264 research outputs found

    Художня модель хронотопу в антиутопічному жанрі другої половини ХХ століття

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    The article has for an object to analyze the artistic model of concept of time and space in to the antiutopian genre of the second half of the 20th century. Time and space are not only a means of deepening the characteristics of the artistic image, but also provide a perception of poetic reality and to organize the composition of the work. Therefore, their combination in the literary criticism called chronotope. In literature this term appeared thanks to the research,M. Bakhtin. From our point of view, time is in antiutopian novels of the second half of the 20th century covers past and future. Regarding the space, he is anti-utopia is always limited. Often the space covers the mainland territory, the Islands, state, city or house of the main character. Physical space includes and intimate space hero. This can be, for example, a room. It should also be emphasized that relations between “reality” and time and space model lies in the basis of a sociological division, for example, caste, then there are certain social classes. All these components affect the environment perception antiutopian novel. We believe that in antiutopian genre II half of the 20th century there is another components. First of all, we think that deserves attention, information space, which is opposed to the space of the book. The special attention is spared to the new structural elements of chronotope, that were not investigated before. Анализируется художественная модель концепта времени и пространства в антиутопическом жанре второй половины XX века. Рассмотрены различные позиции ученых относительно пространственно-временных измерений. В результате определено, что время является ведущим в хронотопе и чаще выступает прошлым. Оно отличается многовариантностью, альтернативностью в реализации одной и той же судьбы, одного и того же события. Концептуально время обладает общим свойством, оно является условным, созданным человеком. Пространство в антиутопии всегда ограничено. Чаще всего оно охватывает территорию материка, острова, государства, города или дома главного героя. Таким образом, место действия в антиутопиях всегда замкнуто географически. Особое внимание уделяется новым структурным элементам хронотопа, которые не исследовались раньше, в частности: информационному хронотопу, внутреннему хронотопу.Аналізується художня модель концепту часу та простору в антиутопічному жанрі другої половини XX століття. Розглянуті різні позиції вчених щодо просторово-часових вимірів. У результаті визначено, що час є провідним у хронотопі й частіше виступає минулим. Він відрізняється багатоваріантністю, альтернативністю в реалізації однієї й тієї ж долі, однієї й тієї ж події. Концептуально час володіє загальною властивістю, він умовний, створений людиною. Простір в антиутопії завжди обмежений. Найчастіше він охоплює територію материка, острова, держави, міста або будинку головного героя. Отже, місце дії в антиутопіях завжди замкнуто географічно. Особлива увага приділяється новим структурним елементам хронотопу, що не досліджувалися раніше, як-от: інформаційний хронотоп, внутрішній хронотоп

    Validation of the calculation of a wooden column with a support unit on glued steel plates

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    The article proposes a structural solution for the base of a wooden frame column on flat links glued in the support part of the column – steel plates welded to the base plate. The results of numerical studies of the column, taking into account the parameters of the adhesive connection of the plates with wood and the anisotropy of wood, are presented. The column model takes into account the geometric and physico-mechanical characteristics of wood, steel plate bonds and adhesive compound. The main results of numerical studies are verified with the results of the analytical calculation of the column performed by the method of initial parameters. A physical model with the proposed structural solution of the column base was made and tested. The numerical and analytical calculations of the column were validated, and the main conclusions of the experimental and theoretical study were presented

    Chemical diffusivity and wave propagation in surface reactions: Lattice-gas model mimicking CO-oxidation with high CO-mobility

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    We analyze the spatiotemporal behavior in a lattice-gas model for the monomer-dimer reaction on surfaces. This model, which mimics catalytic CO-oxidation, includes a mobilemonomer adspecies (representing CO), an immobile dissociatively adsorbed dimer species (representing O), and afinitereaction rate (for CO2 production). We characterize in detail the propagation of the chemical wave or reaction front produced when the stable reactive steady-state of the model displaces the metastable CO-poisoned state. In the regime of high CO-mobility, such propagation can be described directly within a “hydrodynamic” reaction-diffusion equation formalism. However, we show that the chemical diffusivity of CO is dependent on the O coverage, reflecting the percolative nature of CO-transport through a background of immobile O. We also emphasize that gradients in the coverage of immobile O induce a diffusive flux in the highly mobile CO. These features significantly influence wave propagation and reaction front structure. In addition, our analysis accounts for the feature that in this hydrodynamic regime, correlations persist in the distribution of adsorbed immobile O, and that these influence the reaction kinetics, the steady states, and the percolation and diffusion properties. To this end, we utilize a “hybrid” approach which incorporates a mean-field reaction-diffusion treatment of adsorbed CO, coupled with a lattice-gas treatment of adsorbed O [Tammaro et al., J. Chem. Phys. 103, 10277 (1995)].The following article appeared in Journal of Chemical Physics 108, 2 (1998): 762 and may be found at doi: 10.1063/1.475436.</p

