7 research outputs found

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    Corrigendum : Fear odor facilitates the detection of fear expressions over other negative expressions [Chem. Senses (2018)] DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjy029

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    This is a correction notice for article bjy029 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/chemse/bjy029), published on 22 May 2018. Due to an error, the incorrect images were used for figures 2 and 3. These figures have now been corrected in the published article

    Fear odor facilitates the detection of fear expressions over other negative expressions

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    In a double-blind experiment, participants were exposed to facial images of anger, disgust, fear, and neutral expressions under 2 body odor conditions: fear and neutral sweat. They had to indicate the valence of the gradually emerging facial image. Two alternative hypotheses were tested, namely a "general negative evaluative state" hypothesis and a "discrete emotion" hypothesis. These hypotheses suggest 2 distinctive data patterns for muscle activation and classification speed of facial expressions. The pattern of results that would support a "discrete emotions perspective" would be expected to reveal significantly increased activity in the medial frontalis (eyebrow raiser) and corrugator supercilii (frown) muscles associated with fear, and significantly decreased reaction times (RTs) to "only" fear faces in the fear odor condition. Conversely, a pattern of results characterized by only a significantly increased corrugator supercilii activity together with decreased RTs for fear, disgust, and anger faces in the fear odor condition would support an interpretation in line with a general negative evaluative state perspective. The data support the discrete emotion account for facial affect perception primed with fear odor. This study provides a first demonstration of perception of discrete negative facial expressions using olfactory priming

    Corrigendum: Fear odor facilitates the detection of fear expressions over other negative expressions [Chem. Senses (2018)] DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjy029

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    This is a correction notice for article bjy029 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/chemse/bjy029), published on 22 May 2018. Due to an error, the incorrect images were used for figures 2 and 3. These figures have now been corrected in the published article

    The Art of Anger : Reward Context Turns Avoidance Responses to Anger-Related Objects Into Approach

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    Anger has a special status among the emotions in that it can elicit avoidance as well as approach motivation. This study tested the ignored role of reward context in potentiating approach rather than avoidance responses toward objects associated with anger. In Experiment 1, angry and neutral facial expressions were parafoveally paired with common objects, and responses to the objects were assessed by subjective reports of motivation to obtain them. In Experiment 2, objects were again paired with angry or neutral faces outside of participants' awareness, and responses toward the objects were indexed by physical effort expended in attempting to win them. Results showed that approach motivation toward anger-related objects can be observed when responding is framed in terms of rewards that one can obtain, whereas avoidance motivation occurs in the absence of such a reward context. These findings point to the importance of a reward context in modulating people's responses to anger

    The BaBar detector: Upgrades, operation and performance

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    Contains fulltext : 121729.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access

    Corrigendum to::More Than Smell-COVID-19 Is Associated with Severe Impairment of Smell, Taste, and Chemesthesis (Chemical Senses (2020) DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjaa041)

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    This is a correction notice for article bjaa041 (DOI: https:// doi.org/10.1093/chemse/bjaa041), published 20 June 2020. An incorrect version of the caption to Figure 5 was mistakenly included in the published paper. An updated version is given below. Neither the data nor the paper's conclusions were affected by this correction. The authors sincerely apologize for the error. (A) Correlations between the 3 principal components with respect to changes in 3 chemosensory modalities (i.e., taste, smell, and chemesthesis). Shades of gray indicate positive correlation, whereas shades of red indicate negative correlations. White denotes no correlation. (B) Clusters of participants identified by k-means clustering. The scatterplot shows each participant's loading on dimension 1 (degree of smell and taste loss, PC1 on x-Axis) and dimension 2 (degree of chemesthesis loss, PC2 on y-Axis). Based on the centroid of each cluster, participants in cluster 1 (blue, N = 1767; top left) are generally characterized by significant smell, taste and chemesthesis loss. Participants in cluster 2 (orange, N = 1724; bottom center) are generally characterized by ratings that reflect smell/taste loss with preserved chemesthesis. Loadings for participants in cluster 3 (green, N = 548; right side) are generally characterized by reduced smell and taste loss, and preserved chemesthesis