6 research outputs found

    Social and environmental aspects of the energy transition

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    The need to promote a swift, efficient and fair energy transition to clean, secure and efficient energy production, storage, transport, and consumption is a major challenge for the future of the planet ( EC 2020 ). Currently, massive emissions of greenhouse gases ( particularly CO2 ) and other pollutants are changing global climate, and the lasts report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC 2018 ) advised that keeping the temperature increase below 1.5 ºC will require drastic, urgent and internationally coordinated actions. These initiatives will greatly affect advanced economies, characterized by high energy consumption, which should seek for clean and secure local energy sources, but they are also highly relevant for quickly developing countries, whose biodiversity, natural resources and standards of living are at risks due to over exploitation of local resources or to accumulation of waste products of energy production technologies coming from elsewhere. These processes of transition, though, have generated a variety of social and environmental impacts and, at the same time, have triggered complex questions about sustainability and social acceptance ( i.e. Sánchez-Zapata et al. 2019 for wind and solar energy production in Spain ). Social and environmental aspects of the transition to clean, secure and efficient energy production, storage, transport, and consumption should then be fully incorporated into research on new energy sources to ensure its sustainability.Peer reviewe

    Treball d'educació farmacèutica adreçat al pacient amb dolor crònic

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    Treballs d'Educació Farmacèutica als ciutadans. Unitat Docent d'Estades en Pràctiques Tutelades. Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2017-2018. Tutors: Montserrat Iracheta i Marian March Pujol.Pràcticament tothom sent dolor en algun moment de la seva vida; quan et fas un tall al dit, quan tens mal de cap... És la manera que té el nostre cos d’avisar que alguna cosa no va bé. Un cop el mal es cura, ja no es té més dolor. A diferència del dolor agut, entès com un signe d’alarma i reacció del cos davant d’una agressió, en el dolor crònic no sempre trobem una causa òbvia que l’expliqui en tota la seva magnitud. El dolor, en aquest cas, és un dels símptomes d’un terme més ampli que és el patiment, on aspectes psicològics i socials juguen un paper molt important. És un dolor que perdura setmanes, mesos o, fins i tot, anys

    Treatment with tocilizumab or corticosteroids for COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammatory state: a multicentre cohort study (SAM-COVID-19)

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to estimate the association between tocilizumab or corticosteroids and the risk of intubation or death in patients with coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) with a hyperinflammatory state according to clinical and laboratory parameters. Methods: A cohort study was performed in 60 Spanish hospitals including 778 patients with COVID-19 and clinical and laboratory data indicative of a hyperinflammatory state. Treatment was mainly with tocilizumab, an intermediate-high dose of corticosteroids (IHDC), a pulse dose of corticosteroids (PDC), combination therapy, or no treatment. Primary outcome was intubation or death; follow-up was 21 days. Propensity score-adjusted estimations using Cox regression (logistic regression if needed) were calculated. Propensity scores were used as confounders, matching variables and for the inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTWs). Results: In all, 88, 117, 78 and 151 patients treated with tocilizumab, IHDC, PDC, and combination therapy, respectively, were compared with 344 untreated patients. The primary endpoint occurred in 10 (11.4%), 27 (23.1%), 12 (15.4%), 40 (25.6%) and 69 (21.1%), respectively. The IPTW-based hazard ratios (odds ratio for combination therapy) for the primary endpoint were 0.32 (95%CI 0.22-0.47; p < 0.001) for tocilizumab, 0.82 (0.71-1.30; p 0.82) for IHDC, 0.61 (0.43-0.86; p 0.006) for PDC, and 1.17 (0.86-1.58; p 0.30) for combination therapy. Other applications of the propensity score provided similar results, but were not significant for PDC. Tocilizumab was also associated with lower hazard of death alone in IPTW analysis (0.07; 0.02-0.17; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Tocilizumab might be useful in COVID-19 patients with a hyperinflammatory state and should be prioritized for randomized trials in this situatio

    A warm and humid paleoecological context for the Neanderthal mountain settlement at the Navalmaíllo rockshelter (Iberian Central System, Madrid)

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    Neanderthals have been claimed to have had a selective adaptation to rugged, wooded landscapes that would have partially compensate their high basal metabolic rate and locomotor energetic costs through reducing search time and increasing diet breadth. The archaeological site of the Navalmaíllo rockshelter (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid), located in a mountain environment in central Iberian Peninsula, has been interpreted as a repeated short-term occupation hunting camp by Neanderthal groups, mainly focused on primary access to large bovids and cervids. Navalmaíllo rockshelter has also furnished fish, toads, frogs, tortoises, lizards and snakes remains. This association of amphibians and reptiles suggests a much warmer climate (+2.8 °C) for layer F than at present, with similar temperatures during the summer but higher temperatures throughout the remaining months. Rainfall was slightly more abundant (+180.6 mm) than today, with a more contrasted regime during the year, with rainier winters and drier summers. A two-month period of aridity is observed during summer, representing a similar duration to present-day climatic conditions. Reconstructed landscapes are mainly constituted by open areas with dry grassland and rocky or stony areas, evolving laterally to humid meadows, probably close to the aquatic and peri-aquatic areas, such as rivers or ponds with riverside vegetation. Woodland environments are also well represented around the site, with medium scrublands to forest formations. Fish complete this reconstruction by documenting the presence of a pre-mountain well-developed river system characterized by relatively cold, permanent, oxygen-rich, and running waters. Such reconstruction is in disagreement with previous pollen interpretation for Layer F that suggested a very open and cold environment. Our new interpretation suggests that the Neanderthal occupation of the Navalmaíllo rockshelter occurred during a somewhat temperate and humid period, probably within the later part of the Marine Isotope Stage 5, effectively favouring the presence of a high biodiversity around the site