143 research outputs found

    Разработка программируемого логического контроллера системы противоаварийной защиты электродвигателя

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    Объектом разработки является контроллер для приема и обработки сигналов с датчиков (ток, напряжение или температура), передачи выходного сигнала четыре-двадцать миллиампер, передачи данных по цифровому интерфейсу RS-485. Цель работы – разработка устройства, обеспечивающего получение сигналов с различных датчиков, обработку полученных данных, преобразование обработанных данных в пропорциональный выходной сигнал, а также обеспечение функций источника питания для датчиков и функций противоаварийной защиты.The object is to design a controller for receiving and processing signals from the sensor (current, voltage or temperature), the output signal of four to twenty milliamperes, data transmission on the digital interface RS-485. Purpose - to provide a device, provides the signals from the various sensors, processing the polechennyh, converting the processed data into a proportional output signal, as well as providing the power supply functions for sensors and emergency protection functions

    Разработка проекта автоматической групповой замерной установки на нефтяном кусте скважин №1 Южно-Табаганского нефтяного месторождения

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    Объектом исследования является автоматическая групповая замерная установка. Цель работы – автоматизация групповой замерной установки для измерения дебита по нефти и газу нефтяного куста скважин №1 Южно-Табаганского нефтяного месторождения. Проведение работы по импортозамещению в целях снижения зависимости от импортного оборудования. В данной работе были изучены принципы измерения дебита сырой нефти и нефтяного газа, добываемых на нефтяных кустах скважин. В процессе выполнения проектирования были разработаны функциональная схема автоматизации, схемы подключения оборудования. В результате проектирования была разработана часть проектной документации по автоматизации работы групповой замерной установки.The object of research is lease automatic custody transfer. The purpose of work - automation is the lease automatic custody transfer flow rate of oil and gas wells Oil bush №1 South Tabaganskogo oilfield. To work on import substitution in order to reduce dependence on imported equipment. In this paper, the principles of measurement of flow rate of crude oil and gas have been studied, produced at oil wells bushes. In carrying out the functional design automation scheme, equipment connection diagrams have been developed. As a result, the design of the project documentation for the automation of the LACT the flow rate of oil and gas wells petroleum bush №1 South Tabaganskogo oil field was developed

    Hemoglobin induces inflammation after preterm intraventricular hemorrhage by methemoglobin formation.

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    Cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is a major cause of severe neurodevelopmental impairment in preterm infants. To date, no therapy is available that prevents infants from developing serious neurological disability following IVH. Thus, to develop treatment strategies for IVH, it is essential to characterize the initial sequence of molecular events that leads to brain damage. In this study, we investigated extracellular hemoglobin (Hb) as a causal initiator of inflammation in preterm IVH

    Symmetry Breaking in Few Layer Graphene Films

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    Recently, it was demonstrated that the quasiparticle dynamics, the layer-dependent charge and potential, and the c-axis screening coefficient could be extracted from measurements of the spectral function of few layer graphene films grown epitaxially on SiC using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). In this article we review these findings, and present detailed methodology for extracting such parameters from ARPES. We also present detailed arguments against the possibility of an energy gap at the Dirac crossing ED.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, Conference Proceedings of DPG Meeting Mar 2007 Regensburg Submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Is paternal age associated with transfer day, developmental stage, morphology, and initial hCG-rise of the competent blastocyst leading to live birth?:A multicenter cohort study

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    In this study we investigated whether age of men undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment was associated with day of transfer, stage, morphology, and initial hCG-rise of the competent blastocyst leading to a live birth? The design was a multicenter historical cohort study based on exposure (age) and outcome data (blastocyst stage and morphology and initial hCG-rise) from men whose partner underwent single blastocyst transfer resulting in singleton pregnancy/birth. The ART treatments were carried out at sixteen private and university-based public fertility clinics. We included 7246 men and women, who between 2014 and 2018 underwent controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) or Frozen-thawed Embryo Transfer (FET) with a single blastocyst transfer resulting in singleton pregnancy were identified. 4842 men with a partner giving birth were included, by linking data to the Danish Medical Birth Registry. We showed that the adjusted association between paternal age and transfer day in COS treatments was OR 1.06, 95% CI (1.00;1.13). Meaning that for every increase of one year, men had a 6% increased probability that the competent blastocyst was transferred on day 6 compared to day 5. Further we showed that the mean difference in hCG values when comparing paternal age group 30–34, 35–39 and 40–45 with the age group 25–29 in those receiving COS treatment, all showed significantly lower adjusted values for older men. In conclusion we hypothesize that the later transfer (day 6) in female partners of older men may be due to longer time spent by the oocyte to repair fragmented DNA of the sperm cells, which should be a focus of future research in men

