219 research outputs found

    Letter from a New Jersey Supporter to Geraldine Ferraro

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    Letter from a New Jersey supporter to Geraldine Ferraro. Includes generic response from Ferraro.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_new_jersey/1133/thumbnail.jp

    Effects of irrigation applied at different growth stages on chickpea yield

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    ArticleThis study was conducted over the experimental fields of Erciyes University in 2016 to investigate the effects of irrigations applied at different growth stages on chickpea yields. Experiments were conducted in randomized blocks design with 3 replications. There were 7 irrigation treatments as of I1: rainfed, I2: pre-bloom single irrigation, I3: single irrigation at the beginning of blooming, I4: single irrigation at 50% pod set, I5: two irrigations at 50% bloom and 50% pod-set, I6: two irrigations at pre-bloom and 50% pod-set, I7: full irrigation. The amount of applied irrigation water varied between 85.6–323 mm. Plant water consumptions varied between 262 – 569 mm. The greatest yield was obtained from I4 treatment with 273 kg da-1 and the lowest yield was obtained from I1 treatments with 146 kg da-1. It was concluded for chickpea cultivation under deficit water resources conditions that water deficits may be applied at different growth stages except for 50% pod-set period

    Efikasnost korišćenja vode lubenice navodnjavane kapanjem u umerenim klimatskim uslovima

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    The objective of the study, conducted in Vojvodina a northern part of the Serbia Republic, was to analyse the effect of drip irrigation on yield, evapotranspiration and water productivity of watermelon (Cirullus lanatus Thunb.) grown with plasticulture. Irrigation was scheduled on the basis of water balance method. Daily evapotranspiration was computed using the reference evapotranspiration and crop coefficient. The yield of watermelon in irrigation conditions (37,28 t/ha) was significantly higher compared to non irrigated (9,98 t/ha). Water used on evapotranspiration in irrigation conditions was 398 mm and 117 mm on non-irrigated variant. The crop yield response factor of 1,04 for the whole growing season reveals that relative yield decrease was nearly equal to the rate of evapotranspiration deficit. The values of irrigation water use efficiency and evapotranspiration water use efficiency were 9,93 kg/m3 and 10,29 kg/m3 respectively. The determined results could be used as a good platform for watermelon growers in the region, in terms of improvement of the optimum utilization of irrigation water.Cilj istraživanja, sprovedenog u Vojvodini, bio je da se analizira efekat navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos, evapotranspiraciju i produktivnost vode u usevu lubenice (Cirullus lanatus Thunb.), gajene na foliji. Vreme zalivanja je određeno na osnovu vodnog bilansa. Dnevne vrednosti evapotranspiracije su obračunate korišćenjem referentne evapotranspiracije i koeficijenta useva. Prinos lubenice u uslovima navodnjavanja (37,28 t/ha) bio je statistički značajno veći u odnosu na prinos u uslovima bez navodnjavanja (9,98 t/ha). Evapotranspiracija lubenice u uslovima navodnjavanja bila je 398 mm i 117 mm na nenavodnjavanoj varijanti. Obračunata vrednost koeficijenta opadanja prinosa od 1,04 za period vegetacije ukazuje da je relativno smanjenje prinosa bilo skoro jednako relativnom deficitu evapotranspiracije. Efikasnost korišćenja vode navodnjavanjem i evapotranspiracijom iznosila je 9,93 kg/m3 i 10,29 kg/m3, redom. Dobijeni rezultati mogu poslužiti kao dobra osnova za proizvođače lubenice u regionu, u smislu poboljšanja i optimizacije navodnjavanja

    Variaciones en los contenidos de aceite, proteínas, ácidos grasos y vitamina E de las semillas de calabaza con riego deficitario

