P2 nucleotide receptors varies with age and sex in murine brain microglia

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    Microglia are implicated in multiple neurodegenerative disorders, many of which display sexual dimorphisms and have symptom onsets at different ages. P2 purinergic receptors are critical for regulating various microglial functions, but little is known about how their expression varies with age or sex. Therefore, comprehensive information about purinergic receptor expression in normal microglia, in both sexes, over age is necessary if we are to better understand their roles in the healthy and diseased CNS. We analyzed the expression of all fourteen rodent P2X and P2Y receptors in CD11b+ cells freshly-isolated from the brains of C57Bl/6 mice at five different ages ranging from postnatal day 3 to 12 months, in males and females, using quantitative RT-PCR. We also compared purinergic receptor expression in microglia freshly-isolated from 3 day-old pups to that in primary neonatal microglial cultures created from mice of the same age. We observed patterns in P2 receptor expression with age, most notably increased expression with age and age-restricted expression. There were also several receptors that showed sexually dimorphic expression. Lastly, we noted that in vitro culturing of neonatal microglia greatly changed their P2 receptor expression profiles. These data represent the first complete and systematic report of changes in purinergic receptor expression of microglia with age and sex, and provide important information necessary for accurate in vitro modeling of healthy animals

    The effect of low-abundance OTU filtering methods on the reliability and variability of microbial composition assessed by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing

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    PCR amplicon sequencing may lead to detection of spurious operational taxonomic units (OTUs), inflating estimates of gut microbial diversity. There is no consensus in the analytical approach as to what filtering methods should be applied to remove low-abundance OTUs; moreover, few studies have investigated the reliability of OTU detection within replicates. Here, we investigated the reliability of OTU detection (% agreement in detecting OTU in triplicates) and accuracy of their quantification (assessed by coefficient of variation (CV)) in human stool specimens. Stool samples were collected from 12 participants 22–55 years old. We applied several methods for filtering low-abundance OTUs and determined their impact on alpha-diversity and beta-diversity metrics. The reliability of OTU detection without any filtering was only 44.1% (SE=0.9) but increased after filtering low-abundance OTUs. After filtering OTUs with <0.1% abundance in the dataset, the reliability increased to 87.7% (SE=0.6) but at the expense of removing 6.97% reads from the dataset. When filtering was based on individual sample, the reliability increased to 73.1% after filtering OTUs with <10 copies while removing only 1.12% of reads. High abundance OTUs (>10 copies in sample) had lower CV, indicating better accuracy of quantification than low-abundance OTUs. Excluding very low-abundance OTUs had a significant impact on alpha-diversity metrics sensitive to the presence of rare species (observed OTUs, Chao1) but had little impact on relative abundance of major phyla and families and alpha-diversity metrics accounting for both richness and evenness (Shannon, Inverse Simpson). To increase the reliability of microbial composition, we advise removing OTUs with <10 copies in individual samples, particularly in studies where only one subsample per specimen is available for analysis

    Neonatal overfeeding by small-litter rearing sensitises hippocampal microglial responses to immune challenge:Reversal with neonatal repeated injections of saline or minocycline

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    The early-life period is extremely vulnerable to programming effects from the environment, many of which persist into adulthood. We have previously demonstrated that adult rats overfed as neonates have hypothalamic microglia that are hyper-responsive to an immune challenge, as well as hippocampal microglia that respond less efficiently to learning. We therefore hypothesised that neonatal overfeeding would alter the ability of hippocampal microglia to respond to an immune challenge with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and that concomitant minocycline, a tetracycline antibiotic that suppresses microglial activity, could restore these responses. We induced neonatal overfeeding by manipulating the litter sizes in which Wistar rat pups were raised, so the pups were suckled in litters of four (neonatally overfed) or 12 (control-fed). We then examined the hippocampal microglial profiles 24 hour after an immune challenge with LPS and found that the neonatally overfed rats had dramatically increased microglial numbers in the hippocampus after immune challenge compared to control-fed rats. Attempts to reverse these effects with minocycline revealed repeated that neonatal injections, whether with minocycline or with saline, markedly suppressed microglial number and density throughout the hippocampus and abolished the difference between the groups in their responses to LPS. These data suggest that neonatal overfeeding not only can have lasting effects on hippocampal immune responses, but also that neonatal exposure to a protocol of repeated injections, irrespective of treatment, has a pronounced long-term impact, highlighting the importance of considering these effects when interpreting experimental data

