54 research outputs found

    Proteomic Analysis of Chloroplast-to-Chromoplast Transition in Tomato Reveals Metabolic Shifts Coupled with Disrupted Thylakoid Biogenesis Machinery and Elevated Energy-Production Components

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    A comparative proteomic approach was performed to identify differentially expressed proteins in plastids at three stages of tomato(Solanum lycopersicum) fruit ripening (mature-green, breaker, red). Stringent curation and processing of the data from three independent replicates identified 1,932 proteins among which 1,529 were quantified by spectral counting. The quantification procedures have been subsequently validated by immunoblot analysis of six proteins representative of distinct metabolic or regulatory pathways. Among the main features of the chloroplast-to-chromoplast transition revealed by the study, chromoplastogenesis appears to be associated with major metabolic shifts: (1) strong decrease in abundance of proteins of light reactions (photosynthesis, Calvin cycle, photorespiration)and carbohydrate metabolism (starch synthesis/degradation), mostly between breaker and red stages and (2) increase in terpenoid biosynthesis (including carotenoids) and stress-response proteins (ascorbate-glutathione cycle, abiotic stress, redox, heat shock). These metabolic shifts are preceded by the accumulation of plastid-encoded acetyl Coenzyme A carboxylase D proteins accounting for the generation of a storage matrix that will accumulate carotenoids. Of particular note is the high abundance of proteins involved in providing energy and in metabolites import. Structural differentiation of the chromoplast is characterized by a sharp and continuous decrease of thylakoid proteins whereas envelope and stroma proteins remain remarkably stable. This is coincident with the disruption of the machinery for thylakoids and photosystem biogenesis (vesicular trafficking, provision of material for thylakoid biosynthesis, photosystems assembly) and the loss of the plastid division machinery. Altogether, the data provide new insights on the chromoplast differentiation process while enriching our knowledge of the plant plastid proteome

    Kvinnors reflektioner och erfarenheter efter bröstrekonstruktion : En litteraturstudie

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    Introduktion: Idag Ă€r cancer vĂ€rldens nĂ€st vanligaste dödsorsak bland mĂ€nniskor och i Sverige Ă€r bröstcancer den vanligaste cancerformen. En behandlingsmetod vid bröstcancer Ă€r mastektomi, avlĂ€gsnande av bröstvĂ€vnad. Att drabbas av cancer och förlora brösten i samband med behandlingen kan pĂ„verka kvinnans vĂ€lbefinnande, och bröstrekonstruktion erbjuds dĂ„ för att ge kvinnor nya bröst efter mastektomi. Syfte: Belysa kvinnors reflektioner och erfarenheter efter bröstrekonstruktion till följd av cancerbehandlande mastektomi Metod: En litteraturöversikt med deskriptiv design. Studien baseras pĂ„ sökningar i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Elva vetenskapliga originalartiklar valdes ut med kvalitativ ansats och kvalitetsgranskades enligt SBU:s granskningsmall för kvalitativa studier. Resultat: Fem kategorier av reflektioner och erfarenheter identifierades; behov av rekonstruktion, Ă„terhĂ€mtning, information, kroppsuppfattning samt stöd. Kvinnorna upplevde fysiska, psykiska och kĂ€nslomĂ€ssiga svĂ„righeter i samband med behandling, ingrepp och Ă„terhĂ€mtning. Kvinnornas behov av, tillgĂ„ng till och mottaglighet av information pĂ„verkade upplevelsen av medverkan i sin vĂ„rd och sĂ€kerhet i sitt val av behandling.  Kvinnorna upplevde utmaningar i sin kroppsuppfattning relaterat till normalitet och sexualitet. Stöd frĂ„n nĂ€rstĂ„ende, utomstĂ„ende och vĂ„rdpersonal gjorde skillnad i kvinnornas upplevda lidande efter ingreppet. Slutsats: Kvinnorna upplevde sin livssituation olika. Kvinnornas upplevelser skiljde sig i att acceptera sin nya kropp, behov av stöd samt somatiska problem. Resultatet visade att det finns ett behov av fortsatt forskning av svenska kvinnors upplevda livssituation efter bröstrekonstruktion. Nyckelord: Bröstcancer, bröstrekonstruktion, mastektomi, upplevelseBackground: Cancer is the world's second most common cause of death among humans and breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in Sweden. Mastectomy is a treatment method for breast cancer which involves the removal of breast tissue. To be diagnosed with cancer and to lose breasts during treatment can affect a woman’s wellbeing. Women are therefore usually offered breast reconstruction post­mastectomy. Aim: To highlight women’s reflections and experiences after postmastectomy breast reconstruction. Method: A literature review with descriptive design. The study was based on searches in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. Eleven scientific articles were chosen, and quality reviewed using SBU:s review template for qualitative studies. Result: Five categories of reflections and experiences emerged: need of reconstruction, recovery, information, body image and support. The women experienced physical, psychological and emotional difficulties during recovery. The women’s need for, access to and receptivity of information affected their experience of being involved in their care and certainty in their choices of treatment. The women experienced challenges of their experienced body image related to normality and sexuality. Support from close relatives, outsiders and healthcare professionals during recovery made a difference in the women’s perceived suffering after breast reconstruction surgery. Conclusion: The women experienced differing perceptions of their life situation. The women’s experiences differed in bodily acceptance, the need for support and somatic difficulties. Further research is needed on the perceived life situation of Swedish women. Keywords: Breast cancer, breast reconstruction, mastectomy, experienc

