576 research outputs found

    Audire et Reddere Voces. Translation as Dialogue and Cult ural Transfer in Le Guin’s Lavinia

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    Lavinia, la última novela publicada por Ursula K. Le Guin, se presenta como si fuera una traducción, por mucho que ello pueda resultar inverosímil para el lector moderno. La autora defiende la lealtad de su “presente de amor” a Virgilio y en este artículo se toman al pie de la letra esas palabras de Le Guin, rastreando imágenes y estructuras virgilianas cuya reinterpretación en Lavinia toma la forma de una más amplia reflexión sobre la herencia literaria y su ambigua relación con la historia.Lavinia, the last novel published by the late Ursula K. Le Guin, presents itself as a translation, however incongruous that may sound to modern readers. The author defends the fidelity of her “love offer” to Vergil and this article takes Le Guin at her word, tracing back Vergilian images and structures whose reinterpretation in Lavinia takes the form of a broader reflection on the literary heritage and its ambivalent relation with history.Humanidade

    Sustentabilidade ambiental no sector bancário Caso de estudo: Banif – Grupo Financeiro

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    Dissertação Apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil de Gestão e Sistemas AmbientaisA consciencialização de que não podemos comprometer as gerações futuras materializou-se no conceito de “desenvolvimento sustentável” (DS). A responsabilidade social das empresas (RSE) neste domínio é crucial. O sector bancário, em particular, apresenta um potencial importante na promoção do DS, pelas sua capacidade de influência, pelo seu peso enquanto empregador e também consumidor, contribuindo para o bem-estar da sociedade e para assegurar a competitividade a longo prazo. O Grupo Banif já assumiu publicamente a sua responsabilidade social. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se este caso de estudo, através da sua estratégia de sustentabilidade e da sua envolvente externa(incluindo o benchmarking face à concorrência). Apresentam-se também algumas propostas para uma gestão estratégica da sustentabilidade ambiental, seguindo a abordagem proposta por Porter e Kramer em 2006. Em consonância com a estratégia do Grupo de encarar a sustentabilidade como uma componente essencial do seu core business, propõe-se o reforço do pilar ambiental nas actividades primárias do negócio bancário, que se sugere ser antecedida pela definição de uma política ambiental e acompanhada pelo envolvimento de stakeholders. Mas por motivos éticos e para garantir a eficácia dos objectivos, não se pode desprezar a gestão dos aspectos ambientais relacionados com as actividades de suporte nem a importância da monitorização e reporte


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    Marxismo e filosofia da linguagem nasce da refração do pensamento bakhtiniano através de um discurso marcado pelo poder, mas também inspirador de uma atenção fecunda para a dimensão social e histórica. A dialética é transformada em diálogo crítico, formando uma visão da linguagem como um processo dinâmico, mutável, ativo: expressão contínua da sociedade e ideologia. Este artigo destaca a harmonia entre a perspectiva de Bakhtin eas idéias sobre a linguagem expressas por Horácio no Ars Poetica, sugerindo, aliás, que Bakhtin tem se concentrado mais nas Satirae que na Ars. No tecido do poema, também são reconhecidos exemplos de polifonia e da interferência da palavra alheia.ResumenEl marxismo y la filosofía del lenguaje nace de la refracción del pensamiento bajtiniano a través de un discurso marcado, sí, por el poder, pero al mismo tiempo inspirador de una fructífera atención a la dimensión social e histórica. La dialéctica se trasforma en diálogo crítico, configurando una visión del lenguaje como dinámico, mudable, vivo: expresión continua de la sociedad y de la ideología. Este artículo subraya la sintonía entre la perspectiva de Bajtin y las ideas sobre la lengua expresadas por Horacio en el Ars poetica, sugiriendo, de paso, por qué Bajtin se haya concentrado más en las Satirae que en el Ars. En el tejido del poema se reconocen también ejemplos de polifonía y de interferencias de la palabra ajena. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47295/mren.v1i2.38

    Immune function after major surgical interventions : the effect of postoperative pain treatment

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    Introduction: Impaired immune function during the perioperative period may be associated with worse short- and long-term outcomes. Morphine is considered a major contributor to immune modulation. Patients and methods: We performed a pilot study to investigate postoperative immune function by analyzing peripheral blood mononuclear cells' functionality and cytokine production in 16 patients undergoing major abdominal surgery. All patients were treated with intravenous (i.v.) patient-controlled analgesia with morphine and continuous wound infusion with ropivacaine+methylprednisolone for 24 hours. After 24 hours, patients were randomized into two groups, one continuing intrawound infusion and the other receiving only i.v. analgesia. We evaluated lymphoproliferation and cytokine production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells at the end of surgery and at 24 and 48 hours postoperatively. Results: A significant reduction in TNF-\u3b1, IL-2, IFN-\u3b3 and lymphoproliferation was observed immediately after surgery, indicating impaired cell-mediated immunity. TNF-\u3b1 and IFN-\u3b3 remained suppressed up to 48 hours after surgery, while a trend to normalization was observed for IL-2 and lymphoproliferation, irrespective of the treatment group. A significant inverse correlation was present between age and morphine and between age and lymphoproliferation. No negative correlation was present between morphine and cytokine production. We did not find any differences within the two groups between 24 and 48 hours in terms of morphine consumption and immune responses. Conclusion: A relevant depression of cell-mediated immunity is associated with major surgery and persists despite optimal analgesia. Even though morphine may participate in immunosuppression, we did not retrieve any dose-related effect

