219 research outputs found

    (De-)Professionalisierung durch Schulpraxis. Rekonstruktionen zum Studierendenhabitus und zu studentischen Entwicklungsaufgaben

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der Ausweitung schulischer Praxisphasen, u.a. in den Bereich der Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung, erlangt die Frage nach studentischer Professionalisierung in Praxisphasen und damit zusammenhängend auch die Konzepte des Studierendenhabitus und der studentischen Entwicklungsaufgaben immer mehr Bedeutsamkeit. Verortet in der Professionsforschung, nimmt die vorliegende Arbeit Abstand von normativen Positionen zur generell positiven Wirkung von Praxiserfahrungen und fragt, inwiefern sich Studierende im konkreten Schulpraxisprojekt „Studien-Praxis-Projekte“ professionalisieren. Mit der Dokumentarischen Methode ausgewertete narrativ-fundierte Interviews mit Studierenden liefern einerseits Erkenntnisse zum Studierendenhabitus als Transitionsphase zwischen dem Schüler:innen- und dem Lehrer:innenhabitus und andererseits zu studentischen Entwicklungsaufgaben in Schulpraxisphasen. Hierbei zeigt sich ein Zusammenhang zwischen den rekonstruierten Studierendenhabitūs und den Modi der Anforderungsbearbeitung von Entwicklungsaufgaben. Dieser liefert nicht nur Antworten auf die Frage nach Typen studentischer Professionalisierung, sondern auch nach deren Professionalisierungspotentialen. (DIPF/Orig.)When looking at the process of extending the practical phases within teachers’ training, the question of its impact on students’ professionalisation becomes increasingly important. The given study distances itself from normative positions promoting an unquestioned positive effect of these practical experiences. Instead, the focus will be on the question if or to what extent practical experiences lead to a process of professionalization for future teachers. In order to tackle this question, narrative interviews have been conducted with students in teachers training who have signed in for a so-called “Studien-Praxis-Projekt”, wherein these students cooperate with teachers working on a specific problem regarding school and lesson planning development. The interviews, which have been analysed using the documentary method, provide new insights into two different areas, the student’s habitus – as a transitional phase between the pupil’s and the teacher’s habitus – and specific developmental tasks of students in teachers training. Furthermore, the results illustrate a correlation between a specific student habitus on the one hand and the way students deal with developmental tasks on the other hand. Not only can we draw conclusions about the different types of professionalisation from these data, but also it is possible to deduce the potential of professionalization for these different types. In conclusion, one can define subject-based competence as the centre of, reflection as the means and a so-called ‘in between’ as the place of students’ professionalisation. (DIPF/Orig.

