23 research outputs found
ضوابط تلقي الأخبار ونقلها في القرآن الكريم، وقفات مع قول الله عز وجل : وإذا جاءهم أمر من الأمن أو الخوف أذاعوا به..
المجتمع المسلم مجتمع مترابط متماسك، لا تؤثر فيه الشائعات ولا ينتابه من القلاقل ما يبعث على الخوف والحزن بين عباد الله، لأن المرجعية فيه هي لرسول الله المرشد القائد القدوة صلوات الله وسلامه عليه، ومن بعده لأولي الأمر الذين يستنبطون من كتاب الله ومن سنة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ما يحقّقون به المصلحة العامة للمجتمع المسلم. ولقد أرشد الله سبحانه وتعالى عباده المؤمنين إلى هذا الأمر الذي هو في غاية الأهمية، فقال جل شأنه : وإذا جاءهم أمر من الأمن أو الخوف أذاعوا به ولو ردوه إلى الرسول وإلى أولي الأمر منهم لعلمه الذين يستنبطونه منهم النساء آية 83. آية عظيمة جليلة، فيها من الإرشاد، وفيها من البلاغ والموعظة لعباد الله المؤمنين ما نحن بأمس الحاجة إليه، خاصة في أيامنا هذه التي اتّسعت فيها دائرة الإعلام وكثرت وسائله وانتشرت بين العامة والخاصة، فكثر القيل والقال، وفشت الأخبار سقيمها وصحيحها، وباتت العواطف هي الحكم والمرجع، وابتعد الناس عن هدي القرآن الكريم في تلقّي الأخبار وتمحيصها. وقد بينت من خلال البحث أن ضوابط تلقي الأخبار التي يجب اعتمادها هي التالية: ١- البعد عن تتبع الإشاعات وبث القلاقل ٢- التثبت من الأخبار قبل نقلها ومراجعة أهل الرأي والمشورة قبل النقل ٣- البعد عن الظن السيء بالآخرين وعدم البناء عليه في الحكم عليهم ٤- أمانة النقل في الأخبار وتأديتها كما تُلُقيت من دون تصرف ٥- مراعاة الحكمة وواقع الحال في كيفية النقل لمعرفة ما يحسن نقله وما لا يحسن
Role of DiaA and SeqA homologues in the deep-sea adapted growth of photobacterium profundum SS9
The mechanism of high pressure-adapted growth in the deep-sea bacterium
Photobacterium profundum SS9 is poorly understood. To gain further insights, two
P. profundum SS9R mutants were investigated. FL23 (pbpra3229::m-Tn10) and
FL28 (pbpra1039::m-Tn10) had been previously characterised as high pressuresensitive
and pressure-enhanced, respectively. FL23 had a growth defect at
atmospheric pressure but failed to show high pressure-adapted growth on solid agar.
Pbpra3229 is 75 % identical to E. coli DiaA (stimulator of DNA replication and
critical for the timely initiation of replication) and 45% identical to E. coli GmhA
(essential for lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis), which led to an investigation
into whether either process was affected in FL23. However, the lipopolysaccharide
of FL23 and its parent strain were identical, which suggests that Pbpra3229 is not a
GmhA homologue. In contrast, the pbpra3229 and E. coli diaA genes were
functionally interchangeable and both restored the timing of DNA replication in an
E. coli diaA mutant. FL28 had growth and morphological defects at high pressure,
but both phenotypes were exacerbated at atmospheric pressure. Pbpra1039 is 55%
identical to E. coli SeqA, which is a negative regulator of DNA replication and also
essential for timely initiation. Pbpra1039 was shown to be a functional homologue of
E. coli SeqA, as pbpra1039 partially complemented the DNA replication defect of an
E. coli seqA mutant. Combined, these findings provide evidence that Pbpra3229 is a
DiaA homologue, whereas Pbpra1039 is a cold adapted SeqA homologue, and that
both positive and negative regulation of initiation of DNA replication are essential
for the ability of P. profundum SS9 to adapt to deep-sea conditions. A marine
metagenomic library was also screened for clones that produced novel cell envelope
polysaccharides and tools were developed to identify cell envelope polysaccharides
in P. profundum SS9
Impact of Valvular Prosthesis Type on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients on Chronic Dialysis
There is conflicting evidence guiding valve prosthesis selection in patients with end-stage renal disease on dialysis. We sought to determine, after reviewing the relevant literature, the best valve substitute in patients on chronic dialysis. A total of 9 retrospective studies compared the outcomes of two valves, showing similar results and highlighting the safety of implanting bioprostheses in patients on chronic dialysis. Standards of valve selection have changed over time; it has long been believed that tissue valves undergo premature degeneration due to calcium metabolism derangements in patients with end-stage renal disease. Bleeding was the most common valve-related complication and represented a major drawback of mechanical valves. Two studies demonstrated a survival advantage in favour of mechanical prostheses. It can be concluded that surgeons should not hesitate to implant bioprostheses because singular valve decomposition would be uncommon in this patient population. Prosthesis selection should be based on the same criteria as those used for non-dialysis patients
