37 research outputs found

    Die Behandlung metabolischer Azidosen bei KĂ€lbern durch orale Gabe von Natriumbikarbonat unter BerĂŒcksichtigung des Pansensaft-pH-Wertes

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    Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, herauszufinden in wieweit die Therapie einer metabolischen Azidose bei DurchfallkĂ€lbern durch die orale Verabreichung von Natriumbikarbonat per KĂ€lberschlundsonde möglich ist und ob der Pansensaft-pH-Wert Einfluss auf die Resorption des in den Pansen eingegebenen Puffers hat. Es sollte festgestellt werden, ob es eine bestimmte fĂŒr alle KĂ€lber mit einer gering- bis mittelgradigen metabolischen Azidose geltende Menge an Natriumbikarbonat gibt, die oral verabreicht in der Lage ist diese DurchfallkĂ€lber zu therapieren, ohne dass Nebenwirkungen des Natriumbikarbonats auftreten. Das Patientengut bestand aus 32 bis zu vier Wochen alten KĂ€lbern, die infolge eines Durchfallgeschehens eine metabolische Azidose aufwiesen. 50 g Natriumbikarbonat oral verabreicht war eine Puffermenge, die den Blut-pH-Wert und den BE-Wert der KĂ€lber zumindest vorĂŒbergehend ausgeglichen hat, ohne dass deutliche Nebenwirkungen auftraten. Bei einigen Tieren dieser Untersuchung mussten weitere Pufferbehandlungen durchgefĂŒhrt werden. Es gibt aber keinen eindeutigen Befund, der bereits im Voraus die Vermutung zulĂ€sst, welche Tiere eine weitere Pufferbehandlung benötigen. Bei KĂ€lbern, die nach der Behandlung eine gute TrĂ€nkeaufnahme zeigen, ist eine ausreichende Wirkung der einmaligen Pufferbehandlung anzunehmen. Ein Einfluss des Pansensaft-pH-Wertes auf die Resorption des Natriumbikarbonats im Pansen konnte nicht festgestellt werden

    How we remember the emotional intensity of past musical experiences

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    Listening to music usually elicits emotions that can vary considerably in their intensity over the course of listening. Yet, after listening to a piece of music, people are easily able to evaluate the music's overall emotional intensity. There are two different hypotheses about how affective experiences are temporally processed and integrated: (1) all moments' intensities are integrated, resulting in an averaged value; (2) the overall evaluation is built from specific single moments, such as the moments of highest emotional intensity (peaks), the end, or a combination of these. Here we investigated what listeners do when building an overall evaluation of a musical experience. Participants listened to unknown songs and provided moment-to-moment ratings of experienced intensity of emotions. Subsequently, they evaluated the overall emotional intensity of each song. Results indicate that participants' evaluations were predominantly influenced by their average impression but that, in addition, the peaks and end emotional intensities contributed substantially. These results indicate that both types of processes play a role: All moments are integrated into an averaged value but single moments might be assigned a higher value in the calculation of this average

    Antibody expressing pea seeds as fodder for prevention of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in chickens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Coccidiosis caused by protozoans of genus <it>Eimeria </it>is a chicken parasitic disease of great economical importance. Conventional disease control strategies depend on vaccination and prophylactic use of anticoccidial drugs. Alternative solution to prevent and treat coccidiosis could be provided by passive immunization using orally delivered neutralizing antibodies. We investigated the possibility to mitigate the parasitic infection by feeding poultry with antibody expressing transgenic crop seeds.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using the phage display antibody library, we generated a panel of anti-<it>Eimeria </it>scFv antibody fragments with high sporozoite-neutralizing activity. These antibodies were expressed either transiently in agrobacteria-infiltrated tobacco leaves or stably in seeds of transgenic pea plants. Comparison of the scFv antibodies purified either from tobacco leaves or from the pea seeds demonstrated no difference in their antigen-binding activity and molecular form compositions. Force-feeding experiments demonstrated that oral delivery of flour prepared from the transgenic pea seeds had higher parasite neutralizing activity <it>in vivo </it>than the purified antibody fragments isolated from tobacco. The pea seed content was found to protect antibodies against degradation by gastrointestinal proteases (>100-fold gain in stability). <it>Ad libitum </it>feeding of chickens demonstrated that the transgenic seeds were well consumed and not shunned. Furthermore, feeding poultry with shred prepared from the antibody expressing pea seeds led to significant mitigation of infection caused both by high and low challenge doses of <it>Eimeria </it>oocysts.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results suggest that our strategy offers a general approach to control parasitic infections in production animals using cost-effective antibody expression in crop seeds affordable for the animal health market.</p

    Preserved Morphology and Physiology of Excitatory Synapses in Profilin1-Deficient Mice

