213 research outputs found

    Your daughter are getting older - a study about marriage traditions in Tamil Nadu

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    The purpose of this qualitative study has been to generate understanding about young Indian women’s lives in general and school experiences in particular, with focus on how it has been affected by current marriage traditions. The marriage traditions have been analyzed from a gender perspective, connected to both conceptions of sexuality and impacts of economical factors. The study has been conducted during a ten weeks Minor Field Study in the region of Tamil Nadu, India, where interviews with seven young woman who had dropped out of school were performed. Analysed with Yvonne Hirdman’s theory about the gender system, and previous research on the topic, two aspects of the marriage traditions were crystallized from the empirical data; the sexuality aspect and the economical aspect. The result shows that the marriage traditions have had important effects on the respondents’ lives and school experiences. They have not been allowed to interfere with boys, neither in school nor at home, since there is a fear of getting a bad reputation or that will a love affair evolve otherwise. These restrictions have been stronger after menarche. The importance of being able to pay a dowry has also been an important factor within the respondents’ lives

    Platser planerade för det oplanerade

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    Stadsutvecklingen har genomgĂ„tt flera transformationer under historien. VĂ„r samtida stadsplanering prĂ€glas av effektivitet och högt tempo. Detta görs ofta pĂ„ bekostnad av mĂ€nniskans behov av platsskapande, som blir Ă„sidosatta. Under de senaste Ă„rtiondena har dock en rörelse vuxit fram som uppmanar planerare att inkludera ett medborgarperspektiv och deltagande. Idag Ă€r Ă€mnet mycket omtalat och flera metoder har uppkommit som ska engagera och knyta an invĂ„narna till den planerade platsen. Genom en fallstudie utförd i Jubileumsparken, Göteborg, har tre metoder identifierats för inkludering och deltagande. Dessa metoder Ă€r open calls, exkludera för att inkludera samt temporĂ€ra prototyper. För att fĂ„ en djupare förstĂ„else för metoderna har en intervju utförts med tvĂ„ personer som varit delaktiga i projektet. En intervju av en extern sociolog har Ă€ven utförts. Sammanfattningsvis har metoderna varit framgĂ„ngsrika men vi har upptĂ€ckt att begreppet medborgardialog och dess metoder innefattar en hög komplexitet. Nyckeln för att uppnĂ„ framgĂ„ngsrika stadsrum som inkluderar medborgardeltagande krĂ€ver lokalkĂ€nnedom, tillit mellan beslutsfattare och medborgare samt förstĂ„else för platsens identitet.Urban planning has historically had several transformations. Our current urban planning is influenced by efficiency and rapid pace. This is often done at the expense of the people’s need to create their surrounding spaces in the urban context. Though, during the last decades, a movement has grown that encourages planners to include the perspective and participation of citizens. Today these subjects are frequently brought to attention and several methods have been created to engage with and connect to the people using the space in question. Through a case study made in Jubileumsparken, Gothenburg, three methods have been identified for the purpose. The methods are open calls, exclude to include and temporary prototypes. To get a deeper understanding of the methods an interview took place with two people who've been participating in the project. We also had another interview with an external sociologist. In summary the methods used in the project have been successful, though we have discovered the complexity of practicing citizen dialogue and it’s methods. The key to reach a successful urban environment that includes citizen participation requires knowledge of local culture, trust between the administration and citizens as well as an understanding of the place's identity

    Teknologia dysleksian kompensoinnin vÀlineenÀ:apuvÀlineitÀ lukutaidon oppimisen tukemiseksi

