64 research outputs found

    An Overview of Deep Learning Networks for Remote Sensing Applications

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    To study and understand the world around us, remote sensing specialists rely on aerial and satellite photographs. Today, deep learning models necessitating extensive data or specialised data are employed in many remote sensing applications. Sometimes, the spatial and spectral resolution of Observation satellites of the planet earth will fall short of requirements due to technological constraints in optics and sensors, as well as the expensive expense of upgrading sensors and equipment. Insufficient information might reduce a model's efficiency. The efficiency of deep learning frameworks that rely on data can be improved by the use of a adversarial networks, which is a type of technique that can generate synthetic data. This is one of the best innovative developments in Deep Learning  in past decade. GANs have seen rapid adoption and widespread success in the Remote Sensing sector. GANs can also perform picture-to-image translation, such as clearing cloud cover from a satellite image.This paper aims to investigate the applications of different Adversarial Networks in the remote sensing area and the databases used for training of GANs and metrics of evaluation

    Data Categorization and Review Identification on Twitter Using WordNet Implicit Aspect Sentiment Analysis

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    Social media review analysis has developed into a fascinating profession that addresses important public safety issues that are respected globally. Sentiment analysis (SA) on Twitter is still a topic of ongoing attention in this profession. Tweet datasets for sentiment opposition bracket are subjected to aspect-grounded SA, a method that allows information to be extracted, dissected, and categorized in order to predict social media evaluations. The implicit aspect for social media review tweets that is implied by adjectives and verbs is the subject of this paper's aspect identification job. In order to improve training data for [1) Social media review Implicit Aspect Rulings Discovery (IASD) and Social media review Implicit Aspect Identification (IAI), a mongrel model is suggested. It is based on WordNet semantic relations and the Term-Weighting scheme. Three classifiers—Multinomial Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, and Random Forest—are used to estimate the performance on three Twitter social media review datasets. The obtained results show the value of verbs in training data enhancement for social media review IASD and IAI, as well as the efficacy of WN reversal and description relations


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    The main idea behind this proposal is to provide an ease off access to the user by providing full control over his/her entire home. Due to modern city life we never find time to check any of our electric appliances, switches, thermostats, air conditioners and so on, whether they are regularly switched off when not in use. This results in Energy wastage, security risk, and eventually leads to stress. In our method we suggest an ease off method by using an Android phone with minimal power specifications

    Femtosecond transient absorption studies of two novel energetic tetrazole derivatives

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    Excited-state dynamics of two novel energetic nitrogen-rich aryl-tetrazole molecules were investigated using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. The internal conversion from Sn to S1 occurred in the 0.3–0.5 ps; vibrational relaxation within S1 states transpired in a 1.8–5 ps time scale and, subsequently, the intersystem crossing was observed with lifetimes of 7.8 ps and 129 ps. The nitro-substituted tetrazole demonstrated a faster decay with a weaker fluorescence compared to the amino-substituted derivative. We believe that the high nitrogen content in the former resulted in a possible more rapid nonradiative decay. © 202

    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor instructs the immunomodulatory profile of a subset of Clec4a4 eosinophils unique to the small intestine

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    C-type lectin domain family 4, member a4 (Clec4a4) is a C-type lectin inhibitory receptor specific for glycans thought to be exclusively expressed on murine CD8α− conventional dendritic cells. Using newly generated Clec4a4-mCherry knock-in mice, we identify a subset of Clec4a4-expressing eosinophils uniquely localized in the small intestine lamina propria. Clec4a4+ eosinophils evinced an immunomodulatory signature, whereas Clec4a4− eosinophils manifested a proinflammatory profile. Clec4a4+ eosinophils expressed high levels of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr), which drove the expression of Clec4a4 as well as other immunomodulatory features, such as PD-L1. The abundance of Clec4a4+ eosinophils was dependent on dietary AHR ligands, increased with aging, and declined in inflammatory conditions. Mice lacking AHR in eosinophils expanded innate lymphoid cells of type 2 and cleared Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection more effectively than did wild-type mice. These results highlight the heterogeneity of eosinophils in response to tissue cues and identify a unique AHR-dependent subset of eosinophils in the small intestine with an immunomodulatory profile

    Neurofeedback for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: meta-Analysis of clinical and neuropsychological outcomes from randomized controlled trials

