9 research outputs found

    A Proposed Methodology For Bridging Policy And Practice To Apply Indonesian SOE Regulations In The Balanced Scorecard Model

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    This research aims to develop a practical methodology to bridge policy and operational practice at PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (JIEP) through the implementation of a modified Balanced Scorecard (BSC) framework that aligns with Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) regulations. The study addresses the challenge of aligning shareholder directives with daily operations, which often struggle to translate corporate KPIs into operational KPIs. The research finds that while SOEs' administrative culture ensures regulatory compliance, there remains a need for a more structured performance management approach. By integrating goal-setting, expectancy, and control theories into the modified BSC framework, the study offers an approach that aligns regulations, corporate targets, and operational goals. The methodology used is a descriptive case study involving qualitative and quantitative data collection through internal document analysis, workshop discussions, and in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed to develop and implement a strategy map and KPIs relevant to the organization's strategic objectives. The findings show that the proposed framework effectively bridges the gap between policy and practice, ensuring that SOE regulations are not only adhered to but strategically leveraged to enhance organizational performance. By adopting this framework, JIEP and other SOEs can align unit goals with corporate and governmental strategic objectives, creating a more effective and sustainable performance management system. This research makes a significant contribution to the development of performance management systems that can be implemented in other SOEs, offering substantial improvements over existing practices


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    Sub DAS Ta???deang merupakan salah satu sumber air yang digunakan masyarakat \ud sekitar sebagai sumber kehidupan, terutama pada bidang pertanian. Penelusuran \ud banjir bisa ditafsirkan sebagai suatu prosedur untuk menentukan atau memperkirakan \ud besaran banjir di suatu titik berdasarkan data yang diketahui. Metode penelusuran \ud banjir yang digunakan yaitu Metode Muskingum dan Metode Muskingum-Cunge. \ud Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik hidrograf sungai di bagian \ud hilir sub DAS Ta???deang , mengetahui metode penelusuran aliran yang tepat untuk \ud digunakan pada sub DAS Ta???deang antara metode Muskingum dan Muskingum-Cunge, mengetahui variasi nilai koefisien K dan X pada metode Muskingum dan \ud Muskingum-Cunge. Pengukuran hidrograf aliran dilakukan pada tiga kali\ud pengamatan banjir dan mencatat perubahan TMA pada setiap 30 menit di mana data \ud TMA bagian hulu dan hilir diambil secara bersamaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan \ud Waktu capai puncak (time to peak) pengamatan pertama, kedua dan ketiga adalah 5.5 \ud jam , 2.5 jam dan 3 jam dan Lag time pada bagian hidrograf hilir sub DAS Ta???deang \ud selama 0.5 jam, 0.5 jam dan 1 jam dengan debit puncak sebesar 6.132 m\ud 3\ud /s, 12.322 \ud m\ud 3\ud /s, 33.351 m\ud 3\ud /s. Metode Muskingum lebih tepat di gunakan pada sub DAS \ud Ta???deang dengan melihat nilai R\ud 2\ud yang dihasilkan, nilai K dan X pada metode \ud Muskingum bervariasi, sedangkan pada metode Muskingum-Cunge nilai K dan X\ud pada ketiga hidrograf aliran konstan

    Identifikasi Rantai-Pasok Dalam Industri Konstruksi Indonesia Untuk Pengembangan Sistem Penjaminan Mutu

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    . The construction industry products are usually created based on request from the clients (government organizations or private sector) by the contracted second party (contractor) who mobilizes various resources such as construction material, equipment and labor, which are supplied by a series of suppliers then assembled at the project site by the various contractors (prime and sub-contractors).The supply chain within the construction production process during the construction stage has been identified, in light of investigating the quality assurance processes within each supply chain components. Observations are made by survey to project sites through semi-structured depth interviewing for all the supply chain actors within the case study projects. Indicators used in the survey are based on ISO 9001:2000 procedures already adopted by the contractors. The observation result shows that there are four basic elements required to assure the quality of the product: defining project scope, specifying features and baseline system, build product, and deliver product to customer. To implement these elements, twelve steps need to be completed by the supply chain parties in order to accomplish quality assurance process. The process is found to be very similar with those of ISO 9001:2000 standards.The result of this study is expected to be usefull for parties involved in construction industry in setting up their supply chain, where quality assurance of the construction products is a major issue in improving costumer satisfaction