    Changes in total plasma and serum N-glycome composition and patient-controlled analgesia after major abdominal surgery

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    Systemic inflammation participates to the complex healing process occurring after major surgery, thus directly affecting the surgical outcome and patient recovery. Total plasma N-glycome might be an indicator of inflammation after major surgery, as well as an anti-inflammatory therapy response marker, since protein glycosylation plays an essential role in the inflammatory cascade. Therefore, we assessed the effects of surgery on the total plasma N-glycome and the association with self-administration of postoperative morphine in two cohorts of patients that underwent major abdominal surgery. We found that plasma N-glycome undergoes significant changes one day after surgery and intensifies one day later, thus indicating a systemic physiological response. In particular, we observed the increase of bisialylated biantennary glycan, A2G2S[3,6]2, 12 hours after surgery, which progressively increased until 48 postoperative hours. Most changes occurred 24 hours after surgery with the decrease of most core-fucosylated biantennary structures, as well as the increase in sialylated tetraantennary and FA3G3S[3,3,3]3 structures. Moreover, we observed a progressive increase of sialylated triantennary and tetraantennary structures two days after surgery, with a concomitant decrease of the structures containing bisecting N-acetylglucosamine along with bi- and trisialylated triantennary glycans. We did not find any statistically significant association between morphine consumption and plasma N-glycome

    Erector spinae plane versus fascia iliaca block after total hip arthroplasty: a randomized clinical trial comparing analgesic effectiveness and motor block

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    Background Ultrasound-guided supra-inguinal fascia iliaca block (FIB) provides effective analgesia after total hip arthroplasty (THA) but is complicated by high rates of motor block. The erector spinae plane block (ESPB) is a promising motor-sparing technique. In this study, we tested the analgesic superiority of the FIB over ESPB and associated motor impairment. Methods In this randomized, observer-blinded clinical trial, patients scheduled for THA under spinal anesthesia were randomly assigned to preoperatively receive either the ultrasound-guided FIB or ESPB. The primary outcome was morphine consumption 24 h after surgery. The secondary outcomes were pain scores, assessment of sensory and motor block, incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting and other complications, and development of chronic post-surgical pain. Results A total of 60 patients completed the study. No statistically significant differences in morphine consumption at 24 h (P = 0.676) or pain scores were seen at any time point. The FIB produced more reliable sensory block in the femoral nerve (P = 0.001) and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (P = 0.018) distributions. However, quadriceps motor strength was better preserved in the ESPB group than in the FIB group (P = 0.002). No differences in hip adduction motor strength (P = 0.253), side effects, or incidence of chronic pain were seen between the groups. Conclusions ESPBs may be a promising alternative to FIBs for postoperative analgesia after THA. The ESPB and FIB offer similar opioid-sparing benefits in the first 24 h after surgery; however, ESPBs result in less quadriceps motor impairment

    Overview on Multienzymatic Cascades for the Production of Non-canonical α-Amino Acids

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    SM-R thanks the University of Granada for the support provided by project PPJI2017-1 and the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action CA15133). Authors are also grateful to the Andalusian Regional Government through Endocrinology & Metabolism Group (CTS-202).The 22 genetically encoded amino acids (AAs) present in proteins (the 20 standard AAs together with selenocysteine and pyrrolysine), are commonly referred as proteinogenic AAs in the literature due to their appearance in ribosome-synthetized polypeptides. Beyond the borders of this key set of compounds, the rest of AAs are generally named imprecisely as non-proteinogenic AAs, even when they can also appear in polypeptide chains as a result of post-transductional machinery. Besides their importance as metabolites in life, many of D-α- and L-α-“non-canonical” amino acids (NcAAs) are of interest in the biotechnological and biomedical fields. They have found numerous applications in the discovery of new medicines and antibiotics, drug synthesis, cosmetic, and nutritional compounds, or in the improvement of protein and peptide pharmaceuticals. In addition to the numerous studies dealing with the asymmetric synthesis of NcAAs, many different enzymatic pathways have been reported in the literature allowing for the biosynthesis of NcAAs. Due to the huge heterogeneity of this group of molecules, this review is devoted to provide an overview on different established multienzymatic cascades for the production of non-canonical D-α- and L-α-AAs, supplying neophyte and experienced professionals in this field with different illustrative examples in the literature. Whereas the discovery of new or newly designed enzymes is of great interest, dusting off previous enzymatic methodologies by a “back and to the future” strategy might accelerate the implementation of new or improved multienzymatic cascades.University of Granada PPJI2017-1European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) CA15133Andalusian Regional Government through Endocrinology & Metabolism Group CTS-20