    Russian Old Believers: Genetic Consequences of Their Persecution and Exile, as Shown by Mitochondrial DNA Evidence

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    In 1653, the Patriarch Nikon modified liturgical practices to bring the Russian Orthodox Church in line with those of the Eastern (Greek) Orthodox Church, from which it had split 200 years earlier. The Old Believers (staroveri) rejected these changes and continued to worship using the earlier practices. These actions resulted in their persecution by the Russian Orthodox Church, which forced them into exile across Siberia. Given their history, we investigate whether populations of Old Believers have diverged genetically from other Slavic populations as a result of their isolation. We also examine whether the three Old Believer populations analyzed in this study are part of a single gene pool (founder population) or are instead derived from heterogeneous sources. As part of this analysis, we survey the mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) of 189 Russian Old Believer individuals from three populations in Siberia and 201 ethnic Russians from different parts of Siberia for phylogenetically informative mutations in the coding and noncoding regions. Our results indicate that the Old Believers have not significantly diverged genetically from other Slavic populations over the 200-300 years of their isolation in Siberia. However, they do show some unique patterns of mtDNA variation relative to other Slavic groups, such as a high frequency of subhaplogroup U4, a surprisingly low frequency of haplogroup H, and low frequencies of the rare East Eurasian subhaplogroup D5

    Mitochondrial genome sequence analysis: A custom bioinformatics pipeline substantially improves Affymetrix MitoChip v2.0 call rate and accuracy

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial genome sequence analysis is critical to the diagnostic evaluation of mitochondrial disease. Existing methodologies differ widely in throughput, complexity, cost efficiency, and sensitivity of heteroplasmy detection. Affymetrix MitoChip v2.0, which uses a sequencing-by-genotyping technology, allows potentially accurate and high-throughput sequencing of the entire human mitochondrial genome to be completed in a cost-effective fashion. However, the relatively low call rate achieved using existing software tools has limited the wide adoption of this platform for either clinical or research applications. Here, we report the design and development of a custom bioinformatics software pipeline that achieves a much improved call rate and accuracy for the Affymetrix MitoChip v2.0 platform. We used this custom pipeline to analyze MitoChip v2.0 data from 24 DNA samples representing a broad range of tissue types (18 whole blood, 3 skeletal muscle, 3 cell lines), mutations (a 5.8 kilobase pair deletion and 6 known heteroplasmic mutations), and haplogroup origins. All results were compared to those obtained by at least one other mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis method, including Sanger sequencing, denaturing HPLC-based heteroduplex analysis, and/or the Illumina Genome Analyzer II next generation sequencing platform. RESULTS: An average call rate of 99.75% was achieved across all samples with our custom pipeline. Comparison of calls for 15 samples characterized previously by Sanger sequencing revealed a total of 29 discordant calls, which translates to an estimated 0.012% for the base call error rate. We successfully identified 4 known heteroplasmic mutations and 24 other potential heteroplasmic mutations across 20 samples that passed quality control. CONCLUSIONS: Affymetrix MitoChip v2.0 analysis using our optimized MitoChip Filtering Protocol (MFP) bioinformatics pipeline now offers the high sensitivity and accuracy needed for reliable, high-throughput and cost-efficient whole mitochondrial genome sequencing. This approach provides a viable alternative of potential utility for both clinical diagnostic and research applications to traditional Sanger and other emerging sequencing technologies for whole mitochondrial genome analysis

    Cingulin Contains Globular and Coiled-Coil Domains and Interacts with Zo-1, Zo-2, Zo-3, and Myosin