    Identifikasi Rantai-Pasok dalam Industri Konstruksi Indonesia untuk Pengembangan Sistem Penjaminan Mutu

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    Abstrak. Produk industri konstruksi biasanya dibuat atas dasar permintaan dari pemberi kerja (pemerintah atau swasta) oleh pihak kedua yang dikontrak (kontraktor), dengan mengerahkan berbagai sumberdaya seperti bahan konstruksi, peralatan, dan tenaga kerja. Dalam proses produksinya berbagai komponen produk konstruksi dipasok oleh berbagai pemasok yang bertingkat-tingkat, kemudian dirakit di lokasi proyek oleh para kontraktor, baik kontraktor utama maupun sub kontraktor. Rantai-pasok proses produksi konstruksi pada tahap pelaksanaan konstruksi telah didentifikasikan dalam rangka mengkaji bentuk-bentuk pengawasan dan penjaminan mutu pada rantai-pasok tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei ke lapangan melalui wawancara secara mendalam ke pelaku rantai-pasok pada proyek yang ditinjau. Indikator yang digunakan untuk pertanyaan wawancara dikembangkan berdasar pola ISO 9001:2000 yang telah diterapkan oleh para Kontraktor responden sebagai pelaku utama dalam rantai pasok. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkanadanya pola penjaminan mutu yang didasari empat elemen utama, meliputi pendefinisian jangkauan proyek, penetapan spesifikasi dan sistem dasar, pembuatan barang dan jasa, dan penyampaian barang dan jasa ke pelanggan. Elemen ini dilaksanakan dengan melakukan dua belas tindakan oleh pelaku rantai pasok sehingga akhirnya jaminan mutu dapat tercapai. Proses tersebut sejalan dengan prinsip-prinsip yang ditetapkan dalam standar ISO 9001:2000. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi panduan bagi pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dalam industri konstruksi, untuk membuat pola rantai pasok yang di dalamnya terdapat penjaminan mutu terhadap hasil kerja guna memperoleh kepuasan pengguna jasa.Abstract. The construction industry products are usually created based on request from the clients (government organizations or private sector) by the contracted second party (contractor) who mobilizes various resources such as construction material, equipment and labor, which are supplied by a series of suppliers then assembled at the project site by the various contractors (prime and sub-contractors).The supply chain within the construction production process during the construction stage has been identified, in light of investigating the quality assurance processes within each supply chain components. Observations are made by survey to project sites through semi-structured depth interviewing for all the supply chain actors within the case study projects. Indicators used in the survey are based on ISO 9001:2000 procedures already adopted by the contractors. The observation result shows that there are four basic elements required to assure the quality of the product: defining project scope, specifying features and baseline system, build product, and deliver product to customer. To implement these elements, twelve steps need to be completed by the supply chain parties in order to accomplish quality assurance process. The process is found to be very similar with those of ISO 9001:2000 standards.The result of this study is expected to be usefull for parties involved in construction industry in setting up their supply chain, where quality assurance of the construction products is a major issue in improving costumer satisfaction