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    Objective:We performed meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials to examine the effects of neurofeedback on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and neuropsychological deficits in children and adolescents with ADHD.Method:We searched PubMed, Ovid, Web of Science, ERIC, and CINAHAL through August 30, 2015. Random-effects models were employed. Studies were evaluated with the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool.Results:We included 13 trials (520 participants with ADHD). Significant effects were found on ADHD symptoms rated by assessors most proximal to the treatment setting, that is, the least blinded outcome measure (standardized mean difference [SMD]: ADHD total symptoms = 0.35, 95% CI = 0.11?0.59; inattention = 0.36, 95% CI = 0.09?0.63; hyperactivity/impulsivity = 0.26, 95% CI = 0.08?0.43). Effects were not significant when probably blinded ratings were the outcome or in trials with active/sham controls. Results were similar when only frequency band training trials, the most common neurofeedback approach, were analyzed separately. Effects on laboratory measures of inhibition (SMD = 0.30, 95% CI = ?0.10 to 0.70) and attention (SMD = 0.13, 95% CI = ?0.09 to 0.36) were not significant. Only 4 studies directly assessed whether learning occurred after neurofeedback training. The risk of bias was unclear for many Cochrane Risk of Bias domains in most studies.Conclusion:Evidence from well-controlled trials with probably blinded outcomes currently fails to support neurofeedback as an effective treatment for ADHD. Future efforts should focus on implementing standard neurofeedback protocols, ensuring learning, and optimizing clinically relevant transfer

    WHO guideline for non-surgical management of chronic primary low back pain in adults in primary and community care settings

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    The purpose of the guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations on nonsurgical interventions for chronic primary LBP (CPLBP) in adults, including older people, that can be delivered in primary and community care settings to improve CPLBP-related health and well-being outcomes. For this reason, the guideline does not consider interventions typically delivered in secondary or tertiary care settings (e.g. surgical or other invasive procedures) or workplace interventions. The target audience is health workers of all disciplines working in the primary and community care settings. In this context, the guideline is intended to be discipline neutral. The guidelines will be of use to clinical staff including medical doctors, nurses, allied health workers including chiropractors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, psychologists and community health workers, as well as public health programme and system managers

    Facilitated sequence assembly using densely labeled optical DNA barcodes:A combinatorial auction approach

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    <div><p>The output from whole genome sequencing is a set of contigs, i.e. short non-overlapping DNA sequences (sizes 1-100 kilobasepairs). Piecing the contigs together is an especially difficult task for previously unsequenced DNA, and may not be feasible due to factors such as the lack of sufficient coverage or larger repetitive regions which generate gaps in the final sequence. Here we propose a new method for scaffolding such contigs. The proposed method uses densely labeled optical DNA barcodes from competitive binding experiments as scaffolds. On these scaffolds we position theoretical barcodes which are calculated from the contig sequences. This allows us to construct longer DNA sequences from the contig sequences. This proof-of-principle study extends previous studies which use sparsely labeled DNA barcodes for scaffolding purposes. Our method applies a probabilistic approach that allows us to discard “foreign” contigs from mixed samples with contigs from different types of DNA. We satisfy the contig non-overlap constraint by formulating the contig placement challenge as a combinatorial auction problem. Our exact algorithm for solving this problem reduces computational costs compared to previous methods in the combinatorial auction field. We demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed scaffolding method both for synthetic contigs and for contigs obtained using Illumina sequencing for a mixed sample with plasmid and chromosomal DNA.</p></div

    Linking genomics and ecology to investigate the complex evolution of an invasive Drosophila pest

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    Drosophilid fruit flies have provided science with striking cases of behavioural adaptation and genetic innovation. A recent example is the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii, which, unlike most other Drosophila, lays eggs and feeds on undamaged, ripening fruits. This poses a serious threat for fruit cultivation, but also offers an interesting model to study evolution of behavioural innovation. We developed genome and transcriptome resources for D. suzukii. Coupling analyses of these data with field observations, we propose a hypothesis of the origin of its peculiar ecology. Using nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenetic analyses, we confirm its Asian origin, and reveal a surprising sister relationship between the eugracilis and the melanogaster subgroups. While the D. suzukii genome is comparable in size and repeat content to other Drosophila species, it has the lowest nucleotide substitution rate among the species analysed in this study. This finding is compatible with the overwintering diapause of D. suzukii, which results in a reduced number of generations per year compared to its sister species. Genome-scale relaxed clock analyses support a late Miocene origin of D. suzukii, concomitant with paleogeological and climatic conditions that suggest an adaptation to temperate montane forests, a hypothesis confirmed by field trapping. We propose a causal link between the ecological adaptations of D. suzukii in its native habitat and its invasive success in Europe and North America