308 research outputs found

    Применение семантического анализа социальных связей в банковских скоринговых системах

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    This article describes the expert system for credit scoring systems based on ontologicaldata model. The standards of Semantic Web with the fact extractor for analysis of social ties are a powerfultool for increasing the percentage of refundable loans as the add-on to the traditional system

    The Micro-Pillar Shear-Stress Sensor MPS3 for Turbulent Flow

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    Wall-shear stress results from the relative motion of a fluid over a body surface as a consequence of the no-slip condition of the fluid in the vicinity of the wall. To determine the two-dimensional wall-shear stress distribution is of utter importance in theoretical and applied turbulence research. In this article, characteristics of the Micro-Pillar Shear-Stress Sensor MPS3, which has been shown to offer the potential to measure the two-directional dynamic wall-shear stress distribution in turbulent flows, will be summarized. After a brief general description of the sensor concept, material characteristics, possible sensor-structure related error sources, various sensitivity and distinct sensor performance aspects will be addressed. Especially, pressure-sensitivity related aspects will be discussed. This discussion will serve as ‘design rules’ for possible new fields of applications of the sensor technology

    Fußballspielende humanoide Roboter

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    Das Ziel der Projektgruppe ist die (semi-)automatisierte Lösung von mindestens zwei Problemstellungen sowie deren Optimierung. Für diese Aufgabe kommen Black-Box-Verfahren in Frage, wie etwa evo- lutionäre Algorithmen. Die zu optimierenden Problemstellungen sind aus dem Bereich der Wahrnehmung und der Bewegungsplanung zu wählen. Neben den vorgeschlagenen Zielen ist es des Weiteren auch möglich, weitere Aufgaben mit den Betreuern abzusprechen. Im Bereich der Wahrnehmung dient die automatische Kalibrierung der Kamera dazu, eventuelle Fehlstellungen und Fehljustierungen, die über die Zeit entstehen, zu beheben. Dies hat zum Ziel, die Loka- lisierung, welche zu einem großen Teil auf der Bildanalyse beruht, zu verbessern. Zudem ist die Optimierung der Farbräume für die zur Bilderken- nung genutzte Farbtafel zu automatisieren, um die an unterschied- lichen Orten vorhandenen Farbschwankungen und Lichtverhältnisse zeitnah zu kompensieren. Im Bereich der Bewegung erlaubt es die automatische Gelenkwin- kelkalibrierung die Gelenkwinkel zu justieren, was in besonderem Maße die Korrektheit der auf den Winkeln beruhenden Berechnun- gen des Laufs verbessern kann. Darüber hinaus wurden weitere Auf- gaben und Interessengebiete bearbeitet

    Candida albicans β-Glucan Differentiates Human Monocytes Into a Specific Subset of Macrophages

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    β-Glucan derived from cell walls of Candida albicans is a potent immune modulator. It has been shown to induce trained immunity in monocytes via epigenetic and metabolic reprogramming and to protect from lethal sepsis if applied prior to infection. Since β-glucan-trained monocytes have not been classified within the system of mononuclear phagocytes we analyzed these cells metabolically, phenotypically and functionally with a focus on monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation and compared them with naïve monocytes and other types of monocyte-derived cells such as classically (M1) or alternatively (M2) activated macrophages and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs). We show that β-glucan inhibits spontaneous apoptosis of monocytes independent from autocrine or paracrine M-CSF release and stimulates monocyte differentiation into macrophages. β-Glucan-differentiated macrophages exhibit increased cell size and granularity and enhanced metabolic activity when compared to naïve monocytes. Although β-glucan-primed cells expressed markers of alternative activation and secreted higher levels of IL-10 after lipopolysaccharide (LPS), their capability to release pro-inflammatory cytokines and to kill bacteria was unaffected. Our data demonstrate that β-glucan priming induces a population of immune competent long-lived monocyte-derived macrophages that may be involved in immunoregulatory processes

    Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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    Анализ эффективности работы механизированного фонда скважин на Советском нефтяном месторождении (Томская область)

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    Цель работы: анализ результатов работы скважин, оборудованных УЭЦН и УШСН на «S» месторождении. В дипломной работе приведены: сведения о географической, геолого-физической и геолого-промысловой характеристике месторождения, анализ разработки месторождения, показатели текущего состояния разработки. Представлен анализ структуры фонда добывающих скважин, показано соотношение между способами эксплуатации: УЭЦН и УШСН. Описание техники и технологии УЭЦН и УШСН причины выхода из строя насосов и предложены рекомендации по улучшению эффективности работы скважины. Основной частью выпускной квалификационной работы является анализ результатов работы скважин на «S» месторождении.Objective: To analyze the results of wells equipped with ESP and USHSN on «S» field. The research paper presented: information about the geographical, geological, physical, geological and commercial characteristics of the deposit, the analysis of field development, the current state of development of indicators. The analysis of the structure of the fund of producing wells, shows the relationship between the operation of ways: ESP and USHSN. Description of technique and technology of ESP and USHSN causes of failure of pumps and offers recommendations to improve the efficiency of operation of the well. The main part of the final qualifying work is the analysis of the results of wells on the «S» field

    Wall-shear stress patterns of coherent structures in turbulent duct flow

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