    (De-)Professionalisierung durch Schulpraxis

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    When looking at the process of extending the practical phases within teachers’ training, the question of its impact on students’ professionalisation becomes increasingly important. The given study distances itself from normative positions promoting an unquestioned positive effect of these practical experiences. Instead, the focus will be on the question if or to what extent practical experiences lead to a process of professionalization for future teachers. In order to tackle this question, narrative interviews have been conducted with students in teachers training who have signed in for a so-called “Studien-Praxis-Projekt”, wherein these students cooperate with teachers working on a specific problem regarding school and lesson planning development. The interviews, which have been analysed using the documentary method, provide new insights into two different areas, the student’s habitus – as a transitional phase between the pupil’s and the teacher’s habitus – and specific developmental tasks of students in teachers training. Furthermore, the results illustrate a correlation between a specific student habitus on the one hand and the way students deal with developmental tasks on the other hand. Not only can we draw conclusions about the different types of professionalisation from these data, but also it is possible to deduce the potential of professionalization for these different types. In conclusion, one can define subject-based competence as the centre of, reflection as the means and a so-called ‘in between’ as the place of students’ professionalisation.Vor dem Hintergrund der Ausweitung schulischer Praxisphasen im Lehramtsstudium erlangt die Frage nach deren professionalisierungsförderlichem Charakter immer mehr Bedeutsamkeit. Die vorliegende Arbeit nimmt Abstand von normativen Positionen zur generell positiven Wirkung von Praxiserfahrungen und fragt, inwiefern sich Studierende in Schulpraxisprojekten professionalisieren. Dazu wurden narrativ-fundierte Interviews mit Lehramtsstudierenden geführt, die sich für ein sog. „Studien-Praxis-Projekt“ entschieden haben, in welchem sie mit Lehrkräften an gemeinsamen Projekten der Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung arbeiteten. Die Interviews wurden mithilfe der Dokumentarischen Methode ausgewertet und liefern einerseits Erkenntnisse zum Studierendenhabitus als Transitionsphase zwischen dem Schüler*innen- und dem Lehrer*innenhabitus und andererseits zu studentischen Entwicklungsaufgaben in Schulpraxisphasen. Hierbei zeigte sich in Form einer Professionalisierungstypologie ein Zusammenhang zwischen den rekonstruierten Studierendenhabitūs und den Modi der Anforderungsbearbeitung von Entwicklungsaufgaben. Diese liefert nicht nur Antworten auf die Frage nach Typen studentischer Professionalisierung, sondern auch nach deren Professionalisierungspotentialen. Im Anschluss daran kann Fachlichkeit als Gegenstand, Reflexion als Medium und ein „Dazwischen“ als Ort studentischer Professionalisierung verstanden werden

    A crise do desenvolvimento hegemônico sob a perspectiva da crise do sujeito moderno/ocidental meditante

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. José Edmilson de Souza-LimaCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Dimas FlorianiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/03/2020Inclui referências: p. 169-175Resumo: O objetivo desta tese pauta-se em analisar criticamente de que forma o sujeito moderno/ocidental meditante se configura (e se ressignifica) no contexto da crise do desenvolvimento hegemônico. Para tanto, foi criada a categoria "sujeito moderno/ocidental meditante" que se refere ao sujeito biossociocultural inserido no contexto cultural/social da modernidade ocidental e que se apropria da meditação como uma prática terapêutica/espiritual cotidiana. Essa categoria também representa a unidade que conduz o processo de reflexão sobre a crise do conceito hegemônico de desenvolvimento - considerando a existência de um entrelaçamento entre as crises pessoais, sociais, ambientais, econômicas e políticas. Escolheu-se como método o estudo de campo com a aplicação das técnicas de observação e entrevista não estruturada (aberta) realizadas com pessoas que praticam meditação na cidade de Curitiba, independentemente de apresentarem ou não vínculos institucionais com a tradição budista. Como resultado, obteve-se que os elementos de crise pronunciados pelos sujeitos modernos/ocidentais meditantes dialogam com amadurecimentos advindos da Nova Era, dos conceitos pós-desenvolvimentista e decolonial, da modernidade reflexiva e da noção de um self ecológico; questionando um modo de vida pautado exclusivamente na medicina especializada, no pensamento fragmentado, na racionalidade instrumental, na transcendência divina, no dualismo, no materialismo e na devastação ambiental. Ressaltou-se que a crise vivenciada pelos meditantes não é de caráter material, de forma que a ideia de progresso como evolução monetária, linear e etapista cede lugar a um desenvolvimento que é, antes de mais nada, identificado à aquisição de habilidades como resiliência emocional; à capacidade de criar uma vida consistente de sentido existencial; e à educação espiritual. Sob tal perspectiva, o tema da emancipação é enriquecido com a reflexão de que, por meio do silêncio da meditação, os sujeitos modernos/ocidentais estão se ressignificando, atitude que pode vir a se caracterizar como um ato político à medida que essa transformação pessoal promove consequentemente transformações socioambientais. Palavras-chave: Interdisciplinaridade. Crise. Desenvolvimento. Meditação.Abstract: The objective of this thesis is to critically analyze how the modern/western meditator is configured (and resignified) in the context of the hegemonic development crisis. For this purpose, the category "modern/western subject meditator" was created, which refers to the biosocociocultural subject inserted in the cultural/social context of western modernity and who appropriates meditation as a daily therapeutic/spiritual practice. This category also represents the unit that leads the process of reflection on the crisis of the hegemonic concept of development - considering the existence of an interconexion between personal, social, environmental, economic and political crises. The field study was chosen as the method with the application of observation techniques and unstructured (open) interviews conducted with people who practice meditation in the city of Curitiba, regardless of whether or not they have institutional ties with the Buddhist tradition. As a result, we obtained that the elements of crisis pronounced by the modern/western subjects meditators dialogue with reflections arising from New Age, Post-Development and Decolonial concepts, Reflexive Modernity and the notion of an Ecological Self; which means a questioning about a life based exclusively on specialized medicine, fragmented thinking, instrumental rationality, divine transcendence, dualism, materialism and environmental devastation. It was emphasized that the crisis experienced by meditators is not of a material nature, so the idea of progress as monetary, linear and stage evolution gives way to a development that is, first of all, identified with the acquisition of skills such as emotional resilience; the ability to create a consistent life in an existential sense; and spiritual education. Under this perspective, the theme of emancipation is enriched with the reflection that, through the silence of meditation, modern/western subjects are resignifying themselves, an attitude that may come to be characterized as a political act as this personal transformation promotes consequently socio-environmental transformations. Key-words: Interdisciplinarity. Crises. Development. Meditation