    Phosphodiesterases and cAMP pathway in pituitary diseases

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    © 2019 Bizzi, Bolger, Korbonits and Ribeiro-Oliveira. Human phosphodiesterases (PDEs) comprise a complex superfamily of enzymes derived from 24 genes separated into 11 PDE gene families (PDEs 1-11), expressed in different tissues and cells, including heart and brain. The isoforms PDE4, PDE7, and PDE8 are specific for the second messenger cAMP, which is responsible for mediating diverse physiological actions involving different hormones and neurotransmitters. The cAMP pathway plays an important role in the development and function of endocrine tissues while phosphodiesterases are responsible for ensuring the appropriate intensity of the actions of this pathway by hydrolyzing cAMP to its inactive form 5'-AMP. PDE1, PDE2, PDE4, and PDE11A are highly expressed in the pituitary, and overexpression of some PDE4 isoforms have been demonstrated in different pituitary adenoma subtypes. This observed over-expression in pituitary adenomas, although of unknown etiology, has been considered a compensatory response to tumorigenesis. PDE4A4/5 has a unique interaction with the co-chaperone aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP), a protein implicated in somatotroph tumorigenesis via germline loss-of-function mutations. Based on the association of low PDE4A4 expression with germline AIP-mutation-positive samples, the available data suggest that lack of AIP hinders the upregulation of PDE4A4 protein seen in sporadic somatotrophinomas. This unique disturbance of the cAMP-PDE pathway observed in the majority of AIP-mutation positive adenomas could contribute to their well-described poor response to somatostatin analogs and may support a role in tumorigenesis.We are grateful for the support by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas Gerais—Fapemig (AR-O), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico—CNPq (AR-O, MB) and the Medical Research Council UK (MK), and the NIH, USA (GB)

    Critical data-based re-evaluation of minocycline as a putative specific microglia inhibitor.

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    Minocycline, a second generation broad-spectrum antibiotic, has been frequently postulated to be a "microglia inhibitor." A considerable number of publications have used minocycline as a tool and concluded, after achieving a pharmacological effect, that the effect must be due to "inhibition" of microglia. It is, however, unclear how this "inhibition" is achieved at the molecular and cellular levels. Here, we weigh the evidence whether minocycline is indeed a bona fide microglia inhibitor and discuss how data generated with minocycline should be interpreted. GLIA 2016;64:1788-1794

    Myelin-mediated inhibition of oligodendrocyte precursor differentiation can be overcome by pharmacological modulation of Fyn-RhoA and protein kinase C signalling

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    Failure of oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) differentiation contributes significantly to failed myelin sheath regeneration (remyelination) in chronic demyelinating diseases. Although the reasons for this failure are not completely understood, several lines of evidence point to factors present following demyelination that specifically inhibit differentiation of cells capable of generating remyelinating oligodendrocytes. We have previously demonstrated that myelin debris generated by demyelination inhibits remyelination by inhibiting OPC differentiation and that the inhibitory effects are associated with myelin proteins. In the present study, we narrow down the spectrum of potential protein candidates by proteomic analysis of inhibitory protein fractions prepared by CM and HighQ column chromatography followed by BN/SDS/SDS–PAGE gel separation using Nano-HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF mass spectrometry. We show that the inhibitory effects on OPC differentiation mediated by myelin are regulated by Fyn-RhoA-ROCK signalling as well as by modulation of protein kinase C (PKC) signalling. We demonstrate that pharmacological or siRNA-mediated inhibition of RhoA-ROCK-II and/or PKC signalling can induce OPC differentiation in the presence of myelin. Our results, which provide a mechanistic link between myelin, a mediator of OPC differentiation inhibition associated with demyelinating pathologies and specific signalling pathways amenable to pharmacological manipulation, are therefore of significant potential value for future strategies aimed at enhancing CNS remyelination