114 research outputs found

    100 Years of Scientific Evolution of Work and Organizational Psychology: A Bibliometric Network Analysis From 1919 to 2019

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    In this study, we explore a 100 years of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP). To do this, we carry out a bibliometric performance and network analysis (BPNA) to understand the evolution structure and the most important themes in the field of study. To perform the BNPA, 8,966 documents published since 1919 were exported from the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The SciMAT software was used to process data and to create the evolution structure, the strategic diagram, and the thematic network structure of the strategic themes of the field of WOP. We identified 29 strategic clusters and discuss the most important themes (motor themes) and their relationship with other clusters. This research presents the complete evolution of the field of study, identifying emerging themes and others with a high degree of development. We hope that this work will support researchers and future research in the field of WOP

    The role of professional discourses in the organisational adaptation of information systems

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    This paper focuses on the role of professional discourses in shaping the contexts upon which the organisational role of information systems is constructed and adapted. It presents the results of an exploratory case study conducted at a Higher Education Institution in the UK during the implementation and post-implementation periods of a University-wide management information system. It analyses how different professional discourses explored tensions in the management of the information environment articulated around two major categories of issues, which acted as interpretative repertoires and discursive resources: (i) representations of the information environment, expressed through the tension between information centripetalism and information centrifugalism; (ii) models of information management approaches, expressed through the tension between a focus on controlling process and a focus on negotiating meanings. While simultaneously discursively exploring these tensions and establishing contacts across them through activities of organisational translation, different organisational actors reshaped and adapted the role of information systems from an initial centripetal agenda to a much more negotiated and distributed role

    The Lived Experiences of Foreign Women: Influences on their International Working Lives.

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    The lived experiences of foreign women were explored to discover influences on their international working lives. Life history narratives were collected in interviews with twelve participants who were female, foreign (nationality differs to their country of employment), and employed or a business owner in the United Arab Emirates. A phenomenological framework of analysis resulted in identification of three emergent themes around life experiences that had shaped participants’ working lives: becoming a new generation of expatriates; adjustment to socio-cultural change; centrality of womanhood. The implication of these themes was the influence from lived experiences on the development and professional identity of foreign working-women. Findings offer insight about influences on the actual and potential economic participation of foreign women for business practitioners and policy makers. A new classification of foreign worker, the ‘Foreign Working-Woman’ (FW-W), extends the body of academic knowledge. A research direction is proposed for further international study about influences from life experiences on the FW-W

    Qur’anic Ethics for Environmental Responsibility: Implications for Business Practice

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    Despite the growing interest in examining the role of religious beliefs as a guide towards environmental conscious actions, there is still a lack of research informed by an analysis of divine messages. This deficiency includes the extent to which ethics for environmental responsibility are promoted within textual divine messages; types of environmental themes promoted within the text of divine messages; and implications of such religious environmental ethics for business practice. The present study attempts to fill this gap by conducting a thorough content analysis of environmental themes within the divine message of Muslims (the Qur’an) focusing on their related ethical aspects and business implications. The analysis has revealed 675 verses in 84 chapters throughout all 30 parts of the Qur’an, with environmental content relating to the core components of the natural world, i.e. human beings, water, air, land, plants, animals, and other natural resources. This environmental content and its related ethics are grounded on the belief that humans are vicegerents of God on the earth and their behaviours and actions are motivated by earthly and heavenly rewards. Implications of these findings for different sectors/businesses are also highlighted

    Factors affecting preferred sources of information : exploring the impact of trust, job satisfaction and communication effectiveness

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    The paper draws on longitudinal survey data involving 824 employees from a small food processing organization operating in NSW (Australia). It explores the impact of job attitudes (including aspects of job satisfaction and commitment), communication and trust on preferences of three types of information sources : (1) “Grassroots/Consultative Channels” (i.e. colleague co-workers, unions and the consultative committee as helpful sources of information and feedback channels); (2) “Management Channels” (i.e. supervisors, mid-level and senior management as helpful sources of information and feedback channels) and (3) “Workplace-wide Channels” (i.e. the company newsletter and the notice board as helpful sources of information and feedback channels). The results show that there were common as well as specific predictors of choice/preference for each of the three channels. In particular, preferences for grassroots/consultative channels of information were most strongly influenced by trust/faith in colleagues and peers. In contrast, helpfulness of management channels was most strongly predicted by perceived effectiveness of communication with management as well as by the degree of faith/trust in senior managers. Perceptions of the existence of participation and teamwork in the workplace also seem to impact access to management as sources of information and feedback channels. Quite interestingly, preference for workplace-wide channels seems to be mainly affected by job satisfaction. It is worth noting that tenure also had a moderate impact on choice of grassroots/consultative as well as workplace-wide channels. In the case of management channels, perceptions of the effectiveness of communication with management were also a very significant factor in the ratings. The paper culminates with discussions of the implications of these findings for future research and for management practice

    Pasididžiavimas ir įsipareigojimas organizacijose: kaip darbuotojus įtakoja pasitenkinimas darbu ir pasitikėjimo atmosfera

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    This paper explores the relative impact of satisfaction and trust climate on the degree of Pride and Commitment of organizational members to serve their organization. The data was drawn from an employee survey conducted in two consecutive years (2005 & 2006) in a medium-size food processing organization operating in Australia.Šiame straipsnyje tiriamas santykis tarp pasitenkinimo ir pasitikėjimo bei jų įtaka organizacijos narių pasididžiavimui ir įsipareigojimui, atliekant pareigas organizacijoje. Duomenys gauti iš darbuotojų elgsenos tyrimo, kuris du metus (2005 ir 2006 metais) buvo atliekamas vidutinio dydžio mėsos perdirbimo organizacijoje Australijoje