93 research outputs found

    The Relation between Severity of Coronary Artery Disease and Body Mass Index

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    إن مرض تصلب الشرايين أصبح مشكلة كبيرة في كافة أنحاء العالم، وله علاقة بزيادة المرضية والفناء.إن الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تحديد مدى العلاقة بين مؤشر كتلة الجسم بين المدخنين وانخفاض HDLوارتفاعLDL لمرضى الشرايين التاجية. العدد الكلي لمجموعة الدراسة( 158 )مشارك .منهم(78) مريض مصاب بانسداد الشرايين التاجية, مقسمين إلى مجاميع حسب عدد الشرايين المغلقة (1,2,3 أمراض الشرايين ) . كل مجموعه ثابتة تتكون من 26 مريض ,13 رجال و13 نساء و  (78) أصحاء كمجموعة سيطرة تتكون من  ( 39   رجال و 39 نساء ) .الصفات السريرة ,الشدة ونتائج فحص أشعة اكس لأمراض الشرايين التاجية التي تم تحديدها .سريريا تم عمل استبيان لجمع بيانات المشاركين والتي تتضمن : الاسم ,العمر ,الجنس ,تاريخ مرض القلب الاقفاري, التدخين المفرط ,تاريخ المريض الطبي(مرض السكري وارتفاع ضغط الدم).هنالك ترابط ما بين أمراض الشرايين التاجية و ارتفاع مؤشر كتلة الجسم, هنالك علاقة قويه ما بين المدخنين وانخفاض  HDLوارتفاع LDL لمرضى الشرايين التاجية.Atherosclerosis remains one of the major causes of death and premature disability in developed countries. It is a chronic inflammatory disease which may cause obstructions of the coronary, cerebral and peripheral arteries. The goal of this study to establish association age, body mass index and smoking with  severity of coronary artery disease. Seventy eight patients (39 males & 39 females) were studied. Seventy eight healthy volunteers match  in age and sex were enrolled and accepted as a control group, their age range between (45-75 years). All patients were admitted to our hospital for elective coronary angiography with  negative  medical history (hypertension and diabetics mellitus)

    The Effect of Based E-learning Contextual Approach on Student Learning Motivation

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    One of the fundamental problems for students is the low motivation to learn. The reason is the learning approach used by lecturers in the classroom is less attractive. Therefore this study about the use of contextual approaches based on e-learning to help student motivation. This type of research is quantitative research, with descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics to describe motivation data for learning simple harmonic wave material Students of Physics Education Study Program at University of Flores use a contextual approach based on e-learning. Data collection techniques used in this study were non-test techniques. From the results of descriptive analysis shows that the average student learning motivation is 78.90 in the sufficient category. While the results of inferential statistics show the t value of 5.453, sig (2-tailed) 0.000. Because the sig (2-tailed) value of 0,000 is smaller than 0.05, this shows that the contextual approach based on e-learning (Zoom Cloud Meeting) influences student learning motivatio

    Factors influencing patient loyalty to outpatient medical services: an empirical analysis of the UAE's government healthcare system.

