130 research outputs found

    Modeling the UBVRI time delays in Mrk 335

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    We develop a model of time delays between the continuum bands in the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 335 to explain the observed delays measured in this source. We consider two geometries: an accretion disk with fully ionized warm absorber of considerable optical depth, located close to the symmetry axis, and an accretion disk with a hot corona. Both media lead to significant disk irradiation but the disk/corona geometry gives lower values of the time delays. Only the disk/corona models give results consistent with measurements of Sergeev et al., and a low value of the disk inclination is favored. The presence of an optically thick, fully ionized outflow is ruled out at the 2-sigma level.Comment: MNRAS (in press

    Can we measure the accretion efficiency of Active Galactic Nuclei?

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    The accretion efficiency for individual black holes is very difficult to determine accurately. There are many factors that can influence each step of the calculation, such as the dust and host galaxy contribution to the observed luminosity, the black hole mass and more importantly, the uncertainties on the bolometric luminosity measurement. Ideally, we would measure the AGN emission at every wavelength, remove the host galaxy and dust, reconstruct the AGN spectral energy distribution and integrate to determine the intrinsic emission and the accretion rate. In reality, this is not possible due to observational limitations and our own galaxy line of sight obscuration. We have then to infer the bolometric luminosity from spectral measurements made in discontinuous wavebands and at different epochs. In this paper we tackle this issue by exploring different methods to determine the bolometric luminosity. We first explore the trend of accretion efficiency with black hole mass (efficiency proportional to M^{\sim 0.5}) found in recent work by Davis & Laor and discuss why this is most likely an artefact of the parameter space covered by their PG quasar sample. We then target small samples of AGN at different redshifts, luminosities and black hole masses to investigate the possible methods to calculate the accretion efficiency. For these sources we are able to determine the mass accretion rate and, with some assumptions, the accretion efficiency distributions. Even though we select the sources for which we are able to determine the parameters more accurately, there are still factors affecting the measurements that are hard to constrain. We suggest methods to overcome these problems based on contemporaneous multi-wavelength data measurements and specifically targeted observations for AGN in different black hole mass ranges.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the X-ray spectra of luminous, inhomogeneous accretion flows

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    We discuss the expected X-ray spectral and variability properties of black hole accretion discs at high luminosity, under the hypothesis that radiation pressure dominated discs are subject to violent clumping instabilities and, as a result, have a highly inhomogeneous two-phase structure. After deriving the full accretion disc solutions explicitly in terms of the parameters of the model, we study their radiative properties both with a simple two-zones model, treatable analytically, and with radiative transfer simulations which account simultaneously for energy balance and Comptonisation in the hot phase, together with reflection, reprocessing, ionization and thermal balance in the cold phase. We show that, if not only the density, but also the heating rate within these flows is inhomogeneous, then complex reflection-dominated spectra can be obtained for a high enough covering fraction of the cold phase. In general, large reflection components in the observed X-ray spectra should be associated with strong soft excesses, resulting from the combined emission of ionized atomic emission lines. The variability properties of such systems are such that, even when contributing to a large fraction of the hard X-ray spectrum, the reflection component is less variable than the power-law like emission originating from the hot Comptonising phase, in agreement with what is observed in many Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies and bright Seyfert 1. Our model falls within the family of those trying to explain the complex X-ray spectra of bright AGN with ionized reflection, but presents an alternative, specific, physically motivated, geometrical setup for the complex multi-phase structure of the inner regions of near-Eddington accretion flows.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. MNRAS, in pres

    A Structure for Quasars

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    This paper proposes a simple, empirically derived, unifying structure for the inner regions of quasars. This structure is constructed to explain the broad absorption line (BAL) regions, the narrow `associated' ultraviolet and X-ray warm absorbers (NALs); and is also found to explain the broad emission line regions (BELR), and several scattering features, including a substantial fraction of the broad X-ray Iron-K emission line, and the bi-conical extended narrow emission line region (ENLR) structures seen on large kiloparsec scales in Seyfert images. Small extensions of the model to allow luminosity dependent changes in the structure may explain the UV and X-ray Baldwin effects and the greater prevalence of obscuration in low luminosity AGN.Comment: 35 pages, including 8 color figures (figures 4abc are big). Astrophysical Journal, in press. Expanded version of conference paper astro-ph/000516