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    TiivistelmÀ. TÀssÀ kandidaatintutkielmassa tutkitaan saatavilla olevia teknologisia alustoja ja niiden hyödyntÀmismahdollisuuksia dysleksian kompensoinnin vÀlineenÀ. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan lukutaidon kehitystÀ Suomessa ja maailmalla. Suomi on lukutaidon osaamisen osalta yksi kÀrkimaista, mutta tasoerot ovat edelleen suuria, esimerkiksi tyttöjen ja poikien vÀlillÀ. Lukukeskuksen artikkelin mukaan lukutaidon kehitys on 2000-luvun aikana jatkanut laskuaan. Lahjakkaita lukijoita on yhÀ vÀhemmÀn ja heikkoja lukijoita entistÀ enemmÀn. (Luku-keskus, 2017) TÀstÀ on kuitenkin poikkeavaakin tutkimustulosta, jossa lahjakkaiden mÀÀrÀ kasvaa samassa mÀÀrin, kuin heikkojen lukijoidenkin mÀÀrÀ. Tutkielma toteutetaan kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. PÀÀkÀsitteitÀ tutkielmassa on teknologia, lukutaito, dysleksia/lukivaikeus ja kompensointi. Tutkielma kÀsittelee ensin lukutaidon kÀsitettÀ, sen kehittymistÀ, sekÀ tasoeroja niin kotimaassa kuin ulkomaillakin. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen kÀsitellÀÀn dysleksian kÀsitettÀ, sen ilmenemistÀ, sekÀ sen tuomia haasteita lukutaidon kehittymisen kannalta. ViimeisenÀ kÀsitellÀÀn teknologiaa ja sen erilaisia dysleksian kompensointikeinoja. Tavoitteena on tutkia, mitÀ lukutaitoa kehittÀviÀ sovelluksia on tarjolla ja miten niissÀ on huomioitu dysleksian omaavien erityistarpeet. Tutkielmassa ilmenee, ettÀ teknologian kÀytössÀ ongelmana ei aina ole sovellusten saatavuus, vaan jossain mÀÀrin opettajan itsevarmuus hyödyntÀÀ sitÀ. Opettajat, jotka ovat hyödyntÀneet teknologiaa lukutaidon oppimisen tukena, kokevat sen tulosten olevan positiivisia. Haasteita tuovat dysleksian ymmÀrrys, oikeiden sovellusten tarjoaminen yksilöllinen opetus huomioiden, sekÀ osassa kouluissa elektronisten laitteiden kÀyttömahdollisuudet. Vaikka kaikki apuvÀlineet olisivat olemassa, ei niitÀ osata aina hyödyntÀÀ

    Esi- ja alkuopetuksen opettajien kÀyttökokemuksia Ekapelin hyödyntÀmisestÀ lukemaan oppimisessa oppilailla, joilla on tunnistettavissa lukivaikeusriskejÀ

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    TiivistelmÀ. Lukutaidon kehitykseen vaikuttavien tukitoimien kehittÀminen on ensiarvoisen tÀrkeÀÀ esi- ja alkuopetuksessa. TÀrkeÀssÀ osassa on tarkastella tukitoimien toimivuutta motivaation nÀkökulmasta. TÀmÀ tutkielma kÀsittelee esi- ja alkuopetuksen opettajien ajatuksia ja kokemuksia Ekapelin kÀytöstÀ oppitunneilla. Kuinka Ekapeli vaikuttaa lukemaan oppimiseen ja onko siitÀ erityisesti apua lukivaikeuden omaavien oppilaiden lukemaan opettelussa. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan opettajien antamia palautteita EkapelistÀ ja sen ominaisuuksista. PÀÀasiassa kokemuksiin liittyi myös EkapeliÀ koskevia kehitysehdotuksia. Kyselyyn vastanneet opettajat kÀyttÀvÀt EkapeliÀ ja olivat pÀÀsÀÀntöisesti tyytyvÀisiÀ Ekapeliin. Tutkielman pÀÀtarkoitus oli etsiÀ tietoa, kuinka Ekapeli toimii lukutaidon haasteiden kompensointivÀlineenÀ opetuksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselylomaketutkimuksena, jossa oli 11 kysymystÀ, jotka olivat pÀÀosin avoimia kysymyksiÀ. Tutkimusaineisto kerÀttiin kevÀÀllÀ 2023 huhtikuun aikana. EnsimmÀinen osio kyselyssÀ koski Ekapelin kÀyttökokemuksia ja vaikutuksia lukutaitoon ja toinen osio lukivaikeuden omaaviin oppilaisiin sekÀ eriyttÀmiseen. Vastausten mÀÀrÀ vaihteli kysymyksen mukaan, mutta molemmissa osioissa ilmeni motivaation tÀrkeys oppimisessa. Ilman lukemismotivaatiota on lukutaidon oppiminen haastavaa. TÀmÀn vuoksi Ekapeli tarjoaa vaihtelua ja intoa oppia lukutaitoa tavanomaisten lukuharjoitusten ohella. Se monipuolistaa oppimista ja mukautuu oppilaan omien taitojen mukaan lukutaidon oppimisen hierarkkisen mallin mukaisesti eteenpÀin. Opettajalle Ekapeli on arvokas työvÀline opetuksessa ajateltaessa eriyttÀmistÀ. Aikuisten mÀÀrÀ sekÀ esi- ettÀ alkuopetuksessa on vÀhÀistÀ tarpeeseen verrattuna, joten kaikki yksilöllinen apu on tarpeen. Tutkimuksessa nousi esille motivaation tÀrkeys, sekÀ sÀÀnnöllinen ja tÀsmennetty tuki. Rutiinin omainen kÀyttö tuki lasten edistymistÀ pelissÀ ja sen myötÀ edisti lukutaitojen kehitystÀ