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    The aim of this research is to uncover issues that inhibit patients' satisfaction and loyalty and identify factors that could enhance customer retention by government hospitals in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The mediating impact of outpatient satisfaction on service quality, word of mouth (WoM), hospital image, outpatient–physician relationship and outpatient loyalty were tested. The sample data used to test the hypotheses were drawn from a pool of patients served by a government healthcare agency in Abu Dhabi. Questionnaires were provided to 418 participants using methods such as short message service, e-mail and face-to-face delivery. The data were analyzed using SmartPLS 3.3.2 software. The results indicate that service quality, WoM and outpatient–physician relationship positively impact outpatient satisfaction and indirectly effect outpatient loyalty; that hospital image positively impacts outpatient satisfaction and loyalty and has a partially mediating effect on loyalty; that waiting time satisfaction has no effect on outpatient satisfaction and no moderating effect on the outpatient satisfaction–loyalty relationship and that switching cost has a positive effect on loyalty but no moderating effect on the outpatient satisfaction–loyalty relationship. The first limitation of this study concerns the fact that only patients who had previously been served by these hospitals' outpatient units were included. Furthermore, the research was not able to obtain extensive findings related to the various factors that negatively impacted patient satisfaction and loyalty among all of the departments of government hospitals, such as inpatient care and emergency care. Centered on the findings from this research, increasing switching costs would prevent patients from switching to other healthcare providers. Therefore, it has the potential to create a false loyalty or a hostage customer (Jones and Sasser, 1995). Additionally, making patients feel connected to their treatment plan and engaged in their care by developing a tool to maintain their enthusiasm about their health is important. It is therefore recommended that government hospital care providers and management consider providing online tools that patients can use to self-manage their care. The results regarding patients' satisfaction level suggest several areas for improvement. The first pertains to waiting area entertainment and comfort because patients indicated that there is not enough entertainment or ways to pass the time when waiting for services. In addition to enhancing the entertainment and comfort of waiting areas, government hospital staff should maintain contact with patients who are waiting to ensure that they are aware of the time they will spend. Another area for improvement is the parking lot. During summer, patients prefer to walk less in the sun, which causes them to seek parking closer to the door. Government hospital management should consider different methods for transporting patients closer to the door, such as golf carts or valet services. This is the first study to investigate the mediating impact of outpatients' satisfaction between its antecedents and loyalty in the UAE. These results provide an improved understanding of the factors influencing patient choices and establish more accurate methods for increasing patient loyalty to retain more patients

    Effect of Inquiry-based Teaching Approach on Students Achievement in Circle Theorems

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    This study investigated the effect of inquiry-based teaching approach on students’ achievement in Circle theorems in Senior High Schools. The study used sequential exploratory mixed method research design to collect quantitative and qualitative data to answer the various research questions. A sample of 105 students and 6 mathematics teachers from the two schools were randomly and conveniently selected respectively for the study. Circle Theorems Achievement Tests (CTAT) was administered to both intact classes (control and experimental) as pre-test and after the intervention a similar CTAT was administered as post-test. During treatment, the experimental group were taken through inquiry- based teaching approach instruction while the traditional instruction was applied to the control group. Results from paired sample t-test showed that participants in the experimental group had increment in their post-test as compared to the pre-test. However, independent samples t-test results revealed that students in the experimental group achieved better in the post-test as compared to those in the control group. Interview data showed students negative attitudes and teachers’ teaching methods (use of traditional teaching method) were the main cause of students’ poor performance in circle theorems. The observation data also revealed that time factor was challenging since inquiry class activities needed more time to complete and also forming the small groups was a challenge in the class due to large class size and classroom not spacious. In conclusion, inquiry-based teaching approach was found to increased students’ achievement in circle theorem than the traditional instruction and hence recommended for teachers to implement it in their teaching

    Integration of unmanned aerial vehicles and LTE: a scenario-dependent analysis

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    Commercial applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are expected to be one of the disruptive technologies that can shape many activities spans from goods delivery to surveillance. To maximize the effectiveness of such UAV applications, it is very important to enable beyond-line-of-sight (BLoS) communications. Hence, integrated UAV with LTE network can be used to extend UAV operations beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) communications. This paper investigates the ability of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) network to provide coverage for UAV in such rural and urban area, in particular for the uplink video transmission. The system design takes into consideration the dependency of the large-scale path loss, shadowing and line-of-sight probability on the height of the UAV in the simulation environment, which is obtained from industrial measurements, and a real-world communication infrastructure layout and configuration. Results show that UAV height is a very critical factor in terms of delay and jitter performance for urban micro scenarios, and less effective in urban macro scenarios. Nevertheless, average throughput performance is less sensitive to the change in parameters and communication environments when the application type is set as a 1080p-quality video feed. Besides, mobility performance is explored for different system parameters such as hysteresis margin, time-to-trigger under various communications scenarios. Finally, the finding presented in this paper can be a roadmap to facilitate UAV-LTE integration in the near future