    Microbial CO<sub>2</sub> fixation and sulfur cycling associated with low-temperature emissions at the Lilliput hydrothermal field, southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (9°S)

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    Lilliput was discovered in 2005 as the southernmost known hydrothermal field along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It is exceptional in that it lacks high-temperature venting probably because of a thickened crust. The absence of thermophilic and hyperthermophilic prokaryotes in emissions supports the argument against the presence of a hot subsurface at Lilliput, as is typically suggested for diffuse emissions from areas of high-temperature venting. The high phylogenetic diversity and novelty of bacteria observed could be because of the low-temperature influence, the distinct location of the hydrothermal field or the Bathymodiolus assemblages covering the sites of discharge. The low-temperature fluids at the Lilliput are characterized by lowered pH and slightly elevated hydrogen (16 nM) and methane (∼2.6 μM) contents compared with ambient seawater. No typical hydrogen and methane oxidizing prokaryotes were detected. The higher diversity of reverse tricarboxylic acid genes and the form II RubisCO genes of the Calvin Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle compared with the form I RubisCO genes of the CBB cycle suggests that the chemoautotrophic community is better adapted to low oxygen concentrations. Thiomicrospira spp. and Epsilonproteobacteria dominated the autotrophic community. Sulfide is the most abundant inorganic energy source (0.5 mM). Diverse bacteria were associated with sulfur cycling, including Gamma-, Delta- and Epsilonproteobacteria, with the latter being the most abundant bacteria according to fluorescence in situ hybridization. With members of various Candidate Divisions constituting for 25% of clone library sequences we suggest that their role in vent ecosystems might be more important than previously assumed and propose potential mechanisms they might be involved in at the Lilliput hydrothermal field

    Polymorphisms in the selectin gene cluster are associated with fertility and survival time in a population of Holstein Friesian cows

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    Selectins are adhesion molecules, which mediate attachment between leucocytes and endothelium. They aid extravasation of leucocytes from blood into inflamed tissue during the mammary gland’s response to infection. Selectins are also involved in attachment of the conceptus to the endometrium and subsequent placental development. Poor fertility and udder health are major causes for culling dairy cows. The three identified bovine selectin genes SELP, SELL and SELE are located in a gene cluster. SELP is the most polymorphic of these genes. Several SNP in SELP and SELE are associated with human vascular disease, while SELP SNP rs6127 has been associated with recurrent pregnancy loss in women. This study describes the results of a gene association study for SNP in SELP (n = 5), SELL (n = 2) and SELE (n = 1) with fertility, milk production and longevity traits in a population of 337 Holstein Friesian dairy cows. Blood samples for PCR-RFLP were collected at 6 months of age and animals were monitored until either culling or 2,340 days from birth. Three SNP in SELPEx4-6 formed a haplotype block containing a Glu/Ala substitution at rs42312260. This region was associated with poor fertility and reduced survival times. SELPEx8 (rs378218397) coded for a Val475Met variant locus in the linking region between consensus repeats 4 and 5, which may influence glycosylation. The synonymous SNP rs110045112 in SELEEx14 deviated from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. For both this SNP and rs378218397 there were too few AA homozygotes present in the population and AG heterozygotes had significantly worse fertility than GG homozygotes. Small changes in milk production associated with some SNP could not account for the reduced fertility and only SELPEx6 showed any association with somatic cell count. These results suggest that polymorphisms in SELP and SELE are associated with the likelihood of successful pregnancy, potentially through compromised implantation and placental development

    IgG and Fcγ Receptors in Intestinal Immunity and Inflammation.

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    Fcγ receptors (FcγR) are cell surface glycoproteins that mediate cellular effector functions of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies. Genetic variation in FcγR genes can influence susceptibility to a variety of antibody-mediated autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). More recently, however, genetic studies have implicated altered FcγR signaling in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a condition classically associated with dysregulated innate and T cell immunity. Specifically, a variant of the activating receptor, FcγRIIA, with low affinity for IgG, confers protection against the development of ulcerative colitis, a subset of IBD, leading to a re-evaluation of the role of IgG and FcγRs in gastrointestinal tract immunity, an organ system traditionally associated with IgA. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of IgG and FcγR function at this unique host-environment interface, from the pathogenesis of colitis and defense against enteropathogens, its contribution to maternal-fetal cross-talk and susceptibility to cancer. Finally, we discuss the therapeutic implications of this information, both in terms of how FcγR signaling pathways may be targeted for the treatment of IBD and how FcγR engagement may influence the efficacy of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in IBD

    American Gut: an Open Platform for Citizen Science Microbiome Research

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    McDonald D, Hyde E, Debelius JW, et al. American Gut: an Open Platform for Citizen Science Microbiome Research. mSystems. 2018;3(3):e00031-18