Helicobacter pylori, persistent infection burden and structural brain imaging markers
Persistent infections, whether viral, bacterial or parasitic, including Helicobacter pylori infection, have been implicated in non-communicable diseases, including dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases. In this cross-sectional study, data on 635 cognitively normal participants from the UK Biobank study (2006–21, age range: 40–70 years) were used to examine whether H. pylori seropositivity (e.g. presence of antibodies), serointensities of five H. pylori antigens and a measure of total persistent infection burden were associated with selected brain volumetric structural MRI (total, white, grey matter, frontal grey matter (left/right), white matter hyperintensity as percent intracranial volume and bi-lateral sub-cortical volumes) and diffusion-weighted MRI measures (global and tract-specific bi-lateral fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity), after an average 9–10 years of lag time. Persistent infection burden was calculated as a cumulative score of seropositivity for over 20 different pathogens. Multivariable-adjusted linear regression analyses were conducted, whereby selected potential confounders (all measures) and intracranial volume (sub-cortical volumes) were adjusted, with stratification by Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk score tertile when exposures were H. pylori antigen serointensities. Type I error was adjusted to 0.007. We report little evidence of an association between H. pylori seropositivity and persistent infection burden with various volumetric outcomes (P > 0.007, from multivariable regression models), unlike previously reported in past research. However, H. pylori antigen serointensities, particularly immunoglobulin G against the vacuolating cytotoxin A, GroEL and outer membrane protein antigens, were associated with poorer tract-specific white matter integrity (P < 0.007), with outer membrane protein serointensity linked to worse outcomes in cognition-related tracts such as the external capsule, the anterior limb of the internal capsule and the cingulum, specifically at low Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk. Vacuolating cytotoxin A serointensity was associated with greater white matter hyperintensity volume among individuals with mid-level Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk, while among individuals with the highest Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk, the urease serointensity was consistently associated with reduced bi-lateral caudate volumes and the vacuolating cytotoxin A serointensity was linked to reduced right putamen volume (P < 0.007). Outer membrane protein and urease were associated with larger sub-cortical volumes (e.g. left putamen and right nucleus accumbens) at middle Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk levels (P < 0.007). Our results shed light on the relationship between H. pylori seropositivity, H. pylori antigen levels and persistent infection burden with brain volumetric structural measures. These data are important given the links between infectious agents and neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, and can be used for the development of drugs and preventive interventions that would reduce the burden of those diseases
Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017 : results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
Correction:Background Past research in population health trends has shown that injuries form a substantial burden of population health loss. Regular updates to injury burden assessments are critical. We report Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 Study estimates on morbidity and mortality for all injuries. Methods We reviewed results for injuries from the GBD 2017 study. GBD 2017 measured injury-specific mortality and years of life lost (YLLs) using the Cause of Death Ensemble model. To measure non-fatal injuries, GBD 2017 modelled injury-specific incidence and converted this to prevalence and years lived with disability (YLDs). YLLs and YLDs were summed to calculate disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Findings In 1990, there were 4 260 493 (4 085 700 to 4 396 138) injury deaths, which increased to 4 484 722 (4 332 010 to 4 585 554) deaths in 2017, while