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    This study aims to determine the relationship between learning interest and learning motivation on physics learning outcomes. The type of research used is correlational research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were students of class X science at SMA Negeri 1 Wewewa Selatan in the 2019/2020 academic year. In this study, the sample was taken using a random sampling technique taken as many as 35 students. Data collection techniques were carried out through questionnaires and documentation. The data were analyzed using the Pearson product moment correlation test. The results show that there is a significant relationship between interest in learning and learning outcomes in physics. The results of the analysis obtained a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. Learning motivation and physics learning outcomes also show that there is a significant relationship. The results of the analysis obtained a significance value of 0.001 <0.05.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara minat belajar dan motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar fisika. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X IPA SMA Negeri 1 Wewewa Selatan tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Pada penelitian ini pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik random sampling yang diambil sebanyak 35 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui angket dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi pearson product moment. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara minat belajar dan hasil belajar fisika. Hasil analisis diperoleh nilai signifikansinya 0,000 < 0,05. Motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar fisika juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan. Hasil analisis diperoleh nilai signifikansinya 0,001 <0,05

    Wideband millimeter-wave substrate integrated waveguide cavity-backed antenna for satellites communications

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    This paper presents a new type of wideband waveguide (SIW) cavity-backed patch antenna for millimeter wave (mmW). The antenna proposed applies to applications of 31-36 GHz Ka-band such as satellites communications. The SIW is intended with settings for particular slots. The antenna is constructed on Rogers RT5880 (lossy) with 2.2 dielectric constant, l.27 mm thickness, and 0.0009 loss tangent. It is simulated in the programming of computer simulation technology (CST) Microwave Studio. The simulated results show that the SIW antenna resonates across 31 to 36 GHz bands, which means that this new antenna covers all applications within this range. The reflection coefficients in targeting range are below 10 dB. The antenna achieves good efficiency and gain with 80% and 8.87 dBi respectively

    Anti-cancer effects and mechanism of actions of aspirin analogues in the treatment of glioma cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: In the past 25 years only modest advancements in glioma treatment have been made, with patient prognosis and median survival time following diagnosis only increasing from 3 to 7 months. A substantial body of clinical and preclinical evidence has suggested a role for aspirin in the treatment of cancer with multiple mechanisms of action proposed including COX 2 inhibition, down regulation of EGFR expression, and NF-κB signaling affecting Bcl-2 expression. However, with serious side effects such as stroke and gastrointestinal bleeding, aspirin analogues with improved potency and side effect profiles are being developed. METHOD: Effects on cell viability following 24 hr incubation of four aspirin derivatives (PN508, 517, 526 and 529) were compared to cisplatin, aspirin and di-aspirin in four glioma cell lines (U87 MG, SVG P12, GOS – 3, and 1321N1), using the PrestoBlue assay, establishing IC50 and examining the time course of drug effects. RESULTS: All compounds were found to decrease cell viability in a concentration and time dependant manner. Significantly, the analogue PN517 (IC50 2mM) showed approximately a twofold increase in potency when compared to aspirin (3.7mM) and cisplatin (4.3mM) in U87 cells, with similar increased potency in SVG P12 cells. Other analogues demonstrated similar potency to aspirin and cisplatin. CONCLUSION: These results support the further development and characterization of novel NSAID derivatives for the treatment of glioma

    The impact of occupants’ behaviours on building energy analysis: A research review

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    Over the past 15 years, the evaluation of energy demand and use in buildings has become increasingly acute due to growing scientific and political pressure around the world in response to climate change. The estimation of the use of energy in buildings is therefore a critical process during the design stage. This paper presents a review of the literature published in leading journals through Science Direct and Scopus databases within this research domain to establish research trends, and importantly, to identify research gaps for future investigation. It has been widely acknowledged in the literature that there is an alarming performance gap between the predicted and actual energy consumption of buildings (sometimes this has been up to 300% difference). Analysis of the impact of occupants’ behaviour has been largely overlooked in building energy performance analysis. In short, energy simulation tools utilise climatic data and physical/ thermal properties of building elements in their calculations, and the impact of occupants is only considered through means of fixed and scheduled patterns of behaviour. This research review identified a number of areas for future research including: larger scale analysis (e.g. urban analysis); interior design, in terms of space layout, and fixtures and fittings on occupants’ behaviour; psychological cognitive behavioural methods; and the integration of quantitative and qualitative research findings in energy simulation tools to name but a few