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    In the present study, pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo L.) was grown under water stress to determine its effects on the chemical composition of the seeds (i.e., oil, protein, fatty acids and vitamin E), in Kayseri, Turkey. Irrigation treatments were designed to supply different portions of depleted moisture within the efficient root zone of the plants (60 cm). The treatments were arranged as supplying 100% (I100), 80% (I80), 60% (I60), 40% (I40), 20% (I20) and 0% (I0) of depleted moisture through a drip irrigation system. The effects of irrigation levels on the oil content of pumpkin seeds were found to be significant (p < 0.01). The oil contents of irrigation treatments varied between 26% (I0, dry) and 64% (I100, full irrigation). However, the effects of deficit irrigation on protein, fatty acids and vitamin E contents were not found to be significant. The vitamin E contents varied from 41.6 – 55.3 mg/100 g; while the protein contents varied from 28.5–37.7%. Six different fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmitic and myristic acid) were examined. The average concentration of palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids ranged from 10.7–12.6%, 6.4–10.4%, 39.6–48.9% and 32.4–35%, respectively. Myristic and linolenic acids were not detected in the pumpkin seeds.En este trabajo se cultivaron calabazas (Cucurbita Pepo L.) en Kayseri, Turquía, con el objetivo de determinar los efectos del estrés hídrico en la composición química de las semillas (aceite, proteínas, ácidos grasos y vitamina E). Los tratamientos de irrigación se realizaron mediante el suministro de diferentes porciones de humedad dentro de la zona de la raíz eficiente de las plantas (60 cm). Los tratamientos se organizaron para suministrar 100% (I100), 80% (I80), 60% (I60), 40% (I40), 20% (I20) y 0% (I0) de humedad controlada a través del sistema de riego por goteo. Los efectos de los niveles de irrigación sobre el contenido de aceite de las semillas de calabaza fueron significativos (p < 0.01). El contenido de aceite en función de los tratamientos de riego varió entre el 26% (I0, seco) y el 64% (I100, riego completo). Sin embargo, los efectos del déficit de irrigación sobre los contenidos de proteínas, ácidos grasos y vitamina E no fueron significativos. Los contenidos de vitamina E variaron entre 41,6 y 55,3 mg/100 g, mientras que los contenidos de proteína variaron entre 28,5 y 37,7%. Se determinaron seis ácidos grasos (linolénico, linoleico, oleico, esteárico, palmítico y mirístico). La concentración promedio de los ácidos palmítico, esteárico, oleico y linoleico osciló entre 10,7–12,6%, 6,4–10,4%, 39,6–48,9% y 32,4–35%, respectivamente. Los ácidos mirístico y linolénico no fueron detectaron en las semillas de calabaza

    Variaciones en los contenidos de aceite, proteínas, ácidos grasos y vitamina E de las semillas de calabaza con riego deficitario

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    In the present study, pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo L.) was grown under water stress to determine its effects on the chemical composition of the seeds (i.e., oil, protein, fatty acids and vitamin E), in Kayseri, Turkey. Irrigation treatments were designed to supply different portions of depleted moisture within the efficient root zone of the plants (60 cm). The treatments were arranged as supplying 100% (I100), 80% (I80), 60% (I60), 40% (I40), 20% (I20) and 0% (I0) of depleted moisture through a drip irrigation system. The effects of irrigation levels on the oil content of pumpkin seeds were found to be significant (p < 0.01). The oil contents of irrigation treatments varied between 26% (I0, dry) and 64% (I100, full irrigation). However, the effects of deficit irrigation on protein, fatty acids and vitamin E contents were not found to be significant. The vitamin E contents varied from 41.6 – 55.3 mg/100 g; while the protein contents varied from 28.5–37.7%. Six different fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmitic and myristic acid) were examined. The average concentration of palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids ranged from 10.7–12.6%, 6.4–10.4%, 39.6–48.9% and 32.4–35%, respectively. Myristic and linolenic acids were not detected in the pumpkin seeds.En este trabajo se cultivaron calabazas (Cucurbita Pepo L.) en Kayseri, Turquía, con el objetivo de determinar los efectos del estrés hídrico en la composición química de las semillas (aceite, proteínas, ácidos grasos y vitamina E). Los tratamientos de irrigación se realizaron mediante el suministro de diferentes porciones de humedad dentro de la zona de la raíz eficiente de las plantas (60 cm). Los tratamientos se organizaron para suministrar 100% (I100), 80% (I80), 60% (I60), 40% (I40), 20% (I20) y 0% (I0) de humedad controlada a través del sistema de riego por goteo. Los efectos de los niveles de irrigación sobre el contenido de aceite de las semillas de calabaza fueron significativos (p < 0.01). El contenido de aceite en función de los tratamientos de riego varió entre el 26% (I0, seco) y el 64% (I100, riego completo). Sin embargo, los efectos del déficit de irrigación sobre los contenidos de proteínas, ácidos grasos y vitamina E no fueron significativos. Los contenidos de vitamina E variaron entre 41,6 y 55,3 mg/100 g, mientras que los contenidos de proteína variaron entre 28,5 y 37,7%. Se determinaron seis ácidos grasos (linolénico, linoleico, oleico, esteárico, palmítico y mirístico). La concentración promedio de los ácidos palmítico, esteárico, oleico y linoleico osciló entre 10,7–12,6%, 6,4–10,4%, 39,6–48,9% y 32,4–35%, respectivamente. Los ácidos mirístico y linolénico no fueron detectaron en las semillas de calabaza