    Effects of different forages on production of hydrogen sulphide in a rumen in vitro system

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    The purpose of this project was to use a new in vitro method to estimate rumen protein degradation (proteolysis) in a series of fresh forages and silages. The new in vitro technique is less invasive than existing protein degradation techniques (nylon bag incubations in fistulated cows), and is easy to perform. The technique builds on the in vitro gas production technique and is based on the fact that sulphides- particularly hydrogen sulphide (H2S)- are important products from rumen proteolysis. Four experiments are included in this report and they were set up at IGER, Aberystwyth, U.K. One of the experiments included freeze dried silage and three were conducted with fresh herbage (grasses or legumes). One study looked at effects of different species and varieties of grass (Cocksfoot, Meadow Fescue, Ryegrass, Tall Fescue and Timothy) and the legume Lotus spp. Investigations of the effect of wilting time were made by studying ryegrass wilted for 48, 24, 12, 3 and 0 hours. The third study looked at the effects of silage additives. Untreated silage was compared to silage prepared with formic acid, and silages prepared with inoculants containing lactic acid bacteria ('Power Start' or 'Pioneer'). The work also included an investigation of the effects of tannin levels in Lotus spp. on the production of H2S. In each experiment, the plant material was incubated with rumen fluid for 12 hours. Measurements of H2S production were made 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 hours after the start of incubations. The amount of H2S formed was also compared to the crude protein content of the plant material. It was shown that Lotus spp. produced significantly lower levels of hydrogen sulphide than grasses. In the experiment where the effect of wilting duration was studied, there was no significant difference between samples when the total production of hydrogen sulphide was measured. However, when comparing the amount of H2S formation to the crude protein content of the plant material, grass wilted for 48 hours had significantly lower H2S production. In the experiment comparing different silage additive treatments, the untreated silage had significantly lower production of H2S than the other silages. When studying the effect of tannins, it was showed that Lotus, containing the highest levels of tannins, produced larger amounts of H2S than the other varieties. The in vitro gas production technique used in this work was easy to work with and some of the results were similar to the literature but unexpected differences were also observed. In the experiments studying the effect of inoculants in silage and the tannin content in Lotus, the results differed from the literature. Analysis of sulphides might not be a reliable measurement of protein degradation in the materials because of the reaction of H2S with hydrogen cyanide produced when cyanogenic tissues are damaged. These results emphasise the importance of