age-standardised mortality decreased from 1079 (1073 to 1086) to 738 (730 to 745) per 100 000. In 1990, there were 354 064 302 (95% uncertainty interval: 338 174 876 to 371 610 802) new cases of injury globally, which increased to 520 710 288 (493 430 247 to 547 988 635) new cases in 2017. During this time, age-standardised incidence decreased non-significantly from 6824 (6534 to 7147) to 6763 (6412 to 7118) per 100 000. Between 1990 and 2017, age-standardised DALYs decreased from 4947 (4655 to 5233) per 100 000 to 3267 (3058 to 3505). Interpretation Injuries are an important cause of health loss globally, though mortality has declined between 1990 and 2017. Future research in injury burden should focus on prevention in high-burden populations, improving data collection and ensuring access to medical care.Peer reviewe
The spread of Quranic sciences and recitation in Lebanon
علمُ القراءات القرآنيّة، من العلوم الّتي عزَّ طالبوها، حيثُ إنّ الإنسان في الأعم الأغلب يتلقّى الرّواية المشهورة في بلاده، ويحفظ كتاب ربّه سبحانه حسب كيفيّتها، ولا يطلُب ما عداها من قراءات أخرى، إلّا في القليل النّادر، فكانت الدراسة عن كيفية انتشار علم القراءات القرآنيّة على أراضي لبنان – بتقسيمه الحالي - ما بين (1280 ه) و(1330 ه)، أي ما بين (1863 م) و(1912 م)، برغم أنّ التّدوين التّاريخي لهذه الفترة الزّمنيّة فيما يخصّ علم القراءات القرآنية نادر، بل شبه معدوم.
وقد تبيّن لي بعد البحث أنّ القرن الرّابع عشر للهجرة يُعتبر بداية النّهضة القرآنيّة مجدّداً على الأراضي اللّبنانيّة، بعد الرّكود الذي ساد معظم القرن الثّالث عشر، فقد قيّض الله تعالى لعلم القراءات من حَمَله من أبناء لبنان، فكان منهم من طرابلس وبيروت وصيدا، وتُعتبر المدارس التّابعة لجمعيّة المقاصد الخيريّة الإسلاميّة من أوائل المدارس الّتي اهتمّت بعلم القراءات تعلّماً وتعليماً.
أمّا عن عودة انتشاره مجدّداً في ربوع لبنان، فيُرجع إلى عاملَين، هما: سفر أبنائه لتلقّيه من أهله كسفرهم إلى دمشق، وعودتهم لبلادهم لتبليغه ونشره؛ وسفر مشايخ من مصر وحمص ودمشق – وربّما من غيرها كذلك - إلى بيروت وكانوا حاملين لهذا العلم فروَوا به بلاداً عطشى، ونفوساً تاقت لتعلّم هذا العلم العزيز
How much territory can a single E. coli cell control?
Bacteria have been traditionally classified in terms of size and shape and are best known for their very small size. E. coli cells in particular are small rods, each 1-2 microns. However the size varies with the medium, and faster growing cells are larger because they must have more ribosomes to make more protoplasm per unit time, and ribosomes take up space. Indeed, Maaloe's experiments on how E. coli establishes its size began with shifts between rich and poor media.Recently much larger bacteria have been described, including Epulopiscium fishelsoni at 700 μm and Thiomargarita namibiensisis at 750 μm. These are not only much longer than E. coli cells but also much wider, necessitating considerable intracellular organization. Epulopiscium cells for instance, at 80 μm wide, enclose a large enough volume of cytoplasm to present it with major transport problems.This review surveys E. coli cells much longer than those which grow in nature and in usual lab cultures. These include cells mutated in a single gene (metK) which are 2-4x longer than their nonmutated parent. This metK mutant stops dividing when slowly starved of S-adenosylmethionine but continues to elongate to 50 μm and more. FtsZ mutants have been routinely isolated as long cells which form during growth at 42°C. The SOS response is a well-characterized regulatory network that is activated in response to DNA damage and also results in cell elongation. Our champion elongated E. coli is a metK strain with a further, as yet unidentified mutation, which reaches 750 μm with no internal divisions and no increase in width
A Novel Mobile Wireless Sensing System for Real- time Monitoring of Posture and Spine Stress
Abstract-Poor posture or extra stress on the spine has been shown to lead to a variety of spinal disorders including chronic back pain, and to incur numerous health costs to society. For this reason, workplace ergonomics is rapidly becoming indispensable in all major corporations. Making the individual continuously aware of poor posture may reduce out-of-posture tendencies and encourage healthy spinal habits. We have developed a novel wireless mobile sensing system which monitors spine stress in real-time by detecting poor back posture and strain on the back due to prolonged sitting or standing. The system provides a new method of measuring spine stress at both the back and the feet by integrating posture sensors with strain sensors. Posture and strain data