    Research Trends in Mathematical Modeling Applied to Pandemic Cases: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Abstract The disease caused by the virus has caused a continuous pandemic worldwide since 2012. In order to slow down the rapid spread of the virus, many countries have taken recovery measures. This paper aims to analyze the trends of modeling pandemic cases in Scopus-indexed journals. The research method is a literature review using a bibliometric analysis approach starting from defining the keywords modeling' and ‘pandemic' in the Publish or Perish application with Google Scholar as the database. After narrowing the results by selecting the topic of modeling the pandemic problem it consisted of 200 articles in total. After that, the metadata was compiled using the Mendeley application, the VosViewer application was used to create a research trend visualization. The results obtained by bibliometric analysis show that the number of publications continues to increase. Which journals are published, which organizations and countries publish the most, how the evolution of perspective has changed since 2012, and which articles are most cited. We conclude that since the pandemic, there is a possibility of an evolution in the quality of publications. Keywords: bibliometric analysis; pandemic; mathematical model; Mendeley; Publish or Perish; Vosviewer.   Abstrak Penyakit yang diakibatkan dari virus telah menyebabkan pandemi berkelanjutan di seluruh dunia sejak 2012. Untuk memperlambat penyebaran virus yang cepat, banyak negara telah mengambil langkah pemulihan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tren pemodelan kasus pandemi di jurnal terindeks Scopus. Metode penelitian adalah kajian pustaka dengan pendekatan analisis bibliometrik dimulai dari pendefinisian kata kunci ‘pemodelan’ dan 'pandemi' pada aplikasi Publish or Perish dengan database Google Scholar. Setelah dilakukan penyempitan hasil dengan pemilihan topik pemodelan masalah pandemi  maka total artikel menjadi 200 artikel. Setelah itu dilakukan kompilasi metadata menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley, aplikasi VosViewer digunakan untuk membuat visualisasi trend penelitian. Hasil yang diperoleh dengan analisis bibliometrik menunjukkan bahwa jumlah publikasi terus meningkat. Jurnal mana yang diterbitkan, organisasi dan negara mana yang paling banyak menerbitkan, bagaimana evolusi perspektif telah berubah sejak 2012, dan artikel mana yang paling banyak dikutip. Kami menyimpulkan bahwa sejak pandemi, ada kemungkinan terjadi evolusi kualitas publikasi. Kata Kunci: analisis bibliometrik; pandemi; model matematika; Mendeley; Publish or Perish; Vosviewer.   2020MSC: 00A71, 92B05

    A social and ecological assessment of tropical land uses at multiple scales:the Sustainable Amazon Network

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    Science has a critical role to play in guiding more sustainable development trajectories. Here, we present the Sustainable Amazon Network (Rede Amazonia Sustentavel, RAS): a multidisciplinary research initiative involving more than 30 partner organizations working to assess both social and ecological dimensions of land-use sustainability in eastern Brazilian Amazonia. The research approach adopted by RAS offers three advantages for addressing land-use sustainability problems: (i) the collection of synchronized and co-located ecological and socioeconomic data across broad gradients of past and present human use; (ii) a nested sampling design to aid comparison of ecological and socioeconomic conditions associated with different land uses across local, landscape and regional scales; and (iii) a strong engagement with a wide variety of actors and non-research institutions. Here, we elaborate on these key features, and identify the ways in which RAS can help in highlighting those problems in most urgent need of attention, and in guiding improvements in land-use sustainability in Amazonia and elsewhere in the tropics. We also discuss some of the practical lessons, limitations and realities faced during the development of the RAS initiative so far

    Listening to patients, for the patients: The COVAD Study-Vision, organizational structure, and challenges

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    Background: The pandemic presented unique challenges for individuals with autoimmune and rheumatic diseases (AIRDs) due to their underlying condition, the effects of immunosuppressive treatments, and increased vaccine hesitancy. Objectives: The COVID-19 vaccination in autoimmune diseases (COVAD) study, a series of ongoing, patient self-reported surveys were conceived with the vision of being a unique tool to gather patient perspectives on AIRDs. It involved a multinational, multicenter collaborative effort amidst a global lockdown. Methods: Leveraging social media as a research tool, COVAD collected data using validated patient-reported outcomes (PROs). The study, comprising a core team, steering committee, and global collaborators, facilitated data collection and analysis. A pilot-tested, validated survey, featuring questions regarding COVID-19 infection, vaccination and outcomes, patient demographics, and PROs was circulated to patients with AIRDs and healthy controls (HCs). Discussion: We present the challenges encountered during this international collaborative project, including coordination, data management, funding constraints, language barriers, and authorship concerns, while highlighting the measures taken to address them. Conclusion: Collaborative virtual models offer a dynamic new frontier in medical research and are vital to studying rare diseases. The COVAD study demonstrates the potential of online platforms for conducting large-scale, patient-focused research and underscores the importance of integrating patient perspective into clinical care. Care of patients is our central motivation, and it is essential to recognize their voices as equal stakeholders and valued partners in the study of the conditions that affect them