    Uticaj redukovanog navodnjavanja na prinos i hemijska svojstva zrna soje u umerenim klimatskim uslovima

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    The goal of this research is to determine the effects of different levels of water deficit (I100: full irrigation, I65: 35% deficit, I40: 60% deficit and I0: no irrigation) on yield and chemical composition of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grown in Srem region of Serbia. Water deficit significantly affected the yield and chemical composition of soybean seeds. The lowest (1.63 t/ha) and the highest (3.21 t/ha) seed yields were obtained from I0 and I65 treatments, respectively. Furthermore, the highest protein (1092 kg/ha) and oil (563 kg/ha) yields were observed in I65 treatment. Lower and higher irrigation levels from I65 decreased the protein and oil yields. Our data indicated that irrigation generally increased K, P, Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn and B concentrations and decreased Ca and Fe concentrations in soybean seed. It was clearly observed that full-watered treatment (I100) provided no potential benefit in terms of soybean yield and chemical composition. For higher economic yield and good nutritional quality, water-saving treatment I65 could be suitable in soybean management in Srem region of Serbia as in other regions with similar soil and climate conditions.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da utvrdi uticaj različitih nivoa deficita vode (I100: puno navodnjavanje, I65: 35% deficita, I40: 60% deficita i I0: bez navodnjavanja) na prinos i hemijski sastav soje [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] gajene u Sremu, Srbija. Deficit vode značajno je uticao na prinos i hemijski sastav zrna soje. Najmanji (1,63 t/ha) prinos zrna ostvaren je u tretmanu bez navodnjavanja (I0), a najveći (3,21 t/ha) na tretmanu I65. Pored toga, najviši prinosi proteina (1092 kg/ha) i ulja (563 kg/ha) ostvareni su u tretmanu I65. Niži i viši nivoi navodnjavanja od I65 smanjili su prinose proteina i ulja. Naši podaci pokazuju da navodnjavanje uglavnom povećava sadržaj K, P, Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn i B, a smanjuje sadržaj Ca i Fe u zrnu soje. Utvrđeno je da tretman punog zalivanja (I100) ne predstavlja potencijalnu korist u smislu povećanja prinosa i poboljšanja hemijskog sastava zrna soje. Za postizanje visokih ekonomskih prinosa i dobrog hemijskog kvaliteta zrna, tretman I65 može biti pogodan za gajenje soje na području Srema kao i u drugim područjima sa sličnim zemljišnim i klimatskim uslovima

    Converting simulated total dry matter to fresh marketable yield for field vegetables at a range of nitrogen supply levels

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    Simultaneous analysis of economic and environmental performance of horticultural crop production requires qualified assumptions on the effect of management options, and particularly of nitrogen (N) fertilisation, on the net returns of the farm. Dynamic soil-plant-environment simulation models for agro-ecosystems are frequently applied to predict crop yield, generally as dry matter per area, and the environmental impact of production. Economic analysis requires conversion of yields to fresh marketable weight, which is not easy to calculate for vegetables, since different species have different properties and special market requirements. Furthermore, the marketable part of many vegetables is dependent on N availability during growth, which may lead to complete crop failure under sub-optimal N supply in tightly calculated N fertiliser regimes or low-input systems. In this paper we present two methods for converting simulated total dry matter to marketable fresh matter yield for various vegetables and European growth conditions, taking into consideration the effect of N supply: (i) a regression based function for vegetables sold as bulk or bunching ware and (ii) a population approach for piecewise sold row crops. For both methods, to be used in the context of a dynamic simulation model, parameter values were compiled from a literature survey. Implemented in such a model, both algorithms were tested against experimental field data, yielding an Index of Agreement of 0.80 for the regression strategy and 0.90 for the population strategy. Furthermore, the population strategy was capable of reflecting rather well the effect of crop spacing on yield and the effect of N supply on product grading

    Determination of the uptake and translocation of nitrogen applied at different growth stages of a melon crop (Cucumis melo L.) using 15N isotope.

