71 research outputs found

    A new scoring system to determine thromboembolic risk after heart valve replacement

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    Objective— To determine the most important inflammatory and hematologic predictors of thromboembolism (TE) in patients undergoing valve replacement (VR) to be used in conjunction with clinical risk factors for preoperative risk profiling. Methods and Results— Preoperative and immediately postoperative clinical, echocardiographic, hematologic, biochemical and microbiological parameters were examined prospectively in 370 patients undergoing VR (249 AVR, 93 MVR, 28 DVR). Mean follow-up was 4.4 years (max 6.6 years; total 1566 pt/yrs), and 96 TE events were documented (28 major and 68 minor). INR data were collected on all patients. Laboratory values were considered elevated if they exceeded the 80th percentile of those of 70 controls with the same distribution of age and gender. IgA antibody to Chlamydia pneumoniae (CP)≄1:64 was considered indicative of significant infection. Predictors of TE on multivariate analysis following AVR were (hazard ratios): CP infection (2.6), previous TE (2.5), raised eosinophils (2.4), cancer history (2.1), postoperative infection (2.0), hypertension (2.0), CABG × 3/4 (2.0), and diabetes (1.9). Predictors of TE following MVR/DVR were raised mean platelet volume (4.0), raised factor VII (3.1), CP infection (2.7), previous mitral valvotomy (2.5), raised fibrinogen (2.2), and raised reticulocytes (2.0). These risk factors were additive when present in the same patient, enabling a scoring system to be developed that accurately predicted risk of TE based on number of risk factors. Conclusions— Selected blood tests and clinical risk factors provide a scoring system that accurately predicts TE risk and may guide prosthesis choice and antithrombotic management

    Implementing the new European Regulations on medical devices-clinical responsibilities for evidence-based practice:a report from the Regulatory Affairs Committee of the European Society of Cardiology

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    The new European Union (EU) law governing the regulatory approval of medical devices that entered into force in May 2017 will now take effect from 26 May 2021. Here, we consider how it will change daily practice for cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and healthcare professionals. Clinical evidence for any high-risk device must be reported by the manufacturer in a Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance (SSCP) that will be publicly available in the European Union Database on Medical Devices (Eudamed) maintained by the European Commission; this will facilitate evidence-based choices of which devices to recommend. Hospitals must record all device implantations, and each high-risk device will be trackable by Unique Device Identification (UDI). Important new roles are envisaged for clinicians, scientists, and engineers in EU Expert Panels-in particular to scrutinize clinical data submitted by manufacturers for certain high-risk devices and the evaluations of that data made by notified bodies. They will advise manufacturers on the design of their clinical studies and recommend to regulators when new technical specifications or guidance are needed. Physicians should support post-market surveillance by reporting adverse events and by contributing to comprehensive medical device registries. A second law on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices will take effect from 2022. We encourage all healthcare professionals to contribute proactively to these new systems, in order to enhance the efficacy and safety of high-risk devices and to promote equitable access to effective innovations. The European Society of Cardiology will continue to advise EU regulators on appropriate clinical evaluation of high-risk devices

    Stratosphere‐troposphere coupling and annular mode variability in chemistry‐climate models

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    The internal variability and coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere in CCMVal‐2 chemistry‐climate models are evaluated through analysis of the annular mode patterns of variability. Computation of the annular modes in long data sets with secular trends requires refinement of the standard definition of the annular mode, and a more robust procedure that allows for slowly varying trends is established and verified. The spatial and temporal structure of the models’ annular modes is then compared with that of reanalyses. As a whole, the models capture the key features of observed intraseasonal variability, including the sharp vertical gradients in structure between stratosphere and troposphere, the asymmetries in the seasonal cycle between the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and the coupling between the polar stratospheric vortices and tropospheric midlatitude jets. It is also found that the annular mode variability changes little in time throughout simulations of the 21st century. There are, however, both common biases and significant differences in performance in the models. In the troposphere, the annular mode in models is generally too persistent, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere summer, a bias similar to that found in CMIP3 coupled climate models. In the stratosphere, the periods of peak variance and coupling with the troposphere are delayed by about a month in both hemispheres. The relationship between increased variability of the stratosphere and increased persistence in the troposphere suggests that some tropospheric biases may be related to stratospheric biases and that a well‐simulated stratosphere can improve simulation of tropospheric intraseasonal variability