further research and evaluations to improve the accuracy of the in vitro H2S production technique.Syftet med detta arbete var att utveckla en in vitro metod för att undersöka proteinnedbrytning (protolys) i vommen. MÄlet Àr en metod som inte krÀver försöksdjur men ÀndÄ Àr lÀtt att anvÀnda och ger sÀkra resultat. I försöket mÀttes mÀngden vÀtesulfid (H2S) som bildas i vommen under fermentation av fodermaterial. Anledningen till att H2S analyserades Àr baserat pÄ resultat som visar att sulfider Àr viktiga produkter frÄn protolys i vommen. I försöket ingick fyra experiment, varav tre med fÀrskt grÀs och ett med ensilage. Alla experimenten utfördes vid IGER, Aberystwyth, Storbritannien. Det undersöktes vilken inverkan sorter och arter av vÀxter har pÄ bildningen av vÀtesulfid. I detta experiment jÀmfördes olika arter och sorter av grÀs (hundÀxing, rajgrÀs, rörsvingel, timotej och Àngssvingel) samt ingick baljvÀxten kÀrringtand. PÄverkan av torkningstid av grÀs undersöktes dÄ vÀtesulfidproduktionen frÄn rajgrÀs som torkats i 48, 24, 12, 3 eller 0 timmar mÀttes. I försöket ingick Àven att studera vilken effekt olika behandlingar av ensilage har pÄ vÀtesulfidbildning. I detta experiment ingick ensilage utan tillsatsmedel och ensilage som behandlats med myrsyra. Dessutom analyserades ensilage som behandlats med tvÄ olika kulturer av mjölksyrabakterier (Power Start TM och Pioneer). I det fjÀrde experimentet studerades om olika tannininnehÄll i kÀrringtand ledde till skillnader i mÀngd bildad vÀtesulfid.. I alla experimenten inkuberades vÀxtmaterialet tillsammans med vomvÀtska i medicinflaskor under 12 timmar. MÀtningar av bildad mÀngd H2S gjordes 2, 4, 6, 8 och 12 timmar efter att inkubationen pÄbörjats. MÀngden bildad vÀtesulfid jÀmfördes Àven med rÄproteininnehÄllet hos de analyserade vÀxterna. I studien framkom att det var signifikant mindre vÀtesulfidproduktion frÄn baljvÀxten kÀrringtand Àn frÄn grÀs. Det framkom i studien att varianten av kÀrringtand med högt innehÄll av tanniner producerade mer vÀtesulfid Àn de andra exemplaren. Vid jÀmförelser mellan grÀs som torkats under olika lÄng tid, pÄvisades inga stora skillnader i den totala bildningen av H2S men nÀr mÀngden sattes i relation till rÄproteininnehÄllet pÄvisades signifikant lÀgre andel vÀtesulfid i de flaskor med grÀs som torkats under 48 timmar. NÀr effekten av tillsatsmedel i ensilage undersöktes, visades att mindre mÀngd vÀtesulfid bildades i flaskorna med ensilage utan tillsatsmedel Àn för de dÀr tillsatsmedel anvÀnts. Gas in vitro-metoden som anvÀndes i detta arbete var lÀtt att utföra och gav i nÄgra fall liknande svar som i litteraturen, men Àven olikheter pÄvisades. I de experiment som undersökte effekten av tillsatsmedel i ensilage och tanniner i kÀrringtand, skilde sig resultaten tydligt frÄn litteraturen. Möjligen Àr inte analys av sulfider en bra mÄttstock pÄ proteinnedbrytning hos dessa vÀxtmaterial. Dessa resultat understryker vikten av behovet av mer forskning inom omrÄdet och utveckling av att förbÀttra noggrannheten hos utrustningen

    Financial Inclusion and the “War for Cash”