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    We characterized the sequence and protein interactions of cingulin, an Mr 140–160-kD phosphoprotein localized on the cytoplasmic surface of epithelial tight junctions (TJ). The derived amino acid sequence of a full-length Xenopus laevis cingulin cDNA shows globular head (residues 1–439) and tail (1,326–1,368) domains and a central α-helical rod domain (440–1,325). Sequence analysis, electron microscopy, and pull-down assays indicate that the cingulin rod is responsible for the formation of coiled-coil parallel dimers, which can further aggregate through intermolecular interactions. Pull-down assays from epithelial, insect cell, and reticulocyte lysates show that an NH2-terminal fragment of cingulin (1–378) interacts in vitro with ZO-1 (Kd ∼5 nM), ZO-2, ZO-3, myosin, and AF-6, but not with symplekin, and a COOH-terminal fragment (377–1,368) interacts with myosin and ZO-3. ZO-1 and ZO-2 immunoprecipitates contain cingulin, suggesting in vivo interactions. Full-length cingulin, but not NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal fragments, colocalizes with endogenous cingulin in transfected MDCK cells, indicating that sequences within both head and rod domains are required for TJ localization. We propose that cingulin is a functionally important component of TJ, linking the submembrane plaque domain of TJ to the actomyosin cytoskeleton

    Technical Design Report for the PANDA Solenoid and Dipole Spectrometer Magnets

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    This document is the Technical Design Report covering the two large spectrometer magnets of the PANDA detector set-up. It shows the conceptual design of the magnets and their anticipated performance. It precedes the tender and procurement of the magnets and, hence, is subject to possible modifications arising during this process.Comment: 10 pages, 14MB, accepted by FAIR STI in May 2009, editors: Inti Lehmann (chair), Andrea Bersani, Yuri Lobanov, Jost Luehning, Jerzy Smyrski, Technical Coordiantor: Lars Schmitt, Bernd Lewandowski (deputy), Spokespersons: Ulrich Wiedner, Paola Gianotti (deputy

    The Drosophila afadin homologue Canoe regulates linkage of the actin cytoskeleton to adherens junctions during apical constriction

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    Cadherin-based adherens junctions (AJs) mediate cell adhesion and regulate cell shape change. The nectin–afadin complex also localizes to AJs and links to the cytoskeleton. Mammalian afadin has been suggested to be essential for adhesion and polarity establishment, but its mechanism of action is unclear. In contrast, Drosophila melanogaster’s afadin homologue Canoe (Cno) has suggested roles in signal transduction during morphogenesis. We completely removed Cno from embryos, testing these hypotheses. Surprisingly, Cno is not essential for AJ assembly or for AJ maintenance in many tissues. However, morphogenesis is impaired from the start. Apical constriction of mesodermal cells initiates but is not completed. The actomyosin cytoskeleton disconnects from AJs, uncoupling actomyosin constriction and cell shape change. Cno has multiple direct interactions with AJ proteins, but is not a core part of the cadherin–catenin complex. Instead, Cno localizes to AJs by a Rap1- and actin-dependent mechanism. These data suggest that Cno regulates linkage between AJs and the actin cytoskeleton during morphogenesis

    Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Sequences in Childhood Encephalomyopathies Reveals New Disease-Associated Variants

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies are a heterogeneous group of clinical disorders generally caused due to mutations in either mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or nuclear genes encoding oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). We analyzed the mtDNA sequences from a group of 23 pediatric patients with clinical and morphological features of mitochondrial encephalopathies and tried to establish a relationship of identified variants with the disease. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: Complete mitochondrial genomes were amplified by PCR and sequenced by automated DNA sequencing. Sequencing data was analyzed by SeqScape software and also confirmed by BLASTn program. Nucleotide sequences were compared with the revised Cambridge reference sequence (CRS) and sequences present in mitochondrial databases. The data obtained shows that a number of known and novel mtDNA variants were associated with the disease. Most of the non-synonymous variants were heteroplasmic (A4136G, A9194G and T11916A) suggesting their possibility of being pathogenic in nature. Some of the missense variants although homoplasmic were showing changes in highly conserved amino acids (T3394C, T3866C, and G9804A) and were previously identified with diseased conditions. Similarly, two other variants found in tRNA genes (G5783A and C8309T) could alter the secondary structure of Cys-tRNA and Lys-tRNA. Most of the variants occurred in single cases; however, a few occurred in more than one case (e.g. G5783A and A10149T). CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: The mtDNA variants identified in this study could be the possible cause of mitochondrial encephalomyopathies with childhood onset in the patient group. Our study further strengthens the pathogenic score of known variants previously reported as provisionally pathogenic in mitochondrial diseases. The novel variants found in the present study can be potential candidates for further investigations to establish the relationship between their incidence and role in expressing the disease phenotype. This study will be useful in genetic diagnosis and counseling of mitochondrial diseases in India as well as worldwide