    Working paper analysing the economic implications of the proposed 30% target for areal protection in the draft post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framewor

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    58 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables- The World Economic Forum now ranks biodiversity loss as a top-five risk to the global economy, and the draft post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework proposes an expansion of conservation areas to 30% of the earth’s surface by 2030 (hereafter the “30% target”), using protected areas (PAs) and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs). - Two immediate concerns are how much a 30% target might cost and whether it will cause economic losses to the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors. - Conservation areas also generate economic benefits (e.g. revenue from nature tourism and ecosystem services), making PAs/Nature an economic sector in their own right. - If some economic sectors benefit but others experience a loss, high-level policy makers need to know the net impact on the wider economy, as well as on individual sectors. [...]A. Waldron, K. Nakamura, J. Sze, T. Vilela, A. Escobedo, P. Negret Torres, R. Button, K. Swinnerton, A. Toledo, P. Madgwick, N. Mukherjee were supported by National Geographic and the Resources Legacy Fund. V. Christensen was supported by NSERC Discovery Grant RGPIN-2019-04901. M. Coll and J. Steenbeek were supported by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 817578 (TRIATLAS). D. Leclere was supported by TradeHub UKRI CGRF project. R. Heneghan was supported by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Acciones de Programacion Conjunta Internacional (PCIN-2017-115). M. di Marco was supported by MIUR Rita Levi Montalcini programme. A. Fernandez-Llamazares was supported by Academy of Finland (grant nr. 311176). S. Fujimori and T. Hawegawa were supported by The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (2-2002) of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan and the Sumitomo Foundation. V. Heikinheimo was supported by Kone Foundation, Social Media for Conservation project. K. Scherrer was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 682602. U. Rashid Sumaila acknowledges the OceanCanada Partnership, which funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). T. Toivonen was supported by Osk. Huttunen Foundation & Clare Hall college, Cambridge. W. Wu was supported by The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (2-2002) of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan. Z. Yuchen was supported by a Ministry of Education of Singapore Research Scholarship Block (RSB) Research FellowshipPeer reviewe

    Standardized Assessment of Biodiversity Trends in Tropical Forest Protected Areas: The End Is Not in Sight

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    Extinction rates in the Anthropocene are three orders of magnitude higher than background and disproportionately occur in the tropics, home of half the world’s species. Despite global efforts to combat tropical species extinctions, lack of high-quality, objective information on tropical biodiversity has hampered quantitative evaluation of conservation strategies. In particular, the scarcity of population-level monitoring in tropical forests has stymied assessment of biodiversity outcomes, such as the status and trends of animal populations in protected areas. Here, we evaluate occupancy trends for 511 populations of terrestrial mammals and birds, representing 244 species from 15 tropical forest protected areas on three continents. For the first time to our knowledge, we use annual surveys from tropical forests worldwide that employ a standardized camera trapping protocol, and we compute data analytics that correct for imperfect detection. We found that occupancy declined in 22%, increased in 17%, and exhibited no change in 22% of populations during the last 3–8 years, while 39% of populations were detected too infrequently to assess occupancy changes. Despite extensive variability in occupancy trends, these 15 tropical protected areas have not exhibited systematic declines in biodiversity (i.e., occupancy, richness, or evenness) at the community level. Our results differ from reports of widespread biodiversity declines based on aggregated secondary data and expert opinion and suggest less extreme deterioration in tropical forest protected areas. We simultaneously fill an important conservation data gap and demonstrate the value of large-scale monitoring infrastructure and powerful analytics, which can be scaled to incorporate additional sites, ecosystems, and monitoring methods. In an era of catastrophic biodiversity loss, robust indicators produced from standardized monitoring infrastructure are critical to accurately assess population outcomes and identify conservation strategies that can avert biodiversity collapse. © 2016 Beaudrot et al