    Kvinnors reflektioner och erfarenheter efter bröstrekonstruktion : En litteraturstudie

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    Introduktion: Idag Ă€r cancer vĂ€rldens nĂ€st vanligaste dödsorsak bland mĂ€nniskor och i Sverige Ă€r bröstcancer den vanligaste cancerformen. En behandlingsmetod vid bröstcancer Ă€r mastektomi, avlĂ€gsnande av bröstvĂ€vnad. Att drabbas av cancer och förlora brösten i samband med behandlingen kan pĂ„verka kvinnans vĂ€lbefinnande, och bröstrekonstruktion erbjuds dĂ„ för att ge kvinnor nya bröst efter mastektomi. Syfte: Belysa kvinnors reflektioner och erfarenheter efter bröstrekonstruktion till följd av cancerbehandlande mastektomi Metod: En litteraturöversikt med deskriptiv design. Studien baseras pĂ„ sökningar i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Elva vetenskapliga originalartiklar valdes ut med kvalitativ ansats och kvalitetsgranskades enligt SBU:s granskningsmall för kvalitativa studier. Resultat: Fem kategorier av reflektioner och erfarenheter identifierades; behov av rekonstruktion, Ă„terhĂ€mtning, information, kroppsuppfattning samt stöd. Kvinnorna upplevde fysiska, psykiska och kĂ€nslomĂ€ssiga svĂ„righeter i samband med behandling, ingrepp och Ă„terhĂ€mtning. Kvinnornas behov av, tillgĂ„ng till och mottaglighet av information pĂ„verkade upplevelsen av medverkan i sin vĂ„rd och sĂ€kerhet i sitt val av behandling.  Kvinnorna upplevde utmaningar i sin kroppsuppfattning relaterat till normalitet och sexualitet. Stöd frĂ„n nĂ€rstĂ„ende, utomstĂ„ende och vĂ„rdpersonal gjorde skillnad i kvinnornas upplevda lidande efter ingreppet. Slutsats: Kvinnorna upplevde sin livssituation olika. Kvinnornas upplevelser skiljde sig i att acceptera sin nya kropp, behov av stöd samt somatiska problem. Resultatet visade att det finns ett behov av fortsatt forskning av svenska kvinnors upplevda livssituation efter bröstrekonstruktion. Nyckelord: Bröstcancer, bröstrekonstruktion, mastektomi, upplevelseBackground: Cancer is the world's second most common cause of death among humans and breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in Sweden. Mastectomy is a treatment method for breast cancer which involves the removal of breast tissue. To be diagnosed with cancer and to lose breasts during treatment can affect a woman’s wellbeing. Women are therefore usually offered breast reconstruction post­mastectomy. Aim: To highlight women’s reflections and experiences after postmastectomy breast reconstruction. Method: A literature review with descriptive design. The study was based on searches in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. Eleven scientific articles were chosen, and quality reviewed using SBU:s review template for qualitative studies. Result: Five categories of reflections and experiences emerged: need of reconstruction, recovery, information, body image and support. The women experienced physical, psychological and emotional difficulties during recovery. The women’s need for, access to and receptivity of information affected their experience of being involved in their care and certainty in their choices of treatment. The women experienced challenges of their experienced body image related to normality and sexuality. Support from close relatives, outsiders and healthcare professionals during recovery made a difference in the women’s perceived suffering after breast reconstruction surgery. Conclusion: The women experienced differing perceptions of their life situation. The women’s experiences differed in bodily acceptance, the need for support and somatic difficulties. Further research is needed on the perceived life situation of Swedish women. Keywords: Breast cancer, breast reconstruction, mastectomy, experienc