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    In order to establish a rational nitrogen (N) fertilisation and reduce groundwater contamination, a clearer understanding of the N distribution through the growing season and its dynamics inside the plant is crucial. In two successive years, a melon crop (Cucumis melo L. cv. Sancho) was grown under field conditions to determine the uptake of N fertiliser, applied by means of fertigation at different stages of plant growth, and to follow the translocation of N in the plant using 15N-labelled N. In 2006, two experiments were carried out. In the first experiment, labelled 15N fertiliser was supplied at the female-bloom stage and in the second, at the end of fruit ripening. Labelled 15N fertiliser was made from 15NH415NO3 (10 at.% 15N) and 9.6 kg N ha−1 were applied in each experiment over 6 days (1.6 kg N ha−1 d−1). In 2007, the 15N treatment consisted of applying 20.4 kg N ha−1 as 15NH415NO3 (10 at.% 15N) in the middle of fruit growth, over 6 days (3.4 kg N ha−1 d−1). In addition, 93 and 95 kg N ha−1 were supplied daily by fertigation as ammonium nitrate in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The results obtained in 2006 suggest that the uptake of N derived from labelled fertiliser by the above-ground parts of the plants was not affected by the time of fertiliser application. At the female-flowering and fruit-ripening stages, the N content derived from 15N-labelled fertiliser was close to 0.435 g m−2 (about 45% of the N applied), while in the middle of fruit growth it was 1.45 g m−2 (71% of the N applied). The N application time affected the amount of N derived from labelled fertiliser that was translocated to the fruits. When the N was supplied later, the N translocation was lower, ranging between 54% at female flowering and 32% at the end of fruit ripening. Approximately 85% of the N translocated came from the leaf when the N was applied at female flowering or in the middle of fruit growth. This value decreased to 72% when the 15N application was at the end of fruit ripening. The ammonium nitrate became available to the plant between 2 and 2.5 weeks after its application. Although the leaf N uptake varied during the crop cycle, the N absorption rate in the whole plant was linear, suggesting that the melon crop could be fertilised with constant daily N amounts until 2–3 weeks before the last harvest

    Comparative analysis of the responses to water stress in eggplant (Solanum melongena) cultivars

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    [EN] Little information is available on the physiological and biochemical responses to water stress in eggplant (Solanum melongena). We valuated four genetically diverse eggplant varieties (MEL3-MEL6) under control and water stress conditions. Measurements were taken for plant growth, tissue water content, levels of chlorophylls a and b, carotenoids, roline, malondialdehyde, total phenolics, total flavonoids, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase APX), and glutathione reductase (GR) activities. For most traits, the water stress treatment had a greater contribution than the variety effect to the total sums of squares in an ANOVA analysis, except for total flavonoids, SOD, APX, and GR. The water stress treatment had a strong effect on plant growth and tissue water content. In general, water tress reduced the three photosynthetic pigments, increased proline, malondialdehyde, total phenolics, and total flavonoids, although some varietal differences were ob- served. Different patterns were also detected in the activities of the four enzymes evaluated, but few differences were observed for individual varieties between the control and water stress treatments. Many significant phe- notypic orrelations were observed among the traits studied, but only eight environmental correlations were detected. A PCA analysis distinctly separated individuals according to the treatment, and revealed a clearer separation of varieties under water stress than under control conditions, pointing to varietal differences in the responses to stress. Our results suggest that proline could be used as a marker for drought stress tolerance in this species. The information obtained provides new insight on the physiological and biochemical responses of eggplant to drought stressAuthors are grateful to the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 677379 (G2P-SOL project: Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops), to Ministerio de Economfa, Industria y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant AGL2015-64755-R from MINECO/FEDER), to Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovation y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigation and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant RTI-2018-094592-B-100 from MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), to the Generalitat Valenciana and Fondo Social Europeo (Ayuda a Grupos Emergentes; GV/2019/033), to the Vicerrectorado de Investigacien, Innovation y Transferencia de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Ayuda a Primeros Proyectos de Investigation; PAID-06-18), and to the initiative "Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives", which is supported by the Government of Norway. This latter project is managed by the Global Crop Diversity Trust with the Millennium Seed Bank of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and implemented in partnership with national and international gene banks and plant breeding institutes around the world. For further information see the project website: http://www.cwrdiversity.org/. Mariola Plazas is grateful to Generalitat Valenciana and Fondo Social Europeo for a post-doctoral contract (APOSTD/2018/014). The contribution of Huu Trong Nguyen to this paper has been developed as a result of a mobility stay funded by Erasmus + KA1 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Programme of the European Commission under the PLANT HEALTH project.Plazas, M.; Nguyen, HT.; González-Orenga, S.; Fita, A.; Vicente, O.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Boscaiu, M. (2019). Comparative analysis of the responses to water stress in eggplant (Solanum melongena) cultivars. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 143:72-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.08.031S728214