545 research outputs found

    Formation of bound states of electrons in spherically symmetric oscillations of plasma

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    We study spherically symmetric oscillations of electrons in plasma in the frame of classical electrodynamics. Firstly, we analyze the electromagnetic potentials for the system of radially oscillating charged particles. Secondly, we consider both free and forced spherically symmetric oscillations of electrons. Finally, we discuss the interaction between radially oscillating electrons through the exchange of ion acoustic waves. It is obtained that the effective potential of this interaction can be attractive and can transcend the Debye-Huckel potential. We suggest that oscillating electrons can form bound states at the initial stages of the spherical plasma structure evolution. The possible applications of the obtained results for the theory of natural plasmoids are examined.Comment: 9 pages in LaTeX2e, no figures; paper was significantly modified, 2 new references added, some inessential mathematics was removed, many typos were corrected; final variant to be published in Physica Script

    Oscillations of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos in matter and a magnetic field

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    We study the evolution of massive mixed Dirac and Majorana neutrinos in matter under the influence of a transversal magnetic field. The analysis is based on relativistic quantum mechanics. We solve exactly the evolution equation for relativistic neutrinos, find the neutrino wave functions, and calculate the transition probability for spin-flavor oscillations. We analyze the dependence of the transition probability on the external fields and compare the cases of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos. The evolution of Majorana particles in vacuum is also studied and correction terms to the standard oscillation formula are derived and discussed. As a possible application of our results we discuss the spin-flavor transitions in supernovae.Comment: RevTeX4, 15 pages, 4 eps figures. The paper was significantly revised; 17 references were added, many misprints throughout the text were corrected. The variant to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Modeling of Sediment Transport in Bothnian Bay in the Vicinity of the Nuclear Power Plant ‘Hanhikivi-1’ Construction Site

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    The intensity of sediment resuspension and sedimentation in the eastern part of the Bothnian Bay near the Hanhikivi cape, where the nuclear power plant ‘Hanhikivi-1’ will be constructed, has been assessed for the first time by means of numerical modeling under the realistic external forcing that occurred in 2014. A brief description of a coupled modeling system used in the study is given. The results of local resuspension intensity and sediment accumulation rates for one-year model run are presented. It has been determined that the main areas of sediment accumulation are located along the northern coast off the Hanhikivi peninsula and in the shallow region situated to the north-east off the cape. Sedimentation rates in the navigation channel have also been estimated. Model results obtained for 2014 suggest that sedimentation in the seaward part of the channel is absent, while sediment accumulation intensity is about 10 cm/year in the middle part of the channel and 70 cm/year in the coastal part. A temporal variability of the sedimentation rates during the year has been emphasized

    Efficacy of cardiosynchronized electrical stimulation in patients with acute heart failure

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    Objective: to study the efficacy of external cardiosynchronized muscular counterpulsation (CMC) in patients with different variants of acute heart failure. The study included the examination results of 62 patients with acute heart failure, which undergo two variants (two groups) of therapy: 1) only the standard drug therapy (diuretics, nitrates, etc .) and 2) in the case of its inefficacy over 12 hours, combination of the drug therapy with the CMC sessions over 7 days. The clinical assessment of the patients under examination characterized the group with the standard therapy as less severe. In 64% of the group 2 patients, a significant improvement in the form of improvement in the fluid balance indices was noted during the combined therapy

    The use of high resolution ECG and heart rate variability methods in diagnosing of myocardial electrical instability in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Work is devoted to research dynamics of parameters of high resolution ECG (HRECG) and heart rate variability (HVR) methods in patients with acute coronary syndrome in determining myocardial electrical instability and disease trend the carried out. The researches have shown that, the HRECG and HRV variables in acute coronary syndrome, patients have various possible changes, which correlate with the severity of the current disease

    The use of high resolution ECG and Heart rate variability methods in diagnosing of myocardial electrical instability in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Work is devoted to research dynamics of parameters of high resolution ECG (HRECG) and heart rate variability (HVR) methods in patients with acute coronary syndrome in determining myocardial electrical instability and disease trend the carried out. The researches have shown that, the HRECG and HRV variables in acute coronary syndrome, patients have various possible changes, which correlate with the severity of the current disease

    Regionally Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Marine Biogeochemistry Model ROM: 2. Studying the Climate Change Signal in the North Atlantic and Europe

