236 research outputs found

    La perforación de la próstata

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    Premios de Teatro Casa de las Américas, 1980

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    Entrevista con Enrique Buenaventura

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    INTAR, Staged Readings by Latino Playwrights

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    Educational Attitudes, Family\u27s Atmosphere and Atopic Eczema in Children - A Pilot Study

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    Ziel dieser Pilotstudie ist es, Unterschiede zwischen Müttern mit an Neurodermitis erkrankten Kindern und Müttern mit gesunden Kindern hinsichtlich der mütterlichen Erziehungseinstellungen und des Familienklimas zu untersuchen. 25 Mütter mit chronisch kranken und 25 Mütter mit neu an Neurodermitis erkrankten Kindern (Durchschnittsalter 2.8 bzw. 2.4 Jahre), sowie 31 mit gesunden Kindern (Durchschnittsalter 1.9 Jahre) bearbeiteten einen „Fragebogen zur Diagnostik elterlicher Erziehungseinstellungen", sowie Skalen des „Familienklima-Testsystems". Einfaktorielle Varianzanalysen und kovarianzanalytische Kontrollverfahren ergaben, dass Unterschiede nur in bezug auf die „feindselig-ablehnende Erziehungseinstellung" bestehen. Mütter chronisch kranker Kinder sind feindseliger gestimmt als Mütter neu erkrankter und gesunder Kinder. Aufgrund des zeitlichen Zusammenhangs kann die „feindselig-ablehnende Erziehungseinstellung" entgegen geläufigen Hypothesen nicht als Bedingung des Krankheitsausbruchs, sondern allenfalls als dessen Folge interpretiert werden. Die Namensgebung der Skala „feindselig-ablehnende Erziehungseinstellung" sollte korrigiert werden, da es sich inhaltlich weniger um aggressive Ablehnung als um Distanziertheit der Mütter durch Belastung und Erschöpfung handelt. (DIPF/ Orig.)To test hypotheses about pathogene relations in mother-child-dyads with children suffering from eczema, 25 mothers of children with acute eczema, 25 mothers of children with chronic eczema, and 31 mothers of healthy children (average age 2 4, 2.8, and 1 9 years) were asked to answer a questionnaire concerning educational attitudes (aversive, authoritarian, tenderhearted, overprotective) and family\u27s atmosphere (cooperative, controlled, achievement orientated, dependent). Analysees of variance showed only one significant effect. The results suggest that mothers of children in chronic state are more aversive than mothers of healthy children or mothers of children in acute state. Nevertheless, the mothers\u27 aversion has to be interpreted as a consequence, not at all as an original cause of the disease. Furthermore the mothers\u27 aversion seems to indicate a psychic exhaustion more than an aggressive education. (DIPF/ Orig.


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk (1) menerapkan media pembelajaran berbasis video tutorial pada mata pelajaran sistem utilitas bangunan gedung khususnya pada materi sistem instalasi pipa air bersih; (2) untuk menguji kevalidan; (3) menguji keefektifan media pembelajaran berbasis video tutorial. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian eksperimental One Shot Case Study tahapnya penerapan terdiri dari mulai, observasi, pembuatan media, perangkat dan instrumen, validasi, revisi desain, penerapan 1 dan penerapan 2, analisis, kesimpulan hasil penelitian, selesai. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa soal post test untuk mengukur kemampuan ranah kognitif, lembar penilaian pengamatan sikap, rubrik sebagai sikap spiritual serta penilaian sikap sosial sebagai ranah afektif, lembar penilaian kinerja dan lembar penilaian kinerja ranah psikomotorik. Penelitian ini menggunakan subjekpenerapan siswa kelas XII KGSP SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya. Pada penelitian ini diterapkan media pembelajaran menggunakan media video sketchup pada materi menggambar saluran air bersih. Didapatkan data yang meliputi hasil validasi serta perbaikan dengan diperoleh nilai rata-rata 82,69 dari hasil belajar peserta didik. Dari jumlah siswa kelas XII 2 KGSP SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya sebanyak 31 hanya terdapat26 jawaban dikarenakan ada siswa yang tidak hadir. Sehingga pada penerapan media pembelajaran berbasis video tutorial ini dianggap lebih efektif karena siswa lebih paham cara menggambar sistem instalasi pipa air bersih

    Rela-cam verdadeira. English.

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    Describes Hernando de Soto\u27s march of conquest in Florida and other parts of southeastern North America.https://stars.library.ucf.edu/floridaheritage/1052/thumbnail.jp

    Historical controversies about the thalamus: from etymology to function

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    The authors report on and discuss the historical evolution of the 3 intellectual and scientific domains essential for the current understanding of the function of the human thalamus: 1) the identification of the thalamus as a distinct anatomical and functional entity, 2) the subdivision of thalamic gray matter into functionally homogeneous units (the thalamic nuclei) and relative disputes about nuclei nomenclature, and 3) experimental physiology and its limitations.Galen was allegedly the first to identify the thalamus. The etymology of the term remains unknown although it is hypothesized that Galen may have wanted to recall the thalamus of Odysseus. Burdach was the first to clearly and systematically define the thalamus and its macroscopic anatomy, which paved the way to understanding its internal microarchitecture. This structure in turn was studied in both nonhuman primates (Friedemann) and humans (Vogt and Vogt), leading to several discrepancies in the findings because of interspecies differences. As a consequence, two main nomenclatures developed, generating sometimes inconsistent (or nonreproducible) anatomo-functional correlations. Recently, considerable effort has been aimed at producing a unified nomenclature, based mainly on functional data, which is indispensable for future developments. The development of knowledge about macro- and microscopic anatomy has allowed a shift from the first galenic speculations about thalamic function (the "thalamus opticorum nervorum") to more detailed insights into the sensory and motor function of the thalamus in the 19th and 20th centuries. This progress is mostly the result of lesion and tracing studies. Direct evidence of the in vivo function of the human thalamus, however, originates from awake stereotactic procedures only.Our current knowledge about the function of the human thalamus is the result of a long process that occurred over several centuries and has been inextricably intermingled with the increasing accumulation of data about thalamic macro- and microscopic anatomy. Although the thalamic anatomy can currently be considered well understood, further studies are still needed to gain a deeper insight into the function of the human thalamus in vivo
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