    Proposta de aprimoramento no sistema de administração de material em uma empresa prestadora de serviços de usinagem

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    Orientador: Joel Souza e SilvaMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Gestão da Qualidad

    (De-)Professionalisierung durch Schulpraxis

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    When looking at the process of extending the practical phases within teachers’ training, the question of its impact on students’ professionalisation becomes increasingly important. The given study distances itself from normative positions promoting an unquestioned positive effect of these practical experiences. Instead, the focus will be on the question if or to what extent practical experiences lead to a process of professionalization for future teachers. In order to tackle this question, narrative interviews have been conducted with students in teachers training who have signed in for a so-called “Studien-Praxis-Projekt”, wherein these students cooperate with teachers working on a specific problem regarding school and lesson planning development. The interviews, which have been analysed using the documentary method, provide new insights into two different areas, the student’s habitus – as a transitional phase between the pupil’s and the teacher’s habitus – and specific developmental tasks of students in teachers training. Furthermore, the results illustrate a correlation between a specific student habitus on the one hand and the way students deal with developmental tasks on the other hand. Not only can we draw conclusions about the different types of professionalisation from these data, but also it is possible to deduce the potential of professionalization for these different types. In conclusion, one can define subject-based competence as the centre of, reflection as the means and a so-called ‘in between’ as the place of students’ professionalisation

    Utility of two novel multiplexing assays for the detection of gastrointestinal pathogens – a first experience

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    BACKGROUND: Cause for gastroenteritis range from viral, bacterial to parasitic pathogens. Rapid Multiplexing techniques like ProGastro_SSCS and xTAG_GPP can detect broad panels of pathogens simultaneously. We performed a field test with a total number of 347 stool samples from adult hospitalized patients that were tested with the Luminex xTAG GPP assay; of the 157 samples positively tested for at least one pathogen by xTAG GPP a total number of 30 samples was retested with the ProGastro SSCS assay. Assays were compared to standard routine diagnostics. FINDINGS: Multiplexing significantly reduced the time to the initial identification of a pathogen. Moreover, multiplexing detected pathogens for which a diagnostic assays was not requested by the physician and thus may be an important tool for avoiding nosocomial outbreaks. CONCLUSION: This first frontline approach with these assays approves their utility compared to conventional microbiological methods

    LCAA, a Novel Factor Required for Magnesium Protoporphyrin Monomethylester Cyclase Accumulation and Feedback Control of Aminolevulinic Acid Biosynthesis in Tobacco

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    Low Chlorophyll Accumulation A (LCAA) antisense plants were obtained from a screen for genes whose partial down-regulation results in a strong chlorophyll deficiency in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). The LCAA mutants are affected in a plastid-localized protein of unknown function, which is conserved in cyanobacteria and all photosynthetic eukaryotes. They suffer from drastically reduced light-harvesting complex (LHC) contents, while the accumulation of all other photosynthetic complexes per leaf area is less affected. As the disturbed accumulation of LHC proteins could be either attributable to a defect in LHC biogenesis itself or to a bottleneck in chlorophyll biosynthesis, chlorophyll synthesis rates and chlorophyll synthesis intermediates were measured. LCAA antisense plants accumulate magnesium (Mg) protoporphyrin monomethylester and contain reduced protochlorophyllide levels and a reduced content of CHL27, a subunit of the Mg protoporphyrin monomethylester cyclase. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays confirm a direct interaction between LCAA and CHL27. 5-Aminolevulinic acid synthesis rates are increased and correlate with an increased content of glutamyl-transfer RNA reductase. We suggest that LCAA encodes an additional subunit of the Mg protoporphyrin monomethylester cyclase, is required for the stability of CHL27, and contributes to feedback-control of 5-aminolevulinic acid biosynthesis, the rate-limiting step of chlorophyll biosynthesis

    Development paradigms, nature and subjectivation: the re-significances of the subject in the multiple crises of humanity

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    O artigo investiga o processo de construção da subjetividade humana a partir dos paradigmas de desenvolvimento hegemônico, a fim de denotar como seus fundamentos podem ser compreendidos em conjunto com os valores que compõem o ideal de ser humano e como estes ideais são construtivos em sua relação com o meio. Trata-se de um estudo teórico descritivo, com revisão crítica de bibliografia, que tem como marco teórico principal, autores alinhados ao pensamento decolonial e pós-moderno. O fio condutor da investigação é o reconhecimento de uma coevolução entre ser humano e ambiente, a qual é sentida nas diversas formas de crises vividas pela humanidade – crise econômica, crise socioambiental, crise do desenvolvimento, crise do sujeito moderno. Sustenta-se que tais crises tornam-se tangíveis pelo agravamento dos conflitos socioambientais que, ao mesmo tempo, provocam novas formas de r-existência e de projetos de emancipação humana.The article investigates the process of human subjectivity construction from the hegemonic paradigms of development in order to denote how its fundaments can be understood together with the values that make up the ideal of human being and how these ideals are constructive in their relation with the environment. It is a descriptive theoretical study with a critical review of bibliography, which has as theoretical framework authors aligned to decolonial and postmodern thinking. The guiding line of this research is the recognition of a coevolution between human being and environment, which is felt in various forms of crisis experienced by humanity – economic, socio-environmental, development, modern subject. It is argued that such crises become tangible by the aggravation of socio-environmental conflicts that, at the same time, provoke new forms of r-existence and projects of human emancipation

    Insensitivity of chloroplast gene expression to DNA methylation

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    Presence and possible functions of DNA methylation in plastid genomes of higher plants have been highly controversial. While a number of studies presented evidence for the occurrence of both cytosine and adenine methylation in plastid genomes and proposed a role of cytosine methylation in the transcriptional regulation of plastid genes, several recent studies suggested that at least cytosine methylation may be absent from higher plant plastid genomes. To test if either adenine or cytosine methylation can play a regulatory role in plastid gene expression, we have introduced cyanobacterial genes for adenine and cytosine DNA methyltransferases (methylases) into the tobacco plastid genome by chloroplast transformation. Using DNA cleavage with methylation-sensitive and methylation-dependent restriction endonucleases, we show that the plastid genomes in the transplastomic plants are efficiently methylated. All transplastomic lines are phenotypically indistinguishable from wild-type plants and, moreover, show no alterations in plastid gene expression. Our data indicate that the expression of plastid genes is not sensitive to DNA methylation and, hence, suggest that DNA methylation is unlikely to be involved in the transcriptional regulation of plastid gene expression