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    Profilins are important regulators of actin dynamics and have been implicated in activity-dependent morphological changes of dendritic spines and synaptic plasticity. Recently, defective presynaptic excitability and neurotransmitter release of glutamatergic synapses were described for profilin2-deficient mice. Both dendritic spine morphology and synaptic plasticity were fully preserved in these mutants, bringing forward the hypothesis that profilin1 is mainly involved in postsynaptic mechanisms, complementary to the presynaptic role of profilin2. To test the hypothesis and to elucidate the synaptic function of profilin1, we here specifically deleted profilin1 in neurons of the adult forebrain by using conditional knockout mice on a CaMKII-cre-expressing background. Analysis of Golgi-stained hippocampal pyramidal cells and electron micrographs from the CA1 stratum radiatum revealed normal synapse density, spine morphology, and synapse ultrastructure in the absence of profilin1. Moreover, electrophysiological recordings showed that basal synaptic transmission, presynaptic physiology, as well as postsynaptic plasticity were unchanged in profilin1 mutants. Hence, loss of profilin1 had no adverse effects on the morphology and function of excitatory synapses. Our data are in agreement with two different scenarios: i) profilins are not relevant for actin regulation in postsynaptic structures, activity-dependent morphological changes of dendritic spines, and synaptic plasticity or ii) profilin1 and profilin2 have overlapping functions particularly in the postsynaptic compartment. Future analysis of double mutant mice will ultimately unravel whether profilins are relevant for dendritic spine morphology and synaptic plasticity

    Mitochondria and Energetic Depression in Cell Pathophysiology

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of almost all diseases. Acquired or inherited mutations of the mitochondrial genome DNA may give rise to mitochondrial diseases. Another class of disorders, in which mitochondrial impairments are initiated by extramitochondrial factors, includes neurodegenerative diseases and syndromes resulting from typical pathological processes, such as hypoxia/ischemia, inflammation, intoxications, and carcinogenesis. Both classes of diseases lead to cellular energetic depression (CED), which is characterized by decreased cytosolic phosphorylation potential that suppresses the cell’s ability to do work and control the intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and its redox state. If progressing, CED leads to cell death, whose type is linked to the functional status of the mitochondria. In the case of limited deterioration, when some amounts of ATP can still be generated due to oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), mitochondria launch the apoptotic cell death program by release of cytochrome c. Following pronounced CED, cytoplasmic ATP levels fall below the thresholds required for processing the ATP-dependent apoptotic cascade and the cell dies from necrosis. Both types of death can be grouped together as a mitochondrial cell death (MCD). However, there exist multiple adaptive reactions aimed at protecting cells against CED. In this context, a metabolic shift characterized by suppression of OXPHOS combined with activation of aerobic glycolysis as the main pathway for ATP synthesis (Warburg effect) is of central importance. Whereas this type of adaptation is sufficiently effective to avoid CED and to control the cellular redox state, thereby ensuring the cell survival, it also favors the avoidance of apoptotic cell death. This scenario may underlie uncontrolled cellular proliferation and growth, eventually resulting in carcinogenesis

    Zur Entwicklung des Interesses an Finanz- und Rechnungswesen von Lernenden im Verlauf der kaufmÀnnischen Ausbildung

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    Finanz- und Rechnungswesen (FRW) stellt einen wichtigen Ausbildungsinhalt der gegenwĂ€rtigen kaufmĂ€nnischen dualen beruflichen Grundbildung der Schweiz dar. Mit Blick auf die professionelle Entwicklung und das lebenslange berufliche Lernen kommt den ausbildungsbezogenen Interessen eine hohe Bedeutung zu. Der vorliegende Beitrag fokussiert auf ein bisher stark vernachlĂ€ssigtes Forschungsthema, nĂ€mlich die Frage nach dem Einfluss individueller, struktureller sowie betrieblicher Merkmale auf den Entwicklungsverlauf des Interesses an Inhalten und an TĂ€tigkeiten des Finanz- und Rechnungswesens in kaufmĂ€nnischen Lehr- und Lernsettings. Insgesamt wurden 965 kaufmĂ€nnische Lernende der Deutschschweiz wĂ€hrend ihrer dreijĂ€hrigen Ausbildung vier Mal befragt. Die Daten wurden mittels unkonditionierter sowie konditionierter latenter Wachstumskurvenmodelle (Latent-Growth-Curve Models) vertiefend analysiert. Es konnte in Übereinstimmung mit bereits existierender Literatur festgestellt werden, dass das Interesse an FRW-Inhalten und FRW-TĂ€tigkeiten im Durchschnitt kontinuierlich abnahm. Die signifikante Varianz im Ausgangsniveau (intercept) sowie in der VerĂ€nderung ĂŒber die Zeit (slope) wies jedoch auf interindividuelle Unterschiede hin. Diese interindividuellen Unterschiede konnten teilweise durch individuelle Merkmale wie Geschlecht und kognitive FĂ€higkeiten, betriebliche Merkmale wie AnwendungshĂ€ufigkeit von FRW-Inhalten in praktischen TĂ€tigkeiten sowie strukturelle Merkmale wie Anzahl der Leistungsziele und GrĂ¶ĂŸe des Betriebs erklĂ€rt werden. Die Ergebnisse werden hinsichtlich der Bedeutung zur weiteren inhaltlichen und strukturellen Gestaltung der beruflichen kaufmĂ€nnischen Grundbildung diskutiert