    The flare model for X-ray variability of NGC 4258

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    We study the variability mechanism of active galactic nuclei (AGN) within the framework of the flare model. To this end we examine the case of Seyfert/LINER galaxy NGC 4258, which is observed at high inclination angle and exhibits rapid fluctuations of the X-ray light curve. We construct a model light curve based on the assumption of magnetic flares localized in the equatorial plane and orbiting with Keplerian speed at each given radius. We calculate the level of variability as a function of the inclination of an observer, taking into account all effects of general relativity near a rotating supermassive black hole. The variability level is a monotonic function of the source inclination. It rises more rapidly for larger values of the black hole spin (Kerr parameter) and for steeper emissivity (index beta of the radial profile). We compare the expected level of variability for the viewing angle 81.6 deg, as inferred for NGC 4258, with the case of moderate viewing angles about 30 deg, typical for Seyfert type-1 galaxies. Highly inclined sources such as this one are particularly suitable to test the flare model because the effects of orbital motion, Doppler boosting and light bending are all expected to have maximum when the accretion disk is seen almost edge-on. The model is consistent with the NGC 4258 variability, where the obscuring material is thought to be localized mainly towards the equatorial plane rather than forming a geometrically thick torus. Once the intrinsic time-scales of the flare duration are determined to better precision, this kind of highly inclined objects with a precisely known mass of the black hole can be used to set independent constraints on the spin parameter.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; Astronomy & Astrophysics (this version includes minor language corrections

    The iron KαK_\alpha lines as a tool for magnetic field estimations in non-flat accretion flows

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    Observations of AGNs and microquasars by ASCA, RXTE, Chandra and XMM-Newton indicate the existence of broad X-ray emission lines of ionized heavy elements in their spectra. Such spectral lines were discovered also in X-ray spectra of neutron stars and X-ray afterglows of GRBs. Recently, Zakharov et al. (MNRAS, 2003, 342, 1325) described a procedure to estimate an upper limit of the magnetic fields in regions from which X-ray photons are emitted. The authors simulated typical profiles of the iron KαK_\alpha line in the presence of magnetic field and compared them with observational data in the framework of the widely accepted accretion disk model. Here we further consider typical Zeeman splitting in the framework of a model of non-flat accretion flows, which is a generalization of previous consideration into non-equatorial plane motion of particles emitting X-ray photons. Using perspective facilities of space borne instruments (e.g. Constellation-X mission) a better resolution of the blue peak structure of iron KαK_\alpha line will allow to evaluate the magnetic fields with higher accuracy.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Reprocessing of X-rays in AGN. I. Plane parallel geometry -- test of pressure equilibrium

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    We present a model of the vertical stratification and the spectra of an irradiated medium under the assumption of constant pressure. Such a solution has properties intermediate between constant density models and hydrostatic equilibrium models, and it may represent a flattened configuration of gas clumps accreting onto the central black hole. Such a medium develops a hot skin, thicker than hydrostatic models, but thinner than constant density models, under comparable irradiation. The range of theoretical values of the alpha_ox index is comparable to those from hydrostatic models and both are close to the observed values for Seyfert galaxies but lower than in quasars. The amount of X-ray Compton reflection is consistent with the observed range. The characteristic property of the model is a frequently multicomponent iron K alpha line.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The structure and radiation spectra of illuminated accretion disks in AGN. II. Flare/spot model of X-ray variability

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    We discuss a model of X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei (AGN). We consider multiple spots which originate on the surface of an accretion disk following intense irradiation by coronal flares. The spots move with the disk around the central black hole and eventually decay while new spots continuously emerge. We construct time sequences of the spectra of the spotted disk and compute the corresponding energy-dependent fractional variability amplitude. We explore the dependence on the disk inclination and other model parameters. AGN seen at higher inclination with respect to the observer, such as Seyfert 2 galaxies, are expected to have fractional variability amplitude of the direct emission by a factor of a few higher than objects seen face on, such as the Seyfert 1s.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics (in press

    Piecing Together the X-ray Background: Bolometric Corrections for Active Galactic Nuclei

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    (Abridged) The X-ray background can be used to constrain the accretion history of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). A knowledge of the hard X-ray bolometric correction, \kappa_{2-10keV} is a vital input into these studies. Variations in the disk emission in the UV have not previously been taken into account in calculating \kappa_{2-10keV}; we show that such variations are important by constructing optical--to--X-ray SEDs for 54 AGN. In particular, we use FUSE UV and X-ray data from the literature to constrain the disk emission as well as possible. Previous work has suggested a dependence of \kappa_{2-10keV} on AGN luminosity, but we find significant spread in \kappa_{2-10keV} with no simple dependence on luminosity. Populations such as Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 nuclei (NLS1s), Radio Loud and X-ray Weak AGN may have values of \kappa_{2-10keV} differing systematically from the rest of the AGN population. Other sources of uncertainty include intrinsic extinction in the optical--UV, X-ray and UV variability and uncertainties in SMBH mass estimates. Our results suggest a more well-defined relationship between \kappa_{2-10keV} and Eddington ratio in AGN, with a transitional region at an Eddington ratio of ~0.1, below which the bolometric correction is typically 15 - 25, and above which it is typically 40 - 70. We consider the potential implied parallels with the low/hard and high/soft states in Galactic Black Hole (GBH) accretion, and present bolometric corrections for the GBH binary GX 339-4 for comparison. Our findings reinforce previous studies proposing a multi-state description of AGN accretion analogous to that for GBH binaries. Future calculations of the SMBH mass density may need to account for the possible dependence of \kappa_{2-10keV} on Eddington ratio.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA