227 research outputs found

    Reach the person behind the dementia: physical therapists' reflections and strategies when composing physical training

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    Dementia is a disease characterized by cognitive impairment and physical decline that worsens over time. Exercise is one lifestyle factor that has been identified as a potential means of reducing or delaying progression of the symptoms of dementia, maximizing function and independence. The purpose of this study was to explore physical therapists' (PTs) experiences and reflections on facilitating high-intensity functional exercise with older people living with dementia, in residential care home settings. The study used a qualitative design based on interviews, individually or in small groups, with seven PTs engaged as leaders in the training of older people with dementia. The interviews were analyzed with a modified Grounded Theory method with focus on constant comparisons. To increase trustworthiness the study used triangulation within investigators and member checking. The core category "Discover and act in the moment-learn over time" reflects how the PTs continuously developed their own learning in an iterative process. They built on previous knowledge to communicate with residents and staff and to tailor the high intensity training in relation to each individual at that time point. The category "Be on your toes" highlights how the PTs searched for sufficient information about each individual, before and during training, by eliciting the person's current status from staff and by interpreting the person's body language. The category "Build a bond with a palette of strategies" describes the importance of confirmation to build up trust and the use of group members and the room to create an interplay between exercise and social interaction. These findings highlight the continuous iterative process of building on existing knowledge, sharing and reflecting, being alert to any alterations needed for individuals that day, communication skills (both with residents and staff) and building a relationship and trust with residents in the effective delivery of high intensity functional exercise to older people living with dementia in care settings

    Att möta klimatkrisen med parkeringspolitik : En diskursanalys om Malmö stad

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    This thesis is a discourse analysis of a political process where Malmö city introduced a new local parking policy aiming to limit the use of cars in the city.The use of a parking policy to restrict car usage exemplifies how cities emerge as key actors in global climate change politics. The analysis builds on Maarten A. Hajers argumentative discourse theory and method. The empirical material consists of official documents, a political debate and recent interviews with key actors. The analysis shows that three discourses emerged in the political process. First,parking policy as a means to question the car as central for city planning, second,parking policy for sustainibility and third, parking policy as a right to drive a car. Three coalitons of actors supported the three discourses. The analysis shows that the political majority was split between two different discourses and the clerks played important roles. The sustainability discourse was institutionalised in the parking policy that was adpoted. There was an initial political idea to reduce housing costs by lowering the compulsory standards for parking space for new buildings. But this idea was not fully realised in the parking standards that were adopted

    Arkivet efter Åmåls biblioteksstyrelse - en mediearkeologisk studie

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    Arkiv används ofta som en källa inom olika forskningsprojekt. I den här uppsatsen är det istället arkivet i sig som är studieobjekt. Utifrån mediearkeologisk teori undersöks Biblioteksstyrelsens arkiv i Åmål. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter är att arkiv befinner sig i en samhällelig kontext och återspeglar det minne det lagrar. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie och arkivet har undersökts på flera nivåer; utifrån struktur, vad som är arkivets materialitet och lagringsform, dess kommunikativa kretslopp och tidslager samt själva arbetsprocessen med att arbeta med ett pappersarkiv. Resultatet visar att materialitet och form är meningsskapande, att arkivet präglas av att det är en lagringsform förtecknat efter allmänna arkivschemat där inget är tillrättalagt för utgivning eller har en mellanliggande författarröst. Arkivet består av olika tidslager och präglas av att vara samtid och ögonblicksbilder. Biblioteksstyrelsen samarbetar i ett kommunikativt kretslopp med olika aktörer som bokhandlare, inventarieförsäljare, lokaluthyrare, uppdragsgivare, anslagsgivare, bibliotekskonsulenter, inspektörer och skola. Det finns också ett annat kommunikativt kretslopp kring hantering och metoder gällande utlåningsverksamheten. Undersökningen av arbetsprocessen har gett en förståelse och kunskap om att själva undersökningsobjektet innebär en utmaning i sig att ta del av, att kringrutiner och materialitet påverkar arbetsprocessen och att det är ett tidsödande arbete att kamma igenom ett arkiv för att få en bild av vad det kan förmedla.Archives are often used as a source in various research projects. In this essay, it is instead the archive that is a study object. Based on media archaeological theory, the Library Board's archive in Åmål is examined. The theoretical basis of the essay is that archives are in a social context and reflect the memory it stores. It is a qualitative study and the archive has been investigated on several levels, its structure, what is the materiality and storage of the archive, its communicative circuits and time layers, as well as the actual work process of working with a paper archive. The result shows that materiality and form are sense making, that the archive is characterized by the fact that it is a storage form registred according to the archive schedule, where nothing is prepared for publishing or has an intermediate authors voice. The archive consists of different layers of time and is characterized by being contemporary. The Library Board cooperates in a communication circuits with various actors such as bookstores, inventory dealers, local tenants, contractors, funding providers, library consultants, inspectors and schools. There is also another communicative circuit around management and methods regarding book lending operations. The study of the work process has given an understanding and knowledge that the research object is a challenge in itself, to know that routines and materiality affect the work process and that it is a time-consuming job to browse through an archive to get a picture of what it can mediate

    Att tvinga fram demokrati - en fallstudie av Afghanistan och Irak

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    En ny, optimistisk syn på möjligheten att införa liberal demokrati i svaga stater ingick i den världspolitiska diskurs som uppstod efter kalla krigets slut. Efter terrorattackerna 2001 skedde ännu ett skifte: det USA-ledda kriget mot terrorismen blev en ny drivkraft för att, med militärt tvång, bygga om svaga stater från potentiella terrorbaser till stabila demokratier. De misslyckade demokratiseringsförsöken i Afghanistan och Irak är de mest kända exemplen. Denna fallstudie är en analys av de största utmaningarna vid försöken att införa demokrati i Afghanistan och Irak. Mitt analysverktyg dilemmamodeller tydliggör de ledande aktörernas balansgång mellan att kontrollera processen och att skapa legitimitet. Jag finner att den största utmaningen vid båda interventionerna finns i målsättningen: Det var problematiskt att kombinera kriget mot terrorismen med demokratisering. De intervenerande aktörernas strategier för terrorbekämpning har motverkat långsiktig demokratisering. Detta är ett systemiskt dilemma som beskriver hur lokala respektive internationella aktörer kontrollerar processen

    The balancing act - licensed practical nurse experiences of falls and fall prevention: a qualitative study

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    Artikkelen rapporterer en studie hvor hensikten var å beskrive hjelpepleiere (licensed practical nurses) sine erfaringer med å forutsi og forhindre ytterligere fall når man jobber med pasienter som hadde opplevd et fallrelatert brudd.Background: falls are common in old age and may have serious consequences. There are many strategies to predict and prevent falls from occurring in long-term care and hospitals. The aim of this study was to describe licensed practical nurse experiences of predicting and preventing further falls when working with patients who had experienced a fall-related fracture. Licensed practical nurses are the main caretakers that work most closely with the patients. Methods: a qualitative study of focus groups interviews and field observations was done. 15 licensed practical nurses from a rehabilitation ward and an acute ward in a hospital in northern Sweden were interviewed. Content was analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results: the result of the licensed practical nurse thoughts and experiences about risk of falling and fall prevention work is represented in one theme, "the balancing act". The theme includes three categories: "the right to decide", "the constant watch", and "the ongoing negotiation" as well as nine subcategories. The analysis showed similarities and differences between rehabilitation and acute wards. At both wards it was a core strategy in the licensed practical nurse work to always be ready and to pay attention to patients appearance and behavior. At the rehabilitation ward, it was an explicit working task to judge the patients risk of falling and to be active to prevent falls. At the acute ward, the words "risk of falling" were not used and fall prevention were not discussed; instead the licensed practical nurses used for example "dizzy and pale". The results also indicated differences in components that facilitate workplace learning and knowledge transfer. Conclusions: differences between the wards are most probably rooted in organizational differences. When it is expected by the leadership, licensed practical nurses can express patient risk of falling, share their observations with others, and take actions to prevent falls. The climate and the structure of the ward are essential if licensed practical nurses are to be encouraged to routinely consider risk of falling and implement risk reduction strategies

    The balancing act - licensed practical nurse experiences of falls and fall prevention: a qualitative study

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    Artikkelen rapporterer en studie hvor hensikten var å beskrive hjelpepleiere (licensed practical nurses) sine erfaringer med å forutsi og forhindre ytterligere fall når man jobber med pasienter som hadde opplevd et fallrelatert brudd.Background: falls are common in old age and may have serious consequences. There are many strategies to predict and prevent falls from occurring in long-term care and hospitals. The aim of this study was to describe licensed practical nurse experiences of predicting and preventing further falls when working with patients who had experienced a fall-related fracture. Licensed practical nurses are the main caretakers that work most closely with the patients. Methods: a qualitative study of focus groups interviews and field observations was done. 15 licensed practical nurses from a rehabilitation ward and an acute ward in a hospital in northern Sweden were interviewed. Content was analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results: the result of the licensed practical nurse thoughts and experiences about risk of falling and fall prevention work is represented in one theme, "the balancing act". The theme includes three categories: "the right to decide", "the constant watch", and "the ongoing negotiation" as well as nine subcategories. The analysis showed similarities and differences between rehabilitation and acute wards. At both wards it was a core strategy in the licensed practical nurse work to always be ready and to pay attention to patients appearance and behavior. At the rehabilitation ward, it was an explicit working task to judge the patients risk of falling and to be active to prevent falls. At the acute ward, the words "risk of falling" were not used and fall prevention were not discussed; instead the licensed practical nurses used for example "dizzy and pale". The results also indicated differences in components that facilitate workplace learning and knowledge transfer. Conclusions: differences between the wards are most probably rooted in organizational differences. When it is expected by the leadership, licensed practical nurses can express patient risk of falling, share their observations with others, and take actions to prevent falls. The climate and the structure of the ward are essential if licensed practical nurses are to be encouraged to routinely consider risk of falling and implement risk reduction strategies

    Arbetsförmåga, arbetsrelaterad selfefficacy och arbetsengagemang hos medelålders hemvårdare

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    Syftet var att undersöka sambandet mellan arbetsförmåga, arbetsrelaterad self-efficacy och arbetsengagemang hos medelålders hemvårdare. Ett delmål var att undersöka om det finns skillnader mellan olika åldersgrupper och hemvårdare med bra respektive dålig arbetsförmåga. En enkät innehållande Arbetsförmågeindex, Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale och Utrecht Work Engagement Scale sändes 2018 till 45 år och äldre hemvårdare i en region i västra Finland. Totalt 234 hemvårdare besvarade enkäten (svarsprocent 51%). Resultatet visade signifikanta sambandmellan arbetsförmåga och arbetsrelaterad self-efficacy (r= ,356, p<0,001, n=234), mellan arbetsförmåga och arbetsengagemang (r= ,440, p<0,001, n=234) och mellan arbetsrelaterad self-efficacy och arbetsengagemang (r= ,354,p<0,001, n=234). Hemvårdare med bättre arbetsförmåga hade signifikant bättre arbetsrelaterad self-efficacy och arbetsengagemang. Resultaten indikerar att arbetsrelaterad self-efficacy och arbetsengagemang kan ha en positiv effekt på arbetsförmågan hos medelålders hemvårdare

    A systematic review of musculoskeletal disorders among school teachers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) represent one of the most common and most expensive occupational health problems in both developed and developing countries. School teachers represent an occupational group among which there appears to be a high prevalence of MSD. Given that causes of MSD have been described as multi-factorial and prevalence rates vary between body sites and location of study, the objective of this systematic review was to investigate the prevalence and risk factors for MSD among teaching staff.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study involved an extensive search of MEDLINE and EMBASE databases in 2011. All studies which reported on the prevalence and/or risk factors for MSD in the teaching profession were initially selected for inclusion. Reference lists of articles identified in the original search were then examined for additional publications. Of the 80 articles initially located, a final group of 33 met the inclusion criteria and were examined in detail.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This review suggests that the prevalence of self-reported MSD among school teachers ranges between 39% and 95%. The most prevalent body sites appear to be the back, neck and upper limbs. Nursery school teachers appear to be more likely to report suffering from low back pain. Factors such as gender, age, length of employment and awkward posture have been associated with higher MSD prevalence rates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Overall, this study suggests that school teachers are at a high risk of MSD. Further research, preferably longitudinal, is required to more thoroughly investigate the issue of MSD among teachers, with a greater emphasis on the possible wider use of ergonomic principles. This would represent a major step forward in the prevention of MSD among teachers, especially if easy to implement control measures could be recommended.</p

    Swimming with captive dolphins: current debates and post-experience dissonance

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    Dolphins have widespread contemporary appeal and anthropomorphic social representations of dolphins have fuelled a growing desire in tourist populations to seek interaction with them. This paper is concerned with the staged performance of swim-with-dolphin interaction programmes in aquaria. Qualitative interviews with tourists who have swum with captive dolphins identified their immediate recollections and stressed the grace, size and power of dolphins, but also a belief that the experience was too staged, too short and too expensive. Post-purchase dissonance focused on concerns with the size of enclosures and about captivity, too many tricks, limited interpretation and unfulfilled expectations of a quality interaction