is collected by means of a posture sensor at the neck and weight sensors at the feet. Data is transmitted wirelessly to a central processing station and real-time feedback is provided to the user's mobile device when sustained bad posture is detected. Moreover, the position of the patient (sitting, standing, or walking) can be determined by analysis of the weight sensor data and is visualized in real-time, along with back posture, at the central station by means of a graphical animation. Finally, data from all sensors is stored in a database to enable post processing and data analysis, and a summary report of daily posture and physical activity is sent to the user's email. The use of centralized processing allows for high performance data analysis and storage at the central station which enables tracking of the individual's progress. We demonstrate effectiveness of our system in simultaneously monitoring posture and position by testing in numerous situations
Role of DiaA and SeqA homologues in the deep-sea adapted growth of Photobacterium profundum SS9
The mechanism of high pressure-adapted growth in the deep-sea bacterium Photobacterium profundum SS9 is poorly understood. To gain further insights, two P. profundum SS9R mutants were investigated. FL23 (pbpra3229::m-Tn10) and FL28 (pbpra1039::m-Tn10) had been previously characterised as high pressuresensitive and pressure-enhanced, respectively. FL23 had a growth defect at atmospheric pressure but failed to show high pressure-adapted growth on solid agar. Pbpra3229 is 75 % identical to E. coli DiaA (stimulator of DNA replication and critical for the timely initiation of replication) and 45% identical to E. coli GmhA (essential for lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis), which led to an investigation into whether either process was affected in FL23. However, the lipopolysaccharide of FL23 and its parent strain were identical, which suggests that Pbpra3229 is not a GmhA homologue. In contrast, the pbpra3229 and E. coli diaA genes were functionally interchangeable and both restored the timing of DNA replication in an E. coli diaA mutant. FL28 had growth and morphological defects at high pressure, but both phenotypes were exacerbated at atmospheric pressure. Pbpra1039 is 55% identical to E. coli SeqA, which is a negative regulator of DNA replication and also essential for timely initiation. Pbpra1039 was shown to be a functional homologue of E. coli SeqA, as pbpra1039 partially complemented the DNA replication defect of an E. coli seqA mutant. Combined, these findings provide evidence that Pbpra3229 is a DiaA homologue, whereas Pbpra1039 is a cold adapted SeqA homologue, and that both positive and negative regulation of initiation of DNA replication are essential for the ability of P. profundum SS9 to adapt to deep-sea conditions. A marine metagenomic library was also screened for clones that produced novel cell envelope polysaccharides and tools were developed to identify cell envelope polysaccharides in P. profundum SS9.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
Deficiency in l-Serine Deaminase Interferes with One-Carbon Metabolism and Cell Wall Synthesis in Escherichia coli K-12▿
Escherichia coli K-12 provided with glucose and a mixture of amino acids depletes l-serine more quickly than any other amino acid even in the presence of ammonium sulfate. A mutant without three 4Fe4S l-serine deaminases (SdaA, SdaB, and TdcG) of E. coli K-12 is unable to do this. The high level of l-serine that accumulates when such a mutant is exposed to amino acid mixtures starves the cells for C1 units and interferes with cell wall synthesis. We suggest that at high concentrations, l-serine decreases synthesis of UDP-N-acetylmuramate-l-alanine by the murC-encoded ligase, weakening the cell wall and producing misshapen cells and lysis. The inhibition by high l-serine is overcome in several ways: by a large concentration of l-alanine, by overproducing MurC together with a low concentration of l-alanine, and by overproducing FtsW, thus promoting septal assembly and also by overexpression of the glycine cleavage operon. S-Adenosylmethionine reduces lysis and allows an extensive increase in biomass without improving cell division. This suggests that E. coli has a metabolic trigger for cell division. Without that reaction, if no other inhibition occurs, other metabolic functions can continue and cells can elongate and replicate their DNA, reaching at least 180 times their usual length, but cannot divide