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    The 4G standard Long Term Evolution (LTE) has been developed for high-bandwidth mobile access for today's data-heavy applications, consequently, a better experience for the end user. Since cellular communication is ready available, LTE communication has been designed to work at high speeds for vehicular communication. The challenge is that the protocols in LTE/LTE-Advanced should not only provide good packet delivery but also adapt to changes in the network topology due to vehicle volume and vehicular mobility. It is a critical requirement to ensure a seamless quality of experience ranging from safety to relieving congestion as deployment of LTE/LTE-Advanced become common. This requires learning how to improve the LTE/LTE-Advanced model to better appeal to a wider base and move toward additional solutions. In this paper we present a feasibility analysis for performing vehicular communication via a queueing theory approach based on a multi-server queue using real LTE traffic. A M/M/m model is employed to evaluate the probability that a vehicle finds all channels busy, as well as to derive the expected waiting times and the expected number of channel switches. Also, when a base station (eNB) becomes overloaded with a single-hop, a multi-hop rerouting optimization approach is presented


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    In this paper we study the effects of using ruin and recreate methods in a replanning phase of a dynamic dial-a-ride problem. Several such methods are proposed, and a modeling system is used to evaluate how they improve the quality of the solutions. We show that simple changes to existing planning methods can increase the efficiency of the service. Two cases, with different forms of costs inflicted on the vehicles, are evaluated and significant improvements are found in both cases. The best results of our study are found with ruin methods based on removal of sequences of requests

    MielenterveyttÀ etÀnÀ?

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    Psykologisia etÀhoitoja voidaan antaa reaaliaikaisesti tai toisaalta ajasta riippumatta. Erilaisia etÀhoitoja on moniin eri hÀiriöihin ja monet niistÀ ovat tutkitusti tehokkaita. Hoitojen lisÀksi on toimivia mielenterveyden edistÀmisen, kriisiauttamisen ja itsemurhien ehkÀisyn menetelmiÀ. Tekniikan ja tiedonlouhinnan kehitys tuo yhÀ merkittÀvÀmpiÀ apuvÀlineitÀ mielenterveyden hÀiriöiden hoitoon.Peer reviewe

    Developing a resource allocation model for the Scottish Patient Transport Service

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    The Patient Transport Service is a vital component of many healthcare systems. However, increasing demand and constrained resources impose great challenges, especially in Scotland where there is a substantial remote and rural population. This case study describes the development of a decision support tool for strategic resource allocation decisions. The tool had to be relevant to management's practical needs including transparency to a range of stakeholders and a flexible speedy response to help management explore various operational and policy options. However, the tool also had to demonstrate rigour and identify an efficient allocation of resources. In response to these requirements, the decision support tool was constructed from simple models, verified in comparisons with more rigorous and sophisticated approaches, notably a Dial-a-Ride genetic algorithm and an open vehicle routing simulation. Using this tool, management were able to: identify a more rational, strategic allocation of resources; quantify the remote and rural effect; examine trade-offs between service level and resource requirements within various scenarios for future demand

    Search with evolutionary ruin and stochastic rebuild: a theoretic framework and a case study on exam timetabling

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    This paper presents a state transition based formal framework for a new search method, called Evolutionary Ruin and Stochastic Recreate, which tries to learn and adapt to the changing environments during the search process. It improves the performance of the original Ruin and Recreate principle by embedding an additional phase of Evolutionary Ruin to mimic the survival-of-the-fittest mechanism within single solutions. This method executes a cycle of Solution Decomposition, Evolutionary Ruin, Stochastic Recreate and Solution Acceptance until a certain stopping condition is met. The Solution Decomposition phase first uses some problem-specific knowledge to decompose a complete solution into its components and assigns a score to each component. The Evolutionary Ruin phase then employs two evolutionary operators (namely Selection and Mutation) to destroy a certain fraction of the solution, and the next Stochastic Recreate phase repairs the “broken” solution. Last, the Solution Acceptance phase selects a specific strategy to determine the probability of accepting the newly generated solution. Hence, optimisation is achieved by an iterative process of component evaluation, solution disruption and stochastic constructive repair. From the state transitions point of view, this paper presents a probabilistic model and implements a Markov chain analysis on some theoretical properties of the approach. Unlike the theoretical work on genetic algorithm and simulated annealing which are based on state transitions within the space of complete assignments, our model is based on state transitions within the space of partial assignments. The exam timetabling problems are used to test the performance in solving real-world hard problems