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    Climate simulations for the North Atlantic and Europe for recent and future conditions simulated with the regionally coupled ROM model are analyzed and compared to the results from the MPI-ESM. The ROM simulations also include a biogeochemistry and ocean tides. For recent climate conditions, ROM generally improves the simulations compared to the driving model MPI-ESM. Reduced oceanic biases in the Northern Atlantic are found, as well as a better simulation of the atmospheric circulation, notably storm tracks and blocking. Regarding future climate projections for the 21st century following the RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios, MPI-ESM and ROM largely agree qualitatively on the climate change signal over Europe. However, many important differences are identified. For example, ROM shows an SST cooling in the Subpolar Gyre, which is not present in MPI-ESM. Under the RCP8.5 scenario, ROM Arctic sea ice cover is thinner and reaches the seasonally ice-free state by 2055, well before MPI-ESM. This shows the decisive importance of higher ocean resolution and regional coupling for determining the regional responses to global warming trends. Regarding biogeochemistry, both ROM and MPI-ESM simulate a widespread decline in winter nutrient concentration in the North Atlantic of up to similar to 35%. On the other hand, the phytoplankton spring bloom in the Arctic and in the North-Western Atlantic starts earlier, and the yearly primary production is enhanced in the Arctic in the late 21st century. These results clearly demonstrate the added value of ROM to determine more detailed and more reliable climate projections at the regional scale. Plain Language Summary We downscale present climate and future climate change projections for the North Atlantic and Europe using a regionally coupled Earth System Model including atmosphere, ocean, river runoff, and ocean biogeochemistry components. This approach allows us to attain higher spatial resolution and to a more accurate representation of key physical processes, yielding a better simulation of present climate at regional and local scales when compared to the driving global climate model. Future climate change projections show more detail at regional and local scale, mostly related to the improvement in the representation of orography and bathymetry. These improvements along with a better representation of the interactive ocean-atmosphere coupling lead to other remarkable differences with the driving global climate model: (1) colder Sea Surface Temperature in the Subpolar Gyre region, indicating a local convection collapse and a Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation slowdown; (2) a seasonal free-ice Arctic is reached by 2055 under RCP8.5 scenario, well before projected by the driving global climate model; and (3) stronger reduction in nutrients in the North Atlantic by the end of the 21st century. These results clearly demonstrate the added value of the regionally coupled model system to determine more reliable climate projections at the regional scale

    Моделирование распределения водного эквивалента снежного покрова в тундре с использованием ГИС и данных полевой снегомерной съёмки

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    An approach for snow water equivalent (SWE) modelling in tundra environments has been developed for the test area on the Yamal peninsula. Detailed mapping of snow cover is very important for tundra areas under continuous permafrost conditions, because the snow cover affects the active layer thickness (ALT) and the ground temperature, acting as a heat-insulating agent. The information concerning snow cover with specific regime of accumulation can support studies of ground temperature distribution and other permafrost related aspects. Рассматривается методика моделирования водного эквивалента снежного покрова, основанная на статистической обработке данных полевой снегомерной съёмки и геоинформационном анализе различных параметров: рельефа, направления ветра, кустарниковой растительности. Установлено, что особенности рельефа в значительной степени влияют на перераспределение снежного покрова. Так, на вогнутых участках толщина снега увеличивается, а на выпуклых – уменьшается, поэтому индекс кривизны поверхности служит эффективным параметром при моделировании толщины снежного покрова на том или ином участке. Между толщиной снежного покрова и индексом кривизны поверхности установлена высокая степень корреляции (R = −0,83). Учёт перераспределения снега ветром очень важен для региона исследования. Чтобы объяснить основные закономерности этого процесса, мы применили механизм введения поправок при индексировании наветренных и подветренных склонов. Для классификации поверхности использована растровая модель экспозиции склонов, построенная на основе цифровой модели рельефа (ЦМР). В соответствии с господствующим направлением ветра положительные значения поправок присваивались подветренным склонам, а отрицательные – наветренным. Установлено, что кустарниковая растительность служит «ловушкой» для перевеваемого ветром снега, однако высота растительности не определяет его толщину, поскольку толщина снега может быть и больше, и меньше высоты стеблей, и зависит она от других факторов.


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    Influence of gamma radiation Co60 on static and dynamic characteristics of the transresistance amplifier and the comparator realized on the master slice array «ABMK 1-3» is considered taking into account formulated design rule. At absorbed dose D = 5 Mrad the comparator input current has increased on 25 %, other IC parameters (gain, impulse response of the transresistance amplifier, propagation delay, transition time, output current of the comparator) have changed slightly.Рассмотрено влияние гамма-излучения Co60 на статические и динамические характеристики трансрезистивного усилителя и компаратора напряжения, реализованных на базовом матричном кристалле типа «АБМК 1-3» с учетом сформулированных правил проектирования радиационно-стойких аналоговых интегральных схем (ИС). При поглощенной дозе D = 5 Мрад входной ток компаратора возрос на 25%, остальные параметры ИС (коэффициент преобразования, длительность фронта нарастания и спада трансрезистивного усилителя, задержка переключения, длительность фронта нарастания и спада, выходной ток компаратора) изменились незначительно

    Performance and Operation of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter

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    The operation and general performance of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter using cosmic-ray muons are described. These muons were recorded after the closure of the CMS detector in late 2008. The calorimeter is made of lead tungstate crystals and the overall status of the 75848 channels corresponding to the barrel and endcap detectors is reported. The stability of crucial operational parameters, such as high voltage, temperature and electronic noise, is summarised and